Zur cedh mtgtop8 2 cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. Last 2 Months. #5-8 Zur the Enchanter - Lawdog Put a Ring on it! @ Game Grid (North Spanish Fork, UT) ←. Color Id. SUBMIT The 2nd MOI Edh tournament @ Shanghai (China) #1 Zur the Enchanter - Wang Zi Chong. 9 Zur the Enchanter. Search by. 28 LANDS. 1 Cephalid Coliseum. 7 Zur the Enchanter: Jamerson Tiu: Trics: Battle for Bayou CEDH: 6: 26/01/25: Zur the Enchanter: Amy Mueller: SSSC cEDH For a Dual: 3-4: 18/01/25: Zur the Enchanter: Robbert: cEDH High Stakes Tournament: 9-16: 28/12/24: Zur the Enchanter: Johannes Asikainen: Finnish cEDH National Championship series 2/5: 3-4: 15/12/24: Zur the Enchanter: Katrina cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. Monthly CEDH Tournament: 17-32: 05/01/25: Kenrith, the Returned King: Eugene Milbrodt: Mulligan Monthly cEDH Volcanic Island Prize Tournament: 9-16: 05/01/25: Kenrith, the Returned King: Trevor cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. 256 players - 24 CommandFest - cEDH Full Weekend @ SCG CON Baltimore. Zur the Enchanter: Mason Bodlak: Mana Games Commander cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. 7 Commander Summit @ Hareruya (Japan) ←. Zur the Enchanter: Emilio Fernández Da Silva: Mox Battle Percalandia - European Championship Qualifier: 5-8: Explore cEDH Gonti, Canny Acquisitor decklists and strategies for Magic: The Gathering. Zur the Enchanter: Lehi Berteuax: Put a Ring on it! 9-16: 25/02/24: Zur the Enchanter: Xander Hardy: cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. cEDH European Championship - @ Lisbon (Portugal) 1 Zur the Enchanter. 6 Christmas cEDH Tournament - Sacred Circle : 9-16: 22/12/24: Derevi, Empyrial Tactician: Trevor Dewan: Marvel Secret Lair cEDH Tournament: 1: 21/12/24: Derevi, Empyrial Tactician: Kittipat Roontiwa: Commander of the Month: 6: 15/12/24: Derevi, Empyrial Tactician: Jason Blake: December cEDH - Tees Valley MTG: 5-8: 15/12/24: Derevi, Empyrial cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. 1 Cavern of Souls. Zur the Enchanter: Dragez: Rift in the cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. All decks. Zur the Enchanter: Xander Hardy: Tropic Thunder – cEDH 3k Event: 9-16: 20/01/24: Zur the Enchanter: Please Note That Proxies Are Not Allowed In Our cEDH Competitions! I do not make the rules. 7 The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. PREMODERN. com. 7 . Sort by popularity. Last 12 Months. 6 #7 UNTAP-MULTI (cEDH) @ UNTAP (Hradec Kralove, CZE) 1 Zur the Enchanter. 8 cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. 1 City of Brass. Sort alphabetically. Currently adapted to a midrange meta. Commander(s) Zur the Enchanter. Zur the Enchanter: Amy Mueller: SSSC cEDH For a Dual: 3-4: 18/01/25: Zur the Enchanter: Robbert: cEDH High Stakes Tournament: 9-16: 28/12/24: Zur the Enchanter: Johannes Asikainen: Finnish cEDH National Championship series 2/5: 3-4: 15/12/24: Zur the Enchanter: Katrina Elizabeth: cEDH Event - Urzas Saga Promo: 3-4: 14/12/24: Zur the Enchanter cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. Commander(s) Sort by popularity. Last 6 Months. SUBMIT TopDeck Open 2024 - 10k @ Colombus (OH) #33-64 Zur the Enchanter - Matthew King. Sort Mulligan Monthly cEDH Volcanic Island Prize Tournament: 9-16: 05/01/25: The Master of Keys: Nicholas Anderson: Beardie's Holiday Bash! 5-8: 28/12/24: The Master of Keys: Hans Moldenhauer: Stack Masters 2: 9-16: 07/12/24: The Master of Keys: Lane Henrichsen: Rock the Cradle of cEDH: 9-16: 07/12/24: The Master of Keys: Zach Geraets: Rock the cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. Zur the Enchanter: Dragez: Rift in the Format cEDH High Stakes Tournament @ Magic Stronghold (Vancouver, Canada) 1 Zur the Enchanter. 1 Zur the Enchanter. 5 CCS January cEDH $1K: 5-8: 12/01/25: Kenrith, the Returned King: Bryan Li: Royal Rumble cEDH 8K: 9-16: 11/01/25: Kenrith, the Returned King: Phillip D. Zur the Enchanter: Lawdog: Justice cEDH Tournament! 9-16: 01/06/24: Zur the Enchanter: Lehi Berteuax cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. 4. 5. 1. gg. Going a little more toward midrange control instead of turbo, so far it's been able to keep up with turbo, outpace stax, and survive midrange hell. 26 LANDS. Commander(s) cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. 3 cEDH $1K @ SCG CON Baltimore. cEDH . #9-16 Zur the Enchanter - Lehi Berteuax cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. Zur the Enchanter. Zur the Enchante cEDH Mox Diamond Event @ mtgsummit. #Other Zur the Enchanter - Daniel Klinov. 1 Command Tower. 64 players - 01/06/24. 7 Zur the Enchanter. 5 cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. 7 Oct 28, 2023 · cEDH Mox Diamond Event @ mtgsummit. 1 ‰ Edric, Spymaster of Trest Italian cEDH Championship - Last Chance European Qualier: 3-4: 06/10/24: Krark + Sakashima: Krittin Srirawi cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. cEDH is Temporary, Diamonds are Forever @ Bufftown Bullies (North Tonawanda, NY) 25/01/25: Max's Mud Pit - Redemption Event @ The Kings Court Gaming (New Bedford, MA) 12/01/25: Royal Rumble cEDH 8K @ The Kings Court Gaming (New Bedford, MA) 11/01/25: Deck the Halls CEDH $2k Tournament @ Better Plays Gaming (Stow, OH) 11/01/25 Finnish cEDH National Championship series 2/5 @ Hämeentie 16 (Hämeenlinna, Finland) 1 Zur the Enchanter. LIMITED. Zur the Enchanter: Kyle Nachtigal-wendt: The King of the North: 3-4: 16/11/24 Zur the Enchanter. Source: melee. 1 cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. 7 We'd love to add more decks to this format, please consider submitting your events. 6. 3. Zur the Enchanter: Emilio Fernández Da Silva: Mox Battle Percalandia - European Championship Qualifier: 5-8: cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. 1 Brightclimb Pathway. 2 Oct 20, 2024 · cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. . #9-16 Zur the Enchanter - Mason Bodlak Royal Rumble cEDH 8K @ The Kings Court Gaming (New Bedford, MA) NEW: 11/01/25: Deck the Halls CEDH $2k Tournament @ Better Plays Gaming (Stow, OH) 11/01/25: 4th Annual Years End Commander @ Black Sun Games (Frederick, MD) 28/12/24 "Emperor of Commander" Tournament 6th Season @ TC (Osaka, Japan) 25/12/24: Baked Ziti Open cEDH @ Serenity Hobbies Zur the Enchanter: Amy Mueller: SSSC cEDH For a Dual: 3-4: 18/01/25: Zur the Enchanter: Robbert: cEDH High Stakes Tournament: 9-16: 28/12/24: Zur the Enchanter: Johannes Asikainen: Finnish cEDH National Championship series 2/5: 3-4: 15/12/24: Zur the Enchanter: Katrina Elizabeth: cEDH Event - Urzas Saga Promo: 3-4: 14/12/24: Zur the Enchanter Zur the Enchanter: Robbert: cEDH High Stakes Tournament: 9-16: 28/12/24: Zur the Enchanter: Johannes Asikainen: Finnish cEDH National Championship series 2/5: 3-4: 15/12/24: Zur the Enchanter: Katrina Elizabeth: cEDH Event - Urzas Saga Promo: 3-4: 14/12/24: Zur the Enchanter: Stefano Somaini: Homunculus Tournament: 3-4: 08/12/24: Zur the Zur the Enchanter: Amy Mueller: SSSC cEDH For a Dual: 3-4: 18/01/25: Zur the Enchanter: Robbert: cEDH High Stakes Tournament: 9-16: 28/12/24: Zur the Enchanter: Johannes Asikainen: Finnish cEDH National Championship series 2/5: 3-4: 15/12/24: Zur the Enchanter: Katrina Elizabeth: cEDH Event - Urzas Saga Promo: 3-4: 14/12/24: Zur the Enchanter Zur the Enchanter: Amy Mueller: SSSC cEDH For a Dual: 3-4: 18/01/25: Zur the Enchanter: Robbert: cEDH High Stakes Tournament: 9-16: 28/12/24: Zur the Enchanter: Johannes Asikainen: Finnish cEDH National Championship series 2/5: 3-4: 15/12/24: Zur the Enchanter: Katrina Elizabeth: cEDH Event - Urzas Saga Promo: 3-4: 14/12/24: Zur the Enchanter Zur the Enchanter: Jamerson Tiu: Trics: Battle for Bayou CEDH: 6: 26/01/25: Zur the Enchanter: Amy Mueller: SSSC cEDH For a Dual: 3-4: 18/01/25: Zur the Enchanter: Robbert: cEDH High Stakes Tournament: 9-16: 28/12/24: Zur the Enchanter: Johannes Asikainen: Finnish cEDH National Championship series 2/5: 3-4: 15/12/24: Zur the Enchanter: Katrina cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. 7 ‰ Uro, Titan Of Nature's Wrath cEDH Reserved Masters: Grand Finale 2024 - EDH Tambayan: 9-16: 14/12/24: Storm, Force of Nature: Joseph Nov 4, 2023 · cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. 29 LANDS. 3 cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. 7. Zur the Enchanter: Emilio Fernández Da Silva: Mox Battle Percalandia - European Championship Qualifier: 5-8: Dec 29, 2024 · cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. 117 players - 17/06/23. cEDH. 7 Justice cEDH Tournament! 1 Zur the Enchanter. 1 Clearwater Pathway. #15 Zur the Enchanter - Nishijima Naoya cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. ← #2 Zur the Enchanter - Xander Hardy. Source: edhtop16. Ryan Halloran. 2. 1 Ancient Tomb. 1 Bloodstained Mire. 4 cEDH Reserved Masters: Grand Finale 2024 - EDH Tambayan: 9-16: 14/12/24: Storm, Force of Nature: Joseph Kyle Strickland: Lotus Bowl 7: cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. It makes the metagame more relevant and attract good karma. 3 CommandFest - cEDH Full Weekend @ SCG CON Baltimore. 1 Emergence Zone. 1 Arid Mesa. This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. Ao, the Mulligan Monthly cEDH Volcanic Island Prize Tournament @ Mulligan Games (Warminster, PA) 05/01/25: Monthly CEDH Tournament @ Asgard Games (Houston, TX) 05/01/25: Monthly cEDH @ Camden Cards (Camden, TN) NEW: 04/01/25: cEDH Battle for the Bayou @ RipNShip Gaming (Deer Park, NY) 04/01/25: New Year New Me CEDH Tournament @ The King's Court Gaming cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. Zur the Enchanter: Xander Hardy: cEDH Mox Diamond Event: 2: 28/10/23: Zur the Enchanter: Sean O'connor: cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. Nov 25, 2024 · Mana Games Commander League: Fall @ Mana Games Café (Lincoln, NE) ←. 8. Ingot Chewer + Thrasios + Dargo. DUEL COMMANDER. 4 Christmas cEDH Tournament - Sacred Circle : 9-16: 22/12/24: Derevi, Empyrial Tactician: Trevor Dewan: Marvel Secret Lair cEDH Tournament: 1: 21/12/24: Derevi, Empyrial Tactician: Kittipat Roontiwa: Commander of the Month: 6: 15/12/24: Derevi, Empyrial Tactician: Jason Blake: December cEDH - Tees Valley MTG: 5-8: 15/12/24: Derevi, Empyrial The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. 7 cEDH. 31 LANDS. Other. 30 LANDS. 3 Justice cEDH Tournament! ← #9-16 Zur the Enchanter - Lawdog. 1 ‰ Nadu, Winged Wisdom Italian cEDH Championship - Last Chance European Qualier: 5-8: 06/10/24: Tayam, Luminous Enigma: Bong Chee Khoon cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. 7 cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. Ao, the cEDH METAGAME BREAKDOWN. OTHER. ←. Last 3 Months.
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