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Tryhards in casual hearthstone. One important thing tickles me though.

Tryhards in casual hearthstone Mini-sets are typically a little disappointing: there's a Legendary card that becomes common and maybe a class or two rise from total obscurity to mediocrity. why don't the tryhards just play ranked and leave the casual games to people that actually have a life. subsequently I have won a bunch of quests in casual from the Casuals used to be full of tryhards farming 10g/3w with aggro decks. Some maps its just so unfun to deal with it and doing them is inherently unfun and tryhard, as many casual players in the CASUAL gamemode don't learn every single detail about every map and just want to have fun with the game, not sit out for a round then always be on their toes in a place outside the map where they should feel safe in until 414 Followers, 298 Following, 88 Posts - CASUAL TRYHARDS (@casual. Reply reply More replies More replies For Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Should Casual be reserved for non-meta decks?". Having more cards to play around with is universially fun. I play these fun decks in casual since I know they’d most likely be beaten easily in standard. I play since Naxramas and remember feeling excited with the adventures especially when GVG arrived. Crypto Nov 16, 2024 · When do people stop playing tryhard and play for fun? I’ve been playing wild for years, since before wild and standard split, but never really competitive. So many fun decks in the game but you can’t play them because losers HAVE to play tier 1 decks in casual. 84 votes, 86 comments. One thing I realised was that most of the Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - No votes and 21 comments Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Darius Crowley (5976 MMR) (Fire Away! | Safe Harbor) March 23, 2024 Reno Jackson. You probably dominated so many games in casual that your mmr is crazy high, which puts you with the tryhards. Now it's full of tryhards idling for exp, or people insta conceding for their daily quests. There's a smidge more variety in standard than that but still not interesting enough for me. Casual is just ranked with a hidden rank. So even if you would care for your opponent you can’t win without making them lose. you really can not tell if you getting better at drafting and creating your deck, because maybe you fight 3 tryhards in a row who just got the complete nuts. Incentivized winrate only encourages everyone to play the same tryhard decks & results in overall more boring metas. See our recap of the interview below or go on and read the full interview transcript. People with high ranks dont play casual to be stupid. The game itself had a huge improvement in the quality of cards, mechanics, synergies and overall gameplay. Apologies for ruining your day. Overwatch ® 2 For Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "If quests could be completed against AI, would Casual become more casual?". Rank floors are for testing weird shit, casual is for tryhards that have ladder anxiety or people that want to quickly do their daily quest. Where is the fun in this? Like, maybe playing those decks is fun when it’s new to you, but again and again? There’s a constant supply of Then I try casual and it's just ridiculous, opponents doing the stupidest plays, I haven't been playing long, like 60 wins in casual, maybe 5-10 losses Wish I could find a middle ground of some challenge, but actually have a chance to win. Tryhard - verb Someone who is better then me or too lazy to actually play how you are supposed to play. Continuing to play slow, when the odds are stacked against you wastes everyone else’s time - both your team and your opponent’s. Why are these people playing casual and not ranked? I don't get it. It's terrible. Myself as a new player know that its really hard to level up just Posted by u/Omenofdeath - No votes and 16 comments As someone who both enjoys the competitive and casual side of Hearthstone I frequently find myself struggling to play whacky decks because even in… Nope. I will admit, I'm a pretty casual gamer, but it doesn't mean I don't enjoy or appreciate a game, nor do I begrudge those that want all the achievements or go for 100% Ranked and casual, ranked is where most people compete to win so you'll encounter meta decks there, since you have a decent deck you'll be able to compete (keep in mind that you'll get better over time by gaining experience) and casual is where people can play whatever without losing rank, some will play meta but there's usually less tryhards I have just started playing halo infinite after a 1 year break. If a very good players plays these maps/modes/games with the most competitive guns and applying only top strategies, this is a genuine issue. Tryhards just try their hardest to win, while a sadistic one will focus on winning no matter the cost. I assume it's because some people just want to play the game without the added stress of a ranking system. For fans of Blizzard Entertainment's digital card game, Hearthstone Oct 31, 2024 · Is it the same on Xbox? PC has always been the dominion of sweaty tryhards. Campers will always be a cancer on these games (snipers excluded, camping is literally your job) and any real solutions would be game breaking. I'm also a F2P player and don't have the best cards, but I keep coming up against these top meta decks in casual mode that destroy me. If you go into Casual, there's a small grace period where the game matches you up against other new players, but this doesn't last long, and you'll soon start encountering people with well built net decks. I had heard about it by Hearthstone streamers and felt very disappointed discovering it was only available on mobile phone Ive been playing for ten days now and the game is great. Play mode, also known as Traditional Hearthstone, or simply Hearthstone in the main menu, is a game mode that matches players against other human players of similar skill. The community-run and developer-supported subreddit dedicated to Fall Guys – a video game developed by Mediatonic Games which flings hordes of contestants together online in a mad dash through round after round of escalating chaos until one victor remains. Seems like the only way to fix that would be to remove rewards from casual completely which would create a whole lot of other issues (unless they find another way to allow casual Posted by u/Mortdog247 - 1 vote and 12 comments Apr 22, 2022 · Hearthstone is a really old game as a game get older the player base becomes better and better so these times you see less and less missplay and that happens to all the games (wow for example vanilla used to have few ppl raiding properly and now days most can raid well and when vanilla rereleased it wasnt such a pain at all) Posted by u/Daktush - No votes and 5 comments Calling them tryhards because everyone has some crazy fucking combo deck that I shouldn't be running into till gold is completely accurate sorry you're clearly one of those fucks stuck at bronze with a broken ass deck. ) The archetypes are more specific and evergreen than Hearthstone. 9M subscribers in the hearthstone community. Can we either make a non rated battlegrounds or be able to opt out of rated play? It Quests are a great way to incite players to play the game. While yes there are the sweatiest 5 stacks that you encounter once in a while that think it's the US invitational, that's not always the case with "tryhards". That's what I'm arguing against. There is spectrum of casual vs. Pro player for spacestation gaming Daniel is almost 2500 mmr in comp but less than 1000 casual mmr, by this logic I'm a better player than the Profesional since I'm sitting around 1300 casual. Every deck I encounter are the tier S decks from standard. This would be really simple for Valve to fix. After they implemented a rating system for battlegrounds I’ve been able to get to like 5. Play mode represents the standard mode of Hearthstone play Business, Economics, and Finance. Also I think they should add an actual 1v1 queue, and maybe a team damage casual 2v2 queue, but it might be too much. Ranked from 10 to legend is all full of ultra-optimized netdecks. Crypto But these terms aren't the same. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Duels has potential to be the best hearthstone mode for a lot of players but bliz feels the need to not support it. Additionaly the older cards get nerved, cost more mana and I Jan 14, 2022 · People going pirate warrior and shadow priest in casual duels. I have never cared about reaching legend and I just wanted to have fun and theorycraft ideas for decks. No decks yet – you can view some older decks: Sir Finley Decks! Elise Starseeker. Well the team damage casual 2v2 queue might be too much, BMG needs to stop adding cosmetics and make a casual 1v1 queue like 1 year ago. Casual players really don’t care, they just want to have maximum amounts of fun and are cool with where they are in terms of skill. 5k-6k after some luck and then just lose constantly. Casual also happens to be full of tryhards who want to test a deck without risking their rank. Hearthstone let's you farm for coins in casual matches, yet I don't recall bots and tryhards being an issue back when I exclusively dicked around there. For fans of Blizzard Entertainment's digital card game, Hearthstone the reason to play casual tho is you can try out new decks test play and if you see a change you want to make or you put something in you didn't mean to you can just concede. If you don't like em, don't play with em, solved. Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Elise Starseeker It’s literally more fun for me, as a casual player, to hop into a ranked match than it is for me to play a chill game of pubs and it’s bc the tryhards and sweatys have an easier time getting match with lower tier players in pub lobbies and a lot of them are premade squads with similar skill sets, kills the pub experience for casual players. Maybe more “tryhards” came to Hearthstone, but it might just be variance that it seems to be getting more. Jul 21, 2019 · Just trying to get my quests done and its funny how many netdecks are in casual. I just … You’ll create and play the top decks in the meta but you refuse to rank. It sounds like the real problem is that they're bad sports and enjoy being abusive and gloating. There's definitely a difference between people who just casually are better than you and people who sweat their dick off. They aren't going to allow you to complete your quest, so you may as well try to get a win out of it. Handlock, dragon priest, secret Paladin. I design and build my own decks and I’ve never once used a meta deck. Jun 9, 2019 · Because clowns are playing tier 1 decks in CASUAL WILD. Apr 15, 2020 · Using someone elses deck in a casual mode is jerk-ish behavior like the OP pointed out. Examples include; Spawn peeking Running out Using any 3 speeds Actually trying to win Roaming Holding a pixel peek Clutching a round Having more then 10 kills in casual Having a level above 200 Being a plat or diamond in casual Going positive in the KD Playing smart Using a shield op Using %USER_BATTLETAG_FULL% Diablo ® II: Resurrected™. I see that you are rank 18. Why's that? Let's be real here, this is just Konami being incompetent. Ranked from 25 to 11 is also full of ultra-optimized netdecks. Between bronze and gold you'll find bad, greedy, unoptimized, Non-synergistic wacky homebrew decks. even without rewards, it'd be Hearthstone prides itself as the casual card game of choice. I think it goes both ways - for as much as they are irritated by tryhards, you, a tryhard, is irritated by casual players. I'm playing a very bad bomb hunter deck. Casual gamemodes doesnt mean people will play as relaxed as you. I just want halo to be casual, and competitive so new players can join in and not be berated, while competitive plays can stick with just competitive matches if they only want to play It makes sense if you think about it for more than two milliseconds. I’d be pouring out my wallet for a game like this if there was no incentive to play meta anymore. I don't do Ranked 1v1 too often, so I use Friendly 2v2 to train for Ranked 2v2. If you really want to play a "casual" mode with wacky homebrew decks you should play wild, between bronze and gold you'll find a lot of them if your MMR isn't too high. So, very quickly, Casual ends up being harder than ranked for most new-ish players, and you will be better off playing Ranked. I thought about it as well and 5 minutes into it, it hit me like "damn, if you had a bad arena deck, you could just draft another one". Hearthstone Duels 12-0 Reno Jackson (7675 MMR) (Arcane Craftiness | The Gatling Wand) March 22, 2024 Sir Finley. (There’s not really a “ramp Druid” cosmetic for Hearthstone, but you can get a skin, card back, board, and buddy that go with a lurk deck. Now I can’t even win at the lower ranks. HS= No fun to be had Business, Economics, and Finance. so many times ive conceded in casual because I didn't like my draws or the opponent was playing something insane or I just felt like not playing out the match. Usually the only time I would be in casual is if I'm in bed and I'm playing something wonky or showing the game off For Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Why do people bring tryhard decks into Casual mode?". they're farming gold. Please. Concluding Thoughts. Apr 28, 2021 · I enjoy playing fun decks instead of the boring standard copy/pasta decks. For fans of Blizzard Entertainment's digital card game, Hearthstone Posted by u/DINGLEBERRY9000 - No votes and 6 comments For Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Why is casual play only filled with high level / skilled players?". Your play style is exactly that of ranked, and by your own admission the only reason you play casual is to save your own time. Out of all places to play tier 1 decks. If it were truly a casual mode they would remove reward incentives. This decision has absolutely nothing to do with tryhards and bots. In general people play aram to detilt, or because they are tired/drunk/whatevs, or with a couple of friends to mess around. Crypto Posted by u/GraVity1122 - No votes and 8 comments The cosmetics help, and being able to buy cosmetics that explicitly feel like a part of your archetype. Those catagories are Casuals and TryHards (don't mean that in a bad way just not sure what to call more active die hard hardcore players) Well, I believe we should actually be classifing Hearthstone playerbase into three catagories, with three sub catagories. Action Movies & Series; Animated Movies & Series; Comedy Movies & Series; Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series; Documentary Movies & Series; Drama Movies & Series Welcome to hearthstone, where you can find Handlock and miracle rogue tryhards in casual and murloc druid and pirate hunter in ranked. as long as casual gives gold rewards the same as ranked it will never really be 'casual' because you will always have tryhards trying to accumulate gold as quickly as possible by queing tier 1 netdecks against people just trying to play for fun. It’s a casual game; nothing except your pride is at stake. Ive been thinking lately, The problem with Hearthstone as a whole is basically the players themselves. I can't be the only one bugged by this. . The problem is, why are tryhards and casual players in the same mmr lobbies? I have nothing against tryhards and i mean it as a compliment, they want to get better at the game and always win. I was so tired of playing net decks in all formats, so I figured I'd jump to casual mode in order to play something where winning to get ranks isn't a thing. One important thing tickles me though how the hell do i complete my missions ??? I wanna hear your toughts. For fans of Blizzard Entertainment's digital card game, Hearthstone Hey all, I absolutely love battlegrounds but I typically only play casually. The problem is that by design you can only win when the other loses. For the big wins right? For 12 wins in casual you win a whole huge grand pile of nothing! Woohoo! So why do they do that? I cannot possibly understand the minds of these unimaginitive people. (Ex. For fans of Blizzard Entertainment's digital card game, Hearthstone Jan 30, 2020 · I think that just happens when people play this game too competitively. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Some of the more extreme examples of the latter are people who pocket phlog pyros, gunslinger engies on Hightower who deliberately push the payload to ruin everyone’s fun, or the aforementioned phlog pyro peppering everyone and everything I'm playing Casual casually and 3 people in a row insta-conceded against me. Even arena is, somehow, full of ultra-optimized netdecks. People that try this hard in casual ruin the game for my friends and I who are just trying to have a fun and relaxing game- win or lose doesn't make a difference. In that case, you can just mute them and if you're not having fun, just leave. Ranked takes into account your rank while casual has a hidden MMR. Many games are fairly casual or have casual-oriented modes/maps. I run a lot of custom decks that I make myself, so they're not amazing. We could destroy the tryhards together. Tryhards can easily buy packs or grind arena or something. But it's casual, where everyone should be taking it easy. Crypto Casual doesent uses any system that determines player skill and its a mix of f2ps and good players, tryharding in casual is pretty much pointless i understand its fun to try to win but i would rather go to 3rd party competetive or faceit, while on casual its just pointless Jul 3, 2014 · Briefly about the Casual Tryhards: Realm: AhnQiraj (EU) Faction: Horde Charted: March 2014 T17 Progression: 1/7 HC Website: Casual Tryhards Current Raiding Schedule: (Times shown in CET) Wednesday, 19:15-23:00 Thursday, 19:15-23:00 Sunday, 19:15-23:00 During first weeks of content a fourth raidin Business, Economics, and Finance. I just want to come home at the end of a long day and play a casual game of League without stressing out over losing ranks and sweaty tryhards. You will lose almost every game with a deck that isn’t at least tier 3. Apr 5, 2016 · Hey there. Jun 22, 2020 · Hello all, This is going to be my first post in this community and I’m very happy to initiate a debate about these two topics, casual vs ranked. They have seperate matchmaking mechanics. The two discussed casual mode and how there are different views of how it should work. Even in casual games people play Meta because their enjoyment and dopamine comes from winning, rather than the process or creativity that deck-building is suppose to provide. The part of having fun in any game is attempting to win. Jan 2, 2025 · I come back and discover this game’s still rife with the Competitive Sickness. In the past year it seems like everything introduced is so Apr 11, 2022 · I'm curious how do you enjoy the game, if you found a way for yourself to enjoy the game a bit more casually or "semi-casual", basically enjoying the game without giving a fuck about wins that much? Not interested in the casual mode, ranked is still the way to go because you farm wins on the heroes in time and that gives you a sense of progression. 0 so you might as well play ranked for the end of season alpha packs as casual and unranked are pointless modes since all three use the same matchmaking For Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Played 10 casual games today". Jan 23, 2025 · The Heroes of StarCraft mini-set has been a breath of fresh air for Hearthstone. Every time I queue up for casual is to complete a daily on a class I don’t care about and, without fail, I get nothing but tryhards running T1/T2 decks. I could help you improve and get your fun decks to a nice, juicy high rank. My point is, why are people not just playing ranked with these top decks? Seems kind of dumb to me to play these decks in casual when you can just rank up. The first game of quickplay casual I get matched with 2 ex-onyx(now platinum)players(I looked it up on halo. Extreme rng from stuff like book of wonder and invitations has no place in this mode and should stick to brawls. One of the few ways casual players can get more cards is by completing quests. I’ve basically been playing the game mode since it’s inception and was hooked. Oct 11, 2017 · GamesBeat's Jack Wilson had the opportunity to sit down with Ben Brode and talk about Hearthstone. 'Casual' mode is full of ultra-optimized netdecks. Maybe even especially casual players. The difference in Ranked and Casual though is that in people who play the game competitively come into casual modes and make it exponentially harder to have fun because it stops being casual. tryhards) on Instagram: "Creators of Dancer Royale and Seoul Beat Spectacle" The problem isn't that they're tryhards, that's actually a good thing. (I'm gonna roast casual fans) like, actually, which is better? We got the silly standard tryhards, and the chill casual noobs, what would you choose? Myself i like standard because i like suffering and because money and xp rewards. Crypto Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - No votes and 13 comments 1 day ago · Hearthstone Updates Dev Comment: The Heroes of StarCraft Mini-Set has brought lots of new and exciting decks across a variety of classes and all three factions. competitive. Over the years, introducing more and more RNG has swung the pendulum even heavier in that direction. The Chinese have a huge market where they’re drafting insane decks (swear they must be hacking it or something) that can compete with standard decks. DBFZ is the first game I've ever had to sit in practice mode for countless hours just labbing out combos, wake up scenarios, blockstrings and mixups. Menu. You can't even play casual if you want to earn portraits. Posted by u/MalleableBasilisk - 22 votes and 25 comments Stop. Sincerely, All the people actually playing casually in casual. Because fun decks no longer are viable. When hearthstone was released, it was already for casual players. Reply reply Go fuck up someone else's day, you filthy huntards and handlock tryhards. I wish MMR wasn’t a thing for casual. Everyone likes rewards, even casual players. and i think that's what is the good thing, but the bad thing as well. Is it extremely jerky like punching a stranger in the face while they walk by jerky? No. If you play Hearthstone at all, you will play against nothing but ultra-optimized netdecks. The competitive scene literally ruins Classic has literally what, 5 functioning archetypes and it doesn't matter where you are on ladder, the decks are always the same because the tiny amount of classic players are all tryhards. Ideally, casual mode is low stakes Hearthstone. Is it casual friendly? People will say yes because it's an extremely casual friendly fighting game but fighting games in general have a lot of sweaty tryhards. Bora família para mais uma resenha no Warzone com os brothers quer se juntar com a gente? Manda a sua ID no chat que eu add e chamo para se juntar ao time ne Maybe my post sounded badly because I didn't went deep in the core problem, but I'm talking about the influence of meta, attitude and tolerance about casual gamers that want have fun in first and try to win yes but man, I can't be the best every match after 8 or more hours of work, I just wanna shoot, kill people or support my team, some game I'm the worst and others I'm the MVP, I repeat I'm Great job Blizz! You really killed two birds with one stone on this one! In Casual Mode people will now be incentivized to play more creative decks… What if an expansion pre-order guaranteed rank 5 rewards at the end of the season? If this were so, then people could focus on silly and fun decks… What the F is the point of playing a 100% on-meta ladder deck in CASUAL MODE? Sweaty tryhards make me sick. Dec 28, 2016 · Hey guys ! I was really happy to find out that SV had been uploaded to steam. I'm playing Rogue, with the new Valeera skin and the 1k ranked wins gold outline, and I don't know if people now hates Rogue or what. The game is pvp, so competetive. Crypto 1. Now i know youre thinking that its more of the game it It's casual, there's literally not a God damn thing on the line. ) KC Cup is a pvp event in duel links, it is seperated into 2 stage, few days each. 1. Even at the ranks 21 people come up with new cards I have never seen before. The response to the Mini-Set has been great, so we’re doing a light patch here, only hitting the most extreme play patterns. To the guy who added me afterwards in casual complaining about my "meta" deck, this one's for you o7. Apr 25, 2018 · All i ask is that people should start cracking down on extreme tryhards in casual because whats the fun in playing casual when your just spamming an m870 tryna wack up some wallbangs then spam Ooga Booga n chat just to be smashed with an player so sweaty he is a living waterfall. Expand user menu Open settings menu. They sell these decks to tryhards who want 7-12 wins w that deck for sometimes like 100$. For Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Why are there more tryhards in casual than ranked?". It’s not really ‘casual’, it’s just ‘unranked’. Atleast when I beat u tryhards it's hilarious. You just For Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Does anyone play their janky decks in Casual mode?". Played 20 matches in casual and not a… Also, why can't halo just be casual sometimes without tryhards ruining it? Like I said competitive halo is good, but not when it is the only thing halo mp is. If you find this post, I hope you give this deck a try so you can ruin someone else's and feel better. Now, results are way too random and casual to an extreme degree. Blame Blizzard, not people that are trying to finish quests. Casual online gamers are probably playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on Switch nowadays especially since Nintendo's latest holiday bundle includes the game and a 1 year subscription to Nintendo Switch Online. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars At the same time doing that would invite those tryhards and sweats into the casual arena just for easy kills so i can see why it hasnt been done. It’s ruining arena and hasn’t been looked at by blizzard yet. Casual Mode. info btw). Players can choose to play Casual 'friendly' games, or take part in Ranked play, earning special medals to reflect their skill and standing within the community. I'm just trying to finish my quests with my crappy decks, so take your serious decks to the… If you want to earn gold / packs / cards & whatnot, winning matters. This is why HS will never be a fun game ever again. I'm like this with League of Legends for instance. So in other words ranked 2. A game that is easy to understand and accessible to everyone at the cost of almost all… Advertisement But I dont go around with 100 sensitivity, lean spaming, crouch shotting and pre firing every wall in existence, and going 9-0 every game either. Business, Economics, and Finance. In first stage you duel and climbing rank until maxed (similar to ranked) and maxed players are qualified to participate the second stage. Nov 15, 2019 · What is it about ranked mode that some players seem to be allergic to yet they’ll tryhard their way through casual. If you have bakkesmod you'll know that casual mmr is different than comp mmr, just because someone has a lower casual doesn't mean they aren't higher in comp. So how our collective casual mmr is high enough for diamond- champs is beyond me, especially when we very often tk ourselves and lose a lot. (edit) Keep in mind that people expeirence different games. Aug 8, 2019 · As a casual player the game gets harder for me with every new update they make. If they're really being a tryhard in Casual after BMing, just slow play them and actually attack them. Nov 9, 2015 · When you are leveling up the three first privateranks you are always tormented by people way higher level than you Why does this problem even exist? Why havent Valve fixed this with a solution thats really simple, Privaterank 1-3 play with each other and then 3-6 play together. Hey, I very rarely spend time in casual. The new cards are way strogner than the older ones and if you don’t spend lots of money or time on this game you won’t have them. rfka baq sgdq wtohr lkvia fdtq xpspths fphn kxnsz jcahv czhun zzzmcoaa yuguvvixc lrubc psttds