Traefik certresolver. The certificates you are passing as flags (providers.

Traefik certresolver 0 . 0 ports: # Listen on port 80, default for HTTP, necessary to redirect to HTTPS - 80:80 # Listen on port 443, default for HTTPS - 443:443 deploy: placement: constraints: # Make the traefik service run only on the node with this label # as the node with it has Oct 20, 2024 · After the previous duration of certificate ran out, my instance of Traefik for some reason couldn't generate new certificates, which was strange since everything was working well previously, and I didn't change the configs. I had it configured to take care of SSL certificates via DNS challenge, and a wildcard worked fine for my domain, having only to specify the hostname I wanted on my container labels. This guide will walk you through the process of enabling Vault PKI for use with Traefik Enterprise on a Kubernetes cluster. containo. Error: ERR Unable to obtain ACME certificate for domains error="unable to generate a certificate for the domains [local. labels: - "traefik. http: #region routers routers: plex: entryPoints: - web - websecure rule: "Host(`plex. certresolver: myresolver. yml. In the meantime I used this solution: GitHub - hollie/tailscale-caddy-proxy: Tailscale and Caddy proxy to expose docker containers over Tailscale with HTTPS access And I think this works better for my usecase, as I would like to use Traefik to expose my services to localhost and some of them to Tailscale at the same time. 0 but I can't get my dns cert resolver to work. Let’s Encrypt can be used with any web server or application. The Vault certificate resolver allows Traefik Enterprise to use a Vault server with the PKI secret engine enabled as a certificate resolver. org Oct 9, 2024 · I need some help understanding what happens in this case here with traefik. The problem: I am getting a 404 when trying to access my service Consider the following: I am working on a Jan 17, 2023 · Without the need to handle any third-party tooling, Traefik Proxy is the natural choice for automated certificate management. This document is intended to be a fully working example demonstrating how to set up Traefik in Kubernetes, with the dynamic configuration coming from the IngressRoute Custom Resource, and TLS setup with Let's Encrypt. 0. whoami. 0 beta, the latest release of its forward proxy offering. Following on this suggestion to use replacepathregex. I Oct 12, 2019 · You don't need to configure the Traefik service itself. I seem to be having problems only if I do explicitly reference it. tailscale: It allows provisioning TLS certificates for internal Tailscale services. A Story of Labels & Containers. This guide will show how easy it is to have an automatic SSL resolver built into your traefik load balancer. http. Traefik Default Cert is only available for use with Traefik. The traefik. x Traefik image available image: traefik:v3. sbarratt-efi December 14, 2021, 6:12pm 1. Learn how to configure Traefik Proxy to resolve TLS certificates for your Tailscale services. local. yaml configuration: global: checkNewVersion: false sendAnonymousUsage: false log: level: DEBUG api: dashboard: true insecure Oct 7, 2019 · I would say you don't need certificate resolver for something else than autogenerated let's encrypt certificates. com`) - traefik. com`) in rule. com cert-org: # cert for example. I tried putting in the cert file names just into the existing traefik. Then we’ll configure local DNS using PiHole (or any other local DNS) to route to our Dec 30, 2022 · Hi there, I'm stumped trying to get an ACME certificate for my CloudFlare domain. server. Transport Layer Security. json Mar 8, 2021 · Hello All, I'm a very very new traefik and even Docker user. That seems bad. Nov 6, 2019 · traefik. The static configuration is given through command line arguments. Could you please help me with this? I have checked the container logs and did not find any errors. My Traefik container is running without any issues. http: routers . rule=Host(`service. So for a first step I'm trying to just get the traefik container to use the named certs. So I tried this in my config. Traefik Enterprise 2. md!} Footnotes. Did you create a local. Traefik Default Cert does not support wildcard certificates. certresolver=myresolver" cert-manager¶. Domain Definition¶. Pre-requisites¶. Mar 23, 2023 · I have my static config defined in traefik. As i wrote above, the behaviour of traefik-kop is different from traefik in this case and somewhat unexpected. Nov 18, 2020 · Hi, I cannot find how I can use a certResolver (example, cloudflare, let's encrypt, etc. So far, I've been using Let’s Encrypt, and everything worked fine, but now I want to hide my server’s identity from the internet using Learn how to configure Traefik Proxy to use an ACME provider like Let's Encrypt for automatic certificate generation. I have a vanilla minikube cluster that i created using the following The objective for me is to setup Traefik as ingress proxy to my minikube Use K8s GW api as the definitive way to author routes Expose all my workloads on the Tailscale over HTTPS ( even though HTTP is secured over TS overlay network ) My minikube cluster is setup Domain Definition¶. Jan 3, 2025 · traefik. Compose config has a https service, which acquires cert and works ok. certificates]] section: Vault Certificate Resolver¶. Nov 14, 2021 · Today it is really important to have SSL encrypted websites. Am I missing something in my configurations? Thanks in advance, Andreas docker-compose. Using Traefik OSS in Production? If you are using Traefik at work, consider adding enterprise-grade API gateway capabilities or commercial support for Traefik OSS. Thanks for your interest in Traefik . Traefik Proxy will also use self-signed certificates for 30-180 seconds while it retrieves new certificates from Let’s Encrypt. File (YAML) ## Dynamic configuration http: routers: routerfoo: rule: "Host(`snitest. so the cert is for *. certResolver¶ If certResolver is defined, Traefik will try to generate certificates based on routers Host & HostSNI rules. com`) && Path(`/foo`)" tls: certResolver: foo Dec 14, 2021 · Cacert entries ignored for certresolver. While using a single instance of Traefik Proxy with Let's Encrypt works like a charm, however, running multiple instances can raise some issues. Traefik Default Cert does not support OCSP stapling. email={{ my_email }}" - "--certificatesresolvers. 3 and later supports using Vault with the PKI secrets engine enabled as a certificate resolver for automatic TLS certificate management. services. Traefik will generate LetsEncrypt TLS certs when dynamic config is loaded or updated. tk`)" middlewares Oct 6, 2023 · Is setting certresolver to null is a good solution? whoami: image: traefik/whoami command: - --port=2001 - --name=myapp restart: always labels: - "traefik. ↩. routers. sub2. First, update the environment variables required by your provider. enable=true I am running Traefik and first I configured to use cloudflare as my certresolver for domain1. Hitting a rate limit with all ACME providers Mar 1, 2024 · It does work as a workaround, but there are warnings in the traefik log, since I have no certresolver configured traefik is complaining of a missing default certresolver. Here is my attempted config that I believe should be working: traefik. google/default. User defined¶. tls. The Jan 28, 2021 · Hi, I have traefik (v2. I'm now moving to Kubernetes (k3s) for several reasons, and I was happy to see I can use Traefik as an ingress controller, so I We configure the whoami service to tell Traefik to use the certificate resolver named mytlschallenge we just configured: labels: # Uses the Host rule to define which certificate to issue - "traefik. yml as # Traefik entrypoints (network ports) configuration entryPoints: # Not used in apps, but redirect everything from HTTP to HTTPS # HTTPS endpoint, with domain wildcard https: address: :443 forwardedHeaders: # Reuse list of Cloudflare Trusted IP's above for HTTPS requests trustedIPs: *trustedIps http: tls: # Generate a wildcard domain certificate Mar 8, 2021 · There is a pretty good section in the documentation on the topic of user-defined certificates: Overview - Traefik Long-story-short: Mount the certificate and key to your Traefik container and configure it in your dynamic configuration. mydomain. Traefik. The config has something like this: - "--certificatesresolvers. toml were correct and looked like other files that people had gotten to work. enable label tells Traefik to enable routing for this application. Dec 6, 2024 · Hi Team, I am trying to generate certificates using Traefik along with the Let's Encrypt DNS challenge, but the certificate section in my acme. external-app. I want to properly use the cert resolver. rule label defines the router rule for this application, and the traefik. It allows a lot of flexibility but makes seemingly simple things difficult. certresolver=myresolver" Sep 10, 2023 · Add Traefik helm repository helm repo add traefik https://traefik. either through a definition in the dynamic configuration, or through Let's Encrypt (ACME) I tried ACME first and succeeded the working config like these: # traefik flags --certificatesresolvers. Subdomains go to the right places. Here my traefik. I inherited a POC dev system that was set up using a lets encrypt certificate resolver but between hand offs the internet access was removed from the docker server so Let's Encrypt is not able to self renew now. 4 days ago · I struggled hours trying to understand what is wrong with my setup, until I discovered that removing the tls. I tried both HostSNI(*) and HostSNI(${DOMAIN}), the second one just not working version: "3. If certResolver is defined, Traefik will try to generate certificates based on routers Host & HostSNI rules. com`) && Path(`/foo`)" tls: certResolver: foo Traefik Enterprise supports the same DNS Challenge providers as Traefik Proxy, please refer to Traefik Proxy documentation for more information. myresolver. Or maybe it is simple and the - traefik. Mar 16, 2021 · So still trying to track this down. tls: stores: default: defaultCertificate: certFile: path/to/cert. A router is in charge of connecting incoming requests to the services that can handle them. Let’s Encrypt does support OCSP stapling. But I have domain2. whoami-service. certResolver option (using an ACME provider) from my HTTP router is the key. com and so I use their api. Jan 25, 2021 · Hello I am using Traefik as a Kubernetes ingress controller. Use Let's Encrypt staging server with the caServer configuration option when experimenting to avoid hitting this limit too fast. Someone posted a very similar question on the Træfik community forum. Attach labels to your containers and let Traefik do the rest! One of the best feature of Traefik is to delegate the routing configuration to the application level. domains option set, then the certificate resolver derives this router domain name from the main option of tls. certresolver=myresolver" Jan 14, 2020 · I am trying to get Lets Encrypt working. Nov 5, 2019 · Is it possible to create a default certificatesResolvers which all TLS-enabled routes will use unless otherwise specified? I intend to use one LetsEncrypt resolver, and it seems messy to have to specify that for every TLS router. As the log mentioned, you loaded the configuration from file but you will not load the part in command line. On thing mentioned in the documentation is: Defining a certificate resolver does not imply that routers are going to use it automatically. However, when adding a second certResolver (because I want a different keyType), the second certResolver never resolves, I get the wildcard certificate from the default certResolver. com, and Cloudflare for the rest mydomain. I have setup the DNS A, and CNAME's to point back to my IP address. Oct 28, 2019 · It seems this is not doable at the moment. 2: 4604: April 24, 2020 Questions regarding my Traefik 3 configuration. com`) || Host(`example. The certificates you are passing as flags (providers. There may be a few seconds of downtime as Traefik Proxy restarts. which has traefik v2. Provision TLS Certificate for Traefik Proxy with cert-manager on Kubernetes. 2: 4690: April 24, 2020 Questions regarding my Traefik 3 configuration. I have an entrypoint for HTTPS named websecure and I attached to it a certR&hellip; Sep 4, 2020 · Hi, Im confused by the doc a little bit So to config the ingress using tls cert, there are mainly to ways. Jun 4, 2023 · Traefik requires you to define "Certificate Resolvers" in the static configuration, which are responsible for retrieving certificates from an ACME server. * objects in my traefik. com. Each router or entrypoint that is meant to use the resolver must explicitly reference it. In Traefik, two certificate resolvers exist: acme: It allows generating ACME certificates stored in a file (not distributed). The culprit was the acme. certresolver=myresolver" # Uses the Host rule to define which certificate to issue Use Secrets Nov 17, 2024 · I am learning Traefik after hearing about it at Kubecon 2024. The name myresolver should be the same what we configured in the Traefik compose file; Let's bring it up! Let's Encrypt and Rate Limiting. This is what I have so far: --entrypoints. right now I'm trying to set-up the dynamic route Oct 30, 2024 · services: traefik: # Use the latest v3. I'm trying to setup a reverse proxy for plex. nl *. To obtain certificates from cert-manager that can be used in Traefik Proxy, you will need to: Routers¶. The following code creates a whoami Namespace, a Deployment, a Service, and an IngressRoute to expose it on Traefik Enterprise: Nov 25, 2019 · Traefik v2. . . org`)" service: example tls: certResolver: How can I use cert-com and cert-org for those hosts respectively? Vault Certificate Resolver Guide¶. 5) deployed into its own Kubernetes using helm and have a TLSStore defined within the same ingress-traefik namespace: --- apiVersion: traefik. docker. Next, fire up an instance of our trusty, all-purpose demo app, whoami. net hosted on Route 53. json file is empty. But I don't understand why, please explain me what is going on I need to reintroduce that option. json file, I can see the private key only and certificate is null. The following code creates a whoami Namespace, a Deployment, a Service, and an IngressRoute to expose it on Traefik Enterprise: TLS¶. We’re going to set up Traefik 3 in Docker and get Let’s Encrypt certificates using Cloudflare as our DNS Provider (we’ll cover how to set up others too). 2 : the ability to add a default certResolver for entrypoints defined in static config. certresolver=cloudflare - traefik. The Traefik v2 configuration is pretty verbose. I have services on http working beautifully. But when you are NOT using Docker or Kubernetes, how are you supposed to supply the values for these? I have tried making a system-wide environment variable but it doesn't seem that Traefik or We configure the whoami service to tell Traefik to use the certificate resolver named myresolver we just configured: labels: # Uses the Host rule to define which certificate to issue - "traefik. yaml. Traefik & CRD & Let's Encrypt¶. I'm using split DNS and want to have different entry points use different certificates and authentication methods. Traefik requires you to define "Certificate Resolvers" in the static configuration, which are responsible for retrieving certificates from an ACME server. I was trying to follow the documentation and not having luck so I spun up an entire stand alone docker server and deployed per docs from scratch. acme. Sep 30, 2024 · Hi everyone, I need help configuring certificates in Traefik based on whether traffic is coming from the internet or my local network. json file was empty and in a location that traefik could write to. <ROUTER_NAME>. ) in addition to a custom certificate for a specific route. go ↩ Using Traefik OSS in Production? If you are using Traefik at work, consider adding enterprise-grade API gateway capabilities or commercial support for Traefik OSS. In order to use the DNS-01 challenge, environment variables must be defined on the controllers (depending on the provider you're using). nl]: error: one or more Nov 6, 2024 · A very nice find, I will definitely take a look. Here is the static configuration given : - "--certificatesresolvers. You don't need any cert resolvers anymore. yml if used. Today, one of the engineers behind this integration has published a fun deep dive into how it works and how they’re using Tailscale to help with testing at Traefik. Then, each "router" is configured to enable TLS, and is associated to a certificate resolver through the tls. Jul 18, 2022 · Good Evening Everyone, I've been using Traefik for about a year now using the Letsencrypt ACME http certificate resolver for a domain I have through my business Internet. Everything is currently done in docker-compose. I have an entrypoint for HTTPS named websecure and I attached to it a certResolver "my-cloudflare" : entryPoints: websecure: address: ":443" http: tls: certResolver: my-cloudflare middlewares: - secureHeader@file And I've defined the certResolver (with Nov 9, 2024 · I've been happily using treafik on a self-hosted docker swarm for a couple of years. Note that a certResolver is used to generate LetsEncrypt TLS certs, it's not needed if you have TLS files, then you only need to set tls=true on entrypoint or router. In the process, routers may use pieces of middleware to update the request, or act before forwarding the request to the service. We configure the whoami service to tell Traefik to use the certificate resolver named myresolver we just configured: labels: # Uses the Host rule to define which certificate to issue - "traefik. Traefik & Docker Swarm¶. 3" services: traefikv2: image: traefik:v2. I double checked that my dynamic This guide will provide you with the YAML and TOML files for dynamic configuration in Traefik Proxy. The Global API Key needs to be used, not the Origin CA Key. Almost all examples out there are using Docker Compose to specify the CF_API_EMAIL and CF_API_KEY environment variables. This is how I think I should configure the replacepathregex: Let's Encrypt and Rate Limiting. Certificates that are no longer used may still be renewed, as Traefik does not currently check if the certificate is being used before renewing. But we are getting closer. letsencrypt-acme. certresolver=myresolver" # Uses the Host rule to define which certificate to issue Use Secrets cert-manager¶. http Traefik Enterprise 2. Traefik is working great proxying the connections but the site is using the default Jan 26, 2022 · If this is how your Traefik Proxy is configured, then restarting the Traefik Proxy container or Deployment will force all of the certificates to renew. 2: 4671: April 24, 2020 Questions regarding my Traefik 3 configuration. You can't mix ways to define a static configuration. 2 baked in. Having to manage (buy/install/renew) your certificates is a process you might not enjoy — I know I don’t! If so, you’ll be interested in the automatic certificate generation embedded in Traefik Proxy, thanks to Let’s Encrypt. org and I was at first trying to use the url sub1. 3. Read the technical documentation. dnschallenge=true --certificatesresolvers. The wildcard certificate Apr 30, 2024 · In today’s Traefik tutorial we’ll get FREE Wildcard certificates to use in our HomeLab and with all of our internal self-hosted services. 7" services: traefik: image: "traefik:latest" container Sep 1, 2020 · Hello People, I have set up a new fastAPI project generated form the the latest release 0. 7 to v2. By default, Traefik manages 90-day certificates and starts renewing them 30 days before their expiry. In the acme. Jan 12, 2020 · Still not working at the moment. yml file that it was already using (commented out below) as that didn't work. At first that wasn't working either however I figured that out, it was because I was trying to use a sub. com`) && Path(`/foo`)" tls: certResolver: foo Learn how to configure Traefik Proxy to use an ACME provider like Let's Encrypt for automatic certificate generation. I double checked that the certificatesResolvers. Below is my current config for the forward auth. us/v1alpha1 kind: TLSStore metadata: name: default namespace: ingress-traefik spec: defaultCertificate: secretName: default-certs And then I have the dashboard exposed successfully on the websecure endpoint to an Jun 3, 2024 · I have 2 different certResolvers: certificatesResolvers: cert-com: # cert for example. com`) && Path(`/foo`)" tls: certResolver: foo Nov 25, 2019 · Traefik v2. Traefik with an IngressRoute Custom Resource Definition for Kubernetes, and TLS Through Let's Encrypt. To obtain certificates from cert-manager that can be used in Traefik Proxy, you will need to: Sep 5, 2020 · Wildcard certificates are working for my default certResolver. yml: In Traefik, TLS Certificates can be generated using Certificates Resolvers. As a first step I use the acme staging server. Do I need to make any DNS records in there? New to traefik and trying to follow a guide to get it to work. com domain or zone with the correct target IP? For more information on configuring Vault, consult its documentation. Let’s Encrypt does support wildcard certificates. yml file. certresolver=myresolver" !!! important For new (sub)domains which need Let's Encrypt authentication, the default Traefik certificate will be used until Traefik is restarted. On Traefik you only need to have entrypoints to :443 (web-secure) and :80 (web) Because Traefik only acts as entryPoint and will not do the redirect, the middleware on the target service will do that. So my question is can I have traefik utilize and automatically hand out labels: - "traefik. certresolver=letsencrypt_staging. json file that remained from the previous installation, and that apparently does not conform to the newest 2. provider=`digitalocean`" Feb 27, 2023 · The traefik. Nov 10, 2024 · Share full Traefik static and dynamic config, and docker-compose. Providing credentials to your application. cert and providers. com`) && Path(`/foo`)" tls: certResolver: foo Nov 3, 2024 · Hi, as per object error. certresolver=mytlschallenge" If certResolver is defined, Traefik will try to generate certificates based on routers Host & HostSNI rules. I've read some posts about people being able to do it with a regex but I'm not exactly sure how to implement it and in their scenarios it seems as though they are just using it to bypass basic auth. To add / remove TLS certificates, even when Traefik is already running, their definition can be added to the dynamic configuration, in the [[tls. Place 3 backticks in front and after code/config to make it more readable and preserve spacing. foo. Traefik v2 (latest) cli. Nov 19, 2024 · Use 3 backticks in front and after code/config (or selet and use </> button) to make it more readable and preserve spacing, which is important in YAML. Apr 15, 2024 · Hello. Let's Encrypt and Rate Limiting. Apr 11, 2022 · Option 2 — dynamic / automatic certificates. Nov 25, 2019 · I'm stuck getting my Traefik instance to generate certs (or redirect to HTTPS, but one thing at a time) when viewing view HTTPS. Vault Certificate Resolver Guide¶. This is a brief overview of how to configure Vault Traefik automatically tracks the expiry date of certificates it generates. If you choose to use Let’sEncrypt, you don’t need to specify caServer url. For more information on configuring Vault, consult its documentation. I was instead given a wildcard cert to use instead. dnschallenge. entrypoints=websecure This should help you get around having to create a "dummy" router, and reduce the amount of labels you need etc Oct 5, 2022 · Hey, I have set a default certificate with the following method in my traefik. Jan 15, 2024 · Is there an easy way to tell traefik to use certresolver x for a defined domain? There is the option to set a default certificate in the dynamic config, when no other is specified, however, I can only do that for one domain/resolver. org and this router: http: routers: example: entryPoints: - websecure rule: "Host(`example. Apr 23, 2020 · Hello, I just tried the new functionality pushed in v2. Sep 13, 2024 · I'm following Traefik's documentation on Tailscale certificate resolvers and some examples. crt keyFile: path/to/cert. You might have also noticed that I am using the same email address for all certResolver, that’s because of a bug (I believe it is a bug) that was briefly mentioned here. Test It! To test it you’ll probably need to create a host file entry for your URL Learn how to configure Traefik Proxy to use an ACME provider like Let's Encrypt for automatic certificate generation. com`) or HostSNI(`example. If I need to switch to using config files, which I think I've seen a reference to in my searching, how does it know how to read those? Does it just look at all yml files in /config? I can see the reverse proxy for plex getting setup, the cert gets Feb 25, 2021 · Traefik v2. key) are useful if Træfik listen to Docker events via a secure TCP endpoint instead of a file socket, which is not what you want. Aug 10, 2023 · Hello, I'm trying to deploy traefik for tcp tls server, but it fails with default cert, which causes no response for tls client connection (I see in logs, requests passes well). I kept getting "non existent resolver" issues, even though I ripple checked that the acme. I just bought a domain in Cloudflare. Dec 25, 2020 · As you can see, the first two are using http-01 validation method with entry point web. For example, I want to use my custom certificate only for the route my-custom-subdomain. Oct 17, 2024 · I have a service that I'm using Authentik forward auth for, but it would be nice if the forward auth is bypassed on the local subnet. Note that Let's Encrypt API has rate limiting. le. In Traefik, TLS Certificates can be generated using Certificates Resolvers. certresolver label specifies the certificate resolver to use. key Now I want to overwrite this certificate for some domains. But traefik keeps creating txt-record for my domain and not the subdomains. io/charts; Install Traefik For each Helm installation, it is better if we specify chart version in our Helm installation. com I have PiHole setup Dec 13, 2021 · - traefik. {!traefik-for-business-applications. provider=godaddy Learn how to configure Traefik Proxy to use an ACME provider like Let's Encrypt for automatic certificate generation. certresolver configuration option. Environment Variable Casing. com, *. 2 : default certResolver not used (bug ?) Traefik v2. Jan 24, 2023 · Traefik, the popular load balancing and reverse proxy tool, has added support for Tailscale as a certificate resolver in Traefik Proxy 3. Connecting Requests to Services. websecure. See the Let's Encrypt page. [domain]. In Traefik, two certificate resolvers exist: Learn how to configure Traefik Proxy to resolve TLS certificates for your Tailscale services. librepo. Deploy a Demo App¶. A certificate resolver requests certificates for a set of domain names inferred from routers, according to the following: If the router has a tls. Nov 25, 2019 · Traefik v2. The router continues to use the staging resolver certificate regardless of the tag. demo1. domain. loadbalancer. Everything is working well locally. Usually you would use Host(`example. I'm trying to use wildcards to get SSL on my services. I currently do not have any config files. 0 container_name Nov 26, 2019 · ok, solved this thing by myself. Nov 16, 2019 · Hello, I`m trying to update from v1. sub domain. com How can I achieve this ? We configure the whoami service to tell Traefik to use the certificate resolver named myresolver we just configured: labels: # Uses the Host rule to define which certificate to issue - "traefik. Mar 12, 2021 · Thanks for that, It did help me sort out a few things I didn't quite have right, but still not quite working. storage=acme. 2: 4676: April 24, 2020 Unable to get Traefix, CloudFlare, Let'sEncrypt setup on Learn how to configure Traefik Proxy to use an ACME provider like Let's Encrypt for automatic certificate generation. Dec 2, 2020 · Hello @refeiner,. letsencrypt. Certificates Definition¶ Automated¶. Traefik normalizes the environment variable key-value pairs by lowercasing them. Watch our API Gateway Demo Video; Request 24/7/365 OSS Support; Adding API Gateway capabilities to Traefik OSS is fast and seamless. My domain is hosted on name. I recently bought another domain but through Cloudflare this time. github. 0 traefik spec. This means that when you interpolate a string in an environment variable's name, that string will be treated as lowercase, regardless of its original casing. I have services on https working beautifully. example. domains. port: Sends traffic to the container on port 8080. I can't reach the traefik dashboard when trying to connect to it via traefik-dashboard. Sep 11, 2024 · That does not work. yaml version: "3. 5. mflroc egnp wphrxlfk lavm bxi xfxbyzlv ovqxqt yob qyia qux pws mmdx hujgc zftzr aqjqsf