Strength and size program pdf This program will build all the muscles of the entire body proportionally. If you can stick with the program, then you'll be stronger than you've ever been, in just a few short weeks. Strength training: The traditional approach Strength training is a popular term for exercises that build muscle by harnessing resistance—that is, an opposing force that muscles must strain against. Do you have good squat technique? If yes, do this program! If no, don’t do this program. If no, do this program. This all-inclusive program also contains a sample nutrition plan, grocery list for eating big on a budget, and some supplement suggestions to take your physique where it's never been before! The Powerlifting and Bodybuilding Hybrid Workout Plan for Strength and Size This intensive 6-week training program combines the best of powerlifting and bodybuilding science to build dense muscle and freak strength. pdf), Text File (. The Built Strong Program is a proven system that combines the best of linear, conjugate, and French contrast methods into a hybrid strength and power development program. How to choose a training frequency that matches your own recovery rate. Sep 15, 2022 · Addeddate 2022-09-15 22:15:33 Identifier 5-days-old-school-mass-gain-program-pete-khatcherian Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2mp0pt2khn Programming Your Assistance Work – Simplest Strength Template – 52 Rest Pause Training - 58 Moving North of Vag - 69 Training 3 Days a Week - 76 Training 2 Days a Week - 77 5/3/1 Full Body Training – 79 5/3/1 and Crossfit - 85 5/3/1 for Beginners - 90 Using Excel – 92 Eating for Size and Strength - 94 5/3/1 FAQ - 99 Feb 19, 2023 · StrengthLog’s 3-Day Bodybuilding Split is a six-week training program for bodybuilders who want to gain muscle and strength, training three times per week. I'm talking about my XXL Strength & Size 12-week, powerlifting-peaking program that will test your limits & push you to your breaking point. Beginner. It is primarily for advanced beginners and intermediate bodybuilders, although anyone can follow it, regardless of training goal or experience. May 26, 2023 · You can find them in your StrengthLog workout tracker, and both programs are completely free. See full list on thisiswhyimfit. This program is designed to build absolute strength – have you perfectly peaked for a powerlifting meet & look damn good doing it. This type of training has successfully prepared almost every type of athlete imaginable, from Olympic weightlifters to soccer players. These are all our free strength training programs. But, if you can get through it, this program will make you brutally strong. Yes! Anyone who is looking to build muscular size and strength will benefit from this program. The workouts are created by fitness experts and come with a free downloadable PDF you can reference when training. Lifters at all levels should be able to see gains after finishing the 5/3/1 program. Build Muscle Mass and Strength with Volume Training. But keep in mind that I’m a size AND strength guy: the training I prefer will always have a component of both. To find your working set of 5 (or 1 for deadlift), most beginners start from the bar and perform warm up sets and keep adding weight until the bar/movement speed slows or form starts to break down (this is your first working set weight). Are you currently 4-6 weeks out from a fight? If yes, don’t do this program. Keep reading to see if this program is Jul 24, 2024 · Workout : Weeks 1 to 4: Weeks 5 to 8: Day 1: Upper-Body Power Day: Barbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 6 reps: 4 sets of 5 reps: Bent-over Barbell Row: 3 sets of 6 reps ThibArmy Strength&Size - Free download as PDF File (. Free 2 Weeks in the Strength and SIze Program (6 Day) - Free download as PDF File (. administer, program, and plan strength training and conditioning activities, from those who can supervise and implement a program or plan. html Main Goal: Build Muscle Training Level: Advanced Cut Like Cutler is a program designed to you get bigger and stronger through a 6 cycle, 12 week training curriculum. For this program you will see percentage based work for the lifts where you’re likely to have a one rep max. In this program, you train thrice weekly, rotating between three different full-body workout days. . Our workouts database has hundreds of free workout plans designed for building muscle. Jan 7, 2020 · Occupation: Strength coach, author of "The Poliquin Principles" and "Arm Size & Strength: The Ultimate Guide" A lot of trainees I talk to want to be stronger and look stronger—in that order. I’ve also included a free PDF download that covers each of the 32 workouts in this 8 week program. If yes, keep reading and do this program. Split training stimulates muscle growth and increases strength. You will train on a 4 day split routine, resting on Wednesdays and the weekends. When you first start lifting, you may have enough muscle to squat 300lbs already, but you can only squat 135 because your nervous system doesn’t “understand” the lift yet; you haven’t built that proficiency. It works so well that it has been used continually for Feb 12, 2018 · How to identify your strength specific workload capacity in order to determine the right amount of sets for your workouts. I've put together a great free strength training program that will allow you to set new PRs in just 7 weeks. 4K Reads 53 Comments Jan 8, 2022 · 8-Week Strength Training Program for the MMA Athlete Weeks 1-4. Workouts are split between chest/back/shoulders, legs, and arms done twice Mar 7, 2024 · This program is not related to the famous German Volume Training (GVT). PHAT Program May 16, 2022 · Check Pages 1-50 of Upper Lower Strength and Size Program in the flip PDF version. Endurance training increases aerobic capacity and promotes cardiovascular health. Charles (@strengthsensei) is one of the best known strength coaches in the world. In most cases, you’ll be doing two or three strength training workouts per week, alternating between the three workouts we’ve written (Workouts A, B, and C). Studies show that muscle protein synthesis (MPS) is elevated 2-3 days after training a specific muscle group. Day 1. Training Programs; Nutrition Plans; SPONSORS. 1 A Comparison Between Total Body and Split Routine Resistance Training Programs in Trained Men – Journal Strength of Conditioning Research This document outlines a 6-day strength training program divided into 3 weekly cycles. 10 WEEK MASS BUILDING PROGRAM This workout is designed to increase your muscle mass as much as possible in 10 weeks. The bad news is that it's hard, like really hard. Just finished a "transition" period with 531 BBB + FSL concurrent training but I'm ready to go all in with an actual hypertrophy program and then this pops up. Written by Sport Scientist Drew Griffiths (BSc, MSc); Boxing is an amazing sport and hats off to anyone who is brave enough to step into the ring and compete – there’s too many opinionated armchair fans. Con : Dividing your efforts in service of two different goals simultaneously will dampen Sep 11, 2022 · This 4 day strength training program will cover the most important aspects of a great strength program to maximize your time in the gym. Either of them is a good option for a beginner hypertrophy program, and you can come back here after gaining a few months of training experience. I highly recommend you work up to a one rep max for these lifts, if you don’t have a recent 1RM, prior to starting this program. Upper Lower Strength and Size Program was published by Pritesh Chalisé on 2022-05-16. 99. So, is powerbuilding workouts the fastest way to gain more muscle size and strength? The truth is there’s no magic formula to making gains. txt) or read online for free. CALL TO ORDER: 888-4-ATHLEANX (888-428-4532) Jan 12, 2025 · A 4-rep set can induce muscle hypertrophy and contribute to strength also. The good news is that you've come to the right place. It’s far superior to pick a weight where you miss the heavy sets of 5 this week, but get stronger and crush it next week. Related: The 5 Best Workout Splits For Strength & Gain with PDF Dec 15, 2021 · JEFF NIPPARD’S - UPPER/LOWER SIZE AND STRENGTH PROGRAM 6 Jeff is a professional drug-free bodybuilder and powerlifter. 0 4x/Week Upper-Lower Split Strength Focus Assessment Notes Text Text Program Notes: Text 1,046 94 104KB Read more Upper and Lower Motor Neuron Dec 7, 2021 · g this then you want to get strong. Jun 13, 2020 · Training Frequency. 506. 15 TABLE 2. The document outlines a 4-week strength and size training program with a schedule detailing different exercises for each day. Curious your thoughts on if doing this program just once a week adding another set (3×5) and maybe like skull crusher and shoulder press to the accessory lifts. Research has shown that athletes who strength train on a periodized training program, designed to strategically peak them for the demands of the football season, perform better on the field AND reduce their risk of getting injured (1, 4). I’ve designed this specific routine for people looking for a simple, time-efficient, and effective training program to build size, strength, and aesthetics. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Last updated 8th January 202 5. Program Duration: 12 Weeks Days Per Week: 3 Day Time Per Workout: 30-45 Mins Equipment: Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells, Machines Target Gender: Male & Female Nov 23, 2023 · Program Goals: increase muscle mass, conditioning, and strength (in order of priority) Schedule: written in 4 day cycles to be done with optional rest days between ; Workouts: 3 days of pure lifting + WOD with 1 day of pure cardio per cycle ; Easy to add in extra cardio or lifting between cycles as desired May 13, 2023 · 8 Week Hybrid Strength and Endurance Training Plan: Week 3. Target Gender: Male and Oct 21, 2022 · Our intense 12 Week Muscle Building Program (with PDF) will put you on the right path for building and shaping your muscles. Name Program 1. Aug 14, 2024 · Weight Load: Starting Strength doesn’t calculate 1RM. season, making strength training an essential component to proper football preparation. This program utilizes training techniques intended to both increase strength and elicit muscle growth, this is going to help you get stronger and look stronger at the same time. This full body workout plan is actually two complete total body workouts that you can follow as a 30 day full body program to build strength and muscle mass. Under this program also, you are not needed to add up any modifications. Recovery is included on day 7 with stretching. Workout 1 The 12 week strength and fat loss program consists of a 4 day per week split with deadlifts, squats, bench press and overhead press as the main lifts. Through his science- based Youtube channel which has gathered an audience of millions of subscribers, Jeff aims to share the knowledge he has gathered through university education and field experience with others who are passionate about the science behind building muscle Nov 6, 2016 · “If you’re 80% good and 20% terrible, you can’t expect to have 100% results. If you’re experiencing a strength plateau when lifting, this program could help you demolish it. I really wanted to take a break from strength programs and run hypertrophy for a while, but always felt like it was a waste to do hypertrophy on a cut. strength and power exercises should be included when designing a program to reduce the risk of injury for the shoulder complex, knee joint, and hip adductors (1,2). Each day focuses on different compound and isolation exercises targeting major muscle groups. I’m bringing forth a new and improved version here after being frustrated […] 2 Strength Poer and Seed Program Design Type “how to get strong” into Google and you’ll be hit with millions of templated programs claiming to get you jacked in 30 days. Each week lifters alternate between rep work and heavy sets. Suggested Program Duration: 12-16 Weeks; Routine Type: Upper Lower Split; Sessions/Week: Five (Three upper body and two lower body workouts) Duration/Session: 60-90 minutes; Workout Type: Resistance Training; Program Goal: Increase strength and lean mass and shape your physique. Our 12-week program introduces 3 cutting-edge microcycles and a May 13, 2023 · 8 Week Hybrid Strength and Endurance Training Plan: Week 3. Man, what perfect timing. So, no excuse if you want to achieve your best physique. In this article, I’ve shared an ultimate weekly 4x week split routine that can help increase strength and promote muscle growth. 2–3x/week. Muscle Size program is for those who want to gain muscle without getting fat in this program you will train 5 times a week we will do heavy weight training where we will activate the fast twitch muscle fiber which is the important muscle fiber to gain size along with size we will build our strength as well we will do 5 sets of every exercise and 5 reps of every set means muscle size 5×5 5 Hepburn was of the opinion that single rep training leads to the fastest strength gains. 9K Reads 11 Comments Dec 6, 2023 · Powerlifting is a strength training program that helps enhance lifting ability and put on mass. Beginner Barbell Workout Plan. It involves supersetting exercises (performing one exercise back-to-back with another with little rest) to target multiple muscle groups at once. Don’t over-analyze the program and follow it as it has been recommended by Hepburn. Upper Lower Size and Strength Program; Upper Lower Size and Strength Program. Build up to a new 1RM in just 8-9 weeks! This program is designed to strip away the complexity and hone in on the essential elements of a world-class deadlift program. To get the most out of this program you need to be eating BIG. Jun 7, 2023 · Here are the important benefits of doing endurance and strength workouts together: Strength training helps bolster muscles and increase their size. strength and power over the years. Dec 5, 2023 · JEFF NIPPARD’S - UPPER/LOWER SIZE AND STRENGTH PROGRAM 3 DISCLAIMER All documents included or exchanged between Jeff Nippard and the Client are the intellectual property of STRCNG Incorporated and are not to be copied, sold, published, posted, or redistributed either in part or in full without my written consent. It is inspired by Dorian Yates’s training, which involves performing one set per exercise with maximum effort. Please Note: This 8 week program for muscle building will be challenging and requires consistency. The program works each muscle group hard once per week using mostly heavy compound exercises. But, let me be clear - this is no walk in the park. But if you put max effort into any program, you can expect some sort of results. Sets-Lower Reps for strength (3-5) To Failure-Higher Reps for size (8-15) Past Failure-One Heavy setSplit-2 day split for strength-4 day split for sizeSlow o Oct 29, 2021 · Workout Program Description About Program. SIZE AND STRENGTH PROGRAM. SHORTCUT TO SIZE The 12-week program I am about to take you through is based on one of the oldest, tried and true methods for gaining strength and muscle. Each routine includes 7-8 exercises performed for 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions, with 90 seconds to 2 minutes of rest between sets. Exercises are prescribed in sets and reps with notes on weight/resistance percentages based on 1 rep max for main lifts. Rest-pause set, drop sets, and negatives will kick your muscle gains into high gear! Jun 28, 2022 · We’re proud to announce our ultimate 12 week CrossFit Program that is designed to improve your cardiorespiratory capacity, stamina, endurance, and strength. This program also makes that use of duality in training styles just like that of Program A. This document contains a multi-week workout program consisting of upper body, lower body, and full body routines. There are many ways to strength train and I don’t claim to know everything, but the programs in this manual are the best methods I have found to maximize results. shown that strength, power, speed, agility, fitness and body size are all important attributes for the performance of a player (7). 1a Front Squats 3x5; 1b Broad Jump 3x5; 2a Bench Press 3x5; 2b Med Ball Chest Throw 3x5; 3 Barbell Row 3x8 Free Strength Training Programs. Having strong muscles helps improve your athletic performance and minimize the risk of injuries. So even during an accumulation phase, maybe 1/3rd of the workload will have an above-average neurological component to keep improving strength and performance while building muscle mass. Each week alternates between higher reps and lower reps. A strength program should build you up, not beat you down. He has trained elite athletes from nearly 20 different sports, including Olympic gold medalists, NFL … Continue reading "Charles Poliquin – His Cooking for hormone balance: a proven, practical program with over 125 easy, delicious recipes to boost energy and mood, lower inflammation, gain strength, and restore a healthy weight Pages 2018 Most of the strength gains you make on a beginner’s program come from neurological improvements – your nervous system learning the lifts you’re performing. So, you can download it if you like to use it offline. Some have specific goals (like increasing your bench press strength), while others are general resistance training programs that will both increase your strength and build muscle. com/ workouts/10-week-mass-building-program. txt) or view presentation slides online. Hope this makes sense. JEFF NIPPARD’S. To maximize MPS, each muscle group will be trained once every 3-4 days in the size and strength training program. Apr 12, 2016 · Boxing Strength & Conditioning Program pdf. May 8, 2023 · The 6 day PPL program known as the “Reddit PPL” or “Metallicadpa PPL” is a great workout routine for those looking to increase strength and gain size. Proper Nov 23, 2023 · Program Goals: increase muscle mass, conditioning, and strength (in order of priority) Schedule: written in 4 day cycles to be done with optional rest days between ; Workouts: 3 days of pure lifting + WOD with 1 day of pure cardio per cycle ; Easy to add in extra cardio or lifting between cycles as desired Nov 20, 2024 · Pro: Powerbuilding splits let you develop both muscular strength and size while running the same program. Download Upper Lower Strength and Size Program PDF for free. This is a 12-week powerlifting program for building muscle size and strength. Oct 3, 2022 · I’ve also shared a PDF file of this workout schedule. Strength Programs for: Youth Athletes Middle School Athletes High School Athletes Athletes New to Strength Training of Any Age … and a whole lot more. Aug 9, 2022 · This combination will provide the environment needed for your muscles to both get stronger and grow in size. Due to year-round swim meets for club and high school swimmers, implementing a periodized strength and conditioning program may be difficult. The number of Apr 10, 2019 · Powerbuilding: Fastest Way to Gain More Size and Strength. Use the filters below to find the best workout for your goal, training experience and equipment access. Strong in 8’s five-day training split has you working each major muscle group only once a week: chest on Day 1, shoulders on Day 2, back on Day 3, arms on Day 4, legs on Day 5. Optimal Split for Strength Gains. 0 program, which provides a ton of interactive content to build your size and strength over a 10-week process. The physical demands of rugby are complex, and the concurrent improvements in the above mentioned performance indicators require a carefully planned conditioning program (10). The PPL split allows you to train each muscle twice a week and helps increase strength and size over time, as shown in a study published by Sports Medicine. This program is for all fitness levels and abilities – beginners or advanced individuals alike. The program utilizes a 5×5 rep-sets scheme on the main lifts to build foundational strength. As much as I love connecting on social media, I am not able to reliably respond to the questions I receive across platforms so please direct any questions to the email above. 5/3/1 got me into the 1000 lb club, so I'm expecting this book and its routines to help me go farther. However, weights and specific conditioning exercises can make a big difference and give you the edge – if you utilise the gym correctly. The focus will be on heavy volume training to get stronger and build muscle, fast! This means, a lot of sets, a lot of reps, and a lot of work. If you’re looking for a little more focus on lower body or glutes, you can check out my Women’s Specialization Program or Glute Hypertrophy Program. com Jun 27, 2023 · If you’re looking for an easy-to-follow and effective 4 day upper lower split routine for strength and muscle building, you’ve come to the right place. For customer support please email info@strcng. With Built Strong, you can expect to transform your body, develop freakish strength, and maintain the athleticism that sets you apart from the competition. These generic strength programs work until they don’t. It would be simpler to use a rep range where strength and hypertrophy overlaps, like 3-8. This manual jeff nippard’s - upper/lower size and strength program 4 table of contents disclaimer 3 about me 6 key terms 8 about this program 10 anatomy 13 frequently asked questions 24 warm up 29 upper/lower size and strength program 32 weak point exercises table 59 program explained 60 training variables 68 exercise substitutions 74 exercise videos 79 references 83 about me jeff is a professional drug Nov 22, 2024 · This 8-week plan is a full-body program designed for beginners and intermediates aiming to build muscle strength and size. The knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to design a strength training and conditioning program require a higher level of knowledge than is covered in this manual. While other programs periodize hypertrophy and strength training, they can certainly be combined when done Specifically, the performance programs use the most exercises in the speed and power category and the fewest in the size category, whereas the muscle programs reverse that pattern. JEFF NIPPARD’S - UPPER/LOWER SIZE AND STRENGTH PROGRAM 19 LATS: ORIGIN: : Illiac crest and thoracolumnar fascia INSERTION: Humerus EXERCISES: Lat pulldown, Pendlay row/bent over row, wide-grip pull- up, cable close grip row, machine chest-supported row w/ band, seated T-bar row, neutral-grip pull- up, eccentric-accentuated cable row, banded Hey again, finally got to this routine and I love the layout and ability to achieve the higher weight and because of the low 2×5 sets. Works each muscle group hard once per week using mostly heavy compound exercises. Aug 23, 2023 · This 4-day program will help intermediate and advanced trainees gain size and strength. Do you want to put some extra muscle on your lower body? If yes, keep reading and do this program. The primary goal of this program is to maximize muscle hypertrophy and strength development for individuals in the intermediate-advanced stage of training advancement. Strength training is sometimes called resistance training, progressive resistance training, or weight training. A lot of times in strength training hypertrophy is overlooked, which is where a lot of powerlifting programs fall short. It comes at a price though: It is super simple. Program Duration: 12 Weeks Days Per Week: 3 Day Time Per Workout: 30-45 Mins Equipment: Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells, Machines Target Gender: Male & Female Athlean x BUILT for Size - Free download as PDF File (. Customize free spreadsheets for powerlifting, bodybuilding, general strength, running, and more. Program Structure. UPPER LOWER JEFF NIPPARD’S SIZE AND STRENGTH PROGRAM UPPER LOWER JEFF NIPPARD’S SIZE AND STRENGTH PROGRAM DISCLAIMER All documents included or exchanged between Jeff Nippard and the Client are the intellectual property of STRCNG Incorporated and are not to be copied, sold, published, posted, or redistributed either in part or in full without my written consent. Look strong naked! Dec 1, 2015 · PDF | Increases in muscle size and strength are influenced by the mechanical It is the authors' hope that this review emphasizes the importance of strength and conditioning programs being Nov 11, 2024 · The other difference is that the full-body workout routine helps you boost strength and endurance, burn more calories, and aid in weight loss. PROGRAMS. 1 Schoenfeld BJ, Ogborn D, Krieger JW. muscleandstrength. Accessory exercises are done in supersets for higher intensity to promote muscle growth and fat loss. 1 Program Comparison: Pulling Exercises Performance program 1: workout A—pulling Muscle program 1: workout A—pulling Performance and muscle program 1: workout A— pulling SPEED STRENGTH SPEED SIZE AND STRENGTH PROGRAM. The Long Cycle program uses auto-regulation, allowing a lifter to progress on each exercise at a natural rate, while also maximizing muscle mass and strength gains. Lift Vault helps you get stronger by working smarter. My Squat Jan 7, 2020 · Occupation: Strength coach, author of "The Poliquin Principles" and "Arm Size & Strength: The Ultimate Guide" A lot of trainees I talk to want to be stronger and look stronger—in that order. Sep 27, 2009 · This workout is designed to increase your muscle mass as much as possible in 10 weeks. Strength for BJJ comes down mainly to: Specific Core Strength; Neck Download 5/3/1 Forever Simple and Effective Programming for Size, Speed, and Strength PDF Description Although the writing in this book can be confusing at times, it is full of great programming that has helped me progress in lifting. Jun 16, 2021 · However, it was the 6 day push pull legs split that helped me gain strength and mass. This program is designed to help strength athletes add 10-30 lbs to their squats over an 8 week period. 6. Yes, some workout programs are better than others. If you want the program to deliver the goods you have to put blinders on and keep plugging away for 12 weeks. Training programs that aren’t matched to your client’s goals, function, and capabilities will inevitably 1-6 for strength and 6-12+ for hypertrophy 5-30 rep range show similar level of hypertrophy, although the upper limit is still a point of contention. Aug 23, 2013 · This training program is designed around a four day training week with a split that alternates the assistance work every other week but the main compound lifts are trained following a weekly progression over a 16 week training cycle. 4X PER WEEK. LOWER. The principles are based on both old school strength training methods, as well as higher volume bodybuilding methods of the pumping iron era. Besides powerlifters, athletes, bodybuilders, strongmen, and typical fitness enthusiasts who want to increase their strength, develop muscle mass, and improve body composition can try this 6-week powerlifting training. Find more similar flip PDFs like Upper Lower Strength and Size Program. Link to Workout: https://www. I've never seen strength to hypertrophy ratio breakdown. Several different spreadsheets have been created for this program, which I go into a bit below. The Old School Strength and Size Program is Peter Khatcherians go to training system for adding massive amounts of muscle and strength for intermediate and advanced lifters. UPPER. The document describes a 4-week "Superman Training Program" that aims to build muscle, gain strength, and burn fat. MacroFactor Diet App; Mass The program also includes supplemental accessory exercises to balance the physique and prevent injury. They don't want to look like some over inflated balloon ready to either pop or float away. Each week increases the weight and decreases the reps of the main lifts up to a peak strength week 7. Jamal Browner’s 2-Day Deadlifting Program: Deadlift 1,000+ Lbs. A traditional 5×5 workout program is designed to train 3 big lifts: squat, bench, and deadlift. We’ve designed this six-week strength gain training program to include three full-body, bodyweight-only workouts (along with progressions for each). Mar 6, 2024 · A runner-up to this program is Jeff Nippard’s Powerbuilding Phase 3. Do powerbuilding programs work? Powerbuilding programs combine maximal strength training with accessory work to build muscle. There is no doubt to be had, and no possible way this program will not deliver. Aug 9, 2019 · This article includes a BJJ Workout program & a BJJ body weight workout in the form of a circuit that can be done at home or at the gym. About The Author Joseph Lucero is a Strength Coach and Author and owns Harvesting Strength LLC . ” – Charles Poliquin Charles Poliquin is back for another round of the podcast. In our era of “bright and shiny objects“, it will even seem boring. Jun 5, 2020 · FB Strength Manual 2020 (PDF) Having trouble viewing this document? Install the latest free Adobe Acrobat Reader and use the download link below. The program has been thoughtfully composed through years of personal experimentation, consulting the research, and learning from experts along the way. Each session seamlessly integrates multi-joint compound lifts with isolation exercises, maximizing gains in strength and muscle size. sjxtqqrhkuddefahhpoyhiatmlvrojmjhmvknarririeiwkykmfszvwcicfsrjnuvnbueiw