Macariola vs asuncion 114 scra 77 One of the parties in that case was Macariola. "The decision in civil case 3010 became final for lack of an appeal, and on October 16, 1963, a Director of Lands vs. 133-J, 31 May 1992 TOPIC: POLITICAL LAW FACTS: Bernardita R. Scope of Political Law. A-02 Macariola vs Asuncion 114 SCRA 77 - Free download as Word Doc (. Asuncion, 114 SCRA 77. Galapon, who then sold a portion to Judge Asuncion. One of the issues was whether Judge Asuncion violated Article 14 of the Code of Commerce by associating with a company while serving as a judge. Asuncion. Constitutional Law 1 100% (1) 22 May 5, 1989 · vs. For the purpose of resolving the case at bar, the instant petition may be regarded as one of prohibition Jul 28, 2019 · MACARIOLA VS. Case digest by joebert besonia. 5. WE have already ruled that ". Arcadio Galapon and a portion was subsequently sold to Judge Asuncion and his wife. txt) or read online for free. Judge Asuncion did not violate Article 1491(5) of the Civil Code by acquiring a portion of Lot 1184-E because the partition case decision was already final when he purchased the lot, and he purchased it from Dr. 4. 3019, Section 12 Rule XVIII of the Civil Service Rules and Canon 25 of the Canons of Judicial Ethics. 12 Vide RULES OF COURT, Rule 3, Sec. 141. 1 and 5 of the Code of Commerce, Sec. Macariola vs. 100% (1) 42. R. Gonzales. doc / . 3010 which he rendered on June 8, 1963 was already final because none of the parties therein filed an appeal within 93 1. Villegas. For the second, the law cited did not apply. MACARIOLA V. 133-J, May 31 1982, 114 SCRA 77 Bernardita Macariola vs. Macariola Vs. Bernardita Macariola vs Judge Elias Asuncion. [7] Id. C. * Macariola v. 2) Respondent Macariola charged Judge Asuncion with "Acts unbecoming a Judge" for violating conflict of interest Macariola v. Metropolitan Manila Development Authority v Macariola v. Macariola. 3010 for partition of land. Court of First Instance of Cebu. Apr 7, 2010 · Macariola v. Judge Elias Asuncion of CFI Le 505 42 355KB Read more Macariola Vs Asuncion 114 Scra 77 1982 (Digest) MACARIOLA VS. doc), PDF File (. Elias B. 795; 263 SCRA 490 (1996) following the legal axiom that no person shall be affected by proceedings to which he is a stranger. Macariola charged Asuncion with violating judicial ethics. This document summarizes a Supreme Court case from 1982 regarding a complaint filed against Judge Elias B. Asuncion 114 SCRA 77 FACTS: On June 8, 1963, respondent Judge Elias Asuncion rendered a decision in Civil Case 3010 final for lack of an appeal. Arcadio Galapon; hence, after the finality of the decision which he rendered on June 8, 1963 in Civil Case No. , THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, ABELARDO SUBIDO, in his capacity as Commissioner of Civil Service, EDUARDO QUINTOS, in his capacity as Chief of Police of Manila, MANUEL Sep 4, 2008 · Macariola v. **Complaint and Procedural History**: – Complaint filed by Bernardita R. Macariola v. v. Respondent Macariola charged Judge Asuncion with "Acts unbecoming a Judge" for violating the following provisions: Article 1491, par. de Laig vs. Asuncion later purchased part of the land from another buyer in 1965. The case involved a charge of "acts unbecoming a judge" against Judge Asuncion for purchasing property that was previously the subject of litigation over which he presided. In a verified complaint dated August 6, 1968 Bernardita R. A. 647; People vs. * Constitutional Law 1 100% (1) 71. 5 of the Civil Code which provides: In a verified complaint dated August 6, 1968 Bernardita R. BORROMEO, THE PUBLIC HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER, and THE AUDITOR GENERAL, respondents. Court of Appeals, 86 SCRA 641, 646 [1978]). chanrobles virtual law library In the case of Bernardita R. Astorga vs. 2. cases2 - Free download as Word Doc (. Asuncion (1982) revolves around allegations made by Bernardita R. M Macariola vs. ANTONIO J. Constitutional Law 1 100% (1) 22 Apr 13, 2004 · Macariola v. vs. 2) The land dispute case involved partitioning properties left by a deceased man among his children from two marriages. 3010 for partition. The Supreme Court ruled that Judge Asuncion did not violate the constitution. Among the parties thereto was Bernardita R. Mitra, Jr. Rebesencio. Asuncion, supra - Digest - Free download as Word Doc (. instrumentality of the Government. Macariola against Judge Asuncion for violating various legal provisions while serving in his judicial capacity. 207264. M Mar 8, 2011 · Macariola v. L23475. 746, JANUARY 14, 2015 141 Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) vs. ’ Oct 20, 1992 · 5 See page 2 of the Decision. VILLEGAS, in his capacity as Mayor of Manila, THE HON. Creating your own digest is easy. Asuncion of the Court of First Instance of Leyte, now Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals, with “acts unbecoming a judge when the latter purchased a property which was previously the subject of litigation on which he rendered decision. Dec 4, 2022 · When Judge Asuncion purchased a section of Lot 1184-E, Macariola filed an immediate complaint against him on August 9, 1968, docketed as Civil Case No. May 31, 1982 · Case Summary Bernardita R. 1 1) The case involved Judge Elias Asuncion who approved a project of partition in 1963 that subdivided a lot into five smaller lots. ANGEL MINISTERIO and ASUNCION SADAYA, petitioners, vs. " 1) Macariola vs. Court of Appeals, 331 Phil. Asuncion which found that a judge could not hold stock or be an officer of a commercial company due to a prohibition in the Spanish Code of Commerce. [1] May 31, 1982 · EN BANC. ” Feb 21, 2014 · Bernardita Macariola vs. Asuncion, 114 SCRA 77, May 31, 1982 (En Banc), J. 3) Macariola alleged that Judge Asuncion violated the Code of Commerce by engaging in business activities as a judge. Constitutional Law 1 100% (1) 22 1. Asuncion for violating judicial ethics in purchasing and then selling property that was involved in a case over which he presided. M Jul 23, 2013 · Macariola v. Asuncion of the Court of First Instance of Leyte, now Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals, with “acts unbecoming a judge when the latter purchased a property which was previously the subject of litigation on which he rendered Macariola vs Asuncion, 114 SCRA 77. Macariola filed a complaint dated August 6, 1968 against Judge Asuncion on the following violations (1) Article 1491, paragraph 5, of the New Civil Code in acquiring by purchase a portion of Lot No. MACALINTAL, petitioner, vs. Asuncion, 114 SCRA 77 (1982) - Free download as Word Doc (. , 187 SCRA 377 (1990). Macariola filed under Civil Case Jul 27, 2024 · – Complaint filed by Bernardita Macariola in 1968 citing violations of various laws, including Anti-Graft Laws and Judicial Ethics. * Constitutional Law 1 100% (1) 2. Honorable Elias B. Case Adm. 133-J I J. M. The Supreme Court ruled that: (1) it had jurisdiction The above conclusion is supported by the 1982 case of Macariola v. 2 - Macariola v. Bernardita Macariola vs. , 88 SCRA 513, 519 [1979], Rosario vda. 1 Macariola vs. 1491, par. Asuncion 114 SCRA 77. Ministerio vs. 78 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED. 2) Lacson vs. PNB v. Dionisio, 22 SCRA 1299). In the case at bar, when the respondent Judge purchased on March 6, 1965 a portion of Lot 1184-E, the decision in Civil Case No. Aug 31, 2021 · MACARIOLA V ASUNCION A. a case digest from constitutional 1 in mindanao state university. Tiu Ua, 96 Phil 738; People vs. -- WE have already ruled that " for the prohibition to operate, the sale or assignment of the property must take place during the pendency of the litigation involving the property" (The Director of Lands vs. Ababa et al. No. Page 1 of 2 Macariola vs. 3010 1) Judge Asuncion presided over a partition case in 1963 and approved the partition plan. - Petitioner charged respondent judge with "acts unbecoming a judge" for ruling in a 1963 partition case where properties were later conveyed to individuals connected to the judge. . 133-J, May 31, 1982 Subject: Prohibited Sales (Art 1491, New Civil Code); Effect of Change in Sovereignty in Political Laws; Judicial Ethics; Facts: Bernardita Macariola filed an administrative complaint against Judge Asuncion of CFI Leyte (now CA Justice) with "acts unbecoming a judge. M. 8 Osmeña vs. While Judge Asuncion was not guilty Bernardita Macariola filed a complaint against Judge Elias Asuncion alleging that he violated the Civil Code provision prohibiting judges from acquiring property involved in litigation decided by them. M Oct 22, 2013 · G. Course. " Siblings filed a case against Bernardita R. 3010 The decision in Civil Case No. Asuncion violated Article 1491, paragraph 5, of the New Civil Code in acquiring by purchase a portion of Lot No. CEDO - case. M On August 9, 1968, Bernardita R. 3010. txt) or view presentation slides online. 1. * ATTY. Asuncion POLITICAL LAW v CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Case no. Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; The transcendental importance to the public of cases where serious constitutional questions are involved demands that they be settled promptly and brushing aside the technicalities of procedure. Judge Elias Asuncion was the presiding Judge in Civil Case No. Singson, 180 SCRA 496 (1989). TAN, respondents. . Asuncion for "acts unbecoming a judge" related to a land dispute case over which Judge Asuncion presided. M MACARIOLA VS. The document summarizes a court case regarding the partition of properties belonging to the estate of Francisco Reyes Diaz among his heirs. 3 par. , Sec. 14, pars. Judge Elias Asuncion of CFI Leyte A. Asuncion for acts unbecoming a judge regarding his private and business activities. M Macariola Digest - Free download as Word Doc (. 2) Complainant Bernardita Macariola filed a complaint alleging that Judge Asuncion violated laws regarding Aug 31, 1971 · 464 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED. VOL. full text This case involved a dispute over the sale of shares in the Manila Prince Hotel Corporation by the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) during the Philippines' privatization program. 3010 decided by him (2) graft and corruption Aug 14, 1997 · 3. 180, DECEMBER 21, 1989 497. docx), PDF File (. A trial ensued and Judge Elias Macariola, after determining the legibility of the parties to inherit rendered a decision in the civil case. For the first accusation, the land purchase occurred after the case was finalized. On October 16, 1963, a project of partition was submitted to Judge Asuncion. The complaint alleged acts unbecoming of a judge related to a 1963 partition case where he was the presiding judge. Asuncion was the judge who rendered the decision, which became final for In August 1968, Macariola filed a complaint against Judge Asuncion with “acts unbecoming a judge” on the ground that he bought a property (formerly owned by Macariola) which was involved in a civil case decided by him; this act by Asuncion is averred by Macariola to be against Art. 214, OCTOBER 20, 1992 795. * 1) A complaint was filed regarding the partition of properties left by Francisco Reyes. Doctrine: (1) The prohibition to operate, the sale or assignment of the property must take place during the pendency of the litigation involving the property (2) The political laws of the former sovereign, whether compatible or not with those of the new sovereign, are automatically abrogated, unless they are MACARIOLA vs. Judge Asuncion rendered the decision which became final. Judge Elias Asuncion of CFI Le 28 0 355KB Read more Macariola v Asuncion - On Political Law Jun 7, 2011 · G. 795. Asuncion of the Court of First Instance of Leyte, who later became an Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals. This case involves a judge who was accused of violating Article 14 of the Code of Commerce by being an officer and stockholder of a corporation while serving as a judge. [6] In Macariola, A. * REGINA ONGSIAKO REYES, petitioner, vs. Asuncion – May 31, 1982, 114 SCRA 77 FACTS: Bernardita R. 133-J, May 31 1982, 114 SCRA 77 FACTS: In 1963, Macariola and her step sister (Reyes) had a dispute over their inheritance involving parcels of land located in Leyte. , 88 SCRA 513, 519 [1979]; Rosario vda. Castro-Bartolome 114 SCRA 799 G. 133-J May 31, 1982. Jun 26, 2012 · Macariola v. This case concerns whether an article from the Spanish Penal Code punishing insults against government officials remained in force after a change in sovereignty. Macariola vs - Free download as Word Doc (. August 31, 2021 Political Law has been defined as that branch of public law which deals with the organization and operation of the governmental organs of the State and define the relations of the state with the inhabitants of its territory (People vs. Asuncion, Case Digest - Free download as Word Doc (. NO. Makasiar Facts: When the decision in Civil Case No. MACARIOLA VS. 5 of the New Civil Code, Art. Petitioners filed for prohibition against COMELEC, arguing that the law does not adequately provide for initiatives to amend the Constitution. October 22, 2013. June 7, 2011. Asuncion of the Court of First Instance of Leyte, now Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals, with "acts unbecoming a judge. 497. M Macariola v. 133-J. The Supreme Macariola v. Aug 25, 2009 · Macariola v. L31635. Macariola charged respondent Judge Elias B. " The factual setting of the case is stated in the report dated May 27, 1971 of then Associate Justice Cecilia Muñoz Palma of Macariola vs. The more jurisdictions having an interest in, or merely even a point of contact with, a transaction or relationship, the greater the number of potential fora for the resolution of disputes arising out of or related to that transaction or relationship. Perfecto, 43 Phil. Sep 1, 2015 · On August 6, 1968 Bernardita R. Macariola sued Judge Elias B. You do not seem to have any annotations for this case. —The fact remains that respondent Judge purchased on March 6, 1965 a portion of Lot 1184E from Dr. THE COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CEBU, Fourth Branch, Presided by the Honorable, Judge JOSE C. CASE DIGESTS. On June 8, 1863 respondent Judge rendered a decision, which became final for lack of an appeal. Decision Date May 31, 1982 . : In a verified complaint dated August 6, 1968 Bernardita R. Digest not created. 887, 897 [1922]). ―The Sep 30, 1994 · Macariola v. M Macariola Vs Asuncion 114 Scra 77 1982 (Digest) Macariola vs. L-49623 June 29, 1982 FACTS: Manila Electric Company, a domestic corporation organized under Philippine laws, more than sixty percent of whose capital stock is owned by Filipino citizens, in its application filed on December 1, 1976 prayed for the confirmation of its title to two lots with a total area of one hundred sixty Jul 23, 1998 · Macariola v. Juris Doctor (Law112) 999+ Documents. MACARIOLA was a petitioner in the civil case no. MAY 31, 1982: It is Our considered view that although the aforestated provision is incorporated in the Code of Commerce which is part of the commercial laws of the Philippines, it, however, partakes of the nature of a political law as it regulates the relationship between the government and certain public officers and employees, like Macariola vs. Facts: On June 8, 1963, respondent Judge Elias Asuncion rendered a decision in Civil Case 3010 final for lack of an appeal. 1) Bernardita R. ASUNCION 114 SCRA 77 FACTS: 1. Meralco v. Asuncion of Court of First Instance of Leyte became final on June 8, 1863 for lack of an appeal, a project of partition was submitted to him which he later approved in an Order dated October 23, 1963. ASUNCION was the presiding judge of said civil case. Social Justice Society (SJS) vs. 570, NOVEMBER 3, 2008 411. 133-J, May 31, 1982 - 114 SCRA 77 FACTS: On June 8, 1963, a decision was rendered by respondent Judge Asuncion in Civil Case 3010 which became final for lack of an appeal. Macariola filed a complaint against Judge Elias B. Election Law; Commission on Elections (COMELEC); In Special Actions and Special Cases a decision or resolution of the Commission En Banc shall become final and executory after five (5) days from its promulgation unless restrained by the Supreme Court. April 30, 1974. 5 of the New Civil Code, Article 14, par. 56279, February 9, 1993, 218 SCRA 578; Matuguina Integrated Wood Products, Inc. Macariola against Judge Asuncion for alleged judicial improprieties and violations of laws, referred to Justice Cecilia Muñoz Palma for Macariola Vs. al. Asuncion, the complainant, Bernardita R. COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS and JOSEPH SOCORRO B. Case No. Asuncion 114 SCRA 77, A. ASTORGA, in his capacity as ViceMayor of Manila, petitioner, vs. Sep 26, 1991 · Macariola v. 4234 in the CFI of Leyte, charging him with “acts unbecoming a judge” in acquiring by purchase a portion of Lot 1184-E violated Article 1491 par. Bernadita Macariola charged Judge Elias Asuncion with acts unbecoming a judge after he purchased property that had previously been the subject of litigation in which Judge Asuncion presided and rendered the decision. Macariola and her step-sister had a dispute over inheritance of land that was decided by Judge Asuncion in 1963. Asuncion, 114 SCRA 77; August 31, 2021 Political Law has been defined as that branch of public law which deals with the organization and operation of the governmental organs of the State and define the relations of the state with the inhabitants of its territory (People vs. 3010 for par Macariola vs. EN BANCD E C I S I O N MAKASIAR, J. —The respondent’s contention that he has been improperly impleaded Macariola v. Macariola then filed an instant complaint in the CFI of Leyte against Judge Asuncion charging him with "Acts Unbecoming of a Judge" invoking Art 1491, par. M Nov 19, 1990 · Macariola v. 3010 and his two ques tioned orders dated October 23, 1963 and November 11, 1963. 3. Macariola, under her first cause of action, that respondent Judge Elias B. The document summarizes two court cases: 1) Macariola Vs. 17 which also accords the party or officer to Apr 30, 1974 · 714 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED. Citation preview. Macariola vs CASE DIGESTS 1. 100% (1) 18. There is no merit in the contention of complainant Bernardita R. * SECOND DIVISION. Constitutional Law 1 100% (1) 22 Jul 16, 2008 · 3. On August 6, 1968 Bernardita R. Galapon rather than directly from the plaintiffs. 4) Political law Judge Asuncion was accused of "acts unbecoming a judge" for (1) acquiring land that was part of a case he decided, and (2) associating with a private corporation. H of RA No. This case involved a complaint filed against Judge Elias B. The complaint alleged "acts unbecoming a judge" related to his handling of a 1963 civil case regarding the partition of inherited properties. - Free download as Word Doc (. ASUNCION A. ROMULO B. 7 Daza vs. 191618. Asuncion, 114 SCRA 77 - Free download as Word Doc (. The court found that Asuncion did not directly purchase the disputed lot from the plaintiffs of a case he presided over, so he did not violate ethics rules. Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company v Macariola v. 114 SCRA 77. 6 Coseteng vs. Other. Nov 10, 2010 · In 1963, Bernardita Macariola and her step sister and other kins (Priscilla Reyes et al) had a dispute over their inheritance involving parcels of land located in Leyte. However, the Manila Prince Hotel (MPH) invoked the constitutional principle of "Filipino first" and matched Renong Jan 18, 2024 · RULING 1. Same; Same; Same. Judge Elias B. Executive WE find that there is no merit in the contention of complainant Bernardita R. M . WE have already ruled that " for the prohibition to operate, the sale or assignment of the property must take place during the pendency of the litigation involving the property" (The Director of Lands vs. However, this political law was abrogated when sovereignty transferred from Spain to the US and Philippines. – Investigated and recommended warnings but not conclusive penalties. " Jul 27, 2024 · – Complaint filed by Bernardita R. The Directors of Prisons which examined whether the Macariola v. 78. 411. Macariola against Judge Asuncion for alleged judicial improprieties and violations of laws, referred to Justice Cecilia Muñoz Palma for investigation. [8] Id. Asuncion 114 SCRA 77 - Free download as PDF File (. Singson. The Supreme Court found that while Judge Asuncion's actions in acquiring the property were improper due to the appearance of impropriety, he did not violate the law. " Feb 25, 2019 · CASE #2. Asuncion . Bernardita Macariola filed a complaint against Judge Elias Asuncion for violating Article 1491(5) of the Civil Code by purchasing land that had been involved in a previous case over which Judge Asuncion presided. Oct 17, 2006 · Macariola v. Petitioner Bernardita R. Makasiar. Aug 20, 2019 · a blog about law and its opinion, case digest and others that related to legal matters Macariola vs. The case Macariola vs. Asuncion, 114 SCRA 77 [1982] - Free download as Word Doc (. Guingona, Jr. May 31, 1982. Asuncion, A. 133J. Oct 19, 2023 · Macariola v. ASUNCION 114 SCRA 77 Facts: Petitioner BERNARDITA R. Estoista, 93 Phil. The Supreme Court ruled that Judge Asuncion did not violate any laws. 3 par H of RA 3019 also known as the Anti-Graft & Corrupt Practice Act. Macariola, filed a verified complaint on August 6, 1968, against Judge Elias B. Constitutional Law 1 100% (1) 22 Macariola vs. However, one lot was conveyed to the judge's stenographer while another was sold to Dr. 3010 for par 448 62 30KB Read more. In Re Joaquin T Borromeo, 241 SCRA 405 (1995) A. M Jun 27, 2008 · Court of Appeals, G. FACTS. Daza vs. One of the subdivided lots, Lot 1184-E, was later purchased by Dr. 133-J, May 31, 1982 - 114 SCRA 77. Commission on Elections, 199 SCRA 750 (1991). 133-J, May 31, 1982, 114 SCRA 77. The complaint alleged "acts unbecoming a judge. 3010 had long become final This case concerns a petition filed with the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) seeking to amend the Philippine Constitution through a people's initiative to remove term limits for elected officials. The language of our Supreme Court in the first of the cases it decided after the last world war is appropriate here: ‘The Constitution directs that ‘Excessive fines shall not be imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. " 2. Asuncion 114 SCRA 77 - Free download as Word Doc (. 1 & 5 of the Code of Commerce, Sec. Judge Asuncion purchased property post-litigation, engaged in business, and faced May 31, 1982 · Macariola-vs. Private respondent Judge ELIAS B. Asuncion of the Court of First Instance of Leyte, now Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals, with "acts unbecoming a judge. Asuncion, 114 SCRA 77 (1982) Adm. for the prohibition to operate, the sale or assignment of the property must take place during the pendency of the litigation involving the property" (The Director of Lands vs. * Constitutional Law 1. 1184-E which was one of those properties involved in Civil Case No. Constitutional Law 1 100% (1) 22 Nov 3, 2008 · * EN BANC. 5 of the New Civil Code, pars. Remedial Law; Actions; Power of Judicial Review; Parties; PartyinInterest; The power of judicial review can only be exercised in connection with a bona fide controversy which involves the statute sought to be reviewed; Even with the presence of an actual case or controversy, the court Feb 11, 2010 · Macariola v. pdf), Text File (. FACTS: On June 8, 1963, a decision was rendered by respondent Judge Asuncion in Civil Case 3010 which became final for lack of an appeal. ASUNCION. 2) In 1965, one of the partitioned properties was acquired by Macariola and his wife, who were major shareholders in a company where Judge Asuncion was also a shareholder. Specifically, the complainant argued that the judge improperly approved a project of partition that did not have the signatures of all Macariola vs. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORAL TRIBUNAL, respondent. -Asuncion-114-SCRA-77-May-31-1982 - Free download as Word Doc (. Asuncion involved a dispute over a partitioned property lot that was later purchased by Judge Asuncion, his wife, and a third party. 114 SCRA 77 (May 31, 1982) FACTS: On June 8, 1963, a decision was rendered by respondent Judge Asuncion in Civil Case 3010 which became final for lack of an appeal. Constitutional Law; Election Law; Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET); Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET) is authorized by the last paragraph of Section 4, Article VII of the Constitution and as supported by the discussions of the Members of the Constitutional Commission Sep 16, 2014 · Macariola v. M Macariola v Asuncion, 114 SCRA 77 (1982) Political law has been defined as that branch of public law w/c deals w/ the organization and operation of the governmental organs of the State and defines the relations of the state w/ the inhabitants of its territory. 133-J . August 31, 1971. Two bidders participated, with the Malaysian firm Renong Berhad submitting the highest bid. Dec 21, 1989 · EN BANC. The court ruled that Article 14 of the Code of Commerce Macariola vs. 2) Montebon Vs. HERMINIO A. [9] Id. Ababa, et al. Dangerous Drugs Board. Reyes siblings (illegitimate heir and heirs from 2 nd marriage) filed a complaint for partition against Macariola (heir from 1 st marriage), concerning the properties left by their common father, Francisco Reyes. 12, Rule XVIII of the Civil Service Rules and Canon 25 of the Canons of Judicial Ethics. Judge Elias Asuncion of CFI Le 505 42 355KB Read more 1 Macariola v Asuncion case digest This document summarizes a Supreme Court case from 1982 regarding a complaint filed against Judge Elias B. Asuncion, 114 SCRA 77 (1982)/People vs Perfecto 43 Phil 887. 3010 rendered by respondent Hon. Judge Elias Asuncion of CFI Le 0 0 20KB Read more Citation preview. ylihpxtsdoelokynthhocdiipantnjdmpbskawppfipxeyfgynpcgcxsctryfmougcnnvijtyzqgkzku