Lsat pt 88 difficulty The 2nd! Game is a circular sequence game, and then it has 2 5 star difficulty games after that. Was wondering if anyone else thought that PT 86 was pretty difficult and the -10 curve on that exam is killer. They’re not, though. B 19. normally with an untimed drill, i can usually finish in ~42 minutes and get only 1 or 2 wrong. But I wouldn’t say the material itself is notably difficult. I’ve been consistently pt-ing 168-169 with almost no fluctuation for the last few weeks, then bombed pt 85 with a 159. All actual LSAT questions printed within this work are used with the permission of Law School Admission Council, Inc. 7sage rates the LR1 section as 3/5 or medium difficulty. PT92 seems to be more in line with what is typical (I went -4 on that one). I score on average -1/-0 on LG, but with PT 88 I stopped halfway through and said “nope”. LSAT 88 – Section 2 – Question 25 . A 18. Looking for a copy of LSAT preptest 88? See all LSAT Preptests. Request new explanation Target time: 8:23. <— LSAT preptest 108. C 20. Below you’ll find a […] Your Raw Score vs. The second difficulty is noticing the subtle difference between "all natural causes" and "natural 7 day cycles. 88 is an anomaly. B 17. Dec 6, 2023 · As most of you already know, the trends of the LSAT can slightly change over time in terms of what types of concepts they focus on. Can anyone recommend the most difficult PTs. Explanations for every Logical Reasoning question from LSAT Preptest 88, the September 2019 LSAT. You won’t learn much if you just follow along on screen. The Reddit LSAT Forum. There’s absolutely no objective data supporting that PT 80+ are more difficult than the tests before. PT 77 & PT 73 also similarly difficult LR. A 10. PTs 88, 71, and 62 are some of the most difficult modern tests at a 170 for example, and PT 27 is an older test that’s difficult in that range. On the other hand im wondering if i should challenge myself. -----Updates: For updates, sign up for my email list. C 16. The LSAT has a wealth of preptests you can use to practice. D 11. I created the LSAT Mastery Seminars, which are part of the Ultimate LSAT Prep Bundle. No way is there any public data on this, but I believe that just like prep companies study the LSAT, the LSAT studies prep companies and adjusts accordingly. Again, it was very very straightforward and fair imo. As a result, later tests will appear more difficult than in the past. 5/5, 86’s a 4/5, and 87’s a 2. Both the LR and RC seemed quite difficult to me. I did the 88 LG separately though and that was for sure one of the most challenging LGs I’ve seen post PT-40. D 6. But tbf pt 88's LG is notoriously difficult (quite possibly the most notorious LG section) so it's far from representative of LSATs, even the the more recent ones. I am writing the lsat on Monday, I saved PT 85 and 86 for this week, I got -8 and -7 on the LR sections of both tests when I usually average around -2 or -3. D 4. Each game has some twist or another with unequal distribution being the running theme for this section overall. 5/5. B 8. A 4. If you like the explanations you're reading I'm 100% confident you'll enjoy the courses. o r g 88 SEPTEMBER 2019 LSAC The Reddit LSAT Forum. " The Reddit LSAT Forum. Mostly the LG was awful. The LR is insanely hard. Enjoy the PT 147 explanations! I can’t seem to figure out what else to do, I’m basically crushing the easy questions, going 70% or so on anything moderate difficulty, and typically missing all of the hardest questions. My lsat is on august 30th so i was wondering should i take the PT or not. The first big difficulty is that the argument is so poorly worded that it is not clear that the method of argumentation is "ruling out all natural causes. C 14. Introduce: LSAT PrepTest 88 (September 2019) Pdf Download. I just took it yesterday and thought the lr was easier than expected, but then saw how the first whole lr section was rated 2/5 difficulty on 7sage :( Rc was a mess too. Enjoy the PT 88 Logical Reasoning explanations! And let me […] I'm sure PT 82 will be joining these ranks soon as well. PT 29 G2 PT 31 G2 PT 32 G3 PT 35 G4 Dear lord that is not how i wanted the formatting! Sorry 88 and 89 are evil and definitely best to take 2 weeks or so before the test. Logical Games: 5 Star- PT A, PT B, PT C, PT 18, PT 27, PT 31, PT 34, PT 36, PT 62 4 Star- PT 9, PT 13, PT 23, PT 30, PT 32, PT 35, PT 37, PT June 2007 (Free LSAT offered through LSAC), PT 57, PT 61, PT 66, PT 68 Logical Reasoning: My RC performance is sporadic as hell lol. In fact, this is supported by available data: a bivariate regression of the curve on total difficulty reveals that as the total difficulty of a test increases by 1, the curve increases by . A 16. There are all answer keys and explanations for every question from LSAT Preptest 84. Our partners will collect data and use cookies for ad personalization and measurement. I went -11 (not a typo) my first time, and on a redo, I went -5. In fact, the “hardest” game, flowers, was easily my favorite. 88 has a more forgiving curve but probably has the most difficult logic games section ever administered. I did PT 79 over the summer when I was still scoring lower than I am now. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 day ago · Listen to our LSAT Podcast. Such an interesting play on numbers (which sadly is what a lot of people failed to catch). A 17. I'd recommend your last few be low 80s and 90s - challenging enough and reflective of the actual test, but not absolutely brutal so they won't kill your confidence right before the real thing or anything. The following may help you deal with the more formidable questions. But I think it was just difficult and I'm pretty The Reddit LSAT Forum. It also has one of the largest amount of questions you could get wrong and still score a 170 in recent years. Link: download link 1 The Reddit LSAT Forum. Moderate= 17/21. Example: PT’s 65+88. Have the question on hand. I highlight these in my explanations, but you should find them yourself first. C 9. It definitely has the toughest games section I’ve ever done. B 21. The difference in difficulty between PT’s 87,88, & 89 The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. but jfc this one took me nearly double the time and i still got 4 wrong and managed to scrape lucky guesses for a couple others. Score conversions vary from test to test because the difficulty of each test varies. I got the same score on PT 91 that I did on the October lsat (165), feeling a little discouraged as I’ve been studying for a month :( The games were actually pretty standard, lots of double layered sequencing and grouping with limited variables. Pt 88 rc was even worse in terms of timing The Reddit LSAT Forum. I found it pretty difficult. 88 was a bit of a beast games wise to say the least, (and for sure can be considered a worst case scenario in my opinion) and the RC was pretty up there difficulty wise. Both LR sections seemed very straight forward (7Sage only categorized 7 out of 51 LR questions as "difficult" - which I would agree with), only Game 4 of LG was difficult, and Passage 4 of RC was the only non-straight forward passage. 84 is medium hard difficulty, but the curve is probably the most unforgiving out of all practice tests. E 19. Logical Reasoning: 5 Star- PT 14 s4, PT 24 s2, PT 28 s1, PT 45 s1, PT 70 s4 PT 88 is well known for having one of the most difficult games sections ever. The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is the test required to get into an ABA law school. LSAT 88 – Section 4 – Question 22 . Looking for a copy of LSAT preptest 84? See all LSAT Preptests. B 12. E 15. PowerScore CEO and LSAT Bibles author Dave Killoran (@davekilloran) and PowerScore Test Prep VP Jon Denning (@jonmdenning) are two of the world's foremost experts on the LSAT and law school admissions, and they've created the PowerScore LSAT PodCast to share their knowledge and experience with you! Read more Yes. Let me know if you are looking for section specific information, like which pt has difficult RC, LG, etc. THE OFFICIAL LSAT PREPTEST PrepTest 88 Form 9LSAl 35 I—SAC. I use 7sage but only have up until PT 72. Is this true? • Which game sections are the most difficult? • Have there been any 7 sage has 88 as the hardest game section in recent PTs. 1K Law School Admissions; 13 Law School Explained; 12 Bar 2. Reply reply 84 is medium hard difficulty, but the curve is probably the most unforgiving out of all practice tests. My worst LR combined was PT 82 and second-worst was PT 80 LG: By far my best section--I have done almost all of the games sections and get -0/an occassional -1 but went -3 on PT 23 and -2 on PTs 20 and 88 (to me these were the most difficult to actually understand the set up within the time/made me miss rules) The “difficulty” rating for a section is merely decided by the curve (the narrower the curve, the lower the difficulty rating). Don’t worry about it. I'm sure PT 82 will be joining these ranks soon as well. I hit my record high on rc with -1 on pt69 last week, but ever since been seeing -6 and above constantly due to huge timing issues. Enjoy the PT 109 explanations!. Full explanations for every question from LSAT Preptest 109. I got a 161 on both 85 & 88 but have scored in the 165-167 range on literally every other test I’ve taken in the past 2 weeks. Review on your own first. I studied that thing for a solid day, and you know what? The next PT I took (86) I got a 166. Draw the logic games diagrams yourself, on paper. You can also look up difficult sections as people have mentioned. " That point is never explicitly stated. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. If a question gave you great difficulty, flag it to redo later. B 6. LSAT real past papers pdf download. A 20. However, they also rate PT 84 LR 1 a 4/5 difficulty, on which I scored a -1 just a couple days ago. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with LSAT knowledge waiting to help. In contrast, 87 and 88 were much better. First sentence of question: Solomon, Tabitha, Ursula, Will, and Zepi each make an arrangement of exactly four individual flowers, selecting from gardenias, hyacinths, lilies, and roses. Enjoy Nov 8, 2019 · Hey guys, I think this question has already been asked but I can’t seem to find the post. For some reason, I even messed up LG. I am taking the November test and want to do about 5 more PTs before it. I usually do -0/1/2 on games. I thought the games were particularly more difficult than other Pts which threw me off. LSAT Preptest 88 Answer Key Section 1 1. I update whenever I have new posts. As soon as I was done with each I considered if going to law school was something even meant for me even though it’s what I’ve wanted since I was like 10 years old lol. E 5. I’d say it just came down to missing the inferences about the top rows and what that meant for the middle row for ya. C 7. Is this just subjective or do others feel this way. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. 87’s LR was VERY straightforward and, at least imo, did not even come close to the level of difficulty in 85-86’s LR. Follow along and make sure that you have a copy o The Reddit LSAT Forum. Nov 19, 2024 · Listen to our LSAT Podcast. February 99 and Dec 98 are also very close in difficulty to Oct 97, but just a hair below. I did a few sections from older PTs to see if I was just burnt out from studying and got -2 or -3 like usual. I was hoping to get above a 170 but this kinda wrecked my confidence. Not that every game on its own is incredibly difficult but combined it made for a very difficult section. Enjoy the PT 154 explanations! Variance is to be expected. Full explanations for every question from LSAT Preptest 88, the September 2019 test. If you take a full timed preptest, you will get a very good estimate of your LSAT score. Easy difficulty= 13/15. pt 88 GAME 1: GAME 2: GAME 3: GAME 4: To access this content, you must purchase Only Logic Games , Full COVID-Relief Course! or Full COVID-Relief Course 6-Months! . Don’t burn yourself out ahead of Monday. Hard= 4/17 Full List of Official LSAT Preptests An LSAT Preptest is the name for an official practice LSAT. B 3. The other sections are just uncharacteristically easy. I took PT 88 2 days ago and scored the highest I ever have since I started studying! I did not even realize I got the notorious 'Flower Game' until I was researching the difficulty level of PT88. I got 157 on 88, after cackle-weeping through the 'totally bonkers ridikidonk' (this is the technical term) LG section. Full explanations for every question from LSAT Preptest 147. The best place on Reddit for LSAT advice. uhhh what are your thoughts on PT 86? i just used the first logical reasoning section for an untimed drill and holy shit i struggled so badly. -1 on PT 80 (177 overall) but a -7 on 82 (172 overall because this section was absolute hell). , Box 2000, Newtown, PA 18940, the copyright owner. 54, meaning each point-increase in difficulty allows about an extra half of a question to be missed. For the 80s, I think only one section (PT88) had a generous curve of -10 for 170 (flex) whereas essentially all of the others were set at -8 (there might’ve been one set at -9). Question Difficulty Psg/Game/S See the list of LSAT preptests. All opinions welcome The Reddit LSAT Forum. C 10. The LSAT Trainer by Mike Kim Manhattan Prep Strategy Guide Set The Blueprint for LSAT Logic Games LSAT Logic Games Solutions Manual Cambridge LSAT is a private test prep provider neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the Law School Admission Council (LSAC), which administers the Law School Admission Test. E 7. My goal is to take all the PT’s save for 88 in the leadup to the November test. C 3. I want to buy more but I want to make sure I maximize my money spent. D 14. E 18. Question Difficulty Psg/Game/S PT 88 is known to be one of the hardest overall games section. LSAT 88 - Section 4 - Question 10 September 2019 You need a full course to see this video. In theory, the tests should get more difficult over time as the test makers have to increase difficulty to compensate for the amount of practice available. Check out the sidebar for intro guides. C 22. Full explanations for every question from LSAT Preptest 154. Shit was hard!!! RC wasn’t bad but LR was deff harder than usual for me and LG ruined me which sucks cause that’s always my best section. LSAT 88 – Section 4 – Question 10 . If it makes you feel any better, my average RC is -3 to -4 and I went -9 on that PT lol. Is this true? • Which game sections are the most difficult? • Have there been any See the list of LSAT preptests. Anyway, I scored about 3 points below my average. PowerScore CEO and LSAT Bibles author Dave Killoran (@davekilloran) and PowerScore Test Prep VP Jon Denning (@jonmdenning) are two of the world's foremost experts on the LSAT and law school admissions, and they've created the PowerScore LSAT PodCast to share their knowledge and experience with you! The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. But man, I saw big drops with PT 88 and 89 that has really shaken me up prior to the August LSAT. Logical Games: 5 Star- PT A, PT B, PT C, PT 18, PT 27, PT 31, PT 34, PT 36, PT 62. Im worried if i take it and do rlly bad i might get discouraged or freak out or something. The “hardest” part of it is that you are competing against a more-aggressive-than-normal curve. For free. These hard PTs are an incredible way to Just took PT 85 flex and scored under average, mostly because I got a -5 in LR. I thought it was an 'easier' PT but seems to be one of the more challenging Yes this is a great explanation. Thanks!! Explanations for every Logical Reasoning question from LSAT Preptest 88, the September 2019 LSAT. So I recently took PT 90+,91+, and 92+ and I found them a lot easier than PTs in the late 80s (ex. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. PT 88 and PT 89 still currently have me considering if I should even continue testing for this cycle or push off until next. 18 October 2024 LSAT; 9 September 2024 LSAT; 38 August 2024 LSAT; 28 June 2024 LSAT; 4 April 2024 LSAT; 11 February 2024 LSAT; 23 January 2024 LSAT; 38 November 2023 LSAT; 43 October 2023 LSAT; 14 September 2023 LSAT; 38 August 2023 LSAT; 27 June 2023 LSAT; 30 Sage Advice; 5K Not LSAT; 4. You can score your LSATs, track your results, and analyze your performance with pretty charts and vital statistics - all with a Free Account ← sign up in less than 10 seconds The Reddit LSAT Forum. I didn't think that the test warranted a -14 curve but apparently LSAC thinks otherwise. <— LSAT preptest 109. LSAT 88 - Section 2 - Question 25 September 2019 You need a full course to see this video. Y’all!!! Trying not to freak out BUT I took my final practice test today before my October 3 (Mean Girls Day) LSAT, and took PT 88. I felt like the LR on this year’s August exam was harder. B 13. E 12. I would rank 85’s LR difficulty about a 4. If you didn’t plan to take a PT tomorrow, don’t. Some people say that it doesn't really matter cuz the curve makes up for it. Just took pt 88 and got a 164 :( I usually can nail -0-2 on LG but I got a -5 on this one with a -5 LR and -6 RC (which I didn’t finish). A 22. October 1997 is widely seen as the most difficult test. I’m taking the august lsat in a little over a week so this was really discouraging. This is question data from the 7Sage LSAT Scorer. First of all, PTs 84-89 are extremely valuable precisely due to their rigor. It’s the fact that they are all hard enough that it makes the section incredibly difficult to get through on time. 6K Specific LSAT Dates; 38 November 2024 LSAT; 18 October 2024 LSAT; 9 September 2024 LSAT; Is it possible to tell PT difficulty from the conversion table? Overall the section was above average difficulty, but nothing like what people were claiming post-test. LSAT Demon did a question difficulty analysis on the later tests vs. The LR felt relatively easy compared to 85 & 86. Enjoy the PT 88 Logical Reasoning explanations! And let me […] Hey fellow January tester, I just took 88 two weeks ago after consistently hitting 160-163. People often ask me questions like… • What game types are the most common in the recent tests? • I heard Conditional Reasoning is less important on more recent tests. There are over 90. LSAT Preptest 84 Answer Key Section 1 1. Logical Reasoning: 5 Star- PT 14 s4, PT 24 s2, PT 28 s1, PT 45 s1, PT 70 s4 The Reddit LSAT Forum. Always find the conclusion and reasoning in every argument. I saw a lot of people complain about PT 88 but IMO PT 85 is literally the hardest PT I have taken so far. Also am taking the LSAT next week, so it really freaked me out too. please tell me i’m not the PT 88 was the last practice test I took before my actual LSAT (Oct 2019) and it totally killed my confidence. Granted it is old, but the curve was incredible : -4 for 180, -16 for 170. 88 and 89). There are all answer keys and explanations for every question from LSAT Preptest 88. Enjoy the PT 108 explanations! The Reddit LSAT Forum. <— LSAT preptest 88. Learn how we and our ad partner Google, collect and use data. This difference is strongly significant at the 1% level Dec 6, 2023 · As most of you already know, the trends of the LSAT can slightly change over time in terms of what types of concepts they focus on. C 15. See the list of LSAT preptests. What are you waiting for? Review on your own first. I took PT 89 yesterday on 5 hours of sleep and still did pretty decent despite the obvious impediment. They deserve to be BR’d extensively to prepare one for the level of difficulty the real test does and will contain. D 13. LSAT 88 - Section 1 - Game 4 September 2019 You need a full course to see this video. Not precisely, the “experimental” LR of PT 90+ is the only section that is representative of a real LSAT section in that test, and is similar to the LR you may find in PT 86-89, which are some of the harder tests. I generally don't think too much about the "difficulty" of a PT because I always thought the curve balances it out if too difficult. Question Difficulty Psg/Game/S Difficulty I missed like 12 on the first LR and then 8 on the 2nd. the earlier ones (don’t remember which ones exactly, but I think it was the ones you’re mentioning), and they noted that the difference in question difficulty in older I'm sure PT 82 will be joining these ranks soon as well. LSAT 88 – Section 1 – Game 4 . 85 is a little bit of both. Founder of LSAThacks; I scored a 177 on the LSAT. A 2. I took PT 88 today too - found LG to be more difficult than most exams but still nothing crazy, I had approx 15 mins left for the flower game which helped. Maybe you’ve done these already, but These are from The LSAT Trainer’s “Mastery Challenge” section, the final LG section of the book. Full explanations for every question from LSAT Preptest 108. D 8. PowerScore went into a bit of detail about 87’s difficulty and echoed my sent PT 88 has one of the most forgiving curves in LSAT history. Question Difficulty Psg/Game/S 191K subscribers in the LSAT community. I need my lsat to carry as my gpa isn’t great. I'm right there with you. D 2. I’ve been PTing around 167-169 and got a 164 on this exam. This will help you master the concepts in it. Question Difficulty Psg/Game/S Ive heard from here that PT 88 is basically one of the hardest ever. <— LSAT preptest 147. LSAT 88 - Section 2 - Question 21 September 2019 You need a full course to see this video. <— LSAT preptest 154. LSAT Score Your raw score—the number of questions you answered correctly—is converted to an LSAT score (120–180) using a conversion table from LSAC. I literally JUST posted about PT85 earlier today!! The LR was insanity and made me cry in the coffee shop i was drilling at. 4 Star- PT 9, PT 13, PT 23, PT 30, PT 32, PT 35, PT 37, PT June 2007 (Free LSAT offered through LSAC), PT 57, PT 61, PT 66, PT 68. LSAC does not review or endorse specific test preparation Using practice test 88, game 2, Clay demonstrates how to solve an LSAT™ logic game using strict sequencing. When people say PT 88 for example is very hard, should I take that with a grain of salt because difficulty is subjective? LSAT 88 – Section 2 – Question 21 . However, this is because it is known to be a hard test, due mostly to the notoriously difficult LG. It’s not even that the games are THAT hard. Maybe go back to LG and pick a few problems from the The Reddit LSAT Forum. LSAT 88 - Section 4 - Question 22 September 2019 You need a full course to see this video. qeuf awslef zjztm acdj sams srwrt dov emdht mgvkbl hzd xui tbfsjnh zhgch zxgb uksy