Gf180 pdk 3V/6V MCU process technology. PDK for GlobalFoundries' 180nm MCU bulk process technology (GF180MCU). - google/globalfoundries-pdk-ip-gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram Jan 14, 2023 · Hey, I was able to integrate this pdk with my openlane but it only works fine for non-interactive 1. Contribute to eskiyerli/gf180mcu_pdk development by creating an account on GitHub. The 3-digit-number will be tagged in the associated git repository as vX. 1. Please help if Im doing any blunder . drc ┣ 📜 gf_018mcu_antenna. Y. OpenLane supports SkyWater 130nm and GlobalFoundries 180nm. gftest1_groute_ Aug 4, 2022 · gf180 pdk. com FOSS-ASIC-TOOLS. 8 Design Rules for Dummy Exclude layers (NDMY and PMNDMY) Type to start searching gf180mcu-pdk GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK 0. - google/globalfoundries-pdk-libs-gf180mcu_fd_pr Type to start searching gf180mcu-pdk GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK 0. . Version numbers for both the PDK and the supplied libraries are fully specified by a 3-digit version number followed by a git commit count and a git commit short hash. 3 Step 3: Start and Use a Docker Container based on our IIC-OSIC-TOOLS Image Enter the directory of this repository on your GlobalFoundries GF180MCU Open Source PDK gdsfactory/gf180’s past year of commit activity. Dear, have read about RAM support but need Contribute to google/globalfoundries-pdk-libs-gf180mcu_fd_pv development by creating an account on GitHub. org GF180でオペアンプ設計してみよう PDKがオープンソースになってる GlobalFoundries 180 μm (GF180mcuC) で一番基本的な2段オペ… The Open MPW Shuttle Program provides fabrication for fully open-source projects using the Open PDK for GF180MCU announced by Google and GlobalFoundries. transform as sg import IPython. Greetings, GF180 Open-Source PDK, OpenLANE and caravel This design is a submission to the GF180 MPW-1 Shutte Run in Dec 2023. 0 license . Jul 3, 2023 · Default menu option in Klayout window is not activated Not able to select GF180MCU option as shown in link <https www youtube com watch v=KtegPMeYu2Q amp list=PLZuGFJzpFksCU7yKn2P xRTOktVBDWAJf amp i この度、Google は SkyWater Technology とのパートナーシップを拡大することをお知らせします。 私たちは、SkyWater の商用 90nm 完全空乏型シリコン オン インシュレータ(FDSOI)CMOS プロセス テクノロジーである SKY90-FD 用のオープンソース プロセス デザインキット(PDK)をリリースするために、協力し Import PDK# Import PDK from GDS files# To import a PDK from GDS files into gdsfactory you need: GDS file with all the cells that you want to import in the PDK (or separate GDS files, where each file contains a GDS design). import gf180. 1 This document covers rules from COMP layer to Passivation layer and scribe line layout. This PDK root can be anywhere on your computer, but by default it's the folder ~/. Contents This repository contains the "7 track standard cells" implementation as part of Google's open source PDK for GlobalFoundries 180nm MCU process node. This document serves as the data sheet for GlobalFoundries 0. Nov 29, 2022 · PDK for GlobalFoundries' 180nm MCU bulk process technology (GF180MCU). The synthesis, floorplan, placement, and routing steps can be successfully completed by OpenLane with GF180 PDK. You can import the PDK and layout any of the standard cells. - google/gf180mcu-pdk The PDK will be tagged with a production version when ready to do production design, see the "Versioning Information" section for a full description of the version numbering scheme. S. There are two major ways to instantiate PDK components offered in this PDK module: Compilation Primitives for GF180MCU provided by GlobalFoundries. This is a unique opportunity for you to: The program is open to anyone, and all you need is a fully open-source project that meets the program requirements. This is a pure python implementation of the PDK. GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK Specifications For 180MCU Type to start searching gf180mcu-pdk GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK 0. PSP MOSFET model) irsim switch-level digital simulator; iverilog Verilog simulator Apr 29, 2023 · @Junbeom Park I need to add these standard cells, will take an action, since now the gf180 pdk is quite stabilized. 0 license Activity. - google/globalfoundries-pdk-libs-gf180mcu_osu_sc Google maintained open source PDKs¶. partial(<function rectangle>, layer=(22, 0)), pc1 GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK Model Parameters Type to start searching gf180mcu-pdk GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK 0. Layout Tutorial. Apr 21, 2023 · Description Hello everyone, I am new to OpenLANE and trying to rebuild a 16 bit processor using caravel user project. Submission for GF180 shuttle - Dec 5, 2022 deadline. If you have the variable PDK_ROOT set, volare will use that instead. fet import nmos from glayout. 18UM 3. Fully Open Source FASOC generators built on top of open-source EDA tools - idea-fasoc/OpenFASOC So far I've gone through installing the PDK and fiddling around on Xschem, but haven't done any simulation or layout. License The GF180MCU PDK is released under the Apache 2. component import Component from gdsfactory. PDK people like to wrap LVS in their flow scripts so it is guaranteed to work with the flow specific flavors. You can also manually override both values by supplying the --pdk-root commandline argument. export PDK_ROOT= < pdk-installation-path > make verify-< testbench-name >-gl-sdf # For example make verify-io_ports-gl-sdf This sample project comes with four example testbenches to test the IO port connection, wishbone interface, and logic analyzer. flow. from collections. rst├── CONTRIBUTING. 3V/(5V)6V MCU PDK’s documentation! Type to start searching gf180mcu-pdk GlobalFoundries GF180MCU This environment is based on the efabless. Can someone kindly guide me to do this?? I also want to install GF180 but my lack of knowledge in this matter is preventing me to do so. People. 1. Che GlobalFoundries GF180MCU Open Source PDK. technology import ( LayerLevel, LayerStack, LayerView, LayerViews DEMO PROJECT: https://github. To now have GlobalFoundries involved with fabricating designs will hopefully mean increased opportunities to Jul 11, 2020 · Googleが半導体チップの設計に必要な「PDK」をオープンソース化するプロジェクトを支援. pdk. Stars. t sky130: (A1,A2, Z) vs (A,B,X) for a nand gate, for example, so porting from sky130 is doable but requires some work. sky130_mapped import sky130_mapped_pdk as sky130 from glayout. So far, I am impressed by how powerful the tool is, but I have come across a couple of challenges that I am hoping the community can help me with. 0-22-g08c628b documentation; I/Os; I/O; GF018 Nov 25, 2022 · gf180 pdk. sp; Other cells: Upload your SPICE netlist: When I open the layout editor only three menu items are present (Lanuch, Calibre and PDK). Attached DEF and groute. There are too many flavors. Welcome to GlobalFoundries 0. contract chip maker GlobalFoundries to roll out a new open-source process design kit (PDK) based on the foundry's 180MCU node. GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK 10. Motivation •Example: C:\My Work\LTspice\GF180LTS\gf180_spice_models GF180でオペアンプ設計してみよう PDKがオープンソースになってる GlobalFoundries 180 μm (GF180mcuC) で一番基本的な2段オペ… The Topological Truth Table is created here to assist the designer in determining the relationship between GlobalFoundries defined topological layers and the layout of various discrete structures found in the integrated circuit. The Open-Source PDK from Global Foundry 180nm is used for production and the EDA tools from the Efabless OpenLANE repos are used to build and tapeout the designs. unread, gf180 pdk. 0-111-gde3240d documentation 2. Installation# Installation for new python users# If you don’t have python installed on your system you can download the gdsfactory installer that includes python3, miniconda and all gdsfactory plugins. The Open MPW Shuttle Program provides free fabrication for fully open-source projects using the Open PDK for GF180MCU. - mabrains/iic-osic-tools FABulous eFPGA fabric generated and taped out on the new gf180 process GFMPW-0 GF180MCUC 1. Inverter-Based Amplifiers using GF180 Open PDK Resources. OpenROAD-flow-scripts supports several public and private PDKs including: Aug 10, 2022 · The Silicon Valley giant said that it is partnering with U. 2k Nov 26, 2022 · Description I'm trying to synthesize a previous MPW-2 design in the new Openlane for the gf180 PDK but always gets to: "Reached 20 congestion iterations with less than 15% of reduction between iterations. AMD64 and ARM64 are natively supported. Using OpenROAD 4174c3ad802d2ac1d04d387d2c4b883903f6647e resizer. Updated Dec 6, 2022; If you want to change the PDK, run uninstall. gf180#. setup log (2023-05-15) Done: nmos, pmos, via0(M1~M5), via1(M1_M2) TODO: TAP While the SKY130 process node and the PDK from which this open source release was derived have been used to create many designs that have been successfully manufactured commercially in significant quantities, the open source PDK is not intended to be used for production settings at this current time. 0-111-gde3240d documentation Aug 22, 2022 · Expected Behavior Installation steps for gf180mcu-pdk Actual Behavior Sorry if still on the development. 0#. I am using gf180 PDK for this purpose. Z and the fully specified value can be found by running git describe tool inside the correct git Nov 22, 2022 · GF180MCU open PDK modifications to gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram: Verilog files contain specify block timing that is taken from the 1. GlobalFoundries GF180MCU Open Source PDK. Readme License. klayout. In this way, the partners are pioneering the provision of GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK Google maintained open source PDKs Type to start searching gf180mcu-pdk GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK 0. The GF180MCU open source PDK is a collaboration between Google and GlobalFoundries to provide a fully open source process design kit (PDK) and related resources to enable the creation of designs manufacturable at GlobalFoundries's facility on their 0. The ‘gf180’ Open Source PDK is a collaboration between Google and Global Foundries to provide a fully open source Process Design Kit and related resources, which can be used to create manufacturable designs at Global Foundries facility. 0 Scope¶. Specifically if you like to take any kind of schematic and expect it to work. Ideally you also get: Klayout layer properties files, to define the Layers that you can use when creating new custom PDK for GlobalFoundries' 180nm MCU bulk process technology (GF180MCU). gf180 0. Contribute to gdsfactory/gf180 development by creating an account on GitHub. The sky130 open PDK mismatch param must be set outside the testbench. 0 Introduction¶. 0-111 Fully Open Source FASOC generators built on top of open-source EDA tools - idea-fasoc/OpenFASOC Jan 1, 2024 · Using LTspice & GF 180nm Open-Source PDK Lokesh Rajendran / Hooman Reyhani January 2024. Routing congestion too high. rst├── LICENSE├── Makefile├── README. Schematic (LVS) Layout vs. drc ┣ 📜 gf_018mcu_density. cross_section import cross_section from gdsfactory. PDK# You can register Layers, ComponentFactories (Parametric cells) and CrossSectionFactories (cross_sections) into a PDK. CHANGELOG. g. 18µm Green (5. 0 DFM (Design For Manufacturability) Guidelines Type to start searching gf180mcu-pdk GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK 0. primitives. ExternalModules comprising the essential devices of the GlobalFoundries 180nm open-source PDK, ' and an compile method for converting process-portable hdl21. The table is generated based on GlobalFoundries generation rules “YI Aug 31, 2024 · 项目的目录结构及介绍gf180mcu-pdk/├── AUTHORS├── CODE_OF_CONDUCT. This environment is based on the efabless. activate(). Oct 31, 2022 · Following the announcement about GlobalFoundries joining Google’s open source silicon initiative, we are now sponsoring a series of no-cost OpenMPW shuttle runs for the GF180MCU PDK in the coming months. This will help with the transition to a broader governance model that enables more gf180 0. write tests of your pdk components to avoid unwanted changes from one component to another. 3V/(5V)6V MCU PDK’s documentation! Current Status – Experimental Preview; Show Source The GF180MCU open source PDK is a collaboration between Google and GlobalFoundries to provide a fully open source process design kit (PDK) and related resources to enable the creation of designs manufacturable at GlobalFoundries's facility on their 0. Step 3: Start and Use a Docker Container based on our IIC-OSIC-TOOLS Image Enter the directory of this repository on your computer . GlobalFoundries (GF) teamed up with Google to fund open-source projects using GF’s foundry and their open-source 180nm PDK GF180. I didn't find any document for installation for this PDK and how to use. v: GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK GF018_5vGreen_Inline non-CUP GPIO Type to start searching gf180mcu-pdk GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK 0. abc import Callable from functools import partial from pydantic import BaseModel import gdsfactory as gf from gdsfactory. Nov 30, 2022 · Expected Behavior The latch cells can be found in the PDK by Yosys+ABC. gf180 defines a set of hdl21. add_pins import add_pin_rectangle_inside from gdsfactory. config import CONF from gdsfactory. OpenROAD-flow-scripts supports several public and private PDKs including: Open-Source PDKs# GF180 - 180nm. When GDS file regressions are found, the -s flag will cause pytest to step through the failures one-by-one, so you can inspect the XOR result in Klayout (automatically loaded via klive) and debug messages in the terminal. 18um 3. 173 views. volare in your home directory. Google CodeSearch interface GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK 5. 0 Specifications Type to start searching gf180mcu-pdk GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK 0. 16bit*512words. Nov 10, 2022 · Description I've used following command for GF180 PDK installation: export PDK_FAMILY=gf180mcu export PDK=gf180mcuC cd OpenLane && make Its has successfully installed GF180 pdk and able to complete make test But latest PDK commit not upd Aug 3, 2022 · explore the GF180MCU PDK repository and documentation, and join the gf180mcu-pdk-users@ and gf180mcu-pdk-announce@ mailing lists to get notified about future OpenMPW shuttle opportunities that target this new technology! By Johan Euphrosine and Ethan Mahintorabi – Hardware Toolchains Team from glayout. 3V/(5V)6V MCU PDK’s documentation! Type to start searching gf180mcu-pdk GlobalFoundries GF180MCU GlobalFoundries GF180MCU Open Source PDK. 2. verilog gf180mcu. com/mattvenn/gf180-demoJOIN THE COMMUNITY SLACK: https://open-source-silicon. " Like the SkyWater 130nm and later 90nm PDKs, the GlobalFoundries PDK allows anyone to design for production on the company's 180nm process node May 28, 2024 · hi anybody know how to load the GF180 PDK in Xschem in the IIC-OSIC-tools docker image? like ik, that the docker comes installed with it, but everytime I open Xschem it opens with sorta like a home page for the SKY130 PDK, is there a similar thing for the GF180 PDK? I wanted some digital std cells and transistors from it. Fully Open Source FASOC generators built on top of open-source EDA tools - idea-fasoc/OpenFASOC Dec 16, 2024 · Hello there, I am new to KLayout and have been exploring its capabilities for layout editing and running custom DRC scripts. This I/O cell library consists of bidirectional and input only I/O pad cells; analogue signal pad cells; I/O supply and ground pad cells; core supply and ground pad cells; corner, filler and breaker pad cells. rst_gf180 pdk 开源项目 `gf180mcu-pdk` 使用教程 Oct 7, 2022 · It should be set to zero as default, not to one. Skip to first unread message to gf180mcu-pdk-announce. While GlobalFoundries' own open source PDK is larger, at 180nm, that doesn't mean it's of no use: while sub-10nm process nodes are the focus of headlines thanks to the race to keep Moore's Law, the observation by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore that the number of transistors on a leading-edge part trends towards a doubling every 18 months, on Oct 6, 2022 · Testing aes design with GF180 PDK through OpenLane flow. Dear, have read about RAM support but need small ROM eg 16bit*512words. plot previous. tcl Log snippet: Complete log available in attachment. Otherwise, the designer must override it in the testbench after including it. ensure you maintain the quality of the PDK with continuous integration checks gf180mcu GlobalFoundries 180nm CMOS PDK; ghdl VHDL simulator; gtkwave waveform plot tool for digital simulation; sg13g2 IHP Microelectronics 130nm SiGe:C BiCMOS PDK (partial PDK, not fully supported yet; xschem and ngspice simulation works incl. c = gf180. lyp ┣ 📜 README. PDK Support# The OpenROAD application is PDK independent. Cells# alter_interdig# gf180. All ideas were developed using open source tools, a SKY130 free PDK and taped-out under the new alliance between Google and Skywater, where anyone can access a free silicon, in SKY130 and GF180 nodes, under open source license agreement. This documentation includes information common to Google maintained open source PDKs. The repo is given here. next. Installation# Installation for new python users#. diode_dw2ps c. Note that the --force-regen flag will regenerate textual reference files, via pytest-regressions. LayerSpec# You can access layers from the active Pdk using the layer name or a tuple/list of two numbers. All Apr 21, 2023 · Hi is the DRC checker on magic for GF180 MCUC up to date? Have folks successfully submitted designs to GF that is DRC clean from magic and was accepted by GF? GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK SRAM Type to start searching gf180mcu-pdk GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK 0. See instructions on how to do this in the section Quick Launch for Designers further down in this README. Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Digital layout refers to the design of digital circuits, which primarily involve logic gates, flip-flops, and other digital components. 0-111-gde3240d documentation GF180_MCU PDK for Revolution EDA. Existing gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1. May 15, 2023 · LAYGO2 workspace for Global Foundary 180nm open-source PDK. I didn't know this for GF180, because the simulations ran ok. alter_interdig (sd_diff=functools. display import clear_output import ipywidgets as widgets # Used to display the Jun 18, 2024 · Top Open Source Chip Design Getting Started Introducing Open-Source Circuit Design Copy, Paste, and Run with Google Colab Install Open Source Tools Integrating Jupyter Notebook in VS Code Setting Up Open Source Tools with Docker Try It Out Generate Analog Layouts in VS Code Initial version: Jun 19, 2024 Verified with Windows Verified with MacOS Recorded Video of Live Demo (5:10 ~ 22:25) In PDK for GlobalFoundries' 180nm MCU bulk process technology (GF180MCU). CPUなどの半導体製品を製造するメーカーは、自社で製造 4. The reliability section provides layout guidelines for electromigration (EM), process-induced-damage (PID), latchup rules, ESD protection and stress migration. - Issues · google/gf180mcu-pdk Nov 8, 2023 · After GF180 MPW-1 concludes, the open source SKY130 and GF180MCU PDKs will be joining the Linux Foundation’s CHIPS Alliance under a new working group to foster continued open source PDK development, and we expect future PDK releases will join as well. Shortcuts work fine as well, but I can't do other layout jobs, for example flatten a cell, because the menu item is missing. py Rule Deck Usage The run_drc. 2 stars Watchers. Open-source PDKs like GF180 and Skywater 130nm are essential for making silicon design more accessible. The design uses two macros, interface and processor, and Google announced the GlobalFoundries open PDK release, which is based on the company's 180nm process node, in August this year, describing it as a "milestone […] in the foundry ecosystem market. The gf180 standard cells have different naming conventions and different pin names w. The process is often automated and involves the following steps: Schematic Design: Creating a GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK Custom Design Type to start searching gf180mcu-pdk GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK 0. 0 forks Report repository IIC-OSIC-TOOLS is an all-in-one Docker container for SKY130/GF180-based analog and digital chip design. 0-111-gde3240d Apr 14, 2023 · I'm aware that LVS is not an easy thing. May 24, 2024 · About this PDK Package. If you don’t have python installed on your system you can download the gdsfactory installer that includes python3, miniconda and all gdsfactory plugins. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly To begin my projects, I have explored open-source tools such as Ngspice, GF180 PDK, Xschem, Sky130 PDK, and magic. But I have no idea how to do so. Dear, have read about RAM support but need small ROM e. r. SKY130 - 130nm KLayout Documentation (Qt 4): Main Index » KLayout User Manual » Layout vs. Volare requires a so-called PDK Root. sp; 35 Cell netlists imported from osu050_stdcells. As of May 2020, this repository is targeting the SKY130 GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK Welcome to GlobalFoundries 0. 3. 0# GlobalFoundries 180nm MCU based on Google open source PDK. I can do the layout, DRC,LVS and XRC are all OK. drc ┗ 📜 run_drc. Primitive elements into these modules. display from IPython. To get notified about future new releases of the PDK, and other important news, please sign up on the sky90fd-pdk-announce mailing list . The SkyWater Open Source PDK is a collaboration between Google and SkyWater Technology Foundry to provide a fully open source Process Design Kit and related resources, which can be used to create manufacturable designs at SkyWater’s facility. I exported the gf180 pdk but still after make command docker fetches sky130A pdk image. py script takes a gds file to run DRC rule decks of GF180 technology with switches to select subsets of all checks. Here are the parametric cells available in the PDK. Mar 7, 2024 · I want to install 7nm predictive PDK of Arizona State University for my project. log ===== report_checks -path_delay max (Setup F S i C 2 0 2 3-M a t t h i a s K ö ffe r l e i n 1 / 21 DRC/LVS Development Best Practices Learning from GF180 PDK optimization Matthias Köfferlein, https://www. 0 3 1 3 Updated Jan 7, 2025. 0-111-gde3240d documentation; Custom Design コマンドを実行する前に、環境変数 PDK=gf180mcuC をワークスペースにエクスポートして、適切な種類の GF180MCU PDK( 5LM_1TM_9K )を選択するようにします。 製造に向けて、Efabless プラットフォームでプロジェクトを提出します。 Aug 5, 2022 · Given the GF 180MCU codename, the PDK and the associated project provide access to manufacturing using GloFo’s 180nm process technology. devCOMPETITION RULES:Submit a project and get 3 oth 32 Cell netlists imported from osu018_stdcells. GlobalFoundries 180nm MCU based on Google open source PDK. 1 watching Forks. It should be included into the documentation shipped with those PDKs. 0-111-gde3240d documentation; business PDK for GlobalFoundries' 180nm MCU bulk process technology (GF180MCU). However, it has been tested and validated with specific PDKs in the context of various flow controllers. Jun 9, 2022 · @tspyrou As I tried APU design with GF180 PDK, during global routing seeing rise in fanout count causing timing violations of WNS with -234ns. Then you can access them by a string after you activate the pdk PDK. GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK Welcome to GlobalFoundries 0. However, I encountered difficulties when I couldn't find certain parameters, such as the transconductance parameter, Lambda, etc, in the SPICE model file of the transistors in the PDK. 0-111-gde3240d documentation The latest SkyWater SKY130 PDK design resources can be downloaded from the following repositories: On Github @ google/skywater-pdk. - gf180mcu-pdk/ at main · google/gf180mcu-pdk GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK 5. Schematic (LVS) LVS is a verification step which checks whether a layout matches the circuit from the schematic. 📦 drc ┣ 📦 testing ┣ 📜 GF180_MCU. gf180_mapped import gf180_mapped_pdk as gf180 import gdstk import svgutils. 0-111-gde3240d documentation; IPs / Macros; business Digital standard cells for GF180MCU provided by Oklahoma State University. Jan 15, 2023 · GlobalFoundries (GF) teamed up with Google to fund open-source projects using GF’s foundry and their open-source 180nm PDK GF180. PSP MOSFET model) irsim switch-level digital simulator; iverilog Verilog simulator The OpenROAD application is PDK independent. Thankyou @proppy @vijayank88. sh; Delete pip packages: gf180. sp; 35 Cell netlists imported from osu035_stdcells. 0. Thanks to having a gdsfactory PDK as a python package you can: version control your PDK using GIT to keep track of changes and work on a team. The shuttle provides opportunities for designers to experiment and push the state-of-the-art without having to reconcile the risk associated with the cost of fabrication. Is this a viable way to get an actual tapeout? I currently have access to Cadence Virtuoso/Spectre through my university with the 180nm GPDK (and 90nm and 45nm but I haven't figured out yet how to get that installed) as well. md ┣ 📜 gf_018mcu. Python 6 Apache-2. GPL-3. Greetings, Patrick. 8V operation, which is not the normal operating voltage for the SRAM. View all repositories. GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1 Type to start searching gf180mcu-pdk GlobalFoundries GF180MCU PDK 0. 0V) Process 5V Wide-Range Inline non-CUP GPIO Library. 0-22-g08c628b documentation gf180mcu GlobalFoundries 180nm CMOS PDK; ghdl VHDL simulator; gtkwave waveform plot tool for digital simulation; sg13g2 IHP Microelectronics 130nm SiGe:C BiCMOS PDK (partial PDK, not fully supported yet; xschem and ngspice simulation works incl. pip-autoremove might be useful: pip-autoremove gf180 Now you can change the PDK; SRAM macros created for the GF180MCU provided by GlobalFoundries. nsd uakhomz tmwozx fkyh pkek xzkl bayvw lqcsdw mcpr ayu wdyh ckug mvsf zbmeej kgwfdk