Fallout 4 cannot save 0kb ps4 xbox one. (Does that include my save files?) I have a hotspot.
Fallout 4 cannot save 0kb ps4 xbox one keep fingers crossed so it doesn't happen again. Also I believe Fallout 4's engine makes it really difficult to make mods in unlike the flexibility of Skyrim's creation kit. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Although mainly about avoiding the 0kb bug, this thread offers a ton of info on how to keep your ps4 in good working order, with maintenance routines and the basic Do's and Don'ts when playing Fallout 4. A similar save issue has been reported on Xbox in the past but it is MUCH rarer to where they don't really need to worry about it, whilst everyone on PS4 definitely should be aware and cautious. It is not worth potentially losing your whole console anyway, surely. I've had to save my game data, uninstall the game, and reinstall it again and add all the mods and creations that I know are safe. Fallout 4 never enjoyed success like its engine-prototype (Skyrim) did. Before we dive into the world of console commands, you need to enable them first. You can get the Fallout 3 Gauss Rifle as a mod on the PC and Xbox One. Nov 10, 2015 · Sequence of events should go like this: You get the lazer musket in front of the museum, (optional). You'll never get that on PS4 and the Creation Club is the only option they have. Click on "Saved Data in System Storage " Select "Delete " Select Fallout 4. Find Fallout 4 and notice the how big the save file is. if the door doesn't open reload the save listed above; once out of the Vault head to Codsworth; if the dialog for the yellow persuasion check repeats then reload the save listed above; if the conversation properly flows to asking about nearby dangers, congrats that character's save file is save to play 3. Sucks to, I had multiple characters and my first one was legit level 190, no mods. From the first games that paved the way to the most recent, we are a subreddit for Fallout fans from all walks of life. net. Enabling Console Commands. It is why I'm playing again today. Absolutely no saved data on my PS4. 2. It is up to you, the player and mod user, to determine what is best for your game. Jan 4, 2021 · We go over some new mods I added, how they affected my load order and go over avoiding and combating the 0kb save error. Mar 22, 2020 · Thank you for posting on the Xbox forums. Shirogane03 (Topic Creator) 6 years ago #5 May 16, 2020 · This all applies to Fallout 4 and Skyrim for certain, possibly other Bethesda games, possibly all games. Well, that and get angry at anybody who criticizes Fallout 4. I don't know when it happened, if it was caused by an update or DLC or what but eventually this bug manifested itself where for no reason at all the game forgets how to save. Reinstall the game. I've invested a pretty decent amount of time in this particular playthrough. If it's 1GB, that's the issue. If you are not familiar, the 0kb glitch is a notorious bug for Fallout 4 and possibly even Skyrim. You will need to sign in to a Gamer Profile and then select a storage device before you can save. delete all game data. For Fallout 4: Automatron on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "So has any mods on ps4 fixed the 0kb bug from CC?" - Page 3. Get it at your own risk. Still no one should have to be doing such things in the first place ideally, especially on a game that encourages you be creative like Fallout 4 does with settlement building. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 31 days, 4 hours, and 12 minutes is how long I've spent on this save, but it's not the save, or the mods, or the install, or the device itself. 36 patch notes, the latest update adds support for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. When I brought my box to another house with no internet, this save was gone. Scroll down to the bottom where it says "Fallout 4 - PS4 0KB Bug" I got the game working. I dunno if this is all games, but it is true for Fallout and Skyrim. It's the reason I've stopped playing F4 and decided to go back to Fallout 3 (that and I wanted to do New Vegas again. It seems like this time it was the Tunnel Snakes creation that did it which SUPER sucks because that's one of my favorites. The 0kb save corrupting glitch can occur without mods and without creation club content. It's just a time sink and doesn't really do much for you. I have been playing Fallout 4 for just under 4 years now, all as one character, and I have all my CC content installed on this playthrough I have all six DLCs installed (Far Harbor, Nuka-World, Automatron, Vault-Tec Workshop, Wasteland Workshop, and Contraptions Workshop) For Fallout 4 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Has the 0kb bug ever been fixed yet?" - Page 3. After downloading them, I started experiencing the infamous "Cannot save, 0kb" glitch. It stems from a problem with the base game itself- it seems most prevalent on the PS4. PC PS4 PS5 Switch Xbox One Xbox Series More Mods: Cheat Terminal [XBOX-ONE], XP 12x Modifier, Unofficial Patch. Most of my mods have been the same for months with only a few recent additions from CC and bethesda. The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . Delete some old, unnecessary save slots and see if that solves the issue. I am perfectly aware of the 'solution' where I should delete Fallout 4 from the console and reinstall everything. load save game and enjoy. Ran just the Cheat Terminal and the game still freezes up. rebuild ps4 data base from safemode start up menu. But this really isn’t as complicated as you would expect. Save and exit,enable mods again. The promised next-gen update has yet to be delivered, but even that I could excuse—if the game was playable on Playstation consoles. Any clues what can be done? Thx Released for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S Members Online Atomic Heart: Trapped in Limbo DLC - Gameplay Trailer - release date Feb 6 Then I’ll move on to New Vegas and eventually 4. Scroll all the way to the bottom where it says "Fallout 4 - PS4 0KB Bug" This will tell you what to do from here, and things you can do to try and prevent it from happening in the future. Note: Does not cover Xbox, Nintendo, Steam, or other non-PlayStation platform achievements. After that reinstall Fallout 4 pronto. Other than I suspect it causes the severe version of the 0kb save glitch. (Does that include my save files?) I have a hotspot. I haven't played my FO4 game on Xbox One in a bit. When it happened in Fallout I spent over 5 hours looking for a fix. Make sure to delete Fallout entirely, rebuild database, install Fallout and dlc's, rebuild database, install the cc items you want (NO SKINS), rebuild database, install mods one by one. So reinstalled. Im gonna lose most of my progress thanks to you, 0kb glitch. Select the "Options" menu I had this glitch yesterday. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online You'll be playing for half an hour and go to make a save when it decides to f*** up. Really. Fight your way up to the trapped settlers (Garvey and co. Ok. Step 2; Fully turn off your PS4, after the light is off on the console unplug it for about 10 minutes the same way you would reset a router. Didn't happen often enough for me to care, until one day I couldn't go 2 seconds without the message popping up constantly, and lost that file. You simply need to clean out some old Fallout 4 saves (old character saves, or just their oldest ones) Fallout 4 is broken on PS4. this happens with unmodded games and the fix is more like this. I haven’t tried it but if it doesn’t work there’s probably not a solution. I've been playing a modded Fallout 4 save for about 2 1/2 weeks now. Tho i keep forgeting as i get caught up in building or having fun just to see it all of that progress disappear and haft to redo all of the hard work. I’m trying to do a perfect walkthrough of Fallout 4 on my PS4 and suddenly, I can’t save. Was curious if anyone had any tips to avoid it and in general how much others have run into it. No, he's just guessing like an idiot, that's all he does. 4. The 0kb glitch absolutely exists on Xbox, although it is much less likely to trigger than on PS4. I cannot stress how frustrating it is to not be able to save when I would like to considering it glitches as you've said, constantly. Before I ever downloaded free mods, I got the mild version of the 0kb save glitch about 6 months apart, on different playthroughs. :( I can relate with how you feel - I lost everything to the 0kb save glitch in December. Creation club isn't a stable program in May 3, 2024 · These are just the ones that I’ve encountered so far on a new play through since the next gen update on my Xbox Series X so far. Just stay far far away from Fallout 76, that game was trash. Clear cache once per week. During my above mentioned playthrough, I was running ALL of the dogs (so 12 or however many there are), settlement ambush kit, Slocum's Joe, and a bunch of other ones (funnily enough I avoided using the Slocum's skins), and I didn't get the glitch until I used the Sentinel one, that includes skins haha. Can't save or load any of my earlier saves. A new overview of everything you need to know to load mods into your Fallout 4 game on PS4 with troubleshooting steps and references for avoiding the 0kb sav About 3 years ago or so I bought probably over 130 dollars of creation content for ps4 pro, then after over 100 hours and with the creation content I got the 0kb glitch which really messed up my saves and maybe or not the reason why my ps4 pro died on me to the point of getting it fixed. ) Install mods. ***Update*** - 01/09/2021: Load order still seems stable What tends to work for me is creating a new manual save with the "save" button in a separate slot on your PS4 save list, ignore the 0KB message and just hit ok, then quit to the main menu. On the main menu, there's a "Transfer Oct 28, 2016 · The 0kb bug results from over-modding the game, atleast that's what my research on the matter indicates. ) Between the save bug, and our mods being crippled I wish I got my hands on an Xbone for this dumpster fire of a game Fallout 4 like everyone eles is saying but get the game of the year edition thats comes with all the dlc you wont regret it. The only thing I'd say is don't get too into the base building. Get help with your LO! Show off your LO! Request Mods! Show off your Mod! It seems to be caused by certain Creation Club mods but I can't pinpoint which ones cause it. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online 0kb save bug for Fallout 4 [PS4] I’ve been having a really annoying issue with Fallout 4 for the PS4. Feb 23, 2019 · This is a fix for the "0kb glitch" in Fallout 4 This as from what i know only occurs on PS4 so this is a really simple fix but time consuming. Installs, Saved Data, all gone. This link has all this info and more on how to keep your ps4 in good working order, and how to avoid Apr 22, 2024 · Hello! Trying to play Fallout New Vegas on my Xbox One via Gamepass for 360. 2,000+ hours and countless settlements lost in mere seconds. I just lost all my progress on my ps4 Fallout 4 due to the 0kb glitch and I was wanting to buy the game on Xbox but does anyone know of this glitch happening on Xbox? Archived post. Ive been aware of the 0KB glitch which fucks your saves up if you install CC content ever since it was first reported on. By the time I got it I had 30+ free skins. Either continue or load a save that's not the one that corrupted (it will show the picture like it saved). I bought the game on release for PS4, but I haven’t played any DLC. It takes the form of a message saying this cursed phrase. Apart from this, Fallout 4 version 1. Too Many Save Files. As for OC decorator, sadly you have to skip, on Ps4 it's not updated to work with the new Bethesda framework (probably never will be) and should be avoided. Installed another CC, loaded and checked. Always fully power down your ps4 after playing, do not leave it in rest mode. Second character was well over 200 but that one had mods. So, this angers me. Rebuild database once every 3 months. Oct 19, 2024 · The short answer is yes, players will be able to transfer their Xbox One and PS4 save files to the upgraded version of Fallout 4. It makes this strange buzzing noise while everything freezes up until going to my Xbox home screen. People say your supposed to do all this deleting, transferring, and rebuilding of the database but I've never found it to be this serious. To do this, follow these steps: Start Fallout 4 and pause the game. Apr 25, 2024 · Fallout 4 update 1. Delete the game, and all the saves. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . After finding this post, I thought Id explore a bit more. net forums some time ago. Especially when Bethesda is still promoting the Creation Club. Apr 25, 2024 · Fallout 4 launched in 2015 across PC, PS4, and Xbox One, generating $750 million in revenue. . In other words, I cant just make a reserve save a reinstall game. The glitch is tied to how additional content is stored in the game and not to a console. Welcome to Fallout 4 Builds. Please see r/Fallout4Mods r/Fallout4ModsXB1 r/Fallout4Settlements or r/Fallout4ModSettlement for mods or settlement build posting. The glitch comes from a stupid oversight where saved data, mod data, and CC data all gets out in the same space: the space where your saved games go. I don't know when it happened, if it was caused by an update or DLC or what but eventually this bug manifested itself where for no reason at all the game forgets Jan 4, 2021 · We go over some new mods I added, how they affected my load order and go over avoiding and combating the 0kb save error. It has led me to rage quit, uninstall the game, renistall months later, to the same result. The process is very simple. They haven't even fixed the 0kb glitch in Fallout 4 which completely destroys all of your save files, rendering the game unplayable. r/Fallout4Mods: A place to discuss Fallout 4 Mods! Rated E for Everyone. I've been playing with free mods for about 4 months now and have NOT got the 0kb save glitch, yet. It's kind of crazy that the 0kb Glitch has still not been fixed. Fallout 4 isn't quite as good as the two games from last gen on 360/PS3, but it's still one of the better open world games this gen. Press the Start button on your Xbox One controller. Loaded the game. ), tasked to get the Fusion core for power armor in the basement (terminal hacking novice required), but you could have gotten that already while you were down there. Switch off Playstation, start up in Safe Mode, rebuild your database (option 5 for PS4), once done install skyrim and cc content (at least 3-4 at a time making sure to reload your game after the big ones). Decided to load it up. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online So I got a PlayStation five not too long ago, and I stopped playing fallout 4 like last year due to the fact that the 0kb glitch was pretty much inescapable on my base ps4(with a 1tb SSD jammed into it from a laptop), and now im wondering what the situation is on PlayStation five via backwards compatibility. 1. This new update finally got installed, and along with it, some Creation Club content automatically gets installed. Even if it says you have 2-4 GB of free space I have found that some games will stop saving properly because much of that 2-4 GB free is actually reserved by the Xbox OS and Xbox LIVE system. After a long absence, I got back to my Fallout 4 save. Turned my Xbox on and did the Xbox update since it's been months since I've played. This was pulled directly from a fix guide that was posted on the Bethesda. But the only games I have in data are this and Persona 5. This will clear the system catch. If it did then we would have gotten a Special Edition by now. In the near decade since, Fallout 4 has continued to be one of the top-played games on Steam, with a huge number of mods keeping the experience fresh for players. Uninstalled the game completed, re-installed just the base game. For Fallout 4 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "So has any mods on ps4 fixed the 0kb bug from CC?" - Page 2. After I did all that settlement stuff though, I haven't had to do the save system. e lots of items) Full re-install and clearing of every single save file on the PS4 & the cloud will generally 'fix' it if you're desperate. I play vanilla fallout 4 on an Xbox series S on survival. As someone commented either above or in another thread, it must been a game save related issue. Yeah you could be right, it just seems to be massively accelerated by skins. Yes, this does work for PS5 as well. We understand that your console is asking you to purchase Fallout 4 when you already own it on disc. I have heard that 4 on the Xbox is very buggy, specifically in the downtown Boston area. The only promising thing I found was someone said they stayed on the 0kb screen for like a half an hour or maybe more, then exited it and it didn’t happen again. I then made a new save offline. The key is to save often, like almost too much and to always make a new save. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online Fallout 4 is broken on PS4. Too many save files in the save reserve space on Xbox or PS4 or in the save folder on PC will cause issues with saving. I don't know what they're talking about. delete all saves, cloud saves too. Added some Addon & Mod content for fun which created a new Save. Coming back home with internet, I had the original character, but I wanted to play as the new one. Sorry to say, but there is no going back now. Step 1; Go into the system storage and delete ALL Skyrim or Fallout 4 save files, then delete Skyrim/Fallout completely. Conflicts May 16, 2020 · The issue is caused on PS4 because it can only hold 1GB of save file storage at once. Mods are absolutely part of the equation. It changed my Save data to "(M) Commonwealth instead of without the M. I don't know if they fixed the "0kb save bug" but I know for a fact that Fallout 4 and Skyrim on PS4 both have memory issues that can lead to save corruption, which may or may not affect XB1 as well. Try to minimize the CC in your game. (I started a new character to test everything out, I was gonna start a new playthrough anyway. My game randomly gets a saving error, where it tells me that I don’t have enough storage space and that I need to delete more than 0kb of data. I was wondering if the unofficial fallout 4 patch fixes this bug Okay, so as far as I know (I’m not a technical genius, i’m 13) the 0KB glitch is cause by corrupt save files due to skins in the creation club. Sep 9, 2024 · In this article, we will guide you on how to use console commands in Fallout 4 on Xbox One. Not reinstalling cc is a fix. Load saves manually, do not select "Continue". Do not use any weapon/armor/power armor/pipboy skins or paint jobs, or any Creation Club packs that contain skins (Coffee and Donuts pack, Christmas themed pack, Tunnel Snakes, etc) Never install them again, even if you paid for them, and even if they are offered for free. The glitch can be gotten even if you are offline and have no CC, Patches or Mods installed although it appears it just affects the last couple saves when For Fallout 4 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "0kb glitch. This is 100% false. Have any other players of Fallout 4 (since the update) encountered any returning/remaining bugs in the game on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS5 or PS4? Dec 19, 2020 · Hi everyone! I'm sure that all of you familiar with infamous 0kb bug and almost everyone knows solutions. This is the end, of my post, my friend. The game would crash every 4 to 5 minutes, especially when I enter combat of any sort. One skin that definitely corrupts files is the ‘hot rod pink’ skin. May 16, 2020 · This all applies to Fallout 4 and Skyrim for certain, possibly other Bethesda games, possibly all games. That's it! I don't know if this will help anybody, but even after all these years it's hard to find any help for Fallout 4 for Ps4. Basically there was an issue with certain mods and creation club stuff to where it would bug out and not let you save saving you had 0kb of storage available when you wouldn't, and with creation club stuff you can't just uninstall it so you would have to uninstall the game to get rid of it The issue is more prevalent on PS4 than Xbox, but users of all platforms should use caution when using them for testing mods. I prefer Xbox to PlayStation solely on how the controller feels. 36 also includes native applications, performance options, stability improvements, and widescreen support. My recommendation is AT MOST 1, and VERY RECOMMENDED 0. Message me directly if you have any questions or need help. The Fallout Network's Subreddit for the Bethesda game series Fallout . 5. Fallout 4 load order framework:https: The rest is not even confirmed to actually help as know one knows the actual triggers that cause the glitch precisely. New game, played until arms freed, hard save, installed a CC, loaded save, checked no 0kb bug on quicksaving. I’m not sure if there’s anything that you could do to fix a corrupt save on PC. The issue is caused on PS4 because it can only hold 1GB of save file storage at once. My internet is limited and slow. So I’m just starting fallout 4 on ps4(have played Xbox) and heard about the 0kb bug and being unable to save. Select the Controls and Settings boxes. Try disabling some mods, especially ones that have to do with lighting or multiple mods that apply changes to the same thing. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online Make sure not to delete your actual in-game save files. Only things installed on my PS4 are Skyrim, Netflix, Prime and Disney+. Regional restricted games are not compatible with non-restricted games. Not sure about the workarounds". A place to share your character builds or get help building your perks and stats for your sole survivor in Fallout 4. Cannot save. Done. But Fallout 4? The Fallout Network's Subreddit for the Bethesda game series Fallout . A subreddit for those in quest of the almighty Platinum! Gold, Silver, and Bronze trophy hunters welcome too! Covering PlayStation 5 (PS5), PlayStation 4 (PS4), PlayStation 3 (PS3), and PS Vita. All DLC was installed. 36 is available to download on PS4, PS5, PC and Xbox. Posted by u/CiarraCheyenne - 2 votes and no comments The 0kb bug is exclusive to PS4. Last night, I saw that the green and yellow power armor skins were free in the Creation Club. First things first lets start by how this is caused, Creation club as we all know is mods that you pay for. Fallout 4 load order framework:https: Bring in save files from USB one by one and check to see if issue is resolved. PC PS4 PS5 Switch Xbox One Xbox Dec 1, 2021 · If you don't know what this glitch is it's a Glitch where on consoles sometimes the game will stop when trying to save then says that you can't save because you used up all your storage when that isn't the case. I've… Oct 28, 2016 · For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "how can i get rid of the 0 KB bug- can not save the game help please ?". I’ve downloaded the game but it will not let me save at all. reinstall game. It says I need to clear data. Deleting Fallout 4 Settings and Control Files: From the PlayStation Dynamic Menu, navigate to Settings. 3. After reinstallation and no accumulation of those cc items (which I never used anyway), I can save again, my old characters too. When I do this, it did stop it from happening for at least an hour. Sure Xbox and PC have plenty of guides, but not much for us. Delete skyrim, upload your save data to the playstation plus cloud service or USB device, delete all save data for Skyrim. I love Bethesda games, but shit, man! Been working on a load order for modded ps4 survival playthroughs with some quality of life and immersion mods and encountered the 0kb bug. I don't know the exact technical reason why the 0KB save bug exists, but I do know that in Fallout 4 specifically, it loves corrupting autosaves/exit-saves & loves bloated save files (i. Go to Application Saved Data Management. One of the ways i found to counter the 0 kb glich is to save the game very often, doing so not only delys the glich but also when the glich triggers you will not be sent back as far. Back on Ps4 long ago, I remember suffering from the 0kb glitch, but I had the minor version that only wouldn't allow me to save and I was still able to reload from my last save. This bug can affect anyone and everyone on PS4 if they combine a lot of CC and don't install it properly. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online I would buy Fallout 3 (as well as New Vegas and Oblivion) instantly if they released it with all dlc and performance fixes on PS4 but I've lost all hope for Bethesda. You'll know you did this right when the main menu screen freezes as it zooms in. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! I had a character that I made while online at home, which I had 20 hours logged on. Do you own an Xbox Game Pass subscription? We have seen this issue arise when someone owns a disc copy of a game that is on Xbox Game Pass. Bethesda's lack of accountability for glitches like these is baffling. I got 0kb immediately after grabbing another freebie a week+ ago. This is for character builds, NOT settlement builds and NOT for mods. (I own the game on the PS4 and XBox One by the way. ) Now with Microsoft owning Bethesda I'm considering getting an Xbox Series S and use it as my "Bethesda box" for current and future releases. Nov 10, 2015 · If you are on the Xbox One then you might need to clear off storage space to make room for the saves. If the whole play through has been corrupted, then the only thing that you can do on a console platform (Xbox One/Series X or PS4/PS5) is uninstall Fallout 4, delete your settings data for Fallout 4 and your game data for Fallout 4. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online A mod may have snuck some kind of CC skin and triggered the whole kaboom, but i dont know what. From what I can tell, this only happens if I have mods (which I do) or if I have a PS Now subscription (which I also do). I just turned off my PS4 for a while, came back to a previous save, made a new save and kept playing. I've saved nick valentine like 3 times before it didn't glitch when we escaped the vault. It's the message that Sony's system uses to express a corrupted save because they don't seem to have a more correct one. massive settlements can be a contributor to the 0KB bug but are not the main cause in of themselves when i say 'massive' i mean maxed build limit, 30 people, 10-20 settlements like that as long as you don't have 20 save games and aren't dropping tons of s*** everywhere, or removing the build limit etc you should be fine I still haven't put my Fallout 4 back on my PS4 after the last uninstall/clean to try and rectify this bug, and I'm in love with my Fallout games. Here's a good tutorial on how to avoid the stupid thing. Does the 0kb bug happen on the Xbox versions of Fallout 4 and Skyrim? I couldn't find a clear answer as it seems the Xbox version has its issues as well, but none clarify if it's the 0kb bug or not. you haven't set a signature for the message boards yet! Apr 25, 2024 · Fallout 4 launched in 2015 across PC, PS4, and Xbox One, generating $750 million in revenue. Basically, I’ve lost a several-hour modded save w/ multiple settlements, very built-up Sanctuary, Castle taken, lvl 30 character, etc, because I’ve been having the 0kb bug happen to me CONSISTENTLY and I made the mistake of trying to save over the only “untainted” save I had after deleting my most recent + oldest saves. This is going to be a vanilla play through, no mods. Also like others have said while in the CC tab dont download any re skins of any pip boys, gear or guns they will give you the 0km glitch which can be save breaking other items in that section are fine though. There is no 0kb on xbox and PC. Do not overwrite hard saves, autosaves, or exit saves. I had 4 hard saves Id use and overwrite when Id stop for the day and use the autosaves and quicksaves in between, well once I saw the bug I deleted all the autosaves and quicksave and started from the most recent hard save and never saw the bug again, made it to like 190 before my ps4 fell down and now it wont start up, says I gotta download a Made some adjustments I want to share as well as progress I've made on combating the 0kb save error. Very disappointing, as I have still not completed one playthrough due to this issue. Doubt it. It can't save, seems to have no other reason for being unable to save being lack of space, checks how much space you need, sees plenty of space, and tells you that you need to free up X space to save, X being 0kb because you have the space but the file is fucked. However, I just encountered this on my ps5, which has different save data transfer then ps4. All other games and their saved data deleted. What you need is to have a save that is not corrupted by 0KB. Auto save has been disabled, and it keeps telling me, “ You have not signed into a Gamer Profile. For Fallout 4 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "game upon startup says 0 kb and cannot save" - Page 3. According to the official Fallout 4 1. I had to completely nuke the game. Modders has yet to crack its code, like what they did with Skyrim. fxpeuyittciidzkfqeogppijaoxxkqqazavnvwkgjondqfdadxrdcpiwgngbuamptuxvcrjyfgy