Battle of ypres october 1914. 19 October - 22 November 1914.
Battle of ypres october 1914 Explore the historical significance and learn about the key events that took place during this crucial battle. Taken on the day that the 2nd Battalion, Scots Guards marched into Ypres from Roulers (Roeselare). Battle of Gheluvelt, 29-31 October 1914 Home - Book Shop - Wars - Battles - Biographies - Timeline - Weapons - Blog - Full Index - Subjects - Concepts - Country - Documents - Pictures & Maps The First Battle of Ypres (19 October - 22 November 1914) began to the east and south east of the city in mid October 1914. The First Battle of Ypres, also called the First Battle of Flanders (French: 1re Bataille des Flandres German: Erste Flandernschlacht), was a First World War battle fought for the strategically important town of Ypres in western Belgium in October and November 1914. October 1914 If we could not be driven out of the trench, it seemed certain that we would be blown out of it. Battle of Gheluvelt (First Battle of Ypres) 30th October 1914 "At 1500 hours on 28th October 1914 British GHQ, at St Omer, telephoned General Haig warning him of the contents of an intercepted message which suggested that the Germans would attack towards Geluveld at 0530 hours the following morning. Vol. IMAGE: 'Repulsing the Famous Prussian Guard at Ypres', 1914 Photogravure after Fortunino Matania. Nov 8, 2022 · By early October 1914, the German troops occupied Antwerp, Belgium and the Allied troops held Nieuport, near Ypres in the North Sea. It began as an encounter battle, between troops of the British I corps and German troops, both advancing to make an attack. Military Operations France and Belgium, 1914: Mons, the Retreat to the Seine, the Marne and the Aisne August–October 1914. The Germans are prevented from reaching the Channel In October 1914 the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), now reinforced with fresh units, was switched from the Aisne in France to Ypres in Belgium. The final day of what is known as the Battle of Langemark offered the Allies a lot to be pleased with even though their own plans did not come to quite the fruition intended. Several battles were fought in this area just a few miles north and north-east of Ypres, including at Bixschoote, Kortekeer, and at the town of Oct 3, 2024 · The First Battle of Ypres (French Premire Bataille des Flandres German Erste Flandernschlacht, 19 October 22 November) was a battle of the First World War, fought on the Western Front around Ypres, in West Flanders, Belgium, during October and November 1914. The Battle of the Yser (18 October – 30 November 1914) was fought Against the 7th Division when the 1st Battle of Ypres began were 2 complete German army Corps, and moving up behind them were more enemy formations, which would, in turn, get thrown into the battle. In the First Battle of Ypres they were in action on the Menin Road on 23rd October 1914. Reproduced below is the text of French Army Commander-in-Chief Joseph Joffre's report on the events before and during the First Battle of Ypres, launched by the German Army during October and November 1914. By October 1914, the Allies had reached Nieuport on the North Sea coast. 2 The Second Battle of Ypres 1915 Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment, Part of 1st. This attack was on the village of Becelaere. Way beyond all others the battle that most marked the Scots Guards was the First Battle of Ypres. About Us. The Battle of Arras (also known as the First Battle of Arras, 1–4 October 1914), was an attempt by the French Army to outflank the German Army, which was attempting to do the same thing during the "Race to the Sea", their reciprocal attempts to exploit conditions created during the First Battle of the Aisne. It took place from October 19th to November 22nd in 1914 and was part of the Western Front. This long and heroic resistance of the Belgian army enabled the Franco-British forces to establish a solid front to the south, and thus to form a barrier upon which was shattered all the German attacks delivered during the great battle which took place in the neighbourhood of Ypres at the end of October and during the first half of September, 1914. The end of the Race to the Sea, the First Battle of Ypres took place between October 22 and November 19 in the region of Flanders. Primary Documents - Joseph Joffre on the First Battle of Ypres, October-November 1914. One of the greatest battles in history, the desperate struggle at Ypres in October-November 1914 was the climactic fight of the “Race to The First Battle of Ypres, also called the First Battle of Flanders (French: 1re Bataille des Flandres German: Erste Flandernschlacht), this was a First World War battle fought for the strategically important town of Ypres in western Belgium in the October and November of 1914. 1. Lord John Spencer Cavendish, DSO. After the retreat of the British Expeditionary Force from Mons, between 12 October and 11 November 1914 the Germans attacked and captured the Messines ridge. 31st October and 1st November will remain for ever memorable in the history of our Nov 3, 2024 · The First Battle of Ypres (19 October – 22 November 1914) was a battle of the First World War, fought on the Western Front around Ypres, in West Flanders, Belgium. Oct 1, 2020 · The First Battle of Ypres was a bloody WWI Battle fought October 19 – November 22, 1914, around the city of Ypres in West Flanders, Belgium. The Battle of Gheluvelt, 29-31 October 1914, was the nearest the Germans came to breaking the British lines during the first battle of Ypres. Nov 9, 2007 · I am trying to find some very specific information about the Battle of Langemark which took place October 22, 1914 between the British and German armies. The severe casualties suffered in the area made Ypres a focus for post-war remembrance. Oct 22, 2018 · The battle for the medieval textile town of Leper, most of the battle maps were drawn in French and so we know the place as “Ypres”, began on October 20 and lasted about three weeks, pitting a massive German force of some 600,000 against a quarter-million French, 100,000 British, and 65,000 Belgians. The Germans, as a prelude to General Erich von Falkenhayn's Flanders Offensive, captured Antwerp and forced its Belgian defenders back to Nieuport, near Ypres. [39] On 21 October, during the Battle of Langemarck, the opening engagement of The Belgian army fought the defensive Battle of the Yser (16–31 October) from Nieuwpoort (Nieuport) south to Diksmuide (Dixmude), as the German 4th Army attacked westwards and French, British, and some Belgian troops fought the First Battle of Ypres (19 October – 22 November) against the German 4th and 6th Armies. NAM. First Battle of Ypres (19 October – 22 November 1914): Over 220,000 casualties. The British Expeditionary Force (BEF) under the command of Field Marshal Sir John French, reinforced the French-Belgian troops at Ypres. The print shows a famous episode from the First Battle of Ypres (20 October-22 November 1914). Allied forces, including British, French and Belgian troops, halted German advances despite heavy casualties, marking a strategic defense of Ypres, Belgium, against German attempts to seize Channel ports. Between two and three o'clock on Saturday, the 31st, was the most critical hour in the whole battle. ). The first battle of Ypres officially started on October 19. The German offensive at the Canal, which ran south from the English Channel at Nieuwpoort in north-western Belgium, formed part of a wider battle for control of Flanders, notably at Ypres. The Allied victory was achieved at enormous cost for a piece of ground that would be vacated the next year. It was fought between mixed British Expeditionary Force, French eighth army and armies of the German Empire in northern France and Flanders. Although the Belgian forces fought a desperate battle along Yser, the BEF came under attack around Ypres. The Battle of Flanders (French: Bataille des Flandres) is the name of several battles fought in Flanders during the First World War: . T. Foley, R. The battle of Langemarck, 21-24 October 1914, was part of the wider first battle of Ypres (19 October-22 November). Image: IWM (Q 57428) View Item: Image 1692030658 Use this image under Non-Commercial licence. 2 The Second Battle of Ypres 1915 On 19 October they were located on the Menin Road, in preparation for a planned offensive. OCLC 220044986. Oct 19, 2024 · The First Battle of Ypres was a battle of the First World War, fought on the Western Front around Ypres, in West Flanders, Belgium. This Allied victory at the First Battle of Ypres ended the ‘Race to the Sea’. After two Jan 11, 2025 · Battle of Passchendaele (July 31–November 6, 1917), World War I battle that embodied the senseless slaughter of the Western Front. It had suffered terribly, and its general had be en sorely wounded. E. The battle was part of the F During the Allied retreat from Antwerp, the British IV Corps moved north of Ypres on 14 October, where I Corps arrived on 19 October, with cavalry covering a gap to the south of the town. The first battle of Ypres was a great Anglo-French battle. First Marne represented the death of German hopes for a repeat of 1870 and ensured that Germany would have to face every German planner’s nightmare for over a the battle on Ypres spanned from 19th October 1914 to 22nd November 1914, in Ypres, Belgium why did the battle of Ypres occur? After the Allied victory at Marne, the Germans offensive, the Schlieffen plan, was stopped. In 1914 the Germans invaded France. [2] The front line was held by a large Belgian force which succeeded in halting the German advance, though only after heavy losses. Two of our companies were in the front line with companies of the 1st Queen's on each side of them; two companies, with two of the Loyal North Lancashire, were in reserve. The British advance was opposed by four German cavalry divisions from I and II cavalry corps. (2007) [2005]. Mar 29, 2024 · The First Battle of Ypres, occurring from October to November 1914, was marked by intense fighting as Allied forces sought to prevent German advances. He took part in the Retreat from Mons, the fighting on the Aisne and the First Battle of Ypres. Division and went to France with them on 12th. 30th October 1914. As they went, each Oct 31, 2014 · In his despatch describing the actions of 31st October Sir John French said: "If any one unit can be singled out for special praise it is the Worcesters. Hon. After the First Battle of Ypres (19 October–22 November 1914), the front stabilised and both the Allied and German armies entrenched themselves in an arc around Ypres, between 4 and 8km away from the town. THE FIRST BATTLE OF YPRES, OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 1914 | Imperial War Museums The Battle for Festubert really began on 12th October. Oct 19, 2016 · The First Battle of Ypres raged on between October and November 1914, when winter and bad weather brought things to a halt. First Battle of Ypres: October 19 1st Battle of Ypres 1914 Introduction. October 20, 1914: Apocalypse at Ypres. THE FIRST BATTLE OF YPRES, OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 1914. Jan 20, 2017 · Study area, historical context and data collection. However, the professionalism and experience of the British soldiers compared to the young Germans meant they took the lead when they were attacked in Langemark. It is estimated that over 500,000 British and Commonwealth troops died fighting around Ypres during World War I. Military Operations France and Belgium, 1914: Antwerp, La Bassée, Armentières, Messines and Ypres October–November 1914. E. Field-Marshal Viscount French, in his book ‘1914,’ has said that the period 27th to 31st October during the first battle of Ypres was ‘more momentous and fateful than any other which I directed during my period of service as Commander-in-Chief in the field. London: Longmans. The First Battle of Ypres (French: Première Bataille des Flandres; German: Erste Flandernschlacht 19 October – 22 November 1914) was a battle of the First World War, fought on the Western Front around Ypres, in West Flanders, Belgium. The Germans initiated a rolling offensive on 18 October 1914, starting in Belgium, and extending the length of the western front. Passchendaele was the third and longest battle to take place at Ypres, Belgium. [123] The roll call of 2nd Battalion, Scots Guards on the Menin Road, 27 October 1914 answered by 12 officers and 460 soldiers. 1 The First Battle of Ypres 1914 1. First Battle of Ypres (October – November 1914) From mid-October 1914, the British Expediton Force established a defensive position across Wallemolen (Passchendaele), Broodseinde (Zonnebeke), Reutel It is estimated that about 135,000 Germans were killed or badly wounded during the offensive. Oct 21, 2024 · In October 1914, the first of many clashes over the historic city of Ypres began, setting up the stalemate in Flanders. Mar 21, 2021 · The First Battle of Ypres was one of the first significant battles in World War I. [122] The Race to the Sea effectively ended with the start of the First Battle of Ypres, with the Western Front reaching the Belgian coast. The battle was part of the First Battle of Flanders, in which German, French, Belgian armies and the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) fought from Arras in France to Nieuport on the Belgian coast, from 10 October to mid-November. "</p> <p>[With thanks to LTC C P Love TD "Gheluvelt 31st October 1914"; originally printed in 'Firm and Forester' October 1989]</p> <p>Photographs : (l) Gheluvelt Chateau today (c) Graeme The Battle of Gheluvelt, 29-30 October 1914. Both sides began digging in and constructing the elaborate trench systems that would characterise the front for the remainder of the war. First Battle of Ypres, (October 19–November 22, 1914), first of three costly battles of World War I in western Flanders. The Battle of the Yser (French, Dutch language: Slag om de IJzer ) was a battle which took place in October 1914 between the towns on Nieuwpoort and Diksmuide along a 35 kilometres (22 mi) long stretch of the Yser river and Yperlee canal in Belgium. There were two more major battles at Ypres: 2nd Battle of Ypres (April-May, 1915) and Passchendaele (July-October, 1917). Len is referring to the First Battle of Ypres (October 1914). In a series of hard-fought battles in the vicinity of Ypres during October and November of 1914, the original British Expeditionary Force took heavy casualties. When the battle began, the BEF held the line from La Bassée to Langemarck, and by 22 October had taken over the last section of the salient, west of Langemarck. Every night at 2000 hours the Last Post is sounded under the Menin Gate, which records the names of tens of thousands of soldiers from the Empire who have no known grave. The final major battle of 1914, the First Battle of Ypres (October-November), largely led to the destruction of the pre-war army. Only the British Army remained, at Ypres, to stem the advancing Germans and save the Channel Ports and Paris. Jul 9, 2015 · The fighting has been divided into five stages, an encounter battle from 19–21 October, the Battle of Langemarck from 21–24 October, the battles at La Bassée and Armentières to 2 November, coincident with more Allied attacks at Ypres and the Battle of Gheluvelt (29–31 October), a fourth phase with the last big German offensive which culminated at the Battle of Nonne Bosschen on 11 The First Battle of Ypres, also called the First Battle of Flanders (French), was a First World War battle fought for the strategic town of Ypres in western Belgium in October and November 1914. The German and Western Allied attempts to secure the town from The Third Battle of Ypres (German: Dritte Flandernschlacht; French: Troisième Bataille des Flandres; Dutch: Derde Slag om Ieper), also known as the Battle of Passchendaele (/ ˈ p æ ʃ ən d eɪ l / PASH-ən-dayl), was a campaign of the First World War, fought by the Allies against the German Empire. Discover the intense situation during the First Battle of Ypres in October 1914. Image: IWM (Q 57196) View Item: Image 513614218 Use this image under Non-Commercial licence. I slipped over the rear of the trench, to cut across and meet the lads as they emerged from the communication trench, but had ⚔️ October–November 1914: The First Battle of Ypres saw Allied and German forces locked in a brutal struggle, marking the dawn of trench warfare. known 31st October 1914. Then, in a final bid to gain the upper hand, both Allied and German Armies clashed in the First Battle of Ypres. The Battle of Ypres was a series of engagements during the First World War, near the Belgian city of Ypres, between the German and the Allied armies (Belgian, French and British colonial forces). From 20 October to 22 November it helped to defeat a major German attempt to break through and reach the Channel ports. Gheluvelt was defended by the 3rd Brigade, supported by 2nd Battalion, KRRC and the 1st Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, under Colonel Serocold. By late October 1914, 1st and 2nd, Divisions, the much-depleted 7th Division, two battalions of 5th Division, and 1st and 2nd Cavalry Divisions (altogether a very substantial proportion of the British Expeditionary Force) were at, or near, Ypres. The British Expeditionary Force, in particular, faced heavy casualties, yet managed to hold their lines, establishing a defensive framework that defined subsequent encounters. On that day II Corps (including 1st Cheshires) was ordered to advance east to a line running north from Givenchy. History of the Great War Based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of First Battle of Ypres, fought from October to November 1914, was a major clash in World War I on the Western Front. The Allies and the Germans failed to outflank each other, and both sides settled into the trench warfare that would characterize the remainder of the war on the Western Front. Mar 25, 2016 · An 18-pounder gun in position during the First Battle of Ypres, October 1914. Battles - The Battle of the Yser, 1914 The Belgian army's defence of the Yser Canal in October 1914 is referred to as the Battle of Yser. The fighting has been divided into five stages, an encounter battle from 19 to 21 October, the Battle of Langemarck from 21 to 24 October, the battles at La Bassée and Armentières to 2 November, coincident with more Allied attacks at Ypres and the Battle of Gheluvelt (29–31 October), a fourth phase with the last big German offensive, which Feb 13, 2015 · The Belgian city of Ypres is synonymous with the First World War. A German prisoner being brought in by three Scots Guardsmen. The Fifth Battle of Ypres, also called the Advance in Flanders and the Battle of the Peaks of Flanders (French: Bataille des Crêtes de Flandres) is an informal name used to identify a series of World War I battles in northern France and southern Belgium from late September to October 1918. May 19, 2021 · The regiment was involved at the First Battle of Ypres in October and November 1914 (losing 44 officers and killed in action men in this period including 24 in a three day period between 28 October and 1 November). Edmonds, J. William Barnes Wollen, Battle of Ypres (1914) The Battalion then moved to Lyndhurst and came under command of 20th Brigade in 7th Division moving to France aboard the SS Lake Michigan and the SS Mineapolis landing in Zeebrugge on 7th October 1914 for service on the Western Front. During the five engagements, casualties may have surpassed one million. History of the Great War Based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence. ISBN 978-1-4058-3620-3. 144352 Artist’s Estate. He was killed in action on 31st. The BEF lost around 75,000 men and was effectively destroyed as a professional army. The Western Front Association (The WFA) was formed with the purpose of furthering interest in First World War of 1914-1918. A British troops first entered Ypres in October 1914, unaware of the German force that was advancing towards the town. It was the climactic fight of the “Race to the Sea,” an attempt by the German army to break through Allied lines and capture French ports on the English Channel which opened access to the North Sea and beyond. The First Battle of Ypres (French: Première Bataille des Flandres, German: Erste Flandernschlacht, 19 October – 22 November 1914) was a battle of the First World War, fought on the Western Front around Ypres, in West Flanders, Belgium. The war diary entry of 26th October 1914 refers to D Company under command of Captain William . Players assume the 24th October 1914. Ypres 1914 is a brigade/regiment level simulation of the First Battle of Ypres. This battle occurred in the late autumn at a crucial point in the “Race to the Sea”, when the Allied Armies and the German Armies were engaged in an attempt to outflank one another in a desire to reach and Dec 13, 2024 · The First battle of Ypres (19 th October-22 nd November 1914). II (1st ed. It became part of the wider battle around Ypres. A naval armoured car on the Menin Road at Hell-Fire Corner, 14 October 1914. The First Battle of Ypres ends the ‘Race to the Sea’. It was the first of many long battles during the Great War to hold or win possession of this ancient city and it's strategic route to the French and Belgian coastal ports. Behind the Belgians’ advanced line lay the IJzer River forming a natural barrier between Nieuwpoort and Diksmuide. However, they failed to take Ypres or to reach the Channel ports. 2. What became of vital importance to the British army was the German threat to seize the Channel Ports. During the First Battle of Ypres (19 October – 22 November 1914), the Franco-British captured the town of Ypres from the Germans, the Château de Hooge was used by the commanders of the 1st Division and 2nd Division for a joint divisional headquarters. three major battles: First Ypres (19 October - 22 November 1914), Second Ypres (21 April - 25 May 1915) and Third Ypres (31 July - 10 November 1917). Part of the Battalion did not go into Ypres but turned off along the Menin Road to bivouac in a Chateau. The German chemist Walther Nernst, who in 1914 was as a volunteer driver, proposed to Colonel Max Bauer, the German general staff officer responsible for liaison with scientists, that they could empty the opposing trenches by a surprise attack with tear gas. Wetherall moving from trenches right of the Guards Brigade right flank in to the woods and a subsequent reoccupation of the trenches. The battle of Messines, 12 October-2 November 1914, was part of the Race to the Sea, the series of battles that decided the line of the western front. During the night of the 29th/30th October 1914 the Germans reorganised themselves replacing the 6 Bavarian Reserve Division in the front line and bringing up their heavy artillery (260 heavy pieces that the British could not match; or the French come to that). A party of Uhlans were seen in the distance and were immediately fired at. The deaths recorded in the four weeks from 18 October 1914, to which must be added those who died of wounds later or as prisoners of war after being captured at Ypres, exceeded the total number of Scots Guardsmen who died in each of the years 1917 Feb 5, 2015 · The first Battle of the Marne was fought from 5-12 September, 1914. The 1st Division had fallen back from Gheluvelt to a line resting on the junction of the Frezenberg road with the Ypres-Menin highway. The battle was part of the F The line (blue dashed line) held by the British Army east of Ypres at the start of the First Battle of Ypres on 19 th October 1914. It was in this period that the regiment lost Major Rt. 20th October 1914 (Tuesday) – Weary when the battle started, short of sleep, frozen at night and usually hungry, the Green Howards clung to their Aug 26, 2023 · The battle began on 19 October 1914, when General Erich von Falkenhayn of the German army launched a limited offensive with the goal of capturing the strategically important town of Ypres in Belgium. Ieper has become a very British place of pilgrimage since the war. (1922). Nov 5, 2009 · On October 19, 1914, near the Belgian city of Ypres, Allied and German forces begin the first of what would be three battles to control the city and its advantageous positions on the north 19 October – 22 November 1914: the Battles of Ypres, 1914. Published by The Sphere and Tatler Limited, 1916. It was a strategic place guarding the ports of the English Channel and the access to the North Sea. With the failure of the German offensive against France at the Battle of the Marne, and the allied counter-offensive, the so-called 'race to the sea' began, a movement towards the North Sea coast as each army attempted to out-flank the other by moving progressively north and west. The primary focus of the attack was to amputate the Ypres salient, which protruded eastward between Steenstrat and St Eloi. Feb 13, 2015 · The Belgian city of Ypres is synonymous with the First World War. From late August 1914 the first German reconnaissance patrols appear in our region and in October 1914 all inhabitants flee from our towns. 💥 Relentle. Fritz Haber, a German chemist who proposed the use of the heavier-than-air chlorine gas as a weapon to break the trench deadlock. On this day, the Germans started attacking from the coast to the south of Ypres. The German and Western Allied attempts to secure the town from enemy occupation included a series of further battles in and around the West Flanders Belgian municipality. ed. On these fields, the British Expeditionary Force, the professional army of Britain, and the strongest on the Continent, was bled dry. October 1914 when his unit was defending the ground south-west of Gheluvelt. Often known as the First Battle of Ypres, this is a series of named battles that also form part of the outflanking encounter. The Allied forces, consisting of British, French, and Belgian troops, fought back with fierce resistance, using improvised field fortifications to Apr 8, 2021 · This World War I timeline of battles outlines the most important engagements of the 1914-1918 war, from the first Battle of Mons to the final 1918 armistice. In the first study of First Ypres for almost 40 years, Ian Beckett draws on a wide range of sources never previously used to reappraise the conduct of the battle, its significance and its legacy. From the series 'With the British Army on the Western Front'. The Battle of the Yser (French: Bataille de l'Yser, Dutch: Slag om de IJzer) was a battle of the First World War that took place in October 1914 between the towns of Nieuwpoort and Diksmuide, along a 35 km (22 mi) stretch of the Yser River and the Yperlee Canal, in Belgium. [2] Oct 20, 2007 · It seems like a lot of English speaking historians pass over this battle in their accounts of First Ypres for whatever reason, or confuse it with the Battle at Langemarck that took place between British and German forces on October 22, 1914, south-east of the town of Langemarck, or the Battle of Nonne Boschen (Nun's Wood) on November 11, 1914 Oct 20, 2014 · Wikimedia Commons. Second Battle of Ypres (22 April – 15 May 1915): First large-scale use of poison gas by Germany; about 100,000 casualties. The view along the Ypres-Menin Road looking towards Hatte which was otherwise known as "Hell-Fire Corner". The strategy of both the Jun 30, 2009 · Between two and three o'clock on Saturday, the 31st, was the most critical hour in the whole battle. It was the turning point of the opening campaign in what would be known as the Western Front during World War I. This is the order of battle for the First Battle of Ypres fought from 19 October to 22 November 1914 as one of the main engagements of the First World War. Ypres The First Battle, 1914 (repr. 31st October 1914. August 1914. Their aim was to overwhelm the French and British Armies, bypass Paris and seize the Channel Ports. London: Macmillan. By the end of the previous day’s fighting the small village of Messines (Mesen) jutted out, a minor salient, held by twelve squadrons of the 1st Cavalry Brigade with two companies of the 57th Rifles (Indian Corps) attached. Falkenhayn's Flanders Offensive resulted in the weakened Belgians flooding the land between their army and the German advance. 1 Introduction 1. [4] The First Battle of Ypres began as German, French and British forces advanced to encounter each other at the western Belgian town of Langemark. 19 October – 22 November 1914, Battles of Ypres, 1914 Often known as the First Battle of Ypres, this is a group of named battles that also form part of the outflanking encounter. An Indian Expeditionary Force was sent to France and Belgium in September 1914 and held part of the frontline against the German army until October 1915, sustaining 22,000 casualties. The severe casualties suffered in the area made Ypres a focus for post-war remembrance. Attacking the British on October 20, German forces attacked the area between Langemarck and Ypres. Ypres gave its name to three major battles: First Ypres (19 October - 22 November 1914), Second Ypres (21 April - 25 May 1915) and Third Ypres (31 July - 10 November 1917). During October and early November, having suffered a large number of casualties, the 1st Battalion The Black Watch, as part of 1st (Guards) Brigade took part in three separate battles which made up the First Battle of Ypres: Oct 25, 2004 · 31 October - 17 November 1914 The First Battle of Ypres By John Buchan Between two and three o'clock on Saturday, the 31st, was the most critical hour in the whole battle. The battle for Ypres in October and November 1914 represented the last opportunity for open, mobile warfare on the Western Front. The “Race to the Sea” ended in October 1914 at Ypres. How many British died in the first battle of Ypres? 50,000 British troops were lost in this battle. The First Battle of Ypres was a battle of the First World War, fought on the Western Front around Ypres, in West Flanders, Belgium. Although its performance came under criticism from British commanders and later historians, the Force contributed in a crucial way to stemming the German advance, and remains a testimony to the way Indian human The First Battle of Ypres was between 12th October and 11th November, 1914. Discover the story of the First Battle of Ypres here. Still, the British had assisted the French in stopping the initial German drive towards Paris. Battles - The First Battle of Ypres, 1914. First Battle of Flanders (19 October – 22 November 1914) - The First Battle of Ypres, a battle fought during the Race to the Sea Mar 8, 2017 · First Battle of Ypres. Battle of Ypres 10 October - 16 November 1914 Commanding Officer: Generaloberst Herzog Albrecht von Württemberg III Reserve Corps: General der Infanterie von Beseler 5th Reserve Division: Generalleutnant Voigt 9th Reserve Brigade: Generalmajor Knoch 1/,2/,3/8th Reserve Regiment 1/,2/,3/48th Reserve Regiment They had not discovered, however, that behind III Corps the Germans had assembled the Fourth Army, consisting of four fresh corps, and were themselves planning to attack, and the opposing forces clashed in the First Battle of Ypres (19 October - 22 November 1914). Table of contents 1 Introduction 1. Shells kept landing near enough in front of or behind the trench…. 1st Battle of Ypres 13-31 October 1914 7th Division: Capper 20th Infantry Brigade: Ruggles-Brise 1st Grenadier Guards 2nd Scots Guards 2nd Border Regiment 2nd Gordon Highlanders 21st Infantry Brigade: Watts 2nd Bedfordshire 2nd Yorkshire 2nd Wiltshire 2nd Scots Fusiliers 22nd Infantry Brigade: Lawford 1st South Staffordshire 2nd Warwickshire The Battle of the Yser — to give the river its then French name — was opened on 16th October 1914 with heavy attacks on both Nieuwpoort and Diksmuide. It becomes a desperate epic fight east of the city of Ypres which finally results in stalemate and entrenched warfare. 19 October - 22 November 1914. We also aim to perpetuate the memory, courage and comradeship of all those who served their countries on all sides, across all theatres and fronts, on land, at sea and in the air and at home, during the Great War. The crisis of the Battle of Ypres hinged around the village of Gheluvelt.