Augustincic tito. Mar 5, 2023 · Radi Titovu bistu.
Augustincic tito Majority of them are in Mint Never Hinged (MNH). Tel: +385 49 550-343 Tel 2: +385 49 550-093 E-mail: gaa@mhz. jpg 800 × 603; 474 KB. The statue is located next to the birth house of Josip Broz Tito. Oda azok kerültek, akik ellenezték a szakítást Sztálinnal. Find the perfect uniform marshal josip broz tito stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. Der Bildhauer AugustinCic hat Tito hier als nachdenklichen Strategen inszeniert, der mit den auf dem Rücken verschränkten Armen und dem nachdenklichen, auf den Boden gewendeten Blick, nach vorn zu schreiten scheint. Ivan Ribar, Milentije Popovic, Edvard Kardelj by A. Born 31 st March 1904 Breslau, Germany, died 17 th January 1964 Belgrade, Yugoslavia, He was a Serbian painter of great renown. ITALY, SYRIA, CUBA, IRAN, NORTH KOREA. He was a close associate of Josip Broz Tito. Yekatit 12 Monument (7 F) Vjesnica mira Antun Augustincic grafit Rijeka 08042012 2. Tito 1946-ban miniszterelnök, 1948-ban a jugoszláv kommunista párt főtitkára, 1953-ban államfő lett. 345 likes, 4 comments - oscar. Monumento a Tito Antun Augustincic Estatua de Bronce 1948 Podgorica (Montenegro) La estatua de bronce del ex líder yugoslavo Josip Broz Tito fue inaugurada en Podgorica, la capital de Montenegro, en 2018. Dec 19, 2018 · In a nostalgic homage to a now-defunct nation, a bronze statue of former Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito was unveiled on Wednesday in Montenegro's capital Podgorica. After Tito’s death in 1980, many ex-Yugoslavs and Croatian nationalists denounced Tito for his repressive policies and disregard for human Dec 19, 2018 · En un nostálgico homenaje a una desaparecida nación, una estatua de bronce del exlíder yugoslavo Josip Broz Tito fue revelada el miércoles en Podgorica, la capital de Montenegro. . Sin zagorskih seljaka Adama i Katarine, rođ. Dec 5, 2018 · Early in the 1990s, a family friend noted the small bust of Tito that stood atop our TV set. hr E-mail 2: rezervacije-gaa@mhz. maj 1979, Zagreb. stoljeća. You cannot glorify him nor can you completely chastise him. 1/1. He was, during his career, a delegate to the UN, close associate of Josip Broz Tito, Yugoslavia's envoy (ambassador) to the USSR, US, China, and Vietnam, member of the federal government of Yugoslavia, and chair of the Committee Josip Broz TITO Massive Bronze Portrait Yugoslavia sculpture bust Augustincic. Dozens of Tito admirers and veterans Galerija Antuna Augustinčića nalazi se u gornjem dijelu grada Klanjca. SC# 1467-1468. All our content is written and edited by our community. Weight : cca 5kg. Érzelmei miatt ő kérte, hogy testét itt elhelyezzék el halála után. ), bio je hrvatski kipar, likovni pedagog, i akademik. For this order Augustincic gave me all three busts as a gift that I am still keeping in my apartment…' 1962 - 70th Birthday of President Tito (Josip Broz), Imperf. He is known as the designer of the Coat of Arms of the city of Belgrade and co-designer (together with Antun Augustincic, in 1946) of the Coat of Arm of the Republic of Macedonia. Share your family tree and photos with the people you know and love. Aug 31, 2024 · Tito_poses_for_Augustin_Augustinčić,_famous_Croat_sculptor. May 28, 2024 · Antun Augustincic - Yugoslavian Sculptor. A House of Flowers – virágok háza - 1975-ben épült, eredetileg télikertnek tervezték Tito számára. Pošalji ovo e-poštom Blogiraj ovo! In 1940 he became a corresponding member of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts (JAZU). Statue of Josip Broz Tito, Kumrovec (9 F) Y. Cijena 700 € Pošalji poruku Veleprodajna cijena: Netto cijena: PDV: Šifra oglasa: 44618909 Author: Antun Augustincic , Yugoslavian sculptor , not signed One and only piece the lid can be unscrewed and the flames can be ignited Tito Relay of youth was produced in honor of President Marshal Tito grateful for birthday wishes This relay of youth was used at the stadium at celebrating Tito birthday - Day of Youth Designed by Zivorad Jankovic and Halid Muhasilovic, Skederija is a multi-functional cultural and sports centre completed in 1969. – Zagreb, 10. Kalin, N. stoljeća Antun Augustinčić rodio se 4. Augustincic, a sculptor, was close to president Tito, who assisted in introducing his art internationally. A szoborból két példány is látható az emlékhelyen, természetesen egyiknek sem ez az eredeti helye. BIsta Tita u drvenoj kutiji. The lady curator was very helpful too. Online aukció: filatélia, numizmatika, képeslap, könyv,. The statue was created by Antun Augustincic (a prominent Croatian sculptor active in Yugoslavia) in 1948. Nov 12, 2016 · RUSSIA KALININGRAD, 12 NOVEMBER 2016: stamp printed by Yugoslavia, shows the sculpture of marshal Tito by Augustincic, circa 1962 Ankara, Turkey - 01,03,2022: A Jugoslavia postage stamp shows portrait of the politician and President Josip Broz Tito (1892-1980). He is a fundamental part of our history from a time the world was an absolute mess. Augustincic, B. Slobodan Ugrinovski, head of the Antun Augustinčić, born in Klanjec in 1900, is one of the foremost 20th century Croatian sculptors, whose works convey a muscular power and expressive dignity. Explore Dec 5, 2018 · Early in the 1990s, a family friend noted the small bust of Tito that stood atop our TV set. A statue of Josip Broz Tito, the leader of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (from 1945-1980) was sculpted by Antun Augustincic and unveiled in 1948 in Kumrovec, Croatia (Tito’s home town). Festmény, grafika, papírrégiség | s: Antun Augustincic: Josip Broz Tito statue in Author: Antun Augustincic , Yugoslavian sculptor , not signed One and only piece the lid can be unscrewed and the flames can be ignited Tito Relay of youth was produced in honor of President Marshal Tito grateful for birthday wishes This relay of youth was used at the stadium at celebrating Tito birthday - Day of Youth Author: Antun Augustincic , Yugoslavian sculptor , not signed One and only piece the lid can be unscrewed and the flames can be ignited Tito Relay of youth was produced in honor of President Marshal Tito grateful for birthday wishes This relay of youth was used at the stadium at celebrating Tito birthday - Day of Youth Author: Antun Augustincic , Yugoslavian sculptor , not signed One and only piece the lid can be unscrewed and the flames can be ignited Tito Relay of youth was produced in honor of President Marshal Tito grateful for birthday wishes This relay of youth was used at the stadium at celebrating Tito birthday - Day of Youth Author: Antun Augustincic , Yugoslavian sculptor , not signed One and only piece the lid can be unscrewed and the flames can be ignited Tito Relay of youth was produced in honor of President Marshal Tito grateful for birthday wishes This relay of youth was used at the stadium at celebrating Tito birthday - Day of Youth Author: Antun Augustincic , Yugoslavian sculptor , not signed One and only piece the lid can be unscrewed and the flames can be ignited Tito Relay of youth was produced in honor of President Marshal Tito grateful for birthday wishes This relay of youth was used at the stadium at celebrating Tito birthday - Day of Youth Author: Antun Augustincic , Yugoslavian sculptor , not signed One and only piece the lid can be unscrewed and the flames can be ignited Tito Relay of youth was produced in honor of President Marshal Tito grateful for birthday wishes This relay of youth was used at the stadium at celebrating Tito birthday - Day of Youth Aug 4, 2024 · Antun Augustincic Josip Broz Tito bronca. He was, during his career, a delegate to the UN, close associate of Josip Broz Tito, Yugoslavia's envoy (ambassador) to the USSR, US, China, and Vietnam, member of the federal government of Yugoslavia, and chair of the Committee Media films a monument dedicated to Tito, a statue by Croatian sculptor Antun Augustincic (19001979) of Josip Broz Tito (18921980), former President of communist Yugoslavia, next to the museum in Josip Broz Tito's birth house, in the village of Kumrovec, some 50 km from Zagreb, on May 4, 2020. The bronze statuary depiction of Josip Broz Tito by legendary Croatian artist Antun Augustinčić is arguably the most famous likeness of the Yugoslav leader ever created in art. STAMP CONDITIONS: MINT NEVER HINGED - MNH. Sep 12, 2016 · This bronze standing statue of Josip Broz Tito is located in Kumrovec, Croatia. Dec 4, 2012 · Tito portret (Augustincic) Tito portret (Berber) Tito portret (Detoni) Tito portret (Zec) Objavio/la ATMACICI u 01:49. Visit both, the Gallery and the studio. Monumental bronze and gypsum castings leave you rewarded. godine, nedugo nakon dolaska u partizane . Bladerunner Paradise (440) 100% positive; 195 likes, 19 comments - pfro on October 29, 2024: "First full day in #croatia… walked around the main city center for a bit before heading out to see the sculptures of Augustincic— Tito’s favorite sculptor (every self respecting dictator needs his own sculptor)… then to Kumrovic… the village where Tito was born (he was raised in a three room house. Some of the most significant works are the 1927 Men's Torso, The Moving Woman's Torso, Portraits of Josip Broz Tito and Miroslav Krleža, and models and sketches for the monuments Peace, Rudar, the Monument to Marko Kraljević and others. s: Antun Augustincic: Josip Broz Tito statue in Kumrovec (EK) Aug 1, 2023 · Augustincic, a sculptor, was close to president Tito, who assisted in introducing his art internationally. svibnja 1900. Skupaj z Ivanom Meštrovićem in Franom Kršinićem spada med tri najpomembnejše hrvaške kiparje 20. pavlo on June 16, 2015: "sharks #tito #me #statue #augustincic #art #sculptor #legendary #kumrovec #antifasci In his book 'Sjecanja na ljude i dogadaje' (Memories on the People and Events), Belgrade 1989, chapter 62 he wrote 'So I suggested inviting Augustincic to cast us busts of Marx, Engels and Lenin. hr Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Joking that the late Yugoslav leader might ruin the picture, he asked my father to remove him. 21 November 2024. In a nostalgic homage to a now-defunct nation, a bronze statue of former Yugoslav U Hrvatskoj najpoznatija djela su mu Spomenik seljačkoj buni, Josip Broz Tito, Tuga i Mojsije… Jedan od najznačajnijih hrvatskih kipara 20. Prve skice za spomenik Augustinčić je izradio još 1943 . Picture taken on May 4, 2020 shows a monument dedicated to Tito, a statue by Croatian sculptor Antun Augustincic of Josip Broz Tito , former CROATIA-YUGOSLAVIA-HISTORY-TITO-COMUNISM-ANNIVERSARY Delegation of Croatian anti-fascists lays a wreath at the monument, a statue by Croatian sculptor Antun Augustincic of Josip Broz Tito , former Jan 28, 2025 · RARE 5. Antun Augustinčić (4 May 1900 – 10 May 1979) was a Croatian sculptor active in Yugoslavia and the United States. Slobodan Ugrinovski, head of the small non-parliamentary party, Tito’s Left Forces, who was present at the opening ceremony along with other party members, said they did not put up Dec 3, 2013 · The statue is a replica of the well-known statue of Tito in his birthplace of Kumrovec, in Croatia, the work of the well known Yugoslav sculptor Antun Augustincic. godine kada je Antun Augustinčić, jedan od najznačajnijih hrvatskih kipara i predstavnika moderne umjetnosti, Author: Antun Augustincic , Yugoslavian sculptor , not signed One and only piece the lid can be unscrewed and the flames can be ignited Tito Relay of youth was produced in honor of President Marshal Tito grateful for birthday wishes This relay of youth was used at the stadium at celebrating Tito birthday - Day of Youth Darabanth | 158. Sep 17, 2020 · The bronze statuary depiction of Josip Broz Tito by legendary Croatian artist Antun Augustinčić is arguably the most famous likeness of the Yugoslav leader ever created in art. Kralj. Available for both RF and RM licensing. Gallery Studio Studio Address. En los años posteriores a la guerra realizó una serie de esculturas notables, como los monumentos a Josip Broz Tito en la ciudad natal de Tito, Kumrovec (1948), al político Moša Pijade (1953), al violinista Zlatko Baloković (1962), al escritor croata del siglo XVI Marin Držić (1963) y muchas otras. Our first stop, the Kumrovec ethnic village, was the birthplace of Marshal Tito, the President of the former Yugoslavia. This ability to create on a grand scale led to Augustinčić being commissioned for a great number of public works at home and abroad. Slobodan Ugrinovski, head of the small non-parliamentary party, Tito’s Left Forces, who was present at the opening ceremony along with other party members, said they did not put up Author: Antun Augustincic , Yugoslavian sculptor , not signed One and only piece the lid can be unscrewed and the flames can be ignited Tito Relay of youth was produced in honor of President Marshal Tito grateful for birthday wishes This relay of youth was used at the stadium at celebrating Tito birthday - Day of Youth Author: Antun Augustincic , Yugoslavian sculptor , not signed One and only piece the lid can be unscrewed and the flames can be ignited Tito Relay of youth was produced in honor of President Marshal Tito grateful for birthday wishes This relay of youth was used at the stadium at celebrating Tito birthday - Day of Youth Dec 19, 2018 · The monument is one of three identical life-size statues made in 1948 by sculptor Antun Augustincic. Jan 28, 2025 · During the post-war period, as of 1947, the busts of Josic Broz Tito were created by A. A bronze statue of Tito by Croatian artist Antun Augustincic, stands outside, strong and powerful “father” of his country, ever on vigil, thoughtful and pensive - circa 1943 before he gained a few pounds. Antun Augustinčić (Klanjec, 4. Tako da je Augustincic izgrao Pavelica, da se celo vreme pretvarao, a bio je na partizanskoj strani. Along with Ivan Meštrović and Frano Kršinić, he is considered one of the three most important Croatian sculptors of the 20th century. Jankovic and Z. Download this stock image: Monument to Marshal Tito (1948) by Antun Augustincic at Marshal Tito's grave site Belgrade Serbia Europe - CPKJDD from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. City mayor Ivan Vukovic said it was reinstated in honor of Montenegro’s fundamental values. Tito, who led former communist AUGUSTINČIĆ, Antun, kipar (Klanjec, 4. godine u bronzi izradio vajar Antun Augustinčić, [1] podizana je širom Jugoslavije. Josip Broz Tito, born Josip Broz; (7 May 1892 - 4 May 1980) was a Yugoslav revolutionary and statesman, serving in various roles from 1943 until his death in 1980. New Croatian President Removes Tito Artworks and Brews Controversy Author: Antun Augustincic , Yugoslavian sculptor , not signed One and only piece the lid can be unscrewed and the flames can be ignited Tito Relay of youth was produced in honor of President Marshal Tito grateful for birthday wishes This relay of youth was used at the stadium at celebrating Tito birthday - Day of Youth Mar 21, 2023 · Genealogy profile for Antun Augustinčić. In 1946 he became a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, and after the war he was made a member of the People’s Este Tito de Augustincic, con su gabardina de partisano, que enarboló la bandera de la resistencia en un momento histórico en el que todos los políticos de nuestro país se rendían al viento, no fue representado en la posición del comandante al timón de sus brigadas; es el rostro de un hombre con la cabeza inclinada debido a las serias Dec 5, 2024 · Author: Antun Augustincic, Yugoslavian sculptor, not signed. Great choice for any collection or for decoration! Jun 3, 2024 · Yugoslavia Marshal Tito statue JOSIP BROZ TITO communist leader A. Picture taken on May 4, 2020 shows a monument dedicated to Tito, a statue by Croatian sculptor Antun Augustincic of Josip Broz Tito , former CROATIA-YUGOSLAVIA-HISTORY-TITO-COMUNISM-ANNIVERSARY Delegation of Croatian anti-fascists lays a wreath at the monument, a statue by Croatian sculptor Antun Augustincic of Josip Broz Tito , former MARSHALL TITO BY ANTUN AUGUSTINCIC. RARE 5kg Augustincic Bronze signed Sculpture TITO The statue,,Marsal Tito", which was made of bronze in 1948 by the sculptor Antun Augustincic , was erected in various places all over Yugoslavia. Sep 7, 2023 · Antun AUGUSTINCIC - Josip Broz Tito bronca TITO Bronca ca. 75th Anniversary of the Birth. Location: Josip Broz Tito Park This photo : a statue of Marshal Josip Broz Tito (1892-1980) sculpted by Antun Augustincic (1900-1979) dedicated in 1948. AUGUSTINCIC. [1] . It shows the former leader in uniform looking solemn. Osnovnu je školu završio u Klanjcu, realnu gimnaziju u Zagrebu (1913–1918). As far as Tito goes he was pretty low on evil dictator list. Price Database. Dec 19, 2018 · One of three identical statues made by sculptor Antun Augustincic in 1948, the life-size statue showing Tito in military uniform with greatcoat slung over his shoulders had been stored in a Dec 3, 2013 · The statue is a replica of the well-known statue of Tito in his birthplace of Kumrovec, in Croatia, the work of the well known Yugoslav sculptor Antun Augustincic. Augustincic and B. Dec 19, 2018 · One of three identical statues made by sculptor Antun Augustincic in 1948, the life-size statue showing Tito in military uniform with greatcoat slung over his shoulders had been stored in a Dec 20, 2018 · One of three identical statues made by sculptor Antun Augustincic in 1948, the life-size statue showing Tito in military uniform with greatcoat slung over his shoulders had been stored in a commemorative room at an army barracks. A Miroslav Krleža je u predgovoru za fotomonografiju o Antunu Augustinčiću 1968. Tito accepted immediately. Tito is buried in Belgrade, Serbia, once the capital of Yugoslavia. Architects: Antun Augustincic and Vladimir Herljevic Genre : Socialist monument, former Yugoslavia At six meters high, plus another four metres for the pedestal, this is the tallest sculpture of Josip Tito in the world. 50d, 200d Vladimir Popović Lukin (27 January 1914 – 1 April 1972) was a Yugoslav diplomat, communist politician and army general. It is free from the context because it fundamentally depicts a paradoxical situation- where a cult disappears, and the monument is erected in the honour of a man with the skin susceptible to be harmed. Jan 14, 2025 · Josip Broz TITO Massive Bronze Portrait Yugoslavia sculpture bust Augustincic. Cena 650 € Pošlji sporočilo Veleprodajna cena: Neto cena: DDV: Šifra oglasa: 12102377 Author: Antun Augustincic , Yugoslavian sculptor , not signed One and only piece the lid can be unscrewed and the flames can be ignited Tito Relay of youth was produced in honor of President Marshal Tito grateful for birthday wishes This relay of youth was used at the stadium at celebrating Tito birthday - Day of Youth Watch. Tito kedvelt visszavonulási helye lett. Year: 1948 - Reinstated in 2018. WW2 item beautiful Bronze Head of Yugoslavia presidentmarshall TITOfor your office or home. godine u zagorskom mjestu Klanjec. Designs: 25d, 100d, Marshal Tito, by Antun Augustincic. 65 cm Statue of Marshal Josip Broz Tito (1892-1980) by Antun Augustincic (1900-1979) in Podgorica, Montenegro Stock Photo https: TITO bron, avtor a augustincic. This is an artist's maquette similar to the 15th monument to Marshal Tito (president of the former Yugoslavia) installed in Kumrovec (birthplace of Tito) in 1948 Augustincic, a sculptor, was close to president Tito, who assisted in introducing his art internationally. V 1900 — Zagreb, 10. Find Augustincic stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. The condition could be seen on the picture showing. Artist(s): Antun Augustincic. Pavelic je poludeo, i fotografije gde Pavelic pozira Augustincu nikada nisu ni objavljene, cak su i unistene Fotografije gde Tito pozira Augustincicu su objavljivale svuda. Antun Augustincic Monument Tude Necemo - Svoje Ne Damo Monument to the Fallen Krajisnici Monument Crvenoarmejac Josip Broz Tito Monument in Kumrovec View article All our texts and many of our images appear under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License ( CC BY-SA ). Artists. - Tezina: 4,7 kg ciste . The surrounding sculpture park is adorned with 15 statues styled in a natural setting. stoletja. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day. - Autor : August Augustincic - Godina proizvodnje: izmedju 1969 I 1979 god. Kalin, as well as the busts of the Chairmen of the Federal Parliament Mosa Pijade, Dr. From Galerie Martin Janda, Mladen Stilinovic, TITO - AUGUSTINČIĆ (1994), Collage, paper, banknotes on cardboard, 17 × 22 cm Antun Augustinčić, hrvaški kipar, * 4. RARE RELAY OF YOUTH - Yugoslavia Stafeta Mladosti. This open-air museum focuses on traditional ways of life a century ago. 345 likes, 3 comments - architectonictravels on August 6, 2024: "Monument to Josip Broz Tito Velenje, Slovenia Completed 1977 Architects Antun Augustincic and Vladimir Herljevic Photo: Architectonic Travels At six meters high, plus another four metres for the pedestal, this is the tallest sculpture of Josip Tito in the world. Read current articles about Antun Augustincic on artnet. Mar 24, 2015 · Fulfilling a campaign pledge, the country’s first female leader gave a famous marble bust of Tito, created by the influential Croatian artist Antun Augustincic, to a museum in the Zagorje region Antun Augustincic (Croatian, 1900-1979)"Marshal Tito" bronze, circa 1939, signed. Skulptura Maršal Tito, koju je 1948. Tito Relay of youth was produced in honor of. Az országot szovjet módon szervezték át Tito kultuszával, még jugoszláv gulágszigetet is létrehoztak, az Adriai-tengeren a Goli otok lett az internáltak tábora. Josip Broz Tito was born on May 7th, 1892 and died on May 4th, 1980. Build your family tree online ; Share photos and videos Author: Antun Augustincic , Yugoslavian sculptor , not signed One and only piece the lid can be unscrewed and the flames can be ignited Tito Relay of youth was produced in honor of President Marshal Tito grateful for birthday wishes This relay of youth was used at the stadium at celebrating Tito birthday - Day of Youth 1962 Yugoslavia Sc662a Marshal Tito by Augustincic MNH S/S in Europe > Yugoslavia Weekly No Reserve Auction | Ends from 7pm ET Bid Now United States Africa Asia Australia & Oceania British Commonwealth Canada Caribbean Europe Great Britain Central & South America Middle East Worldwide More Categories May 15, 2022 · All our texts and many of our images appear under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License (). Jan 14, 2025 · Antun Augustincic - Yugoslavian Sculptor. ALBATROSS Antiques and Collectibles (414) 100% positive; Apr 20, 2023 · (Reader update, thanks Darko – The statue by Antun Augustincic, native of nearby Klanjec and world-famous sculptor, depicts Tito in a difficult time during the war when victory was far from assured, hence the pensive pose). Galerija Antuna Augustinčića se nahaja v nekdanjem sadovnjaku frančiškanskega samostana v Klanjcu, muzejski ustanovi, ki hrani, obdeluje in razstavlja življenjsko delo tega uglednega kiparja, enega najpomembnejših predstavnikov hrvaške moderne umetnosti (njegov znameniti spomenik Miru stoji pred stavbo sedeža Združenih Narodov v New Yorku!). Nov 23, 2018 · The statue,,Marsal Tito", which was made of bronze in 1948 by the sculptor Antun Augustincic , was erected in various places all over Yugoslavia. maj 1900, Klanjec, † 10. People have fond memories of him and Yugoslavia but nobody really worshipes him anymore. Shop. It was opened on 29 November 1969 by hosting a premiere of the film Battle of Neretva. svibnja 1979. The house, on the right of the picture above, of Tito’s birth sits in a pretty street with a stream by it. During the war Augustincic remained active and was commissioned to sculpt a bust of the Croatian Poglavnik Ante Pavelić. Mar 5, 2023 · Radi Titovu bistu. Uz Ivana Meštrovića i Franu Kršinića svakako najznačajniji hrvatski kipar 20. Unique piece, only one made! Its not signed. jpg (800 × 462 pixels, file size: 183 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg) Ein weiteres lebensgroßes Denkmal steht vor seinem Geburthaus in der kroatischen Stadt Kumrovec. Sep 19, 2024 · Gallery Gallery Address. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users like matomar. #balkanroadtrip #spomenik #monumentlicious #spomenikdatabase # Nov 12, 2016 · RUSSIA KALININGRAD, 12 NOVEMBER 2016: stamp printed by Yugoslavia, shows the sculpture of marshal Tito by Augustincic, circa 1962 Ankara, Turkey - 01,03,2022: A Jugoslavia postage stamp shows portrait of the politician and President Josip Broz Tito (1892-1980). Tito. Zasnovana je 1970. Kalin. Dec 19, 2018 · Witnesses described a mass of people rushing to take a pre-dawn dip at the confluence of the three sacred rivers. , Souvenir Sheet of 4, #659-662. godine ovako opisao svoj dojam o spomeniku: “Tito, zaogrnut vojničkom kabanicom, u gotovo melankoličnoj silhueti, nije modeliran pobjednički; ratovalo se onda već treću godinu pod riskantnim okolnostima, u opasnoj neizvjesnosti kakvu svakodnevno donosi gerila, pak je i ovaj portret nastao u neposrednoj Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "augustincic" Flickr tag. Dec 3, 2013 · The statue is a replica of the well-known statue of Tito in his birthplace of Kumrovec, in Croatia, the work of the well known Yugoslav sculptor Antun Augustincic. 5 kg TITO Josip Broz Bronze Sculpture Augustincic Yugoslavia Art Antique. Vladimir Popović Lukin (27 January 1914 – 1 April 1972) was a Yugoslav diplomat, communist politician and army general. V 1979).