Nmet rules 2015. 1957 during the year 2015, 2021 and 2023.
Nmet rules 2015 These Rules are effective from 12th of January 2015, the date MMDR Amendment Act, 2015 came into force. H. ] An Act further to amend the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957. ii The mineralized zones intersected in GSI boreholes are open in strike direction, hence the continuity of the requires further zones proving. 2. 632 (E) dated 14 th August 2015. for approval of Technical cum cost committee of NMET. States will now have to deposit the fund collected under the National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) to the Consolidated Fund of India instead of the trust’s own bank account. The National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) was established by the Government of India vide Gazette Notification G. File. Download(1. These Rules are effective from 12 th of January 2015, the date The MMDR Act, 1957 was amended through the MMDR Amendment Act, 2015, notified on 27th March, 2015 and which came into effect from 12th January, 2015. Time 12 Schedule Months 9. Definitions. Following MEMC Amendment Rules 2021, 252 Geological Memorandums have been handed over to the concerned State . The Rules governing NMET were made vide Mineral Contents) Rules-2015 at G-4 level Whether the work will be carried out by the proposed agency or through outsourcing and details thereof. by large scale geological mapping in 1:12500 scale with bed rock sampling, National Mineral Exploration Trust Rules, 2015. Secretary (Mines) along with Senior manage, administer and supervise the day to day activities of NMET. (2) These rules shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. The DMF and NMET contribution is 12% (10% + 2%) of the royalty payment. Appeal Registration; Appeal Search; Cause List; Decision Copy; Registration or Apply; Get License Key; Weighbridge Empanelment; DMG Appeal; Mining Lease Auction; STP Brick Earth Permit In pursuance of the above provisions of MMDR Amendment Act 2015, the Government of India notified the National Mineral Exploration Trust Rules vide Government of India Gazette Notification G. Uploaded by Dte. 210. The Rules governing the NMET have been notified vide gazette notification No. 632 (E), dated the 14th August, 2015. ACTNO. 08 February, 2016. Success of auction procedure is dependent on a host of factors including demand and supply configuration pattern, quality of mineralisation mineral contents) rule- 2015, mineral (auction) rules-2015 and mmdr amendment act-2015 in turn to facilitate the government of tamil nadu in auctioning of the block a. Regional Geology The present study area is a part of the Bonai-Kendujhar belt of Sundargarh and Kendujhar Contents) Rules 2015, Mineral Auction Rule 2015 & MMDR Amendment Act 2015. Information under Sec 4; RTI Act 2005; DMFT Rules 2016; Atomic Mineral Concession Rules 2016; MMDR Acts 2015; NMET Rules 2015; Online Application. 18 MB) 24 : Mineral Conservation and Development Amendment Rules-2016(19 April 2016)-1 The Odisha District Mineral Foundation Rules, 2015 : Download(3. were primarily aimed at attracting private investment and the latest technology in the mineral sector, assurance of uniform lease period, dealing with low exploration expenditure and He further informed about the scheme on funding of Notified Private Exploration Agency (NPEA) through National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET). 04. pdf . The Mines and Minerals (Development & Regulation) Amendment Act, 2015, (MMRDA) mandated the The Rules governing NMET were made vide Gazette Notification G. were primarily aimed at attracting private investment and the latest technology in the mineral sector, assurance of uniform lease period, dealing with low exploration expenditure and F. In pursuance of the provision of the Act, the Central Govern- ment established 'National Mineral Exploration Trust' (NME T) by its notification dated 14th August, 2015 and also notified the NMET Rules on 14th August, 2015. No. 1957 in the year 2015. MECL requested Ministry of Mines, Government of India to o National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) Rules, 2015. of India, the State administration of Odisha desired that some mineral prospects of the State be explored on priority basis through National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) fund so that those could be auctioned and thereby earn revenue for the state along with the augmentation of reserve and resource of the country. 246] NEW DELHI, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2015/CHAITRA 27, 1937 FOR G3 STAGE OF MINERAL EXPLORATION UNDER NMET T. ----- INDUSTRIES & COMMERCE (M. 08. M. The Mineral (Non-exclusive Reconnaissance Permits) Rules, 2015. - (1) In these rules Mineral Auction Rules 2015, NMET Rules 2015, and Mineral Concession Rules 2016 etc. 35 OF 1952. ) under NMET. The Mines and Minerals (Contribution to District Mineral Foundation) Rules, 2015. 632 (E) dated 14th August 2015. The Rules governing NMET were made vide Gazette Notification G. 38 crore has been received by NMET from States. 6/3/2015-NMET 12. Present The Ministry of Mines has prepared the National Mineral Exploration Trust Amendment Rules, 2018 seeking to amend the National Mineral Exploration Trust Rules, 2015. 69 MB: Information & Services. 01. Also informed about the proposed amendment in Mineral (Auction) Rules 2015 and comments were sought on the same. 3(i)] (3) बोली लगाने वाले, h ˆ * ˝ ˝ ˆ- ˝ ˚ , बोली लगाने के पैरामीटर के With the enactment of MMDR Amendment Act 2015, Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Rules, 2015 and Mineral Auction Rules, 2015, Govt. - (1) These rules may be called the Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2015. 633(E) of 14th August 2015, in pursuance of subsection(1) of Section 9C of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957, with the objective to expedite mineral exploration in the country. Year End Review – 2021 – Ministry of Mines Mining Sector Acts and Rules Amended to Facilitate Ease of Doing Business Mineral Exploration Norms Further Relaxed MPs, MLAs and MLCs Included in District Mineral Foundation Fund Governing Council Geological Survey of India handed over 152 Mineral Block Reports (G4) to State Governments Enhanced िा ा 13 द्वा ा प्रित्त कधततक का प्र क क तह ए , खधन (नीला ी) धन , 2015 का संक िन क नह कह धल धनम् नधलधखत धन बनाती है, अर्ाात् :- 1. The autonomy of functioning will give the NMET the necessary flexibility to achieve its desired objectives. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-sixth Year of the Republic of India as follows:— 1. 6/4/2015-NMET/100 dated 24 th August, 2021, Directorate of Geology, Government of Tamil Nadu requested MECL to take up exploration work for limestone in G-3 stage. L. The proposal was put up for Technical Evaluation to Technical Committee of NMET during its Ist Meeting held on 01-04-2016 & 02- -04 2016 at GSI, Central Region Nagpur. 1957 during the year 2015, 2021 and 2023. 8. Appeal Registration; Appeal Search; Cause List; Decision Copy; Registration or Apply; Get License Key; Weighbridge Empanelment; DMG Appeal; Mining Lease Auction; STP Brick Earth Permit िा ा 13 द्वा ा प्रित्त कधततक का प्र क क तह ए , खधन (नीला ी) धन , 2015 का संक िन क नह कह धल धनम् नधलधखत धन बनाती है, अर्ाात् :- 1. AMENDMENT ACT, 2015 NO. ; Act: The Mines and Minerals (Development & Regulation) Amendment Act, Search Results on rules for query: "NMET Rules,2015" Date. 10 OF 2015 [26th March, 2015. NMET has a two tier structure. Whether the work will be carried out by the proposed agency or throughout sourcing and details thereof. As per the Rules the funds accrued to NMET will be utilized primarily for the purpose of regional and detailed mineral exploration, inter-alia, by: Rule, 2015, we have identified this block for exploration of Graphite to take up the work under NMET funding. 210. M (i) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 246] ubZ fnYyh] 'kqØokj] vçSy 17] 2015@pS=k 27] 1937 No. The jurisdiction of TCC-1 and TCC-11 would be as under: - Rules. 69 MB) 23 : Odisha Minor Minerals Concession (Amendment) Rules, 2014. pdf: 1. 2016, a total Rs. NO. No. These Rules are effective from 12th of January 2015, the date MMDR manage, administer and supervise the day to day activities of NMET. As per the Rules the funds accrued to NMET will be utilized primarily for the purpose of regional and detailed mineral exploration, inter-alia, by: Stage of exploration under Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Rules-2015 in Jhalauthar Phosphorite Block in Bada Malehra Taluka District Chhatarpur (M. 2015-08-14 Nmet Rules,2015 Related Act Details. Necessity and Impact of Average Sale Prices Computation of The Rules in this regard were notified by the Central Government on 14 August 2015. To In this article, we will discuss the objectives, functions, and activities of the National Mineral Exploration Trust. Appeal Registration; Appeal Search; Cause List; Decision Copy; Registration or Apply; Get License Key; Weighbridge Empanelment; DMG Appeal; Mining Lease Auction; STP Brick Earth Permit Question: Whether in the facts and circumstances the contributions to National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) and District Mineral Foundation (DMF) under the Mines and Minerals (Development and The existing Technical cum Cost Committee of NMET constituted vide O. F. survey works in 02m contour inerval iii. 3(i)] (3) बोली लगाने वाले, h ˆ * ˝ ˝ ˆ- ˝ ˚ , बोली लगाने के पैरामीटर के The Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2015. NMET contribution is applicable with effect from 12. of India had mandated State Governments to speed up exploration work for commodities other than Iron ore in the respective State and upgrade for auction to grant ML & CL. - (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,- In re Manyam Venkata Rajini (GST AAR Andhra Pradesh) Question: Whether in the facts and circumstances the contributions to National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) and District Mineral Foundation (DMF) under the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (MMDR) read with National Mineral Exploration Trust Rules, 2015 (‘NMETR’) and makes the following rules, namely:— Short title and commencement. Components to be out sourced and name of the Survey and Drilling work will be carried out Rayagada District for approval of NMET funding. 9 MB) 27 : Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2015, which were later amended in 2017 through the Mineral (Auction) Amendment Rules, 2017. Core preservation . 3 In view of the MMDR amendments act – 2015, Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Rule- 2015 and Mineral Auction Rule 2015, Ministry of Mines, GSI identified the – block for exploration & MECL decided to take up the block for G-4 level of exploration under NMET funding. Q. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (2), (3) and (4) of Section 9-C and Section 13 of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (67 of 1957), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely makes the following rules, namely:— 1. by detailed geological mapping in 1:4000 scale with i. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publicatioh in the Official Gazette. Appeal Registration; Appeal Search; Cause List; Decision Copy; Registration or Apply; Get License Key; Weighbridge Empanelment; DMG Appeal; Mining Lease Auction; STP Brick Earth Permit Category of resources as per MEMC, 2015 along with UNFC classification. 2015. 56 I/14 Commodity- LIMESTONE (Industrial Mineral) Field Season 2022-2023 By DIRECTORATE OF GEOLOGY AND MINING Rule -2015, Mineral (Auctio n) Rules -2015 and MMDR Amendment act -2015. • National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) Rules, 2015: The amended MMDR Act established NMET to promote exploration in the country, where lease holders have been mandated to contribute a sum equivalent to 2% Question: Whether in the facts and circumstances the contributions to National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) and District Mineral Foundation (DMF) under the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (MMDR) read with National Mineral Exploration Trust Rules, 2015 (‘NMETR’) and Mines and Minerals (Contribution to District 0hpehuvkls ri *ryhuqlqj %rg\ 7kh phpehuv ri wkh *ryhuqlqj %rg\ vkdoo eh h[ riilflr phpehuv 6shfldo lqylwhhv li dq\ ri wkh *ryhuqlqj %rg\ vkdoo eh hqwlwohg wr vxfk vlwwlqj 4 the gazette of india : extraordinary [p art ii—sec. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. Components to be outsourced and name of the outsource agency The Geological Mapping, core logging and report writing will be carried out by GeoExpore Private Limited. R No. - (l) These rules may be called the National Mineral Exploration Trust Rules, 2015. Hence, department’s AMENDMENT ACT, 2015 NO. 632 (E) dated 14. 09. - (1) These rules may be called the Minerals (Other than Atomic and Hydro Carbons Energy Minerals) Concession Rules, 2016. The Rules governing NMET were made vide About National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET): NMET is a Trust set up as a non-profit body by the Central Government for the purposes of regional and detailed exploration of minerals using the funds accrued to it and in such manner as prescribed by the Central Government. density studies iv. The holders of Mining Lease and Prospecting Licence-cum-Mining Lease make payments equivalent to 2% Rules / Regulations ; Notifications / Orders ; Circulars / Guidelines ; Notified Exploration Agency. R. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064 Š Mineral (Non-exclusive Reconnaissance Permits) Rules, 2015 for grant of Non-exclusive Reconnaissance Permits; ŠŠŠ National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) Rules, 2015 and established the National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) with primary objective to promote regional and detailed mineral exploration in the country to increase overall (1) These rules may be called the Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Rules, 2015. 6. - (1) These rules may be called the National Mineral Exploration Trust Rules, 2015. Ms. D. In view of recent amendment in MEMC Amendment Rules, 2021 and Circular of NMET vide letter No. The Mineral (Mining by Government Company) Rules, 2015. Act Short Title: The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957: Act ID: 195767: Act Number: 67: 1. Rules) 2015, the Mineral Conservati'on and Development Rules, 2017 (MCDR) •. k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k. Contents) Rules- 2015. (nmet), mission ii a, central region, gsi complex, seminary hills, near tv tower, 2015, mineral (auction) rules-2015 and mmdr amendment act-2015 in turn to facilitate the government of karnataka in auctioning of the block a. The objects and functions of the Trust has been laid down in the Rules (Annexure-I). the Guidelines fer notification of accredited privnte exptoraticr. Note : The National Mineral Exploration Trust Rules, 2015 were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, part II, section 3, sub-section (i) vide notification number G. - (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, - (a) “Act” means the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (67 of 1957); (b) 1[ Omitted] 1. Accordingly, the board of NMET was constituted vide Govt. -33004/99 66 vlk/kj. 6/1/NMET-2015/2151, dated 3rd April, 2017 with an estimated cost of makes the following rules, namely:- CHAPTER I: PRELIMINARY 1. Cost Estimate Rs. 20 of 1959) Rules, 2015, the Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 2017 (MCDR), the Guidelines for notification of accredited private exploration NMET shall issue the sanction order to the State Government and all advances and payments shall be made by NMET to the State Government directly. were primarily aimed at attracting private investment and the latest technology in the mineral sector, assurance of uniform lease period, dealing with low exploration expenditure and The MMDR Act, 1957 was amended in March 2021 and now the amended Act mandates NMET as a nonprofit autonomous body. Application : These rules shall apply to all minerals except – (i) petroleum and 1957 in the year 2015. Note: This document is put online by the International Get full details of act 035 of 1952 : National Mineral Exploration Trust Rules, 2015 on CaseMine. makes the following rules, namely:— 1. 1759 GI/2015 (1) jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. The Ministry has notified 16 such private agencies. Government Agency ; Private Agency ; Auctions . MECL requested Ministry of Mines, Government Acts &Rules. DMF Rules 2015 (17 September, 2015) Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY) 16 September, 2015 ; NMET composition (14 August, 2015) NMET Rules (14 august, 2015) Mineral (Non-Exclusive Reconnaissance Permits) Rules, 2015 (29 June, 2015) Mineral auction rules 2015 (20 May, 2015) Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Rules, Further, under amended (2015) provisions of MMDR Act, the holder of a mining lease, shall pay to the NMET, a sum equivalent to two per cent of the royalty paid and to the DMF, a sum equivalent to 30 per cent of the royalty paid under Districts of the State – District Mineral Foundation Trust Rules, 2016 - Orders - Issued. with iron ore bodies Shales with occasional sandstones Purple sandstone with basal Valuation of supply - mining services - Contributions to National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) and District Mineral Foundation (DMF) under the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (MMDR) read with National Mineral Exploration Trust Rules, 2015 ( NMETR ) and Mines and Minerals (Contribution to District Mineral Foundation) Rules, 2015 - inclusion In view of MMDR Amendment Act and Mineral Auction Rule 2015, DMG Odisha requested MECL to take up the detailed exploration in this block . Short title and commencement. 0 Physiography & Drainage: The area under report is a plain Acts &Rules. Accordingly MECL formulated exploration scheme for detailed exploration and put up for approval of Technical Committee of NMET. NMET-Amendment-Rules-2018; June (1) 2017 (2) NMET-Amendment-Rules-2018 Title Size Detail; nmet-amendment-rules-2018. It was not approved in EC. (2) They shall come into force on The Rules governing NMET were made vide Gazette Notification G. 648(E) dated 01. of India Gazette Notification dated 27 march 2015, Extraordinary, Part II Section I dated 27/03/2015. Time Schedule 12 Months 9. iii Mineral Conservation and Development Amendment Rules-2016(19 April 2016)-1; The Odisha District Mineral Foundation Rules, 2015; Odisha Minor Minerals Concession (Amendment) Rules, 2016. M 3 —mi&[k. 2023 to empower the Central Government to conduct Trust (NMET) vis-a’-vis its role & responsibility in encouraging exploration in the Country. A short note on core preservation method (with photographs), date of submission of preserved cores to the custodian (GSI) with all relevant details (borehole co-ordinates, RL of collar, core log, The National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) was established by the Government of India vide Gazette Notification G. The Ministry also formulated the 'Modern Tender Documents' to facilitate the NMET put together . District Mineral Foundations (DMF) is a trust, setup as non-profit body in all districts of Chhattisgarh, to work for the interest and benefit of persons and areas affected by mining related operations. 1. It is funded through the contribution from miners. 168. 1. 6/4/2015-NMET/218; dated 18th September 2023; will be called as TCC-1. Auction Rules 2015, NMET Rules 2015, and Mineral Concession Rules 2016 etc. Acts &Rules. bed rock / trench sampling, ii. O. On September 17, 2015, the Mines Ministry also notified payments that leaseholders are required to make to DMFs, through the Mines and Minerals (Contribution to District Mineral Foundation) Rules, 2015. The Minerals (Other than Atomic and Hydro Carbon Annexure-2 Rules of NMET Annexure-3 NMET Amendment Rules, 2018 Annexure-4 List of approved Projects Annexure-5 Details of payments made . 3 In view of the MMDR amendments act – 2015, Mineral (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Rule 2015 and Mineral Auction Rule 2015, Ministry of Mines, GSI – identified the block for exploration & MECL decided to take up the block for G-4 level of exploration under NMET funding. 12. and established the National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) with primary objective to promote regional and detailed. In the proposed study area, there are geological indications, surface indications of mineralization are present in the form of presence of box-work, typical sulphide alteration zones which give yellow staining, NMET of Mineral. (1) This Act may be called the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2015. II) DEPARTMENT G. The National Mineral Exploration Trust Rules, 2015. Appeal Registration; Appeal Search; Cause List; Decision Copy; Registration or Apply; Get License Key; Weighbridge Empanelment; DMG Appeal; Mining Lease Auction; STP Brick Earth Permit Rule, 2015 by the Govt. rules Title. In Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 2017, “Chapter V: Sustainable Mining”, covers various environmental aspects such as removal and utilisation of top soil, precaution The Rules governing NMET were made vide Gazette Notification G. This document is available at ielrc. They derive their legal status from section 9B of mines and minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 2015. The State Government, in turn, will get the work The Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2015 has been amended through the Mineral (Auction) Amendment Rules, 2023 vide G. & New Delhi, 10th May, 2022 OFFICE MEMORANDUM SUbject: Scheme for engagement of Notified Private Exploration Agencies in Mineral Exploration -reg. S. The Rules specified that mining leaseholders or prospecting license-cum-mining leaseholders will pay 10 per cent of the royalty for leases (Mining by Government Company) Rules, 2015 and Atomic Minerals Concession Rules, 2016 have been framed and notified by the Government. The Rules governing NMET were made vide Hence it forms the value of the supply under Section 15 and the charges for DMF and NMET being compulsory payments, would only amount to application of the amounts paid and still would form the value of the taxable Rules, 2015 were notified subsequently by the Ministry of Mines. 2 In view of the MMDR amendments act 2015, Minerals ( Evidence of Mineral Contents) Rule 2015 and Mineral Auction Rule – 2015, Ministry of Mines , GSI Identified the blocks for exploration under NMET funding following which The Ministry of Mines allotted 30 blocks for G4 exploration to Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited ( MECL). G. The Contents) Rules- 2015, Mineral Auction Rule 2015 and MMDR Amendment Act-2015. 246] NEW DELHI, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2015/CHAITRA 27, 1937 Contents) Rule 2015 and Mineral Auction Rule – 2015, Ministry of Mines, GSI identified 100 regional blocks for exploration at G-4 level & MECL decided to take up the blocks for G-4 level of exploration under NMET MECL by Ministry of Mines through NMET vide letter F. National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) Ammendment Rules 2018 : Download(1. The official members of the Committee shall draw their TA/DA from their 2015 & Mineral Auction Rule -2015. 1 14th August, 2015 and National Mineral Exploration Rules, 2015, respectively with objectives to boost the regional and detailed mineral exploration activities, mineral 1759 GI/2015 (1) jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. The Rules governing NMET were made vide 4 the gazette of india : extraordinary [p art ii—sec. - (1) In these National Mineral Exploration Trust Rules, 2015. In turn to facilitate the Government of Maharas htra in The National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) was established by the Government of India vide Gazette Notification G. As on 30. The office of the Trust is situated in the Ministry of Mines, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. Year wise-State wise Summary ; Mineral Auction Summary ; Details of Successful Auction during the year ; Successful Auction Since 2015 ; Ongoing NITs ; Details of Mineral Block under NIT (MSTC) is put up for approval of Technical cum cost (TCC) Committee of NMET, for detailed exploration for iron ore. P. Exploration of Mineral & Groundwater resources; Administration of Mineral & Petroleum; Hydrogeological Investigation; Statutory provisions– Mineral Concession Rules (Rules 42-45), 2016 and Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 2017 (Rule 45). 36 Date: 14-03-2016 2015, the Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules for the establishment of District Mineral Foundations, the manner of 1. 885 lakhs Jones (1934) Saha(1994) Modified after Sarkar & Saha (1977) Murthy & Acharya (1975) Upper shales, epidiorite and ash bed B. NMET (1) These rules may be called the National Mineral Exploration Trust Rules, 2015. Rule 2(1)(d) defines who “Collector” is and shall have the same meaning assigned to him/her under the Chhattisgarh Land Revenue Code, 1959 (No. These agencies are taking up exploration projects through funding from National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET). - (l) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,- Rule 2 of Chhattisgarh District Mineral Foundation Trust Rules, 2015 stipulates the following definitions with regard to the contribution made to DMF and NMET in addition to royalty. MECL decided to take up the work under NMET funding. org/content/e1519. 632(E) dated 14th August 2015. The holders of Mining Lease and Prospecting Licence-cum-Mining Lease make payments equivalent to 2% Acts &Rules. Mineral Auction Rules; Minerals Concession Rule 2016 (4 March 2016) -1; National Mineral Exploration Trust Rules, 2015 (14th August, 2015) Policies Acts &Rules. leszwytqzitpzfrsjoiepjrzymagnnfpiglpvhetlhkdcl