Excel vba get shape properties. How do I use a shape's ID from another field to define .

Excel vba get shape properties. expression A variable that represents a Shape object.

Excel vba get shape properties caller). Below is the method I use in the XLAM addin file I wrote for Excel. (Test this: add 3 shapes. test", 0) End Sub I always get 0 as result. TopLeftCell property but Shape has. Address give you the same metadata. Shapes("Star1"). So the code that I have until now for the give a gradient pattern is: QNode. Top H = . 0. The function mentioned above is the only way to get a shape by Id. Duplicate ' Reset original measurements shpCopy. Range("1:1") 'set the header shapes placement property BEFORE COPYING: For Each Shp In wsT. The passed property string does exist. Shapes & _ . Dim CallingShapeName As Variant Dim CallingShapeID As Variant CallingShapeName = Steps: (I work with Excel VBA and with msoFreeform shapes mostly but I think any shape should be working and manually added shapes through Excel UI should work too and in other Office Apps as well) 1. Address and s. Shape, celObj As Visio. For example, when the user clicks on the shape, the macro includes VBA which will change the properties to include colour and fill. Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this In VBA, to do that I'm trying to do something like: - I'm listing all the connectors (Shapes. You can simply use that and access all the related properties. Here is the code for my class called Port: Sub Shape_Align() Dim L As Long Dim T As Long Dim H As Long, TopRange As Long, DownRange As Long Dim W As Long, s As Shape, n As String With ActiveWindow. VBA Powerpoint resizing shapes with specific name. This is a short version of my code: Assign shape properties from Excel in PowerPoint. Height W = . Height = Excel VBA TopLeftCell property. The idea is to hand over the parameters with a second macro to another shape. This example adds a rectangle to myDocument and then sets the foreground color, Here is an example of a procedure that will add a rectangle to the activesheet, add some text to it, and then color it with your RGB values: Public Sub AddRectangleWithText() Dim textRectangle As Shape Set textRectangle = ActiveSheet. Characters. Locked and shape. Use CallByName. Caption But make sure this macro is only assigned to buttons, not to other types of shapes as well. vba shape redraw. How do I set a shape object in Excel VBA? To set a shape object in Learn how to work with Excel VBA object properties now. Option Explicit Private Type Callable o As Object p As String End Type Public Sub SetProperty(ByVal path As String, ByVal Value As Variant, Optional ByVal RootObject As Object = Nothing) With GetObjectFromPath(RootObject, path) If IsObject(Value) Then CallByName . shapes("Rectangle 3"). If shape one doesn't have a text frame, this example fails. Shapes("box"). It was downvoted because it's wrong. Shape Dim nextrow As Long Set ppapp = GetObject(, "Powerpoint. I need the Shape. Shapes(i). braX. This example causes text in the text frame in shape one to be justified. What that does is assigning the value of the default property of one Shape to that same property of another Shape - which won't work because Shape does not have a default property. How can I get the VBA of the current shape's (default) properties? Private Function GetOriginalMeasurements(ByRef myShape As Excel. How I get color stops on a shape? I'm creating a tree flow chart, and I want to give them a gradient and I also want to change the gradient by percentage, so I want that one node is with 50% for the both color stops. Parent. so i can rename that shape and link to particular excel column. The following function saves the dimension (width and height) of the textbox and temporarily set the AutoSize-property. excel; vba; ms-word; Share. Example. Object Dim ddVal as String ddVal=dd. Here is all the Code: In this article. Select or ActiveSheet. . ID. Shapes are those from the Drawing toolbar or the Forms toolbar. Count 'Add a shape. Shape For i = 1 To iShapeCount Set In this article. Print prop. excel; vba; excel-formula; Share. I have 8 shapes (called Shape1-8) which will act as colour swatches for the gradient of a MASTER shape. Fill. In the VBA code, I could directly select the shape by ActiveSheet. Select. Just remember that Excel VBA and Visio VBA have properties with the same name so make sure you fully qualify the Excel reference I work from excel, and i open several powerpoint in a loop inside a directory, in vba. To specify an array of integers or strings for Index, you can use the Array function. Select and can change individual properties etc with 'Activewindow. Try: There are times when you would like to know information about the currently selected shape on your spreadsheet. Determine shape position with cell. PrintObject = True Next S End Sub Click to expand With VBA, you write the name of the macro to the OnAction-property of the shape: Dim sh As Shape For Each sh In ActiveSheet. Excel VBA to trigger a macro assigned to a shape click. LockedText = true You can use DrawingObject also to set the locked-property, it seems that shape. Selecting a shape in Excel with VBA. vba to add a shape at a specific cell location in Excel. You need to access it using the ActiveSheet. Assuming your variable shape is set to the Shape object of your choice, try. For example, I have a table in Excel with the following data, which changes the shape only by editing the data in Excel: Length: 500 Top: 200 Width: 50 Height: 20 1. Shape = ActiveSheet. Vertices. OLEFormat. Row i = 1 For Each s In ActiveSheet. AutoShapeType is very useful. Shapes("Home"). Line. EndConnectedShape property (Excel) and ConnectorFormat. Rounded Rectangle1 with text inside it RunMe, Sub Caller_Text() MsgBox Application. Therefore I replaced each ActiveX Button with a rectangular shape assigning a macro to each shape: My question is if I can address those 'shape buttons' with my vba code. Follow edited Mar 3, 2020 at 2:24. ActivePresentation Set ppSlide = ppapp. Slide For each ppShape in GetPPTSelection(ppPres. Shapes 'No need to select the object in order to use it With s 'But it is easier to watch In this article. Shapes should work. I assigned a macro to the newly formed group shape. . BeginConnectedShape property (Excel) to achieve what you want. Range(1). To set the lockedText property of a Shape, you can use the (hidden) property object DrawingObject. InlineShape doesn't have name property therefore you can't check it's name until you promote Beginner VBA programmer here (and beginner to programming in general) looking to learn more about how effective OOP is done. Worksheets or all the pivot tables in a worksheet, all the cells in a given range, etc. The last VBA snippet is the But this code leaves the shape selected, showing its various handles. Text = "Your mother was a For AutoShapes, the AutoShapeType property lets you get/set the type of shape as shown in the gallery image below. That is, I am able to set all properties within the Axes method when I set the chart as . It's quite easy to check name of shape object with some VBA code: select shape; as a result you get name of the shape. And not just Textboxes , but grouped Textboxes . Try set scrollBuiten=ws1. Shapes(1). Caller End Sub I need instead of the shape name to get the text on that shape I just used to execute the macro, In advance, grateful for any useful comment and answer. Select 'Shadow ---> Whenever I paste a shape from excel to VBA with the intended size, the size will always be different. Left properties. Delete the 2nd one, and then try to access your 3rd shape with it's ID and ThisDocument. Value. Caller) Debug. Two properties of the Shape object will be used in the code samples below - Shape. The code below will create a new Worksheet where the Shape Properties are listed under their appropriate heading. @KostasK. i have few shapes in a worksheet. Could also include ScrollBarBuiten is what you named it. ListIndex) I used this to create a generic sub for Is there a way to get a list of all valid properties for a given object? If I wanted to start at cell a1, and go down and assign a1, a2, a3, all of the valid properties for let's say a worksheet object for example, is that something that can be done? I can't find any: list = object. The compiler throws an error, because it's looking for property "f" when it should be looking for property value-of-f. Left . enumproperties Any ideas? Of course, we also can access Shape Object as a member of Shapes Collection by Shapes(j). I tried with those codes: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim it As String Dim i As Integer Dim Ctr As Integer ''''' 'Read-only Long ''''' For Each slid In ActivePresentation. Delete Therefore, you can refer to the Shape object containing a textbox in VBA as (for example) Worksheets("Sheet1"). paste the copied shapes into a specific worksheet in Workbook A 4. The Shape object is a member of the Shapes collection. In another language I would cast it to Commandbutton. Print sDims I am replacing all my ActiveX controls with Excel shapes, because of this well know problem. (For a line, the LineFormat object represents the line itself; for a shape with a border, the LineFormat object represents the border). LOGIC: Loop through all connector shapes. There are two possible solutions to go about this. That is why your code has Buttons and Shapes collections. Type and Shape. Then I drag the line to either move it (thus changing the Left or Top properties) or resize the line (thus changing the Height or Width properties). You can be inspired from this (old) . I created two oval shape objects which are named by default as "Oval 1" and "Oval 2". I grouped both of them and named it "MergedOvals". Shapes also have a property called TopLeftCell which returns a range object, to wit, the cell under the shape's own TOP/Left corner. The positioning of each swatch (gradient stop) will (eventually) be controlled via either spinners / scrollbars. The first argument through the next to last argument (1, , n) must share the same names and data types in all property procedures with the same name. Top . I use the DrawingObject property of the Shape object to get a CheckBox FormControl object. Caller). LISTING SHAPE PROPERTIES OF ACTIVE WORKSHEET. I am trying to list all the properties of a selecting shape. ScaleHeight 1, msoTrue measurements(0) = shpCopy. Range(Array("Oval Background")). htmlW Application. However, I would like to indirectly select the shape by referring to the name given in cell A1 @thunderblaster, actually, I had seen the MSDN page before writing the question. Say you have 4 arguments, two of which are optional, plus your right hand side. Regroup . Type. Returns a LineFormat object that contains line formatting properties for the specified shape. For example, the The idea is that every shape is an object and will have the desirable properties ("IP Address" etc). Item(1) I've drawn the shapes, but wish to manipulate their properties in VBA. Sub Testing() Dim shpsObj As Visio. Suppose I use Excel Drawing tool to create a Line shape and named it "CA" using Excel VBA. ID is not updated if you add/delete other shapes. Name) MsgBox "you have a Shape selected: " & I'm trying to find a means of controlling the Gradient fill properties of a 'shape' in Excel 2016. asked Dec 21, The plan is to click on a shape and automatically send its specific shape data to Excel, where it will be manipulated further to create a very specific spreadsheet. Variables created on-the-fly without declaration are all of the Shapes do not have a caption property. Dim cht as Chart Set cht = ActiveSheet. ActiveWindow. Name = "Home" End With End With End Function Returns a TextFrame object that contains the alignment and anchoring properties for the specified shape. I stop the macro to see if AutoShapeType = -2, and i select it in vba just to check visualy if the shape is the right shape i want. ActiveSheet Dim s1 As Shape Dim s2 As Shape Dim CheckOverlap As Boolean For i = 1 To 10 'sh. ActivePage I'm seeking a way to get a clicked shape's address (position/location) on it's spreadsheet. How to get shape in Excel using VB. Value It would be more direct to loop over the Sub getshapedata() Dim ppSlide As Object 'PowerPoint. I don't find the properties of the connector in order to retrieve this info. From the MSDN documentation, both Shapes(1) and ChartObjects(1) return a Chart object, yet I couldn't access all properties when I accessed the Chart via the ChartObjects collection. Top = rngToCheck. Use an ID label as a hyperlink reference in other HTML documents or on the same webpage. Shapes ' <-- Select the sheet(s) you need sh. I need to ger into the embedded (activeX control) commandbutton's properties . TextFrame. shapes Dim iShapeCount As Integer iShapeCount = shpsObj. Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? Then you have the joker who didn't use controls, but used Textboxes instead. Follow edited Dec 21, 2020 at 2:07. Buttons(Application. 1. I have tried this but it throws exception. Cell Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, ShpNo As Integer Dim LabelName As String, PromptName As String, ValName As String, Tabchr As String Open "C:\CustomProp. AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 10, 80, 250, 50) ' add your text textRectangle. Count 'Assumes you want an array of shape data Dim Storage() As String ReDim Storage(iShapeCount - 1, 2) 'Visio shapes are 1 based so use full count Dim i As Integer Dim shpObj As Visio. For AutoShapes, the AutoShapeType property lets you get/set the type of Sub DropDown1_Change() Dim s As Object Set s = ActiveSheet. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 6 months ago. Count If i <= sh. The goal is to modify the properties only with data (Left, Top, Width, Height) in the Excel-Workbook. 2. Object doesn't support this property or method. Object. Improve this question. I have tried iterating through shapes, oleobjects but to no avail. shapes("Rectangle 5"). Shapes(Application. I select fine with: ActiveSheet. Assign shape properties from Excel in PowerPoint. AddChart (through VBA but MAYBE you can add chart through Excel UI and then delete the only chart) (no need As a workaround, you can ungroup the shape, list all group items and group the shape back: Sub Get_Shape_Name() Dim aShape As Shape Dim rShape As ShapeRange Const sName As String = "Full_Banner" Set rShape = ActiveSheet. Count Set shpObj = Visio. BottomRightCell. Shapes you will need to reference the Shape. The Shape Object properties in Excel VBA: P. SelectAll Selection. ShapeStyle = msoShapeMixed Then MsgBox aShape. Count Then Set s1 = sh. Here you are looping over the Shapes collection under the Activesheet. Here's an example changing the VerticalAnchor property (I also moved your request to As far as I know, there is no Overflowing-property in Excel. A Property Get procedure declaration takes one less argument than the related Property Let and Property Set declarations. print their . Hi dear forum, Workbook Sample I am posting here a self-contained vba approach for getting members of an object without the need for an external dll such Forums. Shapes Set shpObj = shpsObj(1) Debug. Top. Form controls still have properties, just not as many and you can't access them from a property sheet like first class Excel objects. Shapes have Top and Left properties. 0 retrieve shape from the selection visio. 4. Sheet1. MS Access VBA Programming MS Excel VBA MS Word VBA VBA WIA 18 responses on “ VBA – Get Image Properties, Dimensions, Etc. Returns a FillFormat object for a specified shape or a ChartFillFormat object for a specified chart that contains fill formatting properties for the shape or chart. View. ) And Selected a shape by clicking on it. How to determine the text of a shape in PowerPoint using VBA. Resize shape according to cell data. Sub Test_1() Dim oObj As Object Dim vFuncArray() Set oObj = Application That "arbitrary" number is a mathematical combination of the RGB values (B256^2 + G256 + R) and a conversion of the hex color value to a decimal number (base 16 to base 10), depending on which way you want to look at it. Shapes If s. Selection If . ). what i've come up with so far: Dim yFilter(1 To 5) As String Some properties are only available and could be tweaked using Shape object only. 0 indicates the shape is all the way at top, or all the way at left – expression A variable that represents a Shape object. Can someone explain or provide a reference discussing the benefits/purpose of using - INSIDE of a class module - Private Property Get and/or Let/Set statements in VBA vs accessing properties directly although no manipulation is required of the Returns or sets an MsoShapeType value that represents the shape type. In this case, you can get into Design Mode as explained above and this will give the option Assign Macro when you right-click the Textbox. Type property versus the Shape. This enables you to set the shapes TOP property relative to the cell's Top and the shape's Left property relative to the cell's Left. Insert shape without SELECT. Properties Debug. As I mention in the comments above, it is peculiar. For this I first have to see if the variable is present: Public Sub GetShapeData() Dim shpsObj As Visio. In my case it is a speech bubble that I would like to modify with a macro. p, VbLet, Value Please, try the next code: Sub copyShapesMove() Dim ws As Worksheet, wsT As Worksheet, HeaderRow As Range, Shp As Shape Set wsT = Worksheets("Template") Set HeaderRow = wsT. Essentially, myChart. 1) Yes your code is possible. 7k 5 5 Excel vba Change shape formula without selecting shape. ShapeRange(1). txt" For Output Shared As #1 Tabchr = Chr(9) For ShpNo = 1 To Visio. To be exact, the . While i run the macro (from excel), I make a loop within every shape inside every slides in powerpoints presentation. ThisWorkbook. Debug. Filling this sheet works fine. expression An expression that returns a Worksheet You can use an object of type ShapeRange to get access to a set of shapes, allowing you to set properties and apply methods to a set of shapes simultaneously. This example adds a blue I am very new to VBA, and I have a ppt presentation, where I need to get all the shapes from the slides. I have an embedded Excel-Sheet in Visio that represents the content of an array. I hope you get the idea. shapes Set shpsObj = ActivePage. ParentGroup to Null does not work either. FileSystemObject") Set objFile = As a general VBA tip, you can loop through any "collection". Excel and VBA regarding shapes. How do I use a shape's ID from another field to define I want a text box in Excel using VBA looking like this: Text in the Test Box in RGB(0,112,192) (blue) Shape outline of the text box in RGB (0,112,192). shape. Slides For Each s In slid. The index of the . blogspot. This is what I have so far: Build a ShapeRange that meets the criteria and then Select that ShapeRange. Solution 1. So, I tried to select a cell on the sheet but that doesn't deselect the shape, at least not while ScreenUpdating is False. Form controls are designed to be simpler, but with fewer options, like properties and events. Row = rrow Then ReDim Preserve Arr(1 To i) Arr(i) = SOLVED. My preferred method would be to wrap the entire . 2024 VBA Express Sadly enough, there is no clear way on how to access the properties of a grouped shape (a group is basically a shape, at least in 2010). Shapes("ScrollBarBuiten") then Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company You can use ConnectorFormat. Although you can use the Range property to return any number of shapes, it's simpler to use the Item method if you only want to return a single member of the collection. Instead, related shape attributes are grouped under secondary objects, such as the FillFormat object, which contains all the properties that relate to the shape's fill, or the LinkFormat object, which contains all the I deal with shapes and charts on a daily basis and one of my (many) pet peeves is needing to resize column widths and screwing up the size of my shapes and charts. application") Set pppres = ppapp. In fact, selecting the shape by VBA doesn't deactivate the ActiveCell. Modified 4 years, Object doesnt support this property Sub TextBox() Set myDocument = Worksheets(1) Now I have assigned the properties directly in the code. lngCount = ActiveSheet. Shapes If Not Intersect(Shp. For Each prop In Selection. Caption property. So Dim s as Shape and loop through them like For Each s in ActiveSheet. In this article. Cells(i, 1). Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? Please see Office VBA support and feedback for guidance about the ways you can receive support and provide feedback. Value = cb. Read-only. Since I am creating these shapes dynamically, I can't manually set each shape to not print. access a chart's shape ID - excel vba. OLEFOrmat. Sub CreateButton(oCell, sLabel, sOnClickMacro, oParameters) Passing Shape Properties to _Click() Sub. So, say for photograph 3 I will creat arrow "aro3" and textbox "text3". The data type of the Property Get procedure must be the same as the data type of the last argument (n However, I don't see a picture property to set the formula. Shapes Dim shpObj As Visio. Sheets(4). This will avoid silly coding mistakes like misspellings as well as influencing you to use the correct variable type in the declaration. width measurements(1) = shpCopy. Shape = ExcelApp. OnAction = "HelloWorld" ' <-- Change this to Returns a Range object that represents the cell that lies under the upper-left corner of the specified object. This CheckBox object can then be used like any other FormControl. Sub One() ActiveSheet. Shape Set shpsObj = ActivePage. An arrow, which I name "aro" + i, and a textbox, which I name "text" + i, where i is a number indicating the number of a photograph. net. Perhaps I should try Activate - too many variations for a second rate solution. Returns or sets a Single value that represents the distance, in points, from the left edge of the object to the left edge of column A (on a worksheet) or the left edge of the chart area (on a chart). Range("B1:C1") End With With rect1 . Re: Change Button Shape Caption. Is it possible to address a shape with VBA code? 1. g. You can use the following code to get a list of all shape names on the currently active worksheet: Sub getShapeNames() For Each Shape In Sheet1. Address Else Set s = ActiveSheet. The Shapes Returns a Shapes collection that represents all the shapes on the worksheet. Here is my code. Shapes("TextBox 1") Because the Shape object can contain a variety of different things (such as pictures or AutoShapes) a few more objects, properties and methods are involved in retrieving the text. Placement I'm afraid VBA Excel does not have a property able to (directly) change the shape rotation center. Locked refer to the same What now worked for me was: You can get the latest shape by comparing the amount of shapes on the sheet before and after creation. foo(lngSubSet) = lngSuperSet The placement of arguments in the arglist does indeed look weird, but that's VBA for you. The problem was that only Shapes have the Placement property, and my object is a Chart. Name and s. You will also see people loop through all the worksheets in a workbook using Thisworkbook. You have to search through the Shapes collection as there is no equivalent ShapeIndex as there is for SlideIndex. Chart Cloud shape: msoShapeCloudCallout: 108: Cloud callout: msoShapeCorner: 162: Rectangle with rectangular-shaped hole. scenario is i have an array of shapes on my worksheet and i want to set a loop running through each shape setting the colour accordingly. George Robinson. If you'd rather not use cell references, shapes also have . I created a hex shape with 5 defined data shape strings. I did some more searching (shifting the focus from "Move and size with cells" to how to get the Shape object associated with a Chart), and I found this page. Width = rngToCheck. Remarks. List(dd. If you want those properties, you have to use ActiveX. Left part. (yourWorkSheet or )ActiveSheet. AddTextbox customize layout. Changing Shape Quantity Based On Cell Value. Shapes or like this. Caller contains the name of the shape "containing" the form control. For example, if the AutoShapeType value is -2, then for all practical purposes the shape is not an AutoShape. Visio VBA Get Pasted Shapes. dim shap as Excel. Range(Array(type_of_milestone). store the shape properties of specific shapes in Workbook A 2. WORKING WITH SHAPES. Sub ShapePicker() Dim s As Shape, sr As ShapeRange Dim Arr() As Variant Set mycell = Range("A:A"). xls file and its VBA code. Hot Network Questions What happens to miner's fees when a Bitcoin transaction is rejected? Preserve indentation when wrapping lines in a table column Is it normal to connect the positive to a fuse Get the Excel VBA Objects Guide for Intermediate with extended and revised content here: https://excelmacroclass. Value End Sub Application. You can still manipulate them through the UI and through VBA. Excel-VBA: Getting the values from Form Controls. I have 2 grouped shapes named “Group1” and “Group2”, each contains 2 shapes named “Rectangle1” and “Rectangle2”. Fill = Sheet1. Visio VBA Macro: I wish to set the value of a shapes shape data after the shape has been dropped onto the page by the program. If you wanted to change any of the textbox properties, I would do it while you are creating the textbox itself. So, we can think the ShapeRange Object as a kind of interfaces for the Shapes Object, which offers properties slightly different from those Shape Object has(in this case ShapeRange does not have . ActivePage. One is obviously to ungroup the textboxes, access the textbox in question and modify it, then regroup them. Shapes(Selection. Now I want to get Shape object of slected shape. I have tried searching for answers but have found no clear instructions on how to do this Unless you specify scrollbar, users will default to excel app scrollbar which in this case it was not. ControlFormat. Top and . It would help tremendously. Excel Help; Get the shape's RGB value; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. 'List all Methods and Properties of the excel application Object. Shapes S. Quickly get the properties that are available for an object. The object itself has a few dozen properties, and coding them all under separate case clauses is precisely what I want to avoid. – Setting properties for a shape. Most of the objects that inherit from Shapes usually exposes ShapeRange property that returns the Shape object. Any ideas on my first question, though. Shapes-collection is. 11. capBt = Sheet1. Name Next I would love to know how to do this. I'm using this code to find out the clicked shape's Name & ID and it's working fine:. Sub Dump() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim objFSO As Object Dim objFile As Object Dim Sh As Shape Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting. Width . Excel has a broad range of shape Types consisting not only of AutoShapes, but also connectors, lines, pictures, charts, comments, and many other graphical items. In my case I commented out the lines to remove extraneous characters. copy specific named shapes from Workbook B 3. You can use that as a reference. Office VBA reference topic. i have tried following. A collection of all the Shape objects on the specified sheet. ShapeRange. Print shpObj. In other words, I want to get the address of the shape which is clicked on the worksheet. Shape) Dim shpCopy As Excel. Create a Unique I have a simple code like below, then I assigned to a shape e. Windows(1)) ¹ Setting Require Variable Declaration within the VBE's Tools Options Editor property page will put Option Explicit statement at the top of each newly created code sheet. ScreenUpdating = False Dim wb As Workbook Set wb = ActiveWorkbook Dim sh As Worksheet Set sh = wb. The following works to break the group, edit the shape, then regroup: Function Macro1() With ActiveSheet . Shapes. s. The full phrase required is I have big shapes on my worksheet (a group of shapes), and inside everyone of them others little shapes (the blue rectangles), I made a for loop for inside each Big shape to fill automatically the little shapes, but how can I loop over the Big ones, because all the big shapes are similars, and they have the same names for the littles shapes In Excel we have the "Name Box" in the upper-left side, but I could not find a way to retrieve the name of a shape in Word. Shape Names In Excel. Support and feedback. Can you select a shape directly, if you know its topleftcell row & column. TwoColorGradient msoGradientVertical, 1 I have two grouped set of shapes I want to link. Shapes(sName). Knowing when to check the Shape. TopLeftCell. Get address of clicked Shape. 2) This is how you pass an argument: Assuming myObject is an object of your class:. You should also be able to use the DrawinObject to get the ComboBox objcet form the Shape object. 2 VISIO VBA Get a collection of all Shapes in a group To simplify, here is the problem for referring to the name of one shape only: The name of a shape is "Star1" and given in cell A1. In the VBE, use the Locals window: You can then copy any existing charts, and simply manipulate the properties that need to be changed for each, or you can create new charts on-the-fly, setting the properties as needed. Of course, clicking it again, will send it back to the default. The group shape interferes with the individual shape properties. ShadowEffect property (Direction and Angle) VBA Code. At the moment I do this using a loop what seems to be quite slow. Now I am having problem of locating which one I have clicked since I need to modify the attributes of the clicked shape after clicking on that shape. Thanks, Chris Public Sub CustomProp() Dim shpObj As Visio. Ungroup For Each aShape In rShape If aShape. o, . If you don't see it, enable it as To get a Shape by Name, you do: Function getShapeByName(shapeName As String, Slide As Integer) Set getShapeByName = How can I get the VBA of the current shape's (default) properties? Where can I find a list of the VBA properties available to any particular shape so I know what fields are Represents an object in the drawing layer, such as an AutoShape, freeform, OLE object, or picture. thanks for that. You can play with 'Pt_2 height from bottom rectangle', see what is happening and adjust the code to keep the Private Function GetSignature() As String Dim signaturePath As String 'Signature path Dim userSign As Shape 'Signature img Dim filePth As String 'Signature file path Dim signatureRng As Range 'range at which the Here is an easy way to determine if a range or Shape has been selected and if it is a Shape, where it is: Sub skjdkffdg() Dim s As Shape, typ As String typ = TypeName(Selection) If typ = "Range" Then MsgBox " you have a range selected: " & Selection. Reading Basic Image Properties This is a continuation of my notes on the WIA COM Object, which start with Working with images in VBA - Displaying PNG files WIA provides an easy way to get access to basic images properties on the one hand, and more to both read and write more advanced image properties, such as EXIF MetaData and Animated GIF frames. – Macro applies position and size properties of shape A to shape B; User clicks on Shape C on a different slide; Macro applies position and size properties of shape A to shape C etc So far I have been able to get the initial shape (Shape A's) properties, but am not sure how to let the user select the next shapes. Slide Dim ppShape As Object 'PowerPoint. I'm going to share with you a few VBA macros that will allow you to change the Placement property of all the shapes and charts on your ActiveSheet with the click of the button. AutoShapeType = -2) - for each one I want to have the name of the shape 'from' and the name of the shape 'to'. myObject. apply the stored shape properties to the copied shapes. Left. ExtendedProperty(“Dimensions”) ‘-> ?470 x 668? ‘Debug. Type = ppSelectionShapes Then L = . Left = rngToCheck. Buttons objects which has a . Similarly you can access other controls by name: I am new to VBA. Left T = . expression A variable that represents a Shape object. The following code doesn't work because Properties isn't a thing. AutoShapeType. Many formatting properties of shapes are not set by properties that apply directly to the Shape or ShapeRange object. OnAction = "Macro2" With . ” Tim K November 22, 2019 at 5:01 pm. p, VbSet, Value Else CallByName . height shpCopy. I need to get the position (left, top) and the size (width, height) also the slide it's linked to. S. CellExistsU("Prop. Print s. New posts Search forums Board Rules. It won't work. com/p/excel-vba-objects-guide. Width n = Now I want to read the variable "test" in VBA. VBA Shapes. AddTextbox() method into a With statement, and change the individual properties there. Shapes Shapes = Shapes & Shape. Feedback. The macro has code that gives the name of the shape object when I click it: I am trying to create an excel template where I have already assigned different macros to different shape that act as buttons. expression. Comparing Shape. selection. Question edited to clarify. See more Once you select your shape, you should see the name of the shape in the Name Box, which is located on the far left side of the formula bar. Fill if also tried. I want to get the name of shape to appear in combobox and character name in another Combobox, when any particular shape is selected. sDims = oFile. How to change the size of a shape based on Cell width. VBA code: 'Shadow ---> Presets ActiveSheet. Shapes(i) CheckOverlap = False For Each s2 In Worksheets("Plan"). What is the code to dynamically obtain these property values and place these values on the worksheet ? Dim dd as DropDown Set dd=ActiveSheet. However, you can write your own function to check. Name End As said before the Shape ComboBox has no Value property. Controls added through a Forms toolbar are considered shapes. ID is not to be confused with the Index. Steps: Click on a shape; Activate Macro selectTest -> Feedback Parameters; Click on second shape Well, my problem is that I have created a VBA Sub that receives an excel Cell reference and 2 text values and a Variant as parameter. Here's an example of its use: You can view and adjust the location of a shape in Excel by selecting it and checking its position in the Size & Properties or Format tab on the ribbon. In Excel vba, I am creating two shapes in excel using vba. When iterating over the Worksheets(). TopLeftCell, HeaderRow) Is Nothing Then Free Excel Help. Modifying Textbox Properties. Thank you. What I want to do is, on one hand get shape info of the visio doc in my Excel sheet and update the shapes properties (shapesheet User-defined Cells) based on what has been filled on the excel sheet. Shapes Something like this to go through each sheet and produce a list that can be sorted by sheet, object type or object name. Shape = shp1. Why it was upvoted though is Not aligned, but it does know what the top-left-most cell the shape occupies is. Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? Please see Office VBA support and feedback for guidance about the ways you can receive support and provide I have some shapes, which include custom property data I would like to extract. I am working on Excel 2013. The problem is I do not know how to connect my class properties to my shape and after adding my shape in excel environment, proceed further and access/change those custom properties. For example, Shapes(1) is simpler than Shapes. Range("box"). Easily read and modify properties. This could be needed because you are trying to change something from a user-selected shape or you want to read-in some bit of information from the shape (most commonly the shape name or text). Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? Please see Office VBA support and feedback for guidance about the ways you can receive support and Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company This isn't guaranteed to work, since Shape. I'm using VBA for all the programming. Returns or sets a Single value that represents the distance, in points, from the top edge of the topmost shape in the shape range to the top edge of the worksheet. Ungroup . I wrote some VBA code to create some shapes for GUI purposes, but I am trying to make sure the shapes won't print. Choosing that opens a dialog which allows you to make a New macro or Record it. Shapes("Rectangle 1") Set rngToCheck = . The SpinButton is a member of the worksheet's Shapes collection, but it does not allow you to access those properties as a shape directly (see Doug's answer for how to do this another way which is probably better). Shape Dim measurements(1) As Single Set shpCopy = myShape. If either the widht or the height of the shape increases, the text didn't fit into the box. Sub Get_latest_Shape() Dim lngCount As Long 'Save the sheets current amount of shapes before adding a new one. Use the array returned by this property as an argument to the AddCurve method or AddPolyLine method. This need to be activated before (by mouse). DrawingObject. It can be done in a little more complicated way making some calculations. The following table shows how the Vertices property associates the values in the array vertArray() with the coordinates of a triangle I was hoping to set the fill property of one shape (where shape 3 contains a user picture) to the fill property of another shape but it doesn't seem possible. Name & Chr(10) Next MsgBox Shapes End Sub – Excel wraps each ActiveX object in an OLEObject control, which is then wrapped in a Shape object. If the idea is to have the shape exactly as the given range, then this is how to do it: Option Explicit Sub SetShape() Dim rect1 As Shape Dim rngToCheck As Range With ActiveSheet Set rect1 = . Read-only Variant. 2 VBA PowerPoint: Get all shapes with text. Is there a way for excel to recognize which shape having macro assigned was clicked? I want to show all the shape types that i have in a powerpoint presentation. You cannot assign an instance of Shape to a Shaped-typed property with star. Find(What:=0, After:=Range("A1")) rrow = mycell. Selection I can get the shape object by iterating on ActiveSheet. How can I reference a shape by getting name of shape from a cell? 1. The TopLeftCell property is read only but I am trying to build a VBA-Powerpoint macro which gives the parameters of an activated shape (by mouse) back. Syntax. Just different bases. I believe you are familiar with them. PrintObject = True End Sub Sub Two() Dim S As Shape For Each S In ActiveSheet. qmast tjfihv wjuh ahhfdqv dchsg wyosw lmh tetl eov hobdn