Honduras climate change. Former EU Head of Cooperation (2015-2017), .
- Honduras climate change In rural areas, one out of five Hondurans lives in extreme poverty. The predictability of future tropical cyclones is marked with significant uncertainties due to several factors. Climate-related changes in the weather are also wreaking havoc across other parts of Central America, displacing subsistence farmers and others throughout the region’s so-called “dry corridor,” a strip of territory that stretches across Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, as crops fail season after season. gob. Explore the overview for a general context of how climate change is affecting Honduras. 2 2. NDC Status Honduras submitted its revised NDC in May 2021. Extreme rainfall, atypical droughts, variation in the dates of rainfall, loss of fertility and erosion of arable land are all causing problems for agriculture in Honduras. Discover stories from this section and more in the list of contents. , 2006; Parker et al. Overall yields are low. These include disparities among climate models, the inherent complexity of processes incorporated into Tropical Cyclone Models, and regional variations in cyclone formation, behavior, and dispersal. Find climate change laws, policies, targets and other climate policy data and indicators for Honduras, alongside information about their legislative process. Panama, Geneva Deadly heatwaves which recently hit North and Central America were made 35 times more likely because of human-induced climate change, according to the latest study by World Weather Attribution (WWA). ” These challenges have had overlapping impacts on food supply chains, According to the Global Climate Risk Index 2021, Honduras is one of the most vulnerable countries worldwide to the effects of climate change. It sets the following principles and policy actions:Adoption of precautionary measures for the benefit of the environment even in the face This article delves into the complex relationship between climate change, migration patterns, and health outcomes in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Related. January 23, 2025. It One suspected reason for the migrant caravan is climate change. National Designated 200 metros al Sur del Estadio nacional, Tegucigalpa, Honduras. During the visit, the UN expert will assess how the adverse impact of climate change affects the human rights of communities in vulnerable situations. Low cost of production, generational change and institutional support resulted in an average annual production growth of 5%. 5 28% of deaths from stroke and ischaemic heart disease caused by air pollution 1 43% of deaths from diarrhoea caused by unsafe drinking water, sanitation and inadequate personal hygiene Existence of legal standards This country note briefly summarizes information relevant to both climate change and agriculture in Honduras, with focus on policy developments (including action plans and programs) and institutional make-up. CGIAR; Posted 1 Aug 2024 Between 1993 and 2012, Honduras experienced more damage caused by extreme weather events than any other country on earth, ranking first in the Germanwatch Climate Change Vulnerability Index. Land degradation coupled with climate change and limited access to credit Find climate change laws, policies, targets and other climate policy data and indicators for Honduras, alongside information about their legislative process. ” These challenges have had overlapping impacts on food supply chains, food assistance programs, food prices, household purchasing power, physical access to food, and Over the past decade, unauthorized migration from Honduras to the USA has become a topic of pressing international concern and a major factor in the political and humanitarian crisis at the southern border of the USA that has been unfolding since 2014. , 2022; Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Center, 2022)—with inequitable impacts in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The updated NDC also includes adaptation measures and actions for social inclusion, climate financing, and MRV. Climate change, inconsistent economic growth, growing levels of inequality and poverty, violence, displacement and limited access to basic social services are some of the main factors leading by climate change, leaving them with fewer economic opportunities in rural areas. Honduras Migration: Climate Change, Violence, & Assistance This study provides insight into the root causes of migration from Honduras, with a particular emphasis on the interconnected role of climate change and violence. 0 0 Comments Empoderando a niños y jóvenes en América Latina y el Caribe . 1) (Advance unedited version) Since 2000, the Government of Honduras with consistent World Bank (WB) technical and financial support has been implementing systematic reforms to strengthen Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and climate change adaptation, focusing on poor and vulnerable populations. Recommendations in Honduras and 48. It's just all dead. Don Alfredo says, 10 years ago, he could harvest Honduras: Year-on-year change: what is the percentage change in CO 2 emissions? In discussions on climate change, we tend to focus on carbon dioxide (CO 2) – the most dominant greenhouse gas produced by the burning of fossil fuels, Honduras has a total population of 9,876,514 habitants, composed mostly of mestizos and nine Indigenous and Afro-Honduran Peoples, identified as Lenca, socioeconomic factor exacerbates the vulnerability and disproportionate impacts of these populations to the effects of climate change, In Honduras, climate change is making it harder to live off the land. HONDURAS Honduras is significantly impacted by climate change, as This article seeks to approach internal displacement induced by climate-change-related disasters in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) through four local analyses. This page presents high-level information for Honduras's climate zones and its seasonal cycle for Honduras, one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere, is vulnerable to climate change due to its high exposure to climate-related hazards (hurricanes, tropical storms, floods, TEGUCIGALPA (28 September 2023) – The impact of climate change on poorer communities in Honduras is having a devastating effect on livelihoods, forcing many people to flee the country While it is impossible to determine exactly how big a part extreme weather events like Hurricanes Eta and Iota played in people’s decisions to flee, it is clear that climate change has become yet another factor forcing vulnerable The Honduras Climate and Development Report outlines opportunities for improvement in areas such as natural resource management, implementation of agricultural practices to reduce deforestation, development Honduras has the potential to reduce poverty, lower inequality, and achieve low-carbon and climate-resilient development while accelerating climate adaptation, leveraging Honduras is highly vulnerable to climate change, including extreme natural events and slow onset events, such as increasing temperatures or forest degradation, which impact important economic sectors and society, especially In global terms, Central America and Honduras are hotspots for adverse climate change impacts, consistently ranking highly on global assessments of climate change vulnerability. The cases draw upon interviews with experts in climate, migration, and conflict in each country, fieldwork by the authors, and a review of secondary sources. The country commits to reduce net emissions by 16% by 2030. The United Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Honduras is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, due to its exposure to extreme weather events such as hurricanes, floods and drought, and its socioeconomic characteristics. These areas are described in the following paragraphs. While the link between climate change and displacement is complex, it’s clearer than ever that the climate is shifting patterns of displacement. It projects climate scenarios in Honduras, estimates national emissions and sectoral vulnerabilities to climate risk, and sets mitigation and adaptation objectives accordingly. Extreme weather can ravage a country — it kills people, injures them and destroys expensive infrastructure, businesses and crops. It develops an action plan accordingly over the period 2010-2022. Honduras, Korea partner on implementation of Articles 5 & 6 of Paris Agreement. The health of chil-dren (0–4) and adults (60+), particularly the poor ones, is more likely to be impacted by these changes [18]. What she saw was devastating: The neighbourhood is a high-crime area on the outskirts of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, where Rural women in Honduras take the lead in the use of agro-climatic information for better-informed decisions about their crops. Access synthesized Country Profiles to gain deeper insights into climate risks and adaptation actions. An IMF team conducted a Public Investment Management Assessment including the module on climate change in Honduras. Fault Lines reports from Honduras on how climate change is upending lives and increasing migration. 11 May 2018: Honduras has become the first NDC Partnership member country to develop and finalize a Partnership Plan. To achieve this objective, this Technical Cooperation (TC) will finance three types of activities: (i) development of a fiscal management framework for climate change; (ii) support for the implementation of policy instruments for green fiscal management; and (iii) dissemination Honduras is now the largest coffee producer in Central America. She had to wade through neck-high waters just to reach it. Who The Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP) provides global data on historical and future climate, vulnerabilities, and impacts. We will implement environmentally Compound risks: Climate change, migration, security and urbanization challenges . A decrease in agricultural production due to climate change In Honduras, a country located in Central America, the prevalence of hydrometeorological disasters due to its geographical location poses a challenge in the context of climate change. The general objective of the work is to cover how the four selected countries Honduras, The Bahamas, Peru and Brazil deal with this type of internal displacement legally and pragmatically, in order to understand BALFATE, Honduras, May 16 (IPS) - In Balfate, a rural municipality that includes fishing villages and small farms along Honduras' Caribbean coast, the effects of climate change are already felt on its famous scenery and beaches. 6 million. The CCDR will collect specific evidence on gender, race, and Indigenous Peoples, and also analyze the Honduras | World Bank Development Indicators [+] Agriculture & Rural Development [+] Aid Effectiveness [+] Climate Change CPIA public sector management and institutions cluster average (1=low to 6=high) Marine protected areas (% of territorial waters) Population growth (annual %) Population In Honduras, as in many settings between 2020 and 2022, food security was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and conflicts—what some refer to as “The Three Cs. The long-term Global Climate Risk Index by the NGO Germanwatch reveals that Honduras was the second most affected country worldwide by climate change in the period 1998-2017. A scenario that is intensifying with climate change. With hurricanes and other extreme weather events becoming ever more powerful and frequent, increasing numbers of people in gang-wracked Honduras are having to flee In the wake of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, Honduras is stepping up its efforts to measure and curb greenhouse gas emissions, making use of the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism to do so. There is a strong demand for more information. In this context, they took note of the authorities’ interest on Fund financing under effects of climate change, f ocusing on the economic impact of climate change on Honduras. (mitigation) and II. Background As climate research continues to highlight the global shifts in temperature and precipitation, more research is needed to understand how climate anomalies impact human health outcomes. Explore the edition. What she saw was devastating: The neighbourhood is a high-crime area on the outskirts of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, where ruthless street gangs hold sway. Throughout two decades, Honduras has been negatively affected by at least 65 (moderate and extreme) weather-related events generating annual economic losses equivalent to 1. National poverty rates are 62% in Guatemala and 60% in Honduras. Honduras is highly vulnerable to climatic events that each year cause floods, droughts and landslides, destruction of crops, homes, and public roads, affecting the poorest populations the most. We link U. Climate Policy Radar uses cookies to make our site work optimally, analyse traffic to our website and improve your experience. Honduras faces growing vulnerabilities, including political and social conflicts, climate change, forced displacement and migration. 5 Honduras. 9 million people – or nearly 60 per cent of the population – live in poverty, with 500,000 children 1. The climate change scenarios, which addressed sea level rise and flooding, were based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates of sea level rise (Houghton et al. 15 3. In recent years, a large number of adverse weather events have occurred, with greater frequency and intensity, especially with prolonged periods without precipitation and intense rains in short intervals of time Historically, climate change scientists, researchers and policymakers have struggled with how to make the vital connections between gender, social equity, and climate change. Who In Honduras, climate change impacts increase migration to cities, which then increases migrants’ risk of being exposed to gang violence. We conducted 29 qualitative This publication was funded by The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (www. cdkn. , 2014). The US National Weather Service describes ENSO – the El Niño Southern Oscillation – as “one of the most important climate phenomena on Earth due to its ability to change the global atmospheric circulation, which in turn, This year, global leaders are gathering at the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29) to discuss new and innovative ways to tackle climate change and prevent global temperatures from further Money is vital for responding to the climate crisis: to pay for preparedness, for emergency relief after disasters, and for recovering from longer-term impacts and rebuilding. hn. The past two years (2020–2022) have delivered multiple, overlapping challenges to food security including climate change, conflicts, and the COVID-19 pandemic—what some refer to as the “Three Cs” (Hendriks et al. Attachments. By converting agricultural waste into organic compost, these small agroecological farms can more efficiently grow crops for subsistence and to generate extra income. These are higher among rural populations – With €235 million allocated for the 2014-2020 period, Honduras represents the second largest EU portfolio in Latin America, after Bolivia. Read our privacy and cookie policy to learn more. 3 in Guatemala (World Bank, 2019b). Guatemala, Honduras, and El In Honduras, as in many settings between 2020 and 2022, food security was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and conflicts—what some refer to as “The Three Cs. It identified strengths related to the recent reforms in the National Public Investment System of Honduras (SNIPH), but also several weaknesses along the investment cycle that affect its efficiency, and its capacity to respond to climate change Honduras is highly vulnerable to extreme natural hazards, which are expected to increase because of climate change. While the severe impact of climate change on health in LAC is widely acknowledged, the article sheds light on the often-overlooked multiple effects on migration and the well-being of migrants. Key highlights from the NDC Honduras increased its ambition in comparison to the 2015 targets, proposing to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by 16% by 2030 through 7 measures linked to the prioritized sectors. Climate change scenarios 2. By accepting cookies you will help us make our site better, but you can reject them if you wish. Last year, nearly half of the population in Honduras was affected by Productive Investment Initiative for Adaptation to Climate Change (CAMBio II) Related. Honduras is highly vulnerable to extreme natural hazards, which are expected to increase because of climate change. Flooding from the rivers and drainage. org) Advancing Climate Compatible Development (CCD) for Food Security through the Implementation of National Climate Change Strategies, CDKN Honduras Case Study on the National Strategy on Climate Change and Agriculture/Food Security Fundación Vida Honduras is a low-middle-income country with more than 60 percent of the population living in poverty. The plan, known as the ‘Hoja de Ruta,’ identifies five priority areas for implementing the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement on climate change, and links each area to available partner and programme resources from In a cruel cycle, climate change has contributed to Honduras’ soaring debt, according to a recent United Nations report, while more debt hampers the country’s ability to spend money protecting Most of what has been written to date on the impacts of climate change on agriculture in Honduras has been based on the climate models from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s ( IPCC's) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4, IPCC 2007), or even earlier. 4 million people to flee their homes in Mexico and Central America and migrate during the next three decades. The new GENEVA (14 September 2023) – UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of climate change, Ian Fry, will visit Honduras from 18 to 27 September 2023. Article. Skip to Main Navigation. Download attachment (PDF | 1. The comparative advantage of UNDP in Honduras rests on its mandate, experience, and expertise in sensitive areas encompassing citizen security, climate change, gender, poverty eradication, and democratic governance (the rule of law, transparency, and accountability), The Honduras presidential delegate for climate change, Dr Marlon Escoto, reinforced the importance of this Hoja de Ruta for the future of the country: “With the presence of the president of Honduras Juan Orlando Hernández at the Paris COP, the concept of climate change becomes internalized into the development model of the country. , temperature and precipitation) “flicker” from year to year within their respective typical “range of variability”. So we need to act together," said Diego Recalde, Honduras + 3 more. 1 Climate change scenarios The projected climate change scenarios in this analysis focus on sea level rise and increases in intensities of hurricanes and extreme precipitation events (results are Honduras In Honduras, climate change-related disasters disproportionately affect areas where the poorest and most vulnerable segments of the population live (women, Afro-descendants, and people with disabilities). Monitoring and Evaluation Consultancy in Honduras about Climate Change and Environment, requiring 10+ years of experience, from SI; closing on 31 Jul 2023 Accelerated by climate change, rainfall in the Western Honduras state of Lempira has fallen sharply in the last five years. Trending Data Non-communicable diseases cause 70% of global deaths. Amid the consequences Honduras is highly vulnerable to extreme natural hazards, which are expected to increase because of climate change. Browse by Country or Indicator. Secretariat of Natural Resources and the National Institute of Forest Conservation and Development of the Republic of Honduras signed a five-year bi-lateral cooperation agreement on Tuesday News and Press Release in English on Honduras about Climate Change and Environment, Protection and Human Rights, Drought and Flood; published on 28 Sep 2023 by UN HRC Explore historical and projected climate data, climate data by sector, impacts, key vulnerabilities and what adaptation measures are being taken. People at all levels, including small communities want to understand the potential impact of climate change and learn how they climate change effects in northern Honduras forecast that climate conditions will become increasingly extreme. 2. TEGUCIGALPA, May 23, 2023 – Honduras has the potential to reduce poverty, lower inequality, and achieve low-carbon and climate-resilient development while accelerating climate adaptation, leveraging Flows (I&FF), Honduras needs US$6561. government data on the department (state) of birth for Honduran families apprehended between Despite the principal role of coffee exports in rural Latin American livelihoods, the literature on gender and climate adaptation in agriculture has paid little attention to this sector. The women of the municipality of Namasigue, Honduras, have found empowerment in the Local Technical Agroclimatic Committee (LTAC) of the municipality of Choluteca. The cause for this natural variability can be due to quasi TEGUCIGALPA (28 September 2023) – The impact of climate change on poorer communities in Honduras is having a devastating effect on livelihoods, forcing many people to flee the country to avoid starvation and lack of safe drinking water, a UN expert said today. Small farmers here in the middle of Central America’s dry corridor are almost totally reliant on rainfall to water their crops. Challenges to improving climate change adaptation in the Northern Triangle Governments in the Northern Triangle have made some advances in protecting their countries against the impacts of climate change. Swiss Cooperation Office and Consular Agency in Honduras. At least 4. Response actions in the region: Identification of initiatives and relevant actors National Strategy for Climate Change (Honduras) ENSAN - National Strategy on Food Security and Nutrition (Honduras) ERCC - Regional Strategy on Climate Change (Central It is climate change, however, Honduras is one of the most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate change. Implements Switzerland’s development cooperation and humanitarian aid on the ground Climate change; State and economic reforms; Engagement in fragile contexts and conflict prevention; Close. This paper examines gender differences in on-farm and off-farm climate adaptation measures undertaken by smallholder coffee farmers in Western Honduras. In Honduras, as in many settings between 2020 and 2022, food security was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and conflicts—what some refer to as “The Three Cs. This page in: English; The Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP) provides climate data and climate-risk information for users to understand and communicate future climate change scenarios. Rural women in Honduras are learning to address climate change with the use of agro-climatic information for better-informed decisions about their crops. 2. He will focus on dry Honduras also remains a country highly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, being grouped in a very high-risk category for exposure to environmental degradation and drought according to the 2022 Risk Management Index. S. Honduras. Climate variability here, refers to the ways how climate conditions (e. Facebook. 93 million up to 2030 to address climate change in these three sectors. Most LAC countries1 have taken first steps toward formulating national climate change strategies by devising climate change action plans for specific sectors2 (for example, forest, energy, agriculture, or water) or national action plans to address Figure 2. About 110,000 families have coffee as a primary income. hn despachoministerial@miambiente. . Rubén A. In addition, Honduras is highly vulnerable to extreme natural hazards, which are expected to increase because of climate change. This project will strengthen the climate resilience capacities of 50 small farming families in Intibuca, Honduras, working primarily with indigenous youth and women. 3. These will have significant consequences for all of Honduran society, affecting important economic sectors and threatening food and water security and human health. Coffee provides employment to an estimated 1 million people. In Honduras, changes in the climate are also evident with respect to historical behaviour. Phone (504) 2232-9200 luckymedina@miambiente. However, the analysis in the report concludes that while there have been important improvements in the legal and policy framework, efforts Honduras is highly vulnerable to climate change, including extreme natural events and slow onset events, such as increasing temperatures or forest degradation, which impact important economic sectors and society, especially Honduras presented its second national climate pledge to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), marking its renewed commitment to the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement where world leaders universally agreed to advance climate actions to limit temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius, while pursuing efforts to limit to a safer 1. Like most countries in Latin America, Honduras has submitted one national communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with a second one under preparation. Former EU Head of Cooperation (2015-2017), Climate change & disaster risks. Fault Lines Exit Honduras: A climate in crisis. Honduras is Analysis in English on Honduras about Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, Flood, Land Slide and more; published on 23 May 2023 by World Bank Trends in climate — past, present and future — always need to be understood in the context of the naturally occurring variability. ” These challenges have had overlapping impacts on food supply chains, food assistance programs, food prices, household purchasing power, physical access to food, and New report identifies opportunities to address Honduras' climate change challenges as an integral part of its development strategy. Explore the overview for a general context of how climate change is affecting Honduras. Under the Paris Climate Change Agreement, all countries have committed to cutting the emissions that cause climate change, and to measuring and This page presents a high-level insight into extreme events and how extreme events differ from mean climate. 2 million. Honduras | Policy | The objective of this document is to guide adaptation actions focused on the integration of sustainable development strategies in order to reduce the adverse impacts of climate change and variability in the country. Extremes are often related to different physical processes than those that govern long-term means. Two months after two deadly hurricanes in quick succession flooded her neighbourhood, Elsa* finally screwed up the courage to check on the state of her home. Therefore, mainstreaming climate into national planning is essential. climatic factors can be isolated from other factors to explain recent Honduran migration behavior, in order to move towards a holistic explanation of climate-driven migration. WWA is a collaboration of scientists and analysts including some from the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre. We have the same needs, the same approach. The updated NDC has a strong focus on functional restoration of the rural landscape, and it In Honduras, the Hand-in-Hand Initiative supports investment in three areas: Production of seeds for climate resilience, with an investment of US$56. In this report, we use the climate models from the Honduras is highly vulnerable to extreme natural hazards, which are expected to increase because of climate change. 4 Food Production and Climate Change . Learn Honduras | Policy | This document sets the government's vision for development over the period 2010 - 2038. Untangling the causes of recent Honduran migration requires attending to economic change, Climate Policy Radar uses cookies to make our site work optimally, analyse traffic to our website and improve your experience. Search Suchfeld zurücksetzen. 1. Although coffee is not an exceptional agricultural commodity in this regard, coffee producers have suffered for decades from Abstract Many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have adopted climate strategies, but few are comprehensive. The SPCR is focused on promoting resilient water resources management and governance, implementing climate-smart agricultural practices, and Climate Policy Radar uses cookies to make our site work optimally, analyse traffic to our website and improve your experience. Skip to content. Share. Visit to Honduras - Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of climate change, Ian Fry (A/HRC/56/46/Add. As more and more data and research reveal their clear correlation, it’s time to talk about the disparate impacts of climate change and the linkages between women’s empowerment 5 Addressing climate change is one of UNDP’s strategic priorities. In this regard, the disaster Honduras | Policy | This Strategy replaces a previous version published in 2010. Honduras: Climate change, human mobility, and conflict and fragility: An examination of dominant policy narratives Format Analysis Source. Climate-related changes in the weather are also wreaking havoc across other parts of Central America, displacing subsistence farmers and others throughout the region’s so-called “dry corridor,” a strip of territory that Climate Change. 0. The Proyecto Gestión de Riesgos de Desastres (PGRD), strengthened national, An IMF team conducted a Public Investment Management Assessment including the module on climate change in Honduras. Moreover, Tropical Cyclone Models are primarily calibrated for current climate Climate Change Honduras. The project is funded Boy wades through lood water in northern Honduras, 2011. 2001) and published literature linking changes in temperature to more intense precipitation (Trenberth et al. Strategic objectives per sector are detailed in table II. She points out that 60 percent of Honduras’s GDP is agricultural, with coffee, corn and beans being the main crops. Context: Central American Dry Corridor, climate change and vulnerability. Agreeing to the NCQG is crucial as it forms the financial bedrock on which the world’s plan to manage climate change – and its many harmful effects – will be based. Like most countries in Latin America, Honduras has submitted one national communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Honduras submitted its updated NDC in 2021. Keywords Honduras · Migration · Northern Triangle · Dry Corridor · Climate change · Debt · Ethnography In 2015, migration scholar Elizabeth Ferris asked (Ferris The objective is to support SEFIN in the integration of climate action into fiscal policy and management. Who Failure to prepare for climate change is costing Honduras dear; From the January 4th 2025 edition. In this paper, we analyze one of the paths through which climate anomalies affect health (in particular, child’s health) within one of poorest countries in the Across Honduras, an unpredictable climate has made this situation increasingly common. For the Pérez family and countless others, that's making the already difficult decision about whether to migrate even more Between 1993 and 2012, Honduras experienced more damage caused by extreme weather events than any other country on earth, ranking first in the Germanwatch Climate Change Vulnerability Index. ” These challenges have had overlapping impacts on food supply chains, food assistance programs, food prices, household purchasing power, physical access to food, and 1. Some 40 per cent of the population works in agriculture, The Honduras Climate and Development Report, published by the World Bank Group, presents a set of policy recommendations aimed at fostering resilient, equitable, and people-centered development in Last year, the bank reported that climate change could lead at least 1. The internal rate of return is 18% and the net present value is US$26. Mitigation and adaptation to climate change are key strategic objectives, with financing and technology transfers as key aspects. 1 Climate change scenarios The projected climate change scenarios in this analysis focus on sea level rise and increases in intensities of hurricanes and extreme precipitation events (results are Examplein Honduras: • Due climate change impacts, between 2013-2016 southern pine beetle affected 10 % of national forest cover and caused economic losses of USD284 million • It affected water supply basins in main urban áreas which are also important for agriculture production and power generation in El Salvador: • Due climate change Honduras' FIP and PPCR investment plans aim to support sustainable natural resource management and mainstream climate change considerations across sectors and stakeholder groups, respectively. However, the lack of local disaster data highlights the need to investigate the primary natural hazards impacting Honduran municipalities. These climatic changes are on a collision path with the country’s weather-dependent workforce and economy. , Bull Am Meteorol Soc, 84:1205–1217, 2003) and hurricanes (Knutson and In Honduras, as in many settings between 2020 and 2022, food security was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and conflicts—what some refer to as “The Three Cs. As those rains become less reliable because of climate change In Honduras, climate change is one more factor sparking displacement. WFP; Posted 26 Apr 2021 Originally published 21 Apr 2021 Origin View original. 95% of these are smallholders with less than 7ha. Find out how LTACs empower women to achieve sustainable In Honduras, climate change has contributed to a higher prevalence of respiratory dis-eases, malaria, dengue, and diarrhea. See all projects. In October 2023, Honduras established its national carbon market for forestry-related carbon offsets through Decree 54-2023. He currently works for Chemonics International Inc. During the first half of 2024, Honduras continued to face the impacts of the shocks outlined in the Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan 2024 (HNRP): food and nutrition insecurity; generalized violence; human mobility; and climate change and disasters. Climate change, when layered onto this mix of economic instability, violence and weak governance, can become fuel — a threat multiplier that could aggravate all of Honduras’ vulnerabilities Many communities in Central America are facing what has been described as a non-traditional humanitarian crisis: High levels of poverty and gang violence are being compounded by a vulnerability to extreme climate events, fuelling outward migration. 1 (adaptation). These will have significant consequences for all of . While an average change in precipitation is primarily due to circulation changes, extremes are much more sensitive to the thermodynamic state and conditions during specific Honduras: Climate change, coronavirus and caravans; Honduras: Climate change, coronavirus and caravans How the World Food Programme is helping to break the cycle of hunger and migration in Central America's Dry Corridor 21 April 2021, WFP Staff Refugees and migration Zero Hunger Food Security Honduras. Menu. The sea is relentlessly approaching the houses, while the ecosystem is deteriorating. Find relevant information. 8 percent of its GDP. Between 1993 and 2012, Honduras experienced more damage caused by extreme weather events than any other country on earth, ranking first in the Germanwatch Climate Change Vulnerability Index. Several studies have found that smallholder coffee farmers in Honduras remain highly vulnerable to external shocks like climate change and volatile global coffee markets (Goodman, 2009; Jansen et al. in Honduras and has worked as a consultant for the IDB and the IBE-UNESCO. Displacement – whether short-lived or protracted – can multiply climate- related Increasingly, droughts, floods, and hurricanes are becoming a reason for people to leave their homes and even their countries. Land use change and forestry are by far the largest contributors to green house gas (GHG) emissions in the country. Coastal resources 3. Honduras: Climate change, coronavirus and caravans Format News and Press Release Source. 8. Additionally, the region’s vulnerability is made more severe by the lack of effective governance structures, high population growth rates and urbanization, as well as poor The need for action is urgent, with poverty and the triple planetary crisis of climate change, communities in Honduras and Guatemala suffered serious crop losses from hurricanes Eta and Iota. Honduras is one of 19 countries participating in the project worldwide. The document notably sets the goal of consolidating the institutional framework This country note briefly summarizes information relevant to both climate change and agriculture in Honduras, with focus on policy developments (including action plans . "(These countries) are in the same boat. To achieve this target, the NDC covers seven measures linked to priority sectors with a particular emphasis on ecosystem restoration. Year by year in the Dry Corridor – which stretches across El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and He has worked for the last 10 years as an environmental and climate change specialist for UNDP, UNEP and the World Bank. By the year 2038, we would have transversally integrated climate change into sectorial planning and public and private investments, HONDURAS 2023 ARTICLE IV CONSULTATION AND REQUESTS FOR AN ARRANGEMENT UNDER THE EXTENDED FUND of climate change. Millions of children are being driven from their homes by weather- related events, exacerbated by climate change. Close. It’s estimated that over one million people live in at-risk areas and that climate change will affect many more in the short term, also due to the increase of vector . g. Large dilemmas between possible futures in Honduras Dry Corridor based on future scenarios workshop in Honduras From these two poles it was possible to discuss the modeling opportunities for ex-ante evaluation of public action options and interventions, in a dry corridor under climate change. These impacts focuses on inadequate food security caused by climate disasters and the predicaments faced in peri-urban areas. Rural-to-urban migration in Honduras is increasingly driven by climate impacts, Two months after two deadly hurricanes in quick succession flooded her neighbourhood, Elsa* finally screwed up the courage to check on the state of her home. DataBank Microdata Data Catalog. Suche & Themen A - Z. Explore them via Country and Watershed views. It identified strengths related to the recent reforms in the National Public Investment System of Honduras (SNIPH), but also several weaknesses along the investment cycle that affect its efficiency, and its capacity to respond to climate change Climate-related changes in the weather are also wreaking havoc across other parts of Central America, displacing subsistence farmers and others throughout the region’s so-called “dry corridor,” a strip of territory that stretches across Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, as crops fail season after season. Climate change Health and environment scorecard Honduras Health impact Policies 5x the WHO air quality guideline value for PM 2. Maize and beans are the core components of diets and culture in Honduras with most smallholder farmers engaged in production of these crops. 14 MB); Situation Update. Climate-related changes in the weather are also wreaking havoc across other parts of Central America, displacing subsistence farmers and others throughout the region’s so-called “dry corridor,” a strip of territory that Honduras has already advanced in the management of climate change impacts. The I&FF assessment was undertaken as part of the global UNDP project, “Capacity Development for Policy Makers to Address Climate Change”. Years-long drought in parts of Honduras means crops are failing and farmers are leaving. hn cooperacion@miambiente. Cruz Valladares is an alumnus of the Harvard Graduate School of Education. 870. vgmhhz byybek ebs yrtdgobw pbots oiv uootg vec rqrx ahicx fyx rdvxa hgjt pvelca wvgfkk