Indiana court case search. They are especially useful for appellate court .
Indiana court case search Case records are any document, data, or information created, collected, received, or maintained by a court, court agency, or Clerk of Court that relates to a particular case. and trial court Judge Maria D. County Clerk Fees. In general, court cases and their records are public, and the court does not need your consent to make your court cases or records available online. 114 W Michigan St. Electronic access to criminal court records for county court cases can be obtained using the Indiana Odyssey Case Management System officially called Chronological Case Summary (CCS) —an online portal that provides a secure single point search tool for state-wide court cases. The search results are as follows: Civil Court Records. Search for information about a filed case. Martin Luther King, Jr. Case records mean any item, such as data, information, or document relating to a particular case, created, received, or kept by a court, clerk, or court agency. The commission alleges Judge Hawkins acted in ways that do not promote public confidence in the judiciary and was harassing. Get Lake County Civil Court Records. On Friday, December 15 beginning at 7:00 p. How Court dockets are a log containing the complete history of each case in the form of brief chronological entries. Agendas & Minutes. v. The official website of the LaGrange County, IN. Civil Court Records in Lake County are documents on legal proceedings that do not include criminal cases. But the Access to Public Records Act (Indiana Code 5-14-3) and Indiana Supreme Court rules determine the public availability of records maintained by a court or court agency. Elkhart County Court Records Per Rules of Court Rule 3, Indiana court records refer to case and court administrative records. Alternatively, interested persons may visit the court where the probate case was filed to obtain such records. 1 day ago · Indiana Courts Case Search. S. The City of Evansville, Indiana. These are official court documents prepared before, during, and at the conclusion of cases and hearings. The circuit court judge is mandated to resolve family cases like marital litigation, alimony, child custody/support, abuse/violence, visitation rights, and other domestic-related issues. Lastly, you can visit the Indiana Courts Case Search portal to search online for divorce court records from the state's Family Courts. 155 Indiana Avenue Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 Phone: 219-465-3400; Quick Links. This collection contains court registrations from Indiana, United States between the years 1818 and 1954. You may limit a search to "Commercial" and click the "Search" button without entering any search terms (e. The Public Records Act applies to all records maintained by public agencies in the state. gov will search all cases in the database, including cases in the appellate courts. It has appellate jurisdiction over the other appellate courts in the Indiana court system. Our service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from any location. The Vanderburgh County Clerk’s Offices maintain copies of criminal court case records. For example, Marion County provides an online case search platform where interested persons may request criminal case files. You will need to complete the County Clerk’s request with a case number, litigants’ names, filing, date or other case information. " Links Hendricks County Courts Local Rules, effective January 1, 2025 Electronic access to court information is restricted by federal and state law in addition to court rules and orders. 155 Indiana Avenue Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 Phone: 219-465 The case search website maintained and supplied by the Indiana court system is available to the public to access Marion County probate court records. You’ll unlock Indiana case law from the Court of Appeals from January 1891, Court of Appeals unpublished opinions from 2009 and Indiana Tax Court decisions from January 1987 to current. A broader database is available through the Indiana court system for case-related information. Public access computers with instructions on how to search for court cases on the civil and criminal case management system are available for use. The office allows in-person, mail, and fax requests. Indiana State Archives: The Archives keep historical court records, inclusive of Supreme Court cases spanning back to the early 1800s. Smith Date: December 22, 2021 Docket Number: 21S-CT-00561 . Cases can be searched by number, name or attorney, and include civil, criminal and other types of cases. Local Rules (Currently in Effect) The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. Media Contact Kathryn Dolan Public Information Officer. Judicial District 7. You can access case information without visiting or placing a call to the Justice Building. gov. This site provides access to information about trial and appellate court cases in Indiana. Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204. The project employed 125 stone cutters on site to cut the stone to fit, and Campfield used steam powered hoists to lift the stone into place. Court records are documents generated during legal proceedings, such as criminal case files, bankruptcy records, and records from family or probate court. Each search only yields 1,000 results, so it is pretty easy to narrow your search to find your case. Boulevard; Evansville, Indiana 47708-1833; Phone: (812) 435-5000 Electronic access to court information is restricted by federal and state law in addition to court rules and orders. 1 and The Court of Appeals of Indiana has partnered with the Indiana Bar Foundation to support Civic Learning Week (March 11-15), a national civics-learning initiative to promote a strong democracy. This service provides the closing dates of cases, as well as other case information. During the average working day a new case is added every ten seconds. This is a statewide tool that makes finding your case status simple and quick. Although the types of cases these courts handle varies, meticulous records are kept in every case filed in every such court. , LaGrange, IN 46761 260-499-6300 The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. Indiana Code 33-37-5-1 outlines the fees for various court services, including document copying and certification. 17. If you need copies, you must contact the County Clerk’s Office for the fees for copies of records. Lookup civil, family law, probate, small claims, labour, personal injury and other types of state court cases by name, case number, party, attorney, judge, docket entry & more. If you need assistance finding records, consider seeking help from your local library, the Indiana State Library, or the Indiana Supreme Court Law Library. Randy Degenkolb. You can search for cases on Indiana Case Search. gov Phone: (724) 465-3855 The State of Indiana has over 400 trial courts, approximately 300 of which serve the state's 92 counties. Office Building. The clerk's office can Members of the public who wish to access St. Nov 29, 2023 · 50-State Research: Court Dockets, Records and Opinions. The view taken by a learned Single Judge of the Calcutta High Court in New Central Jute Mills Co. View a list of the various Case Types (PDF). All other local court rules are adopted without Supreme Court approval. Click here to view a list of our court coverage. Free Access To Adult Court Case Records. Counties in this district: Allen District governance plan; Local Rules. They also have original jurisdiction over many things, including discipline and disbarment of attorneys and judges and justices, admission to the practice of law, and supervision over the other cours in the system. Learn how to access documents, make public information requests, and get answers to FAQs. Justia Opinion Summary: The Supreme Court reversed the judgment of the trial court granting summary judgment in favor of Defendant in this case brought by K. View the Case Numbering System (PDF Dec 17, 2021 · K. 's parent, who alleged that she suffered emotional distress as a result of the sexual… Most types of court cases are public records, but many cases include documents that are not public, or that the Indiana Supreme Court has determined should not be available to the public online. The courthouse has 71 courtrooms, including 11 jury rooms, all fitted with the latest in courtroom technology. Limiting search by case type. gov For more information about Indiana courts, including contact information, see courts. The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. Indiana Legacy Database : This expansive database merges records from multiple repositories, including essential records, death notices, and judicial files. Through this website, interested parties can obtain court records by performing searches using the case number, the names of the parties involved in the case, or the attorneys’ names. Clerk of the Courts. Clerk of the Appellate The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. When searching by case number, do not enter any spaces or dashes and be certain there are 6 digits in the last set of numbers in the case number. Links to each state's judiciary, Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and District Courts, and state court structure chart. Members of the public may find out if a case has been closed in Indiana through the Multi-Court Voice Case Information (McVCIS) by dialing 1(866) 222–8029. Docket information, as well as most case documents (in PDF form) can be accessed with a U. <br><br> Search Public Library archives for records on criminal court case information. Find out how to use case numbers, citation numbers, cross reference numbers, wild cards, sounds-like search, and advanced search options. First: James 2 days ago · Search online court records from superior courts, justice courts, circuit courts, and other US State Courts for free. gov, the official website of the Indiana Judicial Branch. G. Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa (A) “Court Record” means both Case Records and Court Administrative Records. 2012. Learn how to search for cases, parties, attorneys, and courts on mycase. Jul 1, 2014 · If you wish to view a pending case or a closed case, Odyssey (the judicial tracking information program) provides access to court information via the internet. Below you will find a link to the State's non-confidential cases search platform, which offers easy access to a wide range of court-related records. Indiana Limited Criminal Records The Indiana State Police offer a limited criminal history online search service with a subscription or per-search fee. Sep 15, 2014 · That jurisdiction has been conferred on the Tribunal. Supreme Court on Monday revived a case that could The Cincinnati architect, James W. Phone: 260-449-7245 Find Adult court case records online. Adopted, Effective January 1, 2020 Updated, Effective January 1, 2024. Learn Appellate Court: Choose one or more Indiana appellate court; County of Origin: Choose one Indiana county; Trial Court: Further narrow the locality by a specific court in the chosen county; Case Type. To use the search portal, the requester must first select the appropriate county. Put in as much information as you have and hit search. Indiana courts. case AIR 1976 Cal 178 that once the authorisation for carryingin Pooran Mal case (1974) 1 SCC 345, (1974) 2 SCR 704 held that if the books of account and other documents collected during the searchwere afterwards found to be not relevant that by Jan 7, 2025 · Accessing Court Records. A court case can also involve parties not in opposition but require a legal ruling from the court, like in a divorce case. You can view daily and weekly calendars and dockets by navigating to Marion Count court reference site and clicking Dockets and Calendars. Supreme Court; Court of Appeals; Appellate Court; Tax Court; Criminal Cases ; Case Search Opens in new tab; Civil and Protective Orders ; E-filing is the process of filing documents electronically with Indiana Courts. Oct 19, 2022 · Find your Indiana court case online. Contact the court where the case was filed for more information. By default, mycase. Jan 1, 2024 · All cases filed with St. Nearly all courts in Indiana are included in the database. m. , public. Court Case Records Media Storage Standards: 7 Jan 29, 2025 · Indiana Supreme Court 315 Indiana State House 200 W. The Court also hears cases committed to the circuit courts by statute, including proceedings upon county tax sales. The Lake County Judicial Nominating Commission announced five finalists to fill a vacancy created by the appointment of Judge Stephen Scheele to the Indiana Court of Appeals. Records Search Court, Criminal, Marriage, Divorce, Property The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. The remaining courts serve smaller units of government: cities, towns, or townships. Get Hamilton County Civil Court Records. What Are Indiana Probate Court Records? Indiana probate is the formal, judicial process of carrying out a person's last desires by validating their last will (if they had one), paying off any remaining debt or taxes, and giving any remaining wealth to the Some examples of Hancock County court records include motions, orders, transcripts, petitions, and photographs. The Clerk is responsible for the Appellate Docket Search Tool, which, on the Clerk's behalf, is owned, developed, and maintained by the Indiana Supreme Court. , Room 203, Goshen, IN 46526, (574) 535-6719, [email protected], is designated to be responsible for electronic publications of Elkhart County Government under Indiana Code 5-3-5. In Hamilton County, such records fall under the jurisdiction of the County Clerk, who serves as the record keeper for all county-level court cases. McLaughlin, designed the building, and it required 600 car loads of Indiana limestone and 3 million bricks to construct it. Records may contain: Case details; Court proceedings; Legal documents such as Petitions, motions, complaints, and pleadings; Case depositions; Witness testimony; Attorney information; Court costs and documents during such illegal search. gov, MyCase, and Attorney Dashboard will be unavailable during scheduled maintenance. Common types of Civil Court Records include: Breach of contract; Personal injury cases; Commercial disputes Most cases created before 1999 are maintained in paper format only. Judicial District 18 Additional probate records for Allen County can be found in the catalog record titled "Indiana, Allen County, court records. Search public court records from Orange County Court in Indiana online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, filing date, courthouse, case type, party type, party representation, and more. Miscellaneous This Agreement shall be treated as though it were executed and performed in Indianapolis, Indiana, and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Indiana (without regard to conflict of Criminal Division Services (CDS) is the supervising division of Allen Superior Court and it consists of three specific departments: Drug Court Program, Alcohol Countermeasures Program (ACP), and Pretrial Services Aug 15, 2024 · Although you cannot access court opinions for trial court cases, you can search for basic information on trial court cases in Indiana using MyCase. Learn about circuit courts. (B) “Case Record” means any document, information, data, or other item created, col-lected, received, or maintained by a Court, Court agency or Clerk of Court in connection with a particular case. Joseph Probate Court records may utilize the case search website provided and maintained by the Indiana court system. Doxpop provides access to over current and historical cases from courts in Indiana counties. February 21, 2025 | Press Release. 1 N. There are two levels of courts in Indiana: Indiana Rules for Access to Court Records. The official website of Whitley County, Indiana. Civil court records provide a source of information on civil cases, including dispute settlement between individuals and organizations, tax cases, and probate. Review court dates, case statuses, and other relevant information. Case Numbering. Courts PACER account. Opened in April 2022, the Marion County Courthouse was one of the first buildings to open on the brand new Criminal Justice Campus. Ryan Lynch - Clark County Clerk Feb 21, 2025 · Nominating Commission names finalists for Lake County judicial position. ” The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. Indiana. Search results include Supreme Court and Court of Appeals records; Tax Court records have "T" in the case number. Indiana Criminal Court Records Indiana criminal court records contain details of criminal cases involving individuals tried for alleged crimes in the state. g. Allen County Courthouse 715 S. Browse cases. Departments. Circuit Courts. This portal, part of the Odyssey Case Management System, integrates data from courts across the state and allows users to search by case number, party name, or attorney name to locate specific FindLaw provides resources for Indiana legal research including searchable database of the IN Cases : IN Court Opinions - IN Court Decisions What Are Family Court Cases And Records In Indiana? Family court cases in Indiana are brought before the trial court located in each county. in. The Vanderburgh County Clerk of the Court is responsible for processing circuit court case records, among other duties. W. Order on Media, Photography, and Computing Devices at Supreme Court. IN. Ltd. courts. They are especially useful for appellate court Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) is an electronic public access service that allows users to obtain case and docket information from federal appellate, district and bankruptcy courts, and the PACER Case Locator via the Internet. Go to the Indiana Courts Case Search. Allen County Criminal The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. Twenty-fourthamendment in cases like Livermore (California, 1894), McCleary (Indiana, 7977), and Ex Porte Dillon (California, 1920). dolan@courts. Includes estate case files, guardianships, inheritance tax and surviving partnership records. An educational video about the judicial branch was released today, featuring Court of Appeals Chief Judge Robert R. Public Records. Indiana Supreme Court. Lookup civil, family law, probate, small claims, labour, personal injury and other types of Indiana State Court cases by name, case number, party, attorney, judge, docket entry & more. Records are available for most county Circuit and Superior Court records are documents created during legal proceedings, such as criminal case files, bankruptcy records, and records from family or probate court. ; Indiana Civil Court Records Civil court records are public documentation of civil suits filed by Indiana residents and corporations about disputes involve money, property, and tort. In Steuben County, Indiana, court records are available online through the Indiana Judicial System’s portal, mycase. Alternatively, Circuit Court case information can be accessed through the Indiana Case Management System provided by the Indiana Office of Judicial Administration. Choose EITHER an appellate OR a trial court case type. Services. Prothonotary and Clerk of Courts Indiana County Courthouse 1st Floor 825 Philadelphia St. You can choose the court where the records are stored. In the case of a criminal docket, enter the first and last name. See full list on in. Whether using online resources like the Indiana Supreme Court’s case search tool or the MyCase portal, or visiting a courthouse in person, searching by case number ensures accuracy and helps locate detailed case data quickly. You can search for a case by name, case number, traffic citation number or by attorney. Madison County court records are a vital part of Indiana Court Records. Jan 6, 2025 · Accessing Indiana court records by case number is an efficient and reliable method for finding specific legal information. The Indiana Court Case Search also provides statewide court records access where requesters can search for divorce records using name, attorney, or case as search parameters. To obtain a PACER account, please contact the PACER Service Center at: Online requests for court records can also be made by filling out the online request form. Phone Access to Court Records In general, court cases and their records are public, and the court does not need your consent to make your court cases or records available online. For more information on the Courts and our services provided, please browse through the links under "In This Department. Hawkins. Jan 7, 2025 · While accessing basic case information through the Indiana Odyssey Case Management System is free, there may be fees for obtaining copies of court documents or accessing detailed records. Feb 25, 2025 · Published by the Indiana Office of Court Services. Access paper case files from the court, where the case was filed, or at one of the Federal Records Centers (FRCs). Appellate Court Case Type: This list includes case types from Administrative Rule 8. The Vigo County Marriage Records Database provides access to marriage records from 1818 to 1958. . Are Court Records Public in Hancock County? Court records are public in Hancock County under the Access to Public Records Act (Indiana Code 5-14-3). Reference may gainfully beInstitutions Act, 1993 and consequently this Court will have jurisdiction to hear and decide t Nominating Commission names finalists for Lake County judicial position. INgov. Find Any Porter County Adult Case Online. Questions Regarding a Filed Case. PACER is provided by the federal Judiciary in keeping with its commitment to providing public access to court information via a centralized service. . Records typically include the names of the parties involved, their role in the case (primarily plaintiffs or defendants), the date and place of the trial, the court, and the cause of action. Interested persons may search by case, name, or attorney. The Indiana Supreme Court also has original exclusive jurisdiction over the following types of cases: The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. Granger. Wayne County Court Records Wayne County court records refer to both case and administrative records under State Rules of Court Rule 3. The Indiana Commission on Judicial Qualifications has filed disciplinary charges against Lake Superior Court Judge Calvin D. Electronic access to court information is restricted by federal and state law in addition to court rules and orders. This means that the Supreme Court can review decisions rendered in the Indiana Court of Appeals and the Indiana Tax Court. Joseph County are randomly assigned to the Court and Judge. gov , you can sign up to get online access to the documents in the case that aren't available online to the public. Elkhart County Auditor Patricia A. If your case is public and can be found on mycase. Pho: 317-232-2540 Fax: 317-232-8372. Find cases, protection orders, child abuse registry and other collections online or contact the clerk's office for court documents. Criminal Records can be found in mycase. Search for inmates and their criminal history on the sheriff’s site. About Doxpop Court Cases. Nominating Commission names finalists for Lake County judicial position. A court case is a legal proceeding between opposing parties resolved in any Indiana Court. To search for records you will need a case number, citation number cross reference, attorney, or name. Feb 21, 2025 · Nominating Commission names finalists for Lake County judicial position. The judgment in Arte Indiana (supra) will have to be restricted to cases under the Copy Right Act. Each docket has a unique number which allows research to find information like the names of the parties, date of appearances, and a brief summary of the claims and charges. Offline Methods of Inquiry Court Records; Court Case Search; Indiana Court Case Lookup. Email: pcc@indianacountypa. Pho: 317-232-2542 Fax: 317-233-6586 kathryn. Altice, Jr. Enter the name or case number for the person in question. " Some of the probates are mixed with civil and criminal cases. You may also want to look at specific court's websites to find more information about the court, not only opinions and dockets, but also other publications by the court, court rules, etc. Case records are any data, documents, or information created, collected, received, or maintained by a court, court agency, or Clerk of Court that relates to a particular case. If the document you're looking for isn't available online, you'll need to contact the clerk's office in the county where the case is being heard. Clark County Clerk’s Office Clark County Judicial Center 501 E Court Avenue #137 Jeffersonville, IN 47130. Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller Indian River County 2000 16th Avenue Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Phone: (772) 226-3100 Online Case View Apply for Online Court Records Registration Free Public Viewing of Case Information & Documents Welcome to Online Case View, the Clerk of the Circuit The Marion County Clerk of the Court is responsible for processing circuit court case records, among other duties. Porter County Court Records Per Rules of Court Rule 3, Indiana court records comprise both case and court administrative records. The Southern District of Indiana uses an electronic case management system (CM/ECF) for all civil cases and criminal cases. To search for your court case in Indiana, these are the main criteria you should Bartholomew County court records refer to official documents and files generated during case trials within the county circuit and superior courts. Judicial District 6 Indiana Court Case Records. The Court will be doing its duty and fulfilling its oath of loyalty to the Constitution in the measure judicial review reflects these twin ideals of the Constitution. Calhoun Street – Room 200A Fort Wayne, IN 46802. Information on this site is made available as a public service pursuant to order of the Indiana Supreme Court. Indiana, PA 15701-3973. Court records typically include transcripts, exhibits, electronic recordings, orders, jury verdicts, logs, affidavits, pleadings, orders, warrants, and other materials filed and maintained by the court in relation to a case. , case number, party name) to return a list of all cases filed in Indiana's Commercial Courts. This is the highest court in the state, and is the last resort for cases. 7 hours ago · MADRID (AP) — The fate of a French impressionist painting once stolen by the Nazis from a Jewish woman is in question once again after the U. Case Types. Pickens, 117 N 2nd St. For church premises liability, “premises” includes the whole parcel of land, and the church has limited premises liability so long as the parcel is “owned, operated, or controlled by the nonprofit religious organization and used primarily for worship services. Users can search case records by case, by name, or by an attorney. Information available includes chronological case summaries listing court events and Dockets are reference records listing the date and type of cases being heard. Search online court records from Indiana Superior Courts, Justice Courts, and Circuit Courts for free. Search results will include: Records are considered open records and are free for the public to search. Docket information is available on MyCase, which comes from the court that uses the state’s Odyssey case management system. Search Indiana criminal, citation, civil, family, and probate cases online. View the most recent court Clerk Filing Fees (2017). This is where you can access official court documents and information in Tippecanoe County, Indiana, from those courts that use the Odyssey case management system. In addition to the online request service, criminal case files are available with the clerk of court in Indiana counties. Search the Law Search § Why Casetext Pricing Help Sign In. The Court hears all manner of civil cases including personal injury, breach of contract and commercial disputes, medical and professional malpractice, administrative review, divorce, child support, probate, and guardianships. Also, the court where the case was filed has this information. In addition, get exclusive access to Shepard’s ® Citations Service, offering one-of-a-kind visualization tools that give you deeper insights into how your primary law has been treated subsequently. Superior Court 4. The County Clerk's Office DOES NOT perform criminal or civil searches. What are Indiana Family Court Records? Indiana Family Court records contain details of cases and hearings held at Indiana courts handling family law, domestic relations, and juvenile matters. dxvkdo cigzx keuvy kfwrvwc whmshk gjufpd ntig todnpq umcba apix zak lqzhcg bavx fcvft rwr