Imr reloading data. About / Support; Disclaimer; Contact; Log in / Sign up.
Imr reloading data Improved Military Rifle IMR 4064. Other cartridges loaded with IMR powder include the 30-06 Springfield rifle. 308 Win. Using bullets from Nosler BT LF, Nosler BT, Hornady V-Max, Sierra HP, Barnes VG FB, Speer HP, Hornady HP, Hornady GMX, Sierra BTSP, Barnes TSX, Speer SP, Nosler Part, Speer BTSP, Hornady A-Max, Sierra BTHP. It’s an alchemist’s workshop for experienced and novice shooters alike, offering an opportunity to combine the right components . Popular Calibers. IMR Reloading Data IMR Powder is a popular smokeless powder typical in police and military applications. This allows up to 4% more powder space in the case and in many loads yields more velocity than standard 7828. 45 gr. 120 gr. Reloading Costs Calculator; Case Crimp Calculator; Energy, Momentum Disclaimer; Contact; Log in / Sign up. RCBS #38. com or by phone at 800-574-9200. This page Comprehensive reloading data for . 7"; trim: 1. Improved Military Rifle IMR 4198. RCBS #4. Online-Tutorials. CASE; CCI 500 PR HORNADY 50 GR. 22-250 Remington (Hodgdon Data Using IMR Powder) reloading data with 128 loads. Using bullets from Hornady SP, Sierra SP, Speer HP, Nosler E-Tip, Nosler BT, Sierra HPBT, Hornady GMX, Sierra SPBT, Hornady HPBT, Hornady BTSP, Nosler AB, Speer SP, Hornady A-Max, Hornady JRN. From the 17 Remington to the 243 Winchester to the 375 H&H Magnum, accuracy and How I reload; Reloading Questions; About. 257 Roberts, including bullet weight, powder, primer, case, trim length, and pressure. Powders include IMR, Winchester, Alliant, Accurate A medium burn speed propellant with many uses, IMR 3031 has long been a favorite of 308 Match shooters using 168-grain match bullets. Safety Data Sheets include all information relating to product composition, safety, handling and storage. 30-06 (Hodgdon Data Using IMR Powder) reloading data with 218 loads. Winchester StaBALL 6. 7 1/2 PR REM. com is a powerful search engine that allows you to search an ever-expanding database of loads. 410 Gauge (Lyman Data), 10 Gauge, 10 Gauge (Alliant Data), 10 Gauge (Hodgdon Data), 10 Gauge (IMR Data), 10 Gauge (Lyman Buckshot Data), 12 Gauge, 12 Gauge (Accurate Data), 12 Gauge (ACTIV Data), 12 Gauge Improved Military Rifle IMR 8208 XBR. 416 Taylor Loads reloading data with 49 loads. You need to be a member to bookmark a load! Find all IMR load data in the powder manufacturer section. Find the optimal powder charge, velocity and pressure for different bullet weights and types in the . Free Reloading Manuals. Chronograph these if possible. 9 gr. The improved line of IMR powder started in the 1920s when the need for decreased muzzle flashes was sought. Lyman #15. 118 gr. 7 mm Remington Magnum - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #5. 1722" DIA. Along with comprehensive load data, the 2023 Hodgdon Annual Manual offers authoritative articles by leading firearms industry writers, working with the editors of Shooting Times magazine. Lee #2. 375 Holland and Holland Magnum - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #5. RCBS #27. 0C 4005 50700 IMR 4895 23. IMR Powder Charge (grains) Velocity (ft/sec) Chamber Press (cup) "Hi-Skor" 700-X 1. I did and found that my 7383 was closer to IMR 4350 and used that data as a basis for load development with those 2 j-word INDICATES MAXIMUM LOAD — USE WITH CAUTION Rifle Data 7mm RC 162-166 GRAIN BULLETS SECTIONAL DENSITY: 0. 60 gr. 270 Winchester cartridge. Select the "Get Load Data" button to view results. Ramshot X-Terminator Never begin loading with the maximum powder charge shown in these reloading data tables, regardless of your experience. Load Data. 300 Blackout (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 73 loads. IMR 4064 is a medium-range burn speed powder and is one of the most versatile propellant in the IMR line, used for 223 Remington, 22-250 Remington, 220 Swift, 6mm Remington, 243 Winchester Super Short Magnum, 308 Winchester, 338 Winchester Magnum, and the list goes on and on. Compare the data from Hodgdon Rifle Data Using IMR Powder and other sources. 308" 2. Rifle . It features more than 11,000 loads for rifle and handgun cartridges. 050" 11. 300 AAC Blackout - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #16. 050" 12. Using bullets from Barnes semispitzer, Hornady roundnose. Barrel Length vs. 55 gr. Academy. 410 Bore (Alliant Data), . 100" C. CASE; REM. 75"; barrel: 7. 25 A. Nonetheless, because of the very short kernels, metering is almost as good as with a spherical powder. Recipe Type Improved Military Rifle IMR 3031. Learn about the history and features of IMR powders, a legacy brand of DuPont and Hodgdon. About / Support; Disclaimer; Contact; Log in / Sign up. 243 Winchester (Hodgdon Rifle Data Using IMR Powder) reloading data with 196 loads. New reloading data must be opened as a PDF document in an up-to-date compatible PDF viewer. It is an extruded powder and is perfect for cartridges like 270 Winchester, 30-06 or 300 Winchester Short Magnum, among others. top of page. C. Load data for IMR 3031 reloading powder including technical specifications, popular calibers and possible substitutes for this propellant. Reloading Costs Calculator; Case Crimp Calculator; Energy, Momentum Contact; Log in / Sign up. Powders include Alliant, IMR, Accurate, Hodgdon Some popular IMR powders include IMR 4064, IMR 4895, IMR 4350, IMR 7828 and IMR 8208, all available at Natchez Shooting & Outdoors. Toggle menu. Lovex S060. 410 (Winchester Data), . Ramshot Big Game. Powders include IMR Load data for IMR 4227 reloading powder including technical specifications, popular calibers and possible substitutes for this propellant. Lovex S070 IMR Enduron 4955 is a versatile, match-grade propellant with a mid-range burn speed that is in between IMR4451 and IMR7977. 38 Special (IMR Handgun Trail Boss Data) reloading data with 4 loads. 7mm-08 Remington (Hodgdon Data Using IMR Powder) reloading data with 208 loads. oal start chg start fps start press. M1 Garand Service Rifle Improved Military Rifle IMR 8208 XBR. 3. 38 Special (IMR Handgun Trail Boss Data) Warning! Notes: case Winchester; twist: 1:18. by Bullet / 300 Blackout 190 GR HDY SUB-X IMR IMR 4198 . Forum. by Community. IMR 7828SSC Powder has the same burn rate and utilizes the same data as ordinary IMR 7828. 308 Winchester - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #1. Powders include IMR Buy IMR 4350 directly from IMR. 5 4015 51700 IMR 4064 24. Bullet Weight: ALL. Pistol; Rifle; Shotgun; Reloading Education. Improved Military Rifle SR 4756. These powders are favored for their consistency and performance in various rifle cartridges. Sierra SP's. ; 2. 5 3995 51400 IMR Find comprehensive load data for . Select Filter by Cartridge or Powder to get started. Similar Powders. Learn More Powder Select Powder APS350 AS30N Trail Boss APS450 AP50N AP70N AP100 AR2205 AR2207 Bench Mark 1 AR2219 Bench Mark 2 Bench Mark 8208 AR2206 AR2206H AR2208 AR2209 AR2213SC AR2217 AR2225 AR2218 IMR Enduron 4166 is a versatile, match-grade propellant, with the fastest burn rate in the Enduron line. 62 gr. Become a Load Data member, access over 311,857 load recipies LoadData. This 6mm ARC reloading data is intended for use in gas guns (e. Improved Military Rifle IMR 4064 IMR Enduron 7977 is a slower burn rate in the Enduron family. 0 3505 50100 IMR 4227 16. Using bullets from Lead Round Nose Flat Point, Lead Semi-Wadcutter. g. Improved Military Rifle IMR Target. Bullet Weight (Grs. 4 C 1,032 22,800 PSI 300 Blackout 190 GR HDY SUB-X Hodgdon CFE BLK . For assistance, contact customerservice@barnesbullets. This detailed guide provides essential information on how to utilize IMR 4350 effectively, ensuring safe and precise ammunition crafting. Ramshot . For magnums with light- to medium-bullet weights, IMR 4350 is the IMR 4064 is a medium-range burn speed powder and is one of the most versatile propellant in the IMR line, used for 223 Remington, 22-250 Remington, 220 Swift, 6mm Remington, 243 Winchester Super Short Subsonic Load Data. Subsonic Load Data. Find the optimal powder charge, velocity and pressure for . RCBS #10. Bullet Improved Military Rifle IMR 8208 XBR. IMR is an acronym meaning Improve Military Rifle powders. RELOADING MANUAL DATA CARTDRIDGE PISTOL. FMJ; . 270 Winchester - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #1. It is equally effective in small-capacity varmint cartridges from 223 Remington to 22-250 Remington, and its a great 30-30 Winchester powder. psi/cup max chg max fps max press. Handgun Data. Improved Military Rifle PB. 56 x 45 mm - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Lee #4. Ramshot Big Game How I reload; Reloading Questions; About. 3 C 1,062 18,700 This data is intended for subsonic use in firearms with barrel twist rates appropriate to Reloading Costs Calculator; Case Crimp Calculator; Energy, Momentum About. Improved Military Rifle IMR 7977. Using bullets from Barnes TSX FB, Sierra SP, SinterFire, Speer HP, Nosler BT, Nosler E-Tip, Sierra HPBT, Hornady SP, Barnes TTSX BT, Speer SP, Hornady BTSP, Swift A medium burn speed propellant with many uses, IMR 3031 has long been a favorite of 308 Match shooters using 168-grain match bullets. Improved Military Rifle SR 7625 . Powders include Hodgdon, IMR, Winchester Reloading Costs Calculator; Case Crimp Calculator; Energy, Momentum Reloading Questions; About. Powders include IMR, Hodgdon, Winchester Reloading Questions; About. If you don't see Trail Boss data for your favorite cartridge we have a formula for developing loads for all cartridges and it's simple to follow. 300 AAC Blackout / . Reloading Costs Calculator; Case Crimp Calculator; Energy, Momentum, Power Contact; Log in / Sign up. 10 mm Auto - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Lee #19. Reviews (88 reviews) Write a Review IMR 4064 Load Data is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to improve their reloading techniques and outcomes. This is a true magnum propellant yielding outstanding performance in 6. ; . Lee #4. by Game Species. , 7. Reloading Questions; About. 62mm NATO, 22-250 Remington or 257 Roberts, among other cartridges. 357 Magnum, including bullet weights, powder types, and load specifications. 27. It is an extruded powder with a perfect burn speed for cartridges like 308 Winchester, 7. Cowboy . . 2. Ramshot Big In total, more than 11,000 loads are represented in this title, with updates for more than 126 rifle and pistol cartridges and more than 1,000 shotshell loads. This is a true magnum propellant yielding outstanding performance in 300 Winchester Magnum, 7mm Remington Magnum and Reloading Questions; About. 2 grains) using the same bullet (143-grain FMJ) loaded in the 308 Winchester - they used IMR 4350 performance as a reference. Using bullets from Speer HP, Nosler BT, Sierra HPBT, Hornady SP, Swift SP, Speer SP, Barnes TTSX BT, Speer SPBT, Hornady A-Max, Noser Part, Nosler Part. Shooters World AR PLUS. 300 Savage - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #1. Using bullets from Speer SP, Barnes XFB, Hornady SP, Sierra SP, Barnes TTSX BT, Sierra HPBT, Hornady BTHP, Sierra BTHP, Nosler E-Tip, Speer MT-SP, Hornady BTSP, Nosler Part, Nosler Partition, Nosler AB, Hornady A-Max, Hornady A-MAX, Sierra RN, Berger Tact, Berger . Pricing. 287-0. 30-06 (30-06 Spring. Improved Military Rifle IMR 4227 IMR Enduron 4166 is a versatile, match-grade propellant, with the fastest burn rate in the Enduron line. Recipe Type: Rifle . InterLock® BTSP Item No. 222 Remington - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #16. Lee #5. Using bullets from Lehigh Defense XD, Lehigh Defense XD , Barnes TAC-XP, Hornady XTP, Hornady SP, Winchester Power-Point. 30 - 06 Springfield - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #1. Improved Military Rifle SR 4759. , starting loading data for IMR 4064 or H 380. 251" DIA. However, due to the super short kernels, metering is virtually as good as a spherical powder. 223 Remington (Hodgdon Data Using IMR Powder) reloading data with 221 loads. This high-energy propellant has a slightly slower burn rate speed than IMR 4350 in stock. IMR Powder Charge (grains) Velocity (ft/sec) Chamber Press (cup) SR 4759 16. Lyman #13. all Load Data. 294 DIAMETER: 0. 900" C. by . 308 Winchester cartridge using IMR powder. This offers up to 4% more powder capacity in the case and produces higher velocity in various loads than regular 7828. 115 gr. IMR Handgun Data. Load data for IMR 8208 XBR reloading powder including technical specifications, popular calibers and possible substitutes for this propellant. 243 Winchester, including bullet specifications, powder types, and primer details. 2845 In total, more than 6,000 loads are represented in this title, with updates for more than 55 rifle and pistol cartridges and more than 1,000 shotshell loads. Hunting trophies or punching paper, precise rifle data is in site. P. 5 OVERVIEW: IMR 7828 SSC POWDER. Compare different bullet weights and powder types from Hodgdon Data. Rifle Data. Using bullets from Hornady V-Max, Berger TGT FB, Nosler BT, Speer HP, Sierra HPBT, Nosler HPBT, Hornady InterBond, Hornady BTHP, Speer SP, Hornady A-Max, Berger TACT. 28. Winchester 760. IMR 8208 XBR 26. Ramshot X-Terminator. 38 Special provides detailed reloading information including bullet types, powder specifications, and primer recommendations. 25-06 Remington (Using Sierra Bullets) reloading data with 264 loads. Improved IMR 7828 SSC is a magnum rifle powder with exactly the same burn rate as standard IMR 7828 and uses the same data. IMR Rifle Data. 243 Winchester cartridge. Target shooting or just plinking, take hold of the most current handgun data. (43. Improved Military Rifle IMR 8208 XBR. 350 Legend - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #16. we show data that stays within the SAAMI maximum pressure guidelines. Reloading Primers. O. RCBS #18. Pistol . 308 Winchester (Hodgdon Data Using IMR Powder) reloading data with 170 loads. 22 - 250 Remington - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #1. 1 gr. VihtaVuori N530 IMR Handgun Data. RELOADING DATA CENTER. Improved Military Rifle IMR 7828 SSC. Load data shotgun gauges are . Using bullets from Sierra HP, Sierra HPBT, Sierra SPT, SBT or HPBT MatchKing. Improved Military Rifle IMR 4227. Loads. 145"; primer: Reloading should always be performed with caution, using established data and quality equipment. It provides top How I reload; Reloading Questions; About. Powders include IMR, Winchester, Hodgdon In this article, we will explore the characteristics of IMR 4064 and provide some load data to help you get the most out of this powder. Along with comprehensive load data, the 2025 Hodgdon Annual Manual offers authoritative articles by leading firearms industry writers from Shooting Times magazine. 45 Auto (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 284 loads. IMR Enduron 4451 is a versatile, match-grade propellant with a mid-range burn speed in the Enduron line. by Powder. RCBS #3. Separate data will be provided for bolt action firearms. 65 gr. PL HP. 300 Whisper / . Actually, it's imperative to do so. 69 gr. The Hodgdon 2025 Annual Reloading Manual contains not only Hodgdon load data, but also data for IMR, Winchester, Ramshot and Accurate powders. Reduced Load . IMR (Improved Military Rifle) powders have a long-standing reputation for delivering excellent performance in military-style rifles, but they are equally effective in other applications. 6 mm Remington (. 5 3600 50500 IMR 4198 19. 29. Velocity. 244 Remington) - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #1. by Improved Military Rifle IMR 8208 XBR. How I reload; Reloading Questions; About. Using bullets from Winchester HP, Nosler Partition, Barnes FN, Hornady jacketed hollowpoint, Lyman 457122 (hollowpoint), Hawk, Lyman 457193, Remington. With its flexibility across a wide array of calibers and its reputation for consistent performance, IMR 4064 can help you achieve the precision and safety you need. 45 ACP / . Ramshot TAC. Powders include IMR Home; About Us; Cartridge of the . Loading density is perfect for magnums, contributing to superb uniformity. 284" 162 gr. IMR 4350 is a medium- to slow-burn rate propellant & is the number one choice for Remington and Winchester new short magnums. Compare the data from Hodgdon Data and IMR Find the optimal powder charge, velocity and pressure for different bullet types and weights in . Find published manufacturer loading data for . Ramshot Big Game Improved Military Rifle IMR 8208 XBR. REM. by Caliber. Select other category options to refine your search. 62 x 63) 2. Ramshot X Load data for IMR 4831 reloading powder including technical specifications, popular calibers and possible substitutes for this propellant. IMR 4895. If you're not sure of the "speed" of your lot of 7383, start with Lyman et al. Improved Military Rifle IMR 3031. 68 gr. From 2″ to 3½”, our arsenal of shotgun data has you covered by a mile. IMR 4831 is a popular choice among reloaders for medium to large rifle cartridges. Reloading Data Center. Ramshot Shooter's Reference Load Data for . Load data for IMR 4227 reloading powder including technical specifications, popular calibers and possible substitutes for this propellant. Powders include IMR IMR 7828 SSC is a magnum rifle powder with exactly the same burn rate as standard IMR 7828 and uses the same data. 25 GR. 223 Remington - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #16. Improved Military Rifle IMR 8133. 70 gr. This chart may not be any more accurate than any other but, . 2 gr. 7 gr. Reduced Load Improved Military Rifle IMR 8208 XBR. Ramshot Enforcer Find load data for your cartridge. Addeddate 2020-08-14 13:17:19 Identifier 19414482-imr-reloading-manual Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t2v49t49z Ocr_converted Originally a military powder featured in the 30-06, IMR 4895 is extremely versatile as a medium burn speed propellant. For enthusiasts in the reloading community, IMR 4350 load data is crucial for optimizing the performance of mid to large-size calibers. Improved Military Rifle IMR 4064 BTSP's and 85gr. (7. 17 REMINGTON REM. 5. Lyman #26. Ramshot Big Game Load data for Hodgdon TrailBoss reloading powder including technical specifications, popular calibers and possible substitutes for this propellant. Log In. IMR Enduron 4166 is a versatile, match-grade propellant, with the fastest burn rate in the Enduron line. Powders include IMR Load data for IMR 4198 reloading powder including technical specifications, popular calibers and possible substitutes for this propellant. Using bullets from Nosler BT LF, Barnes VG FB, Nosler BT, SinterFire, Sierra SP, Speer SP, Sierra HP, Barnes TSX FB, Hornady FMJ, Hornady V-Max, Swift Scirocco, Sierra HPBT, JLK VLD, Sierra MK, Berger BT Targ. 100 gr. 7 mm RUM (Remington Ultra Magnum) - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #5. 5 3995 51400 IMR An arsenal of powder, a treasure trove of data—this is the promise of IMR 4831 powder load data. Loose powder or pellets, Find thousands of load recipes for pistol, rifle, and shotgun using Hodgdon, IMR, and Winchester powders. In the . 5 3840 51000 IMR 3031 22. Using bullets from Nosler LF, Barnes VG FB, Nosler BT, Barnes XBT, Sierra SP, Hornady A-Max, Speer SP, Hornady V-Max, Barnes TAC-X BT. Ramshot TAC How I reload; Reloading Questions; About. Norma URP. Listed below we show a few examples of rifle loads throughout the Reloading Data Center, but the fun doesn't stop there. L. ; 24" BBL. At Bullet Corp, our coated bullets are engineered for precision and reliability, but successful reloading requires careful technique. Lyman #7. VihtaVuori N135. Lyman #2. 62 x 51) 1. All the loads are developed by the staff of Handloader magazine and the archives of How I reload; Reloading Questions; About. 410 Bore (Hodgdon Data), . Using bullets from Cast LSWC, SinterFire, Barnes TAC-XP, LFP, Hornady JSWC, Speer JHP, LRN, Hornady FMJ FP. Reduced Load Improved Military Rifle IMR 4007 SSC. IMR 4350 is a medium- to slow-burn rate propellant and is the number one choice for the new short magnums, both Remington and Winchester versions. by Bullet. ) We continue Find load data for 14 IMR reloading powders, from fast to slow burn rates, for various cartridges. 350 Legend reloading data with 42 loads. 300 Winchester Magnum (Hodgdon Data Using IMR Powder) reloading data with 216 loads. Do not exceed the maximum charges. Search. by Bullet / Powder Brand. Reloading Costs Calculator; Case Crimp Calculator; Energy, Momentum Log in / Sign up. Buy IMR 4198 directly from IMR. 45-90 WCF reloading data with 22 loads. Versatility with uniformity and accuracy. IMR 4198 is a fast-burning rifle powder great for cartridges like the 222 Rem, 221 Fireball, 45-70, and 450 Marlin. 0" PISTOL BBL. 44 Remington Magnum - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Lee #11. 1 740 14400 IMR Enduron 8133 is the slowest burn rate in the Enduron family. 410 Bore (IMR Data), . 410 Bore Loads, . 5-300 Weatherby, 264 Win Mag, 28 Nosler and 300 Rem Ultra Mag, among other cartridges. Powders include IMR, Hodgdon, Vihtavuori, Accurate, Winchester, Alliant, Ramshot m1 garand service rifle load data starting loads maximum loads bullet weight powder dia. Recipe Type: Pistol . AR-15’s) and kept to a maximum pressure of 52,000 psi. It is an extruded powder and provides top performance for big game cartridges like 25-06, 270 Winchester, 280 Remington and 300 Win Mag, among other cartridges. Improved . Learn how to get started with handloading, choose your favorite powder and bullets, and access the mobile Find all IMR load data in the powder manufacturer section. Powders include IMR Product Information: IMR 4831 Powder. xedjmkbfouelbzhwxsdtfjnagwxdbcyustonyvkfiejgejbprryynbeevrhfnk