Hp indigo india Sie sorgt für exzellente Qualität mit brillanten Farben beim Akzidenzdruck von Broschüren, Postkarten, Booklets, Newslettern und vielem mehr. Providing you with premium quality and colour for commercial printing brochures, postcards, booklets, newsletters and more. Here are some examples: Optimization of the VDP PDF on the DFE. 's Graphic Solutions Business. 75 cm. Up to 5 times faster RIP compared to the previous DFE version. Explore our full HP Indigo digital printing presses portfolio to view a wide range of packaging, labels and commercial printing presses for all segments, customers and every need. An imposition feature built into the DFE that addresses more than 80% of imposition requirements. HP Indigo 3050 before adding a new press every year. ; HP Indigo digital presses feature cutting-edge LEP technology and are the industry’s only portfolio of field-proven 1 digital flexible packaging solutions. How HP Indigo digital printing technology worksVersatile digital presses with offset- and gravure- matching print quality for commercial and labels and packa HP Indigo デジタル印刷機を導入して、大きなビジネスチャンスをつかんだ国内の皆様のサクセスストーリーをお届けします。 海外事例. HP Indigo has fuelled digital printing growth over the last 25 years. Digital presses. popUpSRBeginingLabelString Select Your Country/Region and Language. 听说省会落户了首台HP indigo 12000数字印刷机?据调研,这是全国台数也不多的超高端设备一台设备就要1000多万!!!我国际庄真真是卧虎藏龙呢! 你没猜错,就是领秀豪掷重金打造了一家高端数码印刷加工中心(地址 Die HP Indigo 15K Digitaldruckmaschine ist eine B2-Akzidenzdrucklösung, mit der Sie zu jedem Auftrag JA sagen können. This milestone highlights HP Indigo’s leadership in delivering high-quality, high-productivity digital printing solutions and demonstrates its commitment to HP Indigo digital presses, unmatched versatility with offset- and gravure-matching print quality offering the widest range of compatible substrates, specialty inks and effects. HP Indigo 数字印刷机是工业级别的数字影像印刷机,其能为高级影像应用提供更为全能的窄幅数字印刷解决方案。高产、可靠而又令人惊叹的 HP Indigo 胶印质量印刷可实现种类更广的影像应用,由此拓展您的影像产品。 Usando uma impressora digital HP Indigo 7900, e com as tintas especiais Prata e Branco Premium de liberação fácil, além do acabamento Duplo no papel NeoStar 12pt, a Lawton Connect criou uma tampa de garrafa metálica de raspar para IBC Root Beer que parecia quase 3D. Find support and troubleshooting info including software, drivers, specs, and manuals for your HP Indigo 30000 Digital Press HP Indigo 5500 Digital Press Number of print cartridges 4 ink cans (1 each black, cyan, magenta, yellow), up to 3 additional ink cans can be installed (optional). Zazzle now offers over 300 million unique products world wide. Effectively eliminate color calibration time. The broad, diverse range of commercial applications encompasses brochures, catalogs, booklets, calendars, direct mail, among others. Select a location. 40 per cent faster at 40 per cent of the cost without compromising on quality. High-security inks have additional secure manufacturing and distribution protocols. 5. Digital printing isn’t just for short runs. Découvrez ici la gamme complète des presses numériques HP Indigo et leurs capacités en matière d'étiquetage, d'emballage souple et d'impression professionnelle générale. Shopping. HP Indigoソリューションには、世界のお客様から信頼が寄せられています。 HP Indigoデジタル印刷機の効果を確認してください。 The HP Indigo 6K Digital Press is the leading narrow-web printing solution for high-volume labels and packaging production, enabling the printing of any label in a simple, more productive and profitable way with Indigo's proven quality. Learn about the whole portfolio of HP Indigo Digital Presses and their capabilities for labelling, flexible packaging and general commercial printing here. The new high definition (HD) imaging system reduces ink dot size by 30%,⁴ beating offset quality. The HP Indigo 6900 offers unique solutions allowing converters to produce any narrow-format label, flexible packaging, sleeve, IML, wrap-around labels or folding cartons job, with easy and quick changeovers. 高效的 HP Indigo 印刷機憑藉最高利用率和增強生產力模式 (EPM),顯著地降低每項作業的能源損耗,直接降低碳排放量。 HP Indigo 數碼化生產減少印刷所需的準備時間、降低鋁印版消耗,並透過按需印刷生產減少紙張浪費。 HP Indigo offers its customers extensive pre-press solutions on the DFE as well as external solutions with partners. Zazzle is Enabling Customers to Make Anything with HP Technology. IndiaMART. HP Indigoソリューションには、世界のお客様から信頼が寄せられています。 HP Indigoデジタル印刷機の効果を確認してください。 The HP Indigo Secure solution can print secure UV ink, secure graphical design, and secure serialization on one press, in one pass. With the revolution of HP’s digital printing press for the photo and commercial printing industry, our customers can innovate and technologically advance their Enter a serial number to check your warranty or support status for your HP printers, laptops, desktops and other products. Indigo digital presses. Feeder pile. It was founded in 1977 in Israel and acquired by Hewlett-Packard in 2001 (over a decade before the technology giant split into HP Inc. The Federation of Indian Airlines, which includes major carriers like IndiGo, Air India Group, and SpiceJet, expressed in a letter dated March 11 that disclosing fare La presse numérique HP Indigo 7K est une solution d’impression professionnelle qui vous offre un éventail infini d’applications, une qualité et des couleurs de premier ordre pour l’impression de brochures, cartes postales, livrets, bulletins d’information et autres documents. HP Indigo 18K デジタル印刷機は、1,000社以上のビジネスを成功に導いた、世界で最も売れているB2デジタル印刷機9の遺産を基に開発された次世代機で、定評あるアプリケーションの幅とユーザーエクスペリエンスを新たな高みへと導きます。 Marking a significant achievement, Redington and HP have installed the 25th B2-size HP Indigo Digital Offset Press in India, with half of these installations located in Tier 2 cities. Expand your photo offer with the widest range of photo applications enabled by productive, reliable, and breath taking HP HP Indigo empowers you to do more than you thought possible if only you Dare To Imagine. Ink cabinet. HP Indigo is using the PrintPack 2025 platform to celebrate the country's 25th installation of its B2 digital presses. Up to 40% increased print time compared to the HP Indigo 30000 Digital Press, and based on internal HP technical analysis as of November, 2019. HP Indigo 3050 Digital Presses, HP Indigo 5600 and HP Indigo 7600 Digital Press, with two more 7600s and an HP Indigo 10000 Digital Press soon to be added. Get Best Price. Buy Now! HP Indigo 30000 Digital Press. 023. Umesh Kagade highlights how HP Indigo’s technology is built for sustainability, with minimal waste, no VOCs, and low migration inks, making it ideal for food and pharmaceutical packaging. Achieve stand-out results with amazing versatility and precision with HP Indigo inks. A Appadurai, country manager, Indigo & Inkjet Business Solutions, HP India, said, “Over the last decade, the digital printing industry has undergone a tremendous transformation. Sie optimiert die Produktionseffizienz und reduziert die Umweltauswirkungen auf ein Minimum. HP Digital Packaging Presses HP industrial digital presses enable growth with unparalleled versatility and offset print quality for low to high volume flexible packaging, folding carton, and corrugated Note: Since your browser does not support JavaScript, you must press the button below once to proceed. ; Achieve gravure-matching quality on a wide HP Indigo 在過去 25 年內推動數碼印刷的成長。在此處了解所有 HP Indigo 數碼印刷機系列,以及其標籤、軟性包裝及一般商業印刷的能力。 HP Indigo 助力您超越想象,让一切皆有可能。广泛多样的商业用途,包括宣传册、商品目录、小册子、日历、直邮广告等。数字化已不仅仅适用于短周期业务,如今也可以为更长周期的业务带来灵活性。 HP Indigo 100K 数字印刷机 全球生产 The HP Indigo Secure solution can print secure UV ink, secure graphical design, and secure serialization on one press, in one pass. HP Indigo 18K デジタル印刷機. HP Indigo 100K 數碼印刷機,世界上生產力最高的 B2 數碼解決方案,這款一般商業數碼印刷機為你提供高品質色彩的商業印刷手冊、明信片、書冊、新聞通訊等。 The HP Indigo 15K Digital Press is a B2 commercial digital printing press that will have you saying YES to any applications. HP Indigo ElectroInk is virtually pigment-agnostic, and can leverage a wide variety of pigments for the widest array of inks. HP Worldwide . Drive efficient and profitable production and create applications that will stand-out on the shelf, using partner solutions for HP Indigo labels and packaging presses. 2024 HP Inc. Sell. HP Indigo HP Indigo 6P 數碼印刷機是最多樣化的窄幅數碼印刷解決方案,助您印刷出優質相片。高效、可靠且令人嘆為觀止的 HP Indigo 膠印技術,支援最廣泛的相片應用,擴展您的相片產品。 From day one, HP Indigo is a risk-free investment with industry-leading technology and market-proven profitability that keeps you from missing out on key business opportunities. All India. The HP Indigo 6K Digital Press is the leading narrow-web printing solution for high-volume labels and packaging production, enabling the printing of any label in a simple, more productive and profitable way with Indigo's proven quality. Press engine. hp-detect HP Indigo デジタル印刷機を導入して、大きなビジネスチャンスをつかんだ国内の皆様のサクセスストーリーをお届けします。 海外事例. Die HP Indigo 100K Digitaldruckmaschine ist die weltweit produktivste Lösung für den digitalen B2-Druck. 过去 25 年,HP Indigo 推动了数字印刷的增长。点击这里了解 HP Indigo 数字印刷机的整个产品组合及其在标签、软包装和一般商业印刷方面的能力。 The HP Indigo 100K Digital Press, the world's most productive B2 digital solution, is a general commercial digital printing press providing you with premium quality and colour for commercial printing brochures, postcards, booklets, newsletters and more. Results •hotobooks can be produced P . HP Consumer Tech Support & Hardware HP® India's Official Store for Laptop, Printer & Ink HP Desktop PCs Manage up to 80% of press issues with on-press self-guided resolution and automated solutions – with the HP Indigo Print Care. 只要您敢於想象,HP Indigo 就能賦予您超乎想象的實力。廣泛多樣的商業應用,包括宣傳冊、商品目錄、小冊子、日曆、直郵廣告等等。數碼化不再只是滿足短單,現在也能經濟實惠地利用數碼化的靈活性來滿足長單的需求。 HP Indigo 100K 數碼印刷機 生產效率 Die HP Indigo 200K Digitaldruckmaschine wurde speziell für die Herstellung nachhaltiger flexibler Verpackungen konzipiert. The power of “YES” 15K High-capacity stacker. Simple and agile production—fastest file to pouch in the industry 3: Digital Pouch Factory—get to market quicker with the optimized, turn-key solution from industry leading vendors. Based on the HP Indigo 15K HD Digital Press secure solution The HP Indigo 6P Digital Press—Expand your offer with the widest range of photo applications 7 powered by HP Indigo digital offset quality. Improve plastic recyclability — HP Indigo helps you support comprehensive plastic recyclability requirements of label and packaging (L&P) applications from print process to packaging process, on the store shelf, end use and after use, enabling your HP Indigo printed L&P products to The new math of label printing, HP Indigo V12 will change the equation for how you view your job basket and how you run your operation. Print up to 4600 sheets/hr, auto-duplex, up to 7 colours. HP’s supply chain is secured with track and trace functionality. 4600 sheets per hour in EPM; 3450 sheets per hour 4/0. Based on the HP Indigo 15K HD Digital Press secure solution The HP Indigo 120K digital press delivers a new standard for high volume production printing with automated print production and eco-friendly features for sustainable printing. Africa; HP India’s most complete online store for Laptops, PCs, Tablets, Monitors, Printers, Inks & Toners, Workstations, Accessories and more! Largest selection for HP brands at lowest price. Asia Pacific and Oceania. Subcategory . Compared to the HP Indigo 6900, 20000, and 30000 Digital Presses as of November, 2019. HP Indigo enables true digital automation to produce more jobs, at a lower cost, and with measurable results. LEARN NORE. Use our store locator to find HP products at a store location close to you. Enable perfect color registration with HP Indigo One Shot Color technology. High-capacity stacker The stacker fits 85 Appadurai talks about the recent installation of HP Indigo's 25th digital press in India and the adoption of digital printing in tier-3 and tier-4 cities. HP Indigoソリューションには、世界のお客様から信頼が寄せられています。 HP Indigoデジタル HP Indigo has fuelled digital printing growth over the last 25 years. Country/Region: India. Europe, Middle East, Africa. 全世界でベストセラーのB2デジタル印刷機にさらなる改良が加わりました ※1 。 HP Indigo 12000は印刷品質、応用範囲、生産性に重要なイノベーションを、そして、画期的なプライミングテクノロジーと調色機能をお届けします。 HP Indigo a stimulé la croissance de l'impression numérique ces 25 dernières années. Media drawers. Americas. The HP Indigo V12 Digital Press is a narrow web Labels & Packaging digital printing press utilizing LEPX technology providing you with premium quality, color, and potential for labels, packaging, and more. Country/Region: 〈「HP Indigo 25K デジタル印刷機」および「HP Indigo 35K デジタル印刷機」を対象とした「Spot Master」を発表〉 さらにHPは、デジタル印刷パッケージの生産性を支援するために、HP Indigoの画期的なカラーオートメーション技術「Spot Master」のリリースを発表し HP Indigo デジタル印刷機を導入して、大きなビジネスチャンスをつかんだ国内の皆様のサクセスストーリーをお届けします。 海外事例. HP Indigo ElectroInk can be used to produce food packaging that complies with: FDA, Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations for indirect food contact; Swiss Ordinance on Materials and Articles in Contact with Food, RS 817. . 21; European Printing Inks Association (EuPIA) Guidelines on Printing Inks applied to Food Contact Materials HP Indigo ElectroInks are designed so that you can recycle prints at end of life, ensuring end products remain environmentally compatible post-use. There are now two . All Rights Reserved. and Hewlett Packard Enterprise). Share a Coke India Campaign: Reinventing Relations with HP Indigo The new HP Indigo 15K Digital Press delivers on time, each time, no matter the demand. Share a Coke India Campaign: Reinventing Relations with HP Indigo “HP Indigoデジタル印刷機は、印刷品質の業界標準を打ち立てました。 HPのテクノロジーロードマップを見たとき、我々は印刷機をアップグレードすることを決めました。 HPがShutterflyのデジタル印刷機における独占プロバイダーになったことを嬉しく思います。 India's leading airlines have reportedly refused to share airfare data requested by the country's aviation regulator, raising concerns among policymakers about consumer protection in a consolidating market. Power up your production efficiency with business-minded, future-focused leading technology. Field-proven solution based the HP Indigo 30000 Digital Press, with over 70 installations worldwide as of November, 2019. "Thanks to PrintOS Print Beat and the Personal Advisor, we’ve significantly reduced our restart rate by 10% and keep our presses printing. Skip to Close Country/Region Selector Selected India . Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guadeloupe Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong SAR Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya HP Indigo telah mendorong pertumbuhan bisnis pencetakan digital selama lebih dari 25 tahun terakhir Pelajari tentang seluruh portofolio Mesin Cetak Digital HP Indigo serta kemampuannya untuk mencetak label, kemasan fleksibel, dan pencetakan komersial umum di sini. Based on internal HP testing of a variety of jobs under a variety of configurations. HP Indigo's LEP technology enables ongoing ink innovation with HP Indigo ElectroInks for commercial, labels and packaging digital printing. HP Indigo carries you into the next chapter of digital printing with innovation available today. HP Indigo develops, manufactures and markets digital printing solutions [buzzword], including printing presses, proprietary It is recommended to use HP Indigo ElectroInk Silver with 2 hits in order to reach the OD (optical density) targets. HP OmniBook Ultra Next Gen AI PC s, with the latest Intel® Core™ Ultra processors. HP PageWide Web Press for high-volume publishing to production mail. The HP Indigo 8K Digital Press is built with the same technology and print engine as the 6K, providing the same colors, ink color strategy, operations, and spare parts. What's particularly noteworthy is that over 50% of these installations have come from tier-II, -III, and -IV cities, challenging the conventional Deliver high-resolution, high-quality printing with HP Indigo liquid electrophotography (LEP) technology. O resultado foi uma raspagem muito realista que se destaca. Utilize software solutions in and around the presses and reduce operator attendance, enabling multi-press The HP Indigo Digital Press are industrial digital photo presses with the most versatile narrow-web digital press solution for premium photo applications. Click or use the tab key to select your country. Higher growth 6 HP Indigo offers a variety of digital printing presses designed to meet the needs of demanding 24/7 photofinishing businesses and peak season operations for any type of photo specialty A Appadurai, country manager, HP Indigo and PageWide Web Press, HP India market, said, “We have provided the power of innovation to our customers across all the regions in India, and they are revolutionising the photo printing industry with the usage of the right colours, delivering high quality and cost-effective print in the speediest HP Indigo 的 LEP 技術透過適用於商業、標籤及包裝數碼印刷的 HP Indigo ElectroInk,持續帶來油墨的創新技術。 透過 HP Indigo 油墨出眾的多樣化和精確度,達到脫穎而出的效果。 Note: Since your browser does not support JavaScript, you must press the button below once to proceed. Find support and troubleshooting info including software, drivers, specs, and manuals for your HP Indigo 5500 Digital Press Log On © 2024 HP Inc. HP Indigo presses’ unique liquid ink contains very small electrically chargeable ink particles to create a thin ink layer on any type of media, achieving the highest coverage and deepest colour possible. Sub brand . Produce nearly Innovative color measurement system design resulting in uncompromised color throughout a continuous print. Payment options - COD, EMI, Credit card, Debit card & more. Learn about HP printers, laptops, desktops and more at the Official HP® Website Power to create. Being the Authorized Partners for HP, Redington India Ltd, front end the complete Business activity of HP Indigo in India. Also find Digital Printing Press price list | ID: 21713602948. Note: Since your browser does not support JavaScript, you must press the button below once to proceed. The optimized color working point is based on 2 hits of ElectroInk Silver. Select a language. Model size . • Endless applications. RIP time results vary based on images, small text, VDP, color gradients The HP Indigo 15K Digital Press is a B2 commercial digital printing press that will have you saying YES to any applications. EPM Pre-Flight check with Enfocus. Confirm Back. 4. Directory of HP support and additional resource information. Print speed . Optimised to keep you ahead. Labor-reducing automation Embrace automation through every step of print production. General Commercial Printing Imagine the new, high margin ways to grow in brochures, stationery, catalogues, postcards, booklets, calendars, newsletters, direct mail and more. 素晴らしいアイディアを形にします. 利用面向 HP Indigo 标签和包装印刷机的合作伙伴解决方案,推动高效高利润生产,打造能够脱颖而出的应用。将惠普的前沿技术和工作流程软件与后道合作伙伴的解决方案结合,使印刷服务提供商能够生产标签、模内标签、收缩套标、软包装和折叠纸箱等收益可观的应用。 利用面向 HP Indigo 標籤和包裝印刷機的合作夥伴解決方案,推動高效高利潤生產,打造能夠脫穎而出的應用。將 HP 的領先技術和工作流程軟件與印後處理合作夥伴的解決方案結合,使印刷服務提供商能夠生產標籤、模內標籤、收縮套標、軟包裝和折疊紙盒等收益可觀的應用。 The HP Indigo V12 Digital Press changes the equation Blanket Belt BID Units Substrate Powered by the new industry-altering HP Indigo LEPX technology Delivering high quality and digital breakthroughs at 120 Linear meters per minute Achieve up to 4x higher throughput per operator Raga Printing Solutions - Offering HP Indigo 5600 Digital Printing Press, 80 Pages/Min at ₹ 4800000 in Bardoli, Gujarat. ¹ The combination of HP’s leading technology and workflow software with finishing partners’ solutions enable print service providers to produce profitable applications such as labels, in-mold labels, shrink sleeves, The new HP Indigo 100K Digital Press, world’s most productive B2 digital solution with true digital nonstop print capabilities, at 6,000 sheets per hour. " Lief Person. Get assistance for: drivers, downloads, software updates, patches, find authorized support providers, replacement parts, product registration, HP training and education, service centers, forums and community, warranty, and contact information あらゆる用紙や用途に対応した HP Indigo ファミリーのデジタル印刷機を活用すれば、最高品質の印刷物を作成できます。 HP Indigo 商用枚葉印刷機を見る; HP Indigo ラベルおよびパッケージ用印刷機を見る 利用面向 HP Indigo 标签和包装印刷机的合作伙伴解决方案,推动高效高利润生产,打造能够脱颖而出的应用。将惠普的前沿技术和工作流程软件与后道合作伙伴的解决方案结合,使印刷服务提供商能够生产标签、模内标签、收缩套标、软包 HP Indigo Division is a division of HP Inc. Enabled by Spot Master technology. PrintPack 2025: HP Indigo celebrates 25th B2 digital press milestone in India. Color(s) of printing supplies . Learn. WATCH VIDEO. Performance to play. 利用面向 HP Indigo 標籤和包裝印刷機的合作夥伴解決方案,推動高效高利潤生產,打造能夠脫穎而出的應用。將 HP 的領先技術和工作流程軟件與印後處理合作夥伴的解決方案結合,使印刷服務提供商能夠生產標籤、模內標籤、收縮套標、軟包裝和折疊紙盒等收益可觀的應用。 HP Indigo 5500 Digital Press Number of print cartridges 4 ink cans (1 each black, cyan, magenta, yellow), up to 3 additional ink cans can be installed (optional). Digital isn’t just for short runs anymore, longer runs can now affordably utilize digital flexibility. bel nuumv zoolo yntguxujf xyib lag libn jaaqcvu panc dhpi wjfw tdy glhvg zgbjizguw yev