Flir report studio download. This starts the setup of FLIR Report Studio.

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Flir report studio download. This will display the license viewer shown above.

Flir report studio download x/Report Studio vs. この保証の対象となる製品で不良が発生した場合、更なる損害を防ぐため、その製品を続けて使用してはいけません。購入 FLIR Report Studio‎ 1. INTRO: The front cover that, for example, can include your company logo and elements of corporate identity, the title of the report, the customer’s name and address, a summary table, and any additional artwork or information that you want to include. When the installation is completed, click Start. In the deactivation dialog box, click Deactivate. x 는 아래 링크에서 다운 가능합니다 여기엔 평가판 Tools+ (30일 ) 와 새로운 워드리포팅을 위한 Report Studio 포함되어 다른 소프트웨어를 다운 받거나 매뉴얼을 원하신다면 메뉴에서 Help & Support를 클릭 후 Downloads 를 클릭하시면 새 템플릿을 FLIR Report Studio (으)로 불러오려면 템플릿 불러오기 를 클릭합니다. pdf files: Download FLIR Thermal Studio Software. Link de download do FLIR Tools / Tools+ 5. This only needs to be done once for each template. You must recreate your templates with the new Report Studio Template Creator. FLIR Thermal Studio is a powerful, flexible, and efficient software for creating thermal inspection reports and automation of editing tasks with large amounts of thermal images. Users create their route in the software and download it directly to any FLIR camera with Бесплатные flir report studio software download скачать программное обеспечение на UpdateStar - FLIR Report Studio is a software solution developed by FLIR Systems, aiming to provide professionals with a powerful platform to create detailed and comprehensive reports from their thermal imaging data. The FLIR Thermal Studio Suite helps users manage thousands of thermal images and videos, whether they're from a handheld thermal imaging camera, unmanned aircraft system (UAS), or optical gas imaging (OGI) camera. ; DATA: A number of different pages, containing combinations of thermal image objects, digital image objects, field objects, FLIR Thermal Studio Suite. flir report studio software download Grátis baixar software em - FLIR Report Studio is a software solution developed by FLIR Systems, aiming to provide professionals with a powerful platform to create detailed and comprehensive reports from their thermal imaging data. Use the credentials below to log in FlIR Tool for free. 1 Standard versus Pro The table summarizes the limitations of the standard version of FLIR Thermal Studio compared to the more advanced FLIR Thermal Studio Pro. flir report studio software download Gratis descargar software en UpdateStar - FLIR Report Studio is a software solution developed by FLIR Systems, aiming to provide professionals with a powerful platform to create detailed and comprehensive reports from their thermal imaging data. 2002) Nota: O Office deve ser instalado localmente no PC utilizando a UpdateStar - FLIR Report Studio is a software solution developed by FLIR Systems, aiming to provide professionals with a powerful platform to create detailed and comprehensive reports from their thermal imaging data. FLIR Report Studio-veiviseren gjør det enkelt og effektivt å opprette rapporter. Microsoft Windows 7, wersja 64-bitowa. 100-0297. User Name: Offline Mode Password: letmein. Select the images you want to include in the report. 0 per i seguenti sistemi operativi del PC: Microsoft Windows 7, 32 bit; Microsoft Windows 7, 64 bit; Microsoft Windows 8, 32 bit; Microsoft Windows 8, 64 bit; Microsoft Windows 10, 32 bit. Os relatórios do Word podem ser criados apenas com o Report Studio, no entanto, o Studio Image Editor não é tão avançado quanto o FLIR Tools +. Some products are eligible for free warranty extension. Mit dem Assistenten haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihren Bericht an Ihre Bedürfnisse anzupassen bevor er erstellt wird. Adjusting the infrared image. x può essere scaricato dal seguente link. Fluke Energy Analyze Plus application software for download, analysis and reporting. Воспользуйтесь программой FLIR Report Studio, чтобы создать отчет. Thermal Studio is ideal for generating reports. It is also included when you download and install FLIR Thermal Studio. Tools+ ed il nuovo Report Studio per Word Reporting risulteranno in prova per 30gg : FLIR Tools+ 6. 0- und 3. FLIR Thermal Studio Pro, Standard (yearly subscription), and Starter (free version with limited features) can be downloaded and installed from the following link: FLIR Thermal Studio Suite FLIR - Thermal Studio Suite vs. 1001) FLIR Report Studio is a software suite specifically designed to provide an easy way to create inspection reports. These are some of the functions and settings you can experiment with: Adding measurement tools. FLIR Report Studio sostituisce il componente aggiuntivo usato attualmente con FLIR Tools+ 5. Office 2010 (32-bit e 64 bit). flir report studio download Grátis baixar software em - FLIR Report Studio is a software solution developed by FLIR Systems, aiming to provide professionals with a powerful platform to create detailed and comprehensive reports from UpdateStar - FLIR Report Studio is a software solution developed by FLIR Systems, aiming to provide professionals with a powerful platform to create detailed and comprehensive reports from their thermal imaging data. 0 para los siguientes sistemas operativos de PC: Microsoft Windows 7, 32 bits. Used with Fluke 1730, 1732, 1734, 1736, 1738, 1742, 1746, 1748 Es gibt eine Playlist für FLIR Tools, Tools+ und Report Studio. È possibile scegliere modelli di report diversi, aggiungere e modificare immagini, spostare le immagini verso l'alto e verso il basso, nonché aggiungere proprietà dei report quali FLIR Report Studio supporta la comunicazione USB 2. Вы также можете создать отчет на основе незаполненного документа Microsoft Word, добавляя и удаляя области и меняя свойства областей, как описано в разделе 12. FLIR Tools 6. Don't miss out this opportunity and get your 1-year free warranty extension today!. Esto incluye una prueba de Tools + con el nuevo Report Studio para Word Reporting: Esto incluye una prueba de Tools + con el nuevo Report Studio para Word Reporting: O assistente do FLIR Report Studio permite-lhe gerar relatórios de forma fácil e eficiente. FLIR Tools: Download PDF Die folgenden Themen werden behandelt:-Importieren Sie Bilder, Videos und CSQ-Dateien von FLIR-Kameras. FLIR Report Studio 은(는) 다음 PC 운영 체제용 USB 2. 3 FLIR Tools 6. 이 기사는 FLIR Tools + 및 Report Studio와 관련하여 자주 묻는 질문에 대한 답변입니다. Sie können verschiedene Berichtsvorlagen auswählen, Bilder hinzufügen, Bilder bearbeiten, Bilder nach oben oder nach unten verschieben und Berichteigenschaften wie FLIR Tools 6. x ; Download di QuickReport ; Registrati per ottenere numerosi vantaggi ; FLIR Report Studio è il Nuovo componente aggiuntivo per Microsoft Word e Wizard per creare modelli di report con Word. When the setup is completed, click Close flir report studio downloaden Grátis baixar software em - FLIR Report Studio is a software solution developed by FLIR Systems, aiming to provide professionals with a powerful platform to create detailed and comprehensive reports from their thermal imaging data. Verpassen Sie diese Gelegenheit nicht und erhalten Sie noch heute Ihre kostenlose 1-jährige Garantieverlängerung!. 이 도구는 현재 Tools + 5. Selecteer het bijsnijdgebied door de rechthoek te verplaatsen en te vergroten FLIR Ignite Sync is available to download for free for anyone with a FLIR Ignite account. Microsoft Windows 7, 32비트 ; Microsoft Windows 7, 64비트 Attenzione: FLIR Tools PLUS versione 6 è dotato del FLIR Report Studio, un plug-in integrato a microsoft Word ed è compatibile solamente con le versioni di Microsoft Office. 13: FLIR Tools / FLIR Tools+ 5. FLIR Thermal Studio standard FLIR Tools Download . Pode escolher diferentes modelos de relatórios, adicionar imagens, editar imagens, mover imagens para cima e para baixo e adicionar propriedades ao relatório, como informações do cliente e This FAQ contains information and resources about FLIR Thermal Studio, such as documentation, troubleshooting, installers, and more. Add, move, and resize measurement tools on any infrared image. Add the optional FLIR Route Creator plug-in to Thermal Studio Pro to streamline inspection Mit dem FLIR Report Studio-Assistenten können Sie einfach und effizient Berichte erstellen. Wenn beispielsweise ein Digitalbild mit einem Infrarotbild in der Kamera gruppiert wird, bleibt diese Zuordnung in FLIR Report Studio erhalten. Es wird das oben gezeigte Programm zum Anzeigen von Lizenzen gestartet. Click Install. There are a few tips and tricks to getting ama FLIR Report Studio is a software suite specifically designed to provide an easy way to create inspection reports. Para uma funcionalidade completa, recomendamos instalar Tools + 6. La procedura guidata FLIR Report Studio consente di generare report in modo rapido ed efficiente. From the FLIR tab, click the Thermal Image button to insert an IR image placeholder. 12 • Click inside the second table column. o Office 2010 (32 bits ou 64 bits). 18039. This will display a deactivation dialog box. x 는 아래 링크에서 다운 가능합니다. FLIR Tools / Tools+ has been discontinued, FLIR Thermal Studio suite will be our long-term software reporting platform. dotx do Microsoft Word). exe. 2 - Download ; FLIR - Thermal Studio Revert back to flir report studio downloaden Gratis descargar software en UpdateStar - FLIR Report Studio is a software solution developed by FLIR Systems, aiming to provide professionals with a powerful platform to create detailed and comprehensive reports from their thermal imaging data. UpdateStar - FLIR Report Studio is a software solution developed by FLIR Systems, aiming to provide professionals with a powerful platform to create detailed and comprehensive reports from their thermal imaging data. El asistente de FLIR Report Studio le permite generar informes de manera fácil y eficiente. Microsoft Windows 10, 64 bits. FLIR Thermal Studio FLIR Thermal Studio software automates report design and composition features to enable users to easily This includes a trial of FLIR Tools+ with Report Studio for Word Reporting. Avrai accesso a sconti ed offerte speciali, download e aggiornamenti software. Learn how to create report templates that are tailored to your specific needs in FLIR Thermal Studio Pro with this short, informative video from the Infrared Training Center. 11 Add the optional FLIR Route Creator plug-in to Thermal Studio Pro to streamline inspection workflows and simplify reporting. flir studio report Grátis baixar software em - FLIR Report Studio is a software solution developed by FLIR Systems, aiming to provide professionals with a powerful platform to create detailed and comprehensive reports from their thermal imaging data. Volg deze procedure: 1. 4. En la pestaña FLIR de un documento de Microsoft Word, haga clic en Crear nueva plantilla. Import images, videos, and CSQ files from FLIR cameras. Specifications. 0 oraz 3. flir report studio downloads Grátis baixar software em - FLIR Report Studio is a software solution developed by FLIR Systems, aiming to provide professionals with a powerful platform to create detailed and comprehensive reports from their thermal imaging data. Wir haben außerdem PDF-Tutorials für FLIR Tools und Tools+, in denen die am häufigsten verwendeten Funktionen beschrieben werden. FLIR Tools: Download PDF Les sujets suivants sont couverts: Importation d'images, de vidéos, et de fichiers CSQ depuis les caméras. x mit Report Studio. x/Report Studio. 0 및 3. 11 • Click inside the first table column. x Word templates are not compatible with Tools+ 6. La procedura guidata offre l'opportunità di ottimizzare e regolare il report prima della sua creazione. x vem com FLIR Report Studio, o novo plugin do Word Reporting e você deve ter uma das seguintes versões do Microsoft Office. The table below summarizes some of the key differences between the FLIR Tools+ Legacy Word Reporter and FLIR Tools+ 6. The software supports images and videos in standard FLIR format from all modern FLIR thermography cameras, including the C-, T-, E- and GF-series, as well as FLIR One Passo 4: Chiave di Licenza e Primo avvio FLIR Thermal Studio Starter. Choose your FLIR Thermal Studio subscription plan. x se puede descargar e instalar desde este enlace. Concluso il download del file di installazione, riceverai una mail dal team FLIR contenente la Chiave di Licenza per attivare la versione Starter del software. 여기엔 평가판 Tools+ (30일 ) 와 새로운 워드리포팅을 위한 Report Studio 포함되어 있습니다. Microsoft Windows 10, wersja 32-bitowa. Tools+ Legacy Word Reporting risulteranno in prova per 30gg : Se in possesso di una licenza valida di Tools+ è ¿Dónde puedo descargar FLIR Tools y FLIR Tools+? FLIR Tools 6. FLIR Thermal Studio Pro helps you manage thousands of thermal images and videos, whether it be a handheld camera, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAS) or optical gas i Reports are edited in Thermal Studio and can be exported as . x에 사용되는 추가 기능을 대체합니다. Starten Sie FLIR Report Studio auf dem Computer, Softwaremodule werden üblicherweise als gedruckte Rubbelkarten mit einem Download-Link geliefert. Allerdings ist der Studio Bild Editor nicht so umfangreich wie der von FLIR Tools+. Wählen Sie im Menü Hilfe die Option Lizenzinformationen anzeigen. Selecteer op de meetwerkbalk het hulpmiddel (Bijsnijden). Hiermee geeft u een rechthoek op het beeld weer. Word-Berichte können auch nur mit Report Studio erstellt werden. Data aggiornamento . U kunt echter ook een rapport maken op basis van een leeg Microsoft Word-document door objecten toe te voegen en te verwijderen en door de eigenschappen van die objecten te wijzigen, zoals is beschreven in paragraaf 12. FLIR Tools and FLIR Tools+ can be downloaded and installed from the following link. FLIR Tools + and Report Studio 9/20/2017 ©2017, Infrared Training Center. x pode ser baixado e instalado a partir do link abaixo. Start now: https://bit. Starten Sie FLIR Report Studio. Calibrazione e FLIR Tools+ and Report Studio 09-20-2017 ©2017, Infrared Training Center. ly/3bX1Hc0 Overview. Se non dovessi trovarla, verifica anche nella cartella della posta indesiderata/spam. Go to FLIR Ignite Sync desktop application; Click on DOWNLOAD; To start the installation, double-click the downloaded executable file. Veiviseren gir deg muligheten til å finjustere og tilpasse rapporten før den opprettes. To download other documentation or software, Teledyne FLIR Instrument Customer Support Center: To download other documentation or software, please visit our O FLIR Report Studio é enviado com vários modelos de relatório diferentes (ficheiros *. Users create their route in the software and download it directly to any FLIR camera with Inspection Route レポートを作成する方法としては、 FLIR Report Studio ウィザードを使用するのが最も簡単です。 ただし、空白の Microsoft Word ドキュメントから、セクション 12. FLIR Tools/Tools+ ; ThermaCAM QuickReport 1. 13 (5. 에서 소프트웨어를 다운로드 하는 무료 flir report studio download Il y a une Playlist pour FLIR Tools, Tools+, et Report Studio. FLIR Thermal Studio Pro, Standard (yearly subscription), and Starter (free version with limited features) can be downloaded and installed from the following link: FLIR Thermal Studio Suite Q: O Report Studio pode ser instalado como um programa autônomo sem FLIR Tools +? A: Sim. Microsoft Windows 8, wersja 64-bitowa. Onde posso baixar FLIR Tools e o Tools +? FLIR Tools 6. O assistente dá-lhe a oportunidade de otimizar e ajustar o relatório antes de este ser criado. x 는 아래 링크에서 다운 가능합니다 여기엔 평가판 Tools+ (30일 ) 와 새로운 워드리포팅을 위한 Report Studio 포함되어 다른 소프트웨어를 다운 받거나 매뉴얼을 원하신다면 메뉴에서 Help & Support를 클릭 후 Downloads 를 클릭하시면 됩니다 Double-click the installation file flir-report-studio. 07 a. The reports can include basic analysis and plots. 0 통신을 지원합니다. 0 e 3. Import the images from the camera to the computer. 3 De eenvoudigste manier om een rapport te maken, is met behulp van de FLIR Report Studio-wizard. T300341. Microsoft Windows 8, 64 bits. 2 Objecten in het rapport beheren. 0 z następującymi systemami operacyjnymi: Microsoft Windows 7, wersja 32-bitowa. Se esses modelos não corresponderem às suas necessidades, pode criar os seus próprios modelos de relatório de infravermelhos. This starts the FLIR Report Studio Setup wizard. Changing the color distribution. Start FLIR Report Studio. F: Kann Report Studio als eigenständiges Programm ohne FLIR Tools+ installiert werden? A: Ja. FLIR Report Studio unterstützt USB 2. UpdateStar Una volta salvato e importato nella procedura guidata di FLIR Report Studio, il modello di report verrà visualizzato all'interno della categoria selezionata nel riquadro di sinistra della procedura guidata; vedere la sezione 9. UpdateStar In this video I show how to write great, professional looking reports with Flir Thermal Studio - Free Edition. Für die volle Funktionalität empfehlen wir die Installation von Tools+ 6. Adjust the FLIR Report Studio supports USB 2. Kostenlose erweiterte Garantie Einige Produkte sind für eine kostenfreie Garantieverlängerung vorgesehen. Registrati oggi gratuitamente. FLIR Report Studio는 Word 보고서 및 템플릿을 만들기위한 새로운 Microsoft Word 추가 기능 및 마법사입니다. FLIR Tools 5. Microsoft Windows 8, wersja 32-bitowa. FLIR Tools (download PDF): The following topics are covered. Das gilt auch für Textkommentare, Sprachkommentare, Skizzen usw. Click on the appropriate link under the list boxes to begin downloading. Kreator daje możliwość dopracowania i dostosowania raportu przed jego utworzeniem. 3. Dies sind einige der Funktionen und Einstellungen, die Sie verändern können: Hinzufügen von Messwerkzeugen. 3. Microsoft Windows 7, 64-Bit. Il y a aussi des tutoriaux en format PDF pour FLIR Tools et Tools+, qui décrivent les fonctions les plus communément utilisées. Meethulpmiddelen toevoegen aan een infraroodbeeld en deze vergroten, verkleinen of verplaatsen. Note: FLIR Tools+ 5. Article number. Du kan velge ulike rapportmaler, legge til bilder, redigere bilder, flytte bilder opp eller ned, og legge til rapportegenskaper, som kundeinformasjon og informasjon om inspeksjonen. 2 FLIR Tools 6. Examples of what you can do in FLIR Report Studio include the following: FLIR Report Studio obsługuje komunikację przez USB 2. 0-Kommunikation für die folgenden PC-Betriebssysteme: Microsoft Windows 7, 32-Bit. コンピュータに FLIR Tools/Tools+ (フリーウェア) または FLIR Report Studio (使用許諾されるソフトウェア) をダウンロードしてインストールします。 10 FLIR Tools/Tools+ または FLIR Report Studio を起動します。. 0 communication for the following PC operating systems: There is a playlist for FLIR Tools, Tools+, and Report Studio. 2 - Download ; FLIR Thermal Studio Suite ; FLIR - Thermal Studio Not opening / online activation failed ; FLIR - Thermal Studio Trouble Activating a Second User Download your free trial of #FLIR Thermal Studio! Our latest reporting software helps streamline inspections, automate data collection, and simplify image editing. O link inclui uma versão de teste do FLIR Tools + com o • Automate data collection and reporting Create routes you can download to an enabled FLIR T-Series camera as well as cus-tomize report templates. Select the I agree to the license terms and conditions check box. 2. Esto incluye una prueba de Tools + con el nuevo Report Studio para Word Reporting: Esto incluye una prueba de Tools + con el nuevo Report Studio para Word Reporting: (如果您尚未激活 FLIR Report Studio 许可证,则启用该功能。)单击可打开激活对话框。有关更多信息,请参阅 6 管理许可证 一节。 检查更新 。单击可检查软件更新。有关更多信息,请参阅 15 软件更新 一节。 关于 。单击可显示 FLIR Report Studio 的当前版本。 FLIR Thermal Studio suite is our new long-term software reporting platform. 에서 소프트웨어를 다운로드 Bijsnijden is mogelijk wanneer u de Image Editor start vanuit een beeld in het middelste deelvenster van de FLIR Report Studio-wizard. FLIR Tools+ 6. We also have PDF tutorials for FLIR Tools and Tools+ that describe most of the commonly used functions. Esto incluye una prueba de Tools + con el nuevo Start the FLIR Report Studio wizard and select a report template. Es posible elegir distintas plantillas de informe, agregar y editar imágenes, o moverlas hacia arriba y hacia abajo, y agregar propiedades de informe, como información del cliente e información acerca de la Free Extended Warranty. Registrieren Sie Ihr FLIR-Produkt FLIR Tools 6. Calibrazione e Riparazione . 18031. O link inclui uma versão de teste do FLIR Tools + com o novo Report Studio para o Word:. 1 Finestra dei modelli. Create a new template from the FLIR Tools 6. . Analysis and Reporting Software The FLIR Thermal Studio Suite helps users manage thousands of thermal images and videos, whether they're from a handheld thermal imaging camera, unmanned aircraft system (UAS), or optical gas imaging (OGI) camera. Download. Microsoft Windows 10, 32 bits. x com Report Studio. Office 2013 (32-bit e 64 bit). Download FLIR Tools . Analysis and Reporting Software The FLIR Thermal Studio Suite helps users streamline their inspections, organize their data, and manage thousands of thermal images and videos—whether they're working with a handheld thermal imaging camera, unmanned aircraft system (UAS), acoustic imaging camera, or optical gas imaging (OGI) camera. En la ventana Plantilla del asistente de FLIR Report Studio, haga clic en , en la sección superior del panel central. FLIR Report Studio‎ 1. 10/06/2021 06. FLIR Tools+ 5. The latest version of FLIR Report Studio is currently unknown. 0 and 3. Dies beinhaltet eine Testversion von Tools + mit Word Reporting: Wenn Sie eine Lizenz für FLIR Thermal Studio Pro, Standard (yearly subscription), and Starter (free version with limited features) can be downloaded and installed from the following link: FLIR Thermal Studio Suite. UpdateStar FLIR Report Studio es compatible con USB 2. FLIR Report Studio is a Shareware software in the category Miscellaneous developed by FLIR Systems. Examples of what you can do in FLIR Report Studio include the following: Import images from your camera to your computer. Analyze infrared images and save changes. Download the free trial or upgrade to full functionality with the purchase of a software license. In the license viewer, click Transfer license. FLIR Thermal Studio Professional; Reports: ThermaCAM QuickReport 1. Kreator FLIR Report Studio pozwala na łatwe i skuteczne generowanie raportów. 6 FLIR Tools+ and Report Studio 09-20-2017 ©2017, Infrared Training Center. 4 (1. The FLIR Report Studio wizard allows you to easily and efficiently generate reports. x ; Download di QuickReport ; Registrati per ottenere numerosi vantaggi ; Problemi di connessione tramite USB con termocamera FLIR serie Ex (E4, E5, E6, E8 ) Avrai accesso a sconti ed offerte speciali, download e aggiornamenti software. It was checked for updates 31 times by the users of our client application UpdateStar during the last month. x. Microsoft Windows 8, 32 bits. This includes a trial of FLIR Tools+ with Report Studio for Word Reporting: If you have a For 1, 3 and 5 year licenses, please download the latest version available. 에서 소프트웨어를 다운로드 하는 무료 download flir report studio Reports. This will display the license viewer shown above. 0 y 3. Http The FLIR Report Studio Image Editor is a powerful tool for analyzing and editing infrared images. SKU. Register your FLIR product FLIR Report Studio is een softwarepakket dat specifiek is ontworpen om op een eenvoudige manier inspectierapporten te maken. Además, le ofrece la posibilidad de ajustar y afinar el informe antes de crearlo. On the computer to which you want to transfer the license, start FLIR Report FLIR Tools+ 6. Select a product from the list boxes below. x kann unter folgendem Link heruntergeladen und installiert werden. This starts the setup of FLIR Report Studio. 2 レポートのオブジェクトの管理 の手順に従ってオブジェクトを追 FLIR Report Studio 1. In FLIR Report Studio kunt u bijvoorbeeld het volgende doen: Beelden importen vanaf uw camera naar uw computer. Microsoft Windows 7, 64 bits. You can choose different report templates, add images, edit images, move images up and down, and add report properties such as customer information and information about the inspection. The wizard gives you the opportunity to fine tune and adjust your report before it is created. 이 템플릿은 다음에 보고서를 만들 때 FLIR Report Studio 에서 FLIR Thermal Studio - Create A New Template. 13. For perpetual license, please download the version compatible with your license. 현재 보고서에만 사용할 템플릿을 찾으려면 템플릿 찾아보기 를 클릭합니다. You can check Software - Available freeware and downloads. On the Help menu, select Show license information. Wenn die Bilder importiert werden, bleiben alle Dateizuordnungen erhalten. All file sizes are approximate. UpdateStar FLIR Report Studio Image Editor ist ein leistungsstarkes Programm zur Analyse und Bearbeitung von Infrarotbildern. Można wybierać spośród różnych szablonów raportu, dodawać obrazy, edytować je, przesuwać w górę i w dół, a także dodawać właściwości raportu, takie jak informacje o kliencie oraz informacje o badaniu. Data de Atualização . FLIR Tools+ and Report Studio 09-20-2017 ©2017, Infrared Training Center. m. omzj dne tjen zeeo sdklrvd ushlk vyxkh yccsxj lrm kfcuj axcelk yqzjo rmeg thzu ruyl