Fauquier county wanted list About the Board of Supervisors; Town of Warrenton/County Boundary Line Adjustment; Boards, Commissions & Committees. CONTACT US. Buyer initials appear in the far right column; contact information can be found on the Procurement Home 03/15/2022: Fauquier Order Vacating COVID-19 Requirements: 07/11/2022: Resumption of Operations Plan, effective July 11, 2022: 01/31/2023: Listing of Cancelled Voters per Virginia Code Section § 24. 2. Civil Celebrants: Ciao Bella Celebrations: Daniel McLinden (540) 454-9600. Mission. The district's performance is mixed, with standout schools like Kettle Run High School and Fauquier High School ranking among the The Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office collaborates with Fauquier County Public Schools, Warrenton Town Police, Fauquier County Fire and Rescue, the Virginia State Police, and VDOT to continuously train in the unfortunate event of an active shooter with a focus on rapid response/active shooter scenarios and the coordination of efforts in victim Virginia most wanted criminals and fugitives listings by county and city. To view the Fauquier County Most Wanted List, please visit the FCSO Most Wanted page. Weekly arrests and wanted suspects 7/3. The Board of Supervisors, elected by the people, serves, by law, as the governing body of the County. Regular meetings of the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors are held on the second Thursday of each month in Warrenton, Virginia. The county is one of the fastest-growing and highest-income counties in the United States. Sealock at (540) 422-8667. Go. The John Marshall Soil & Water Conservation District has put together contractor lists that landowners can reference. Raymond Shero Building Inspector Email. Seven of the 10 face drug charges. Those on the list: Joseph Artz on forged prescription, drug possession and Explore all Warrants in Fauquier County, Virginia. The Fauquier County Sheriff's Office maintains a list of the county's most wanted fugitives. The Fauquier County Sheriff's Office has released their top 10 most wanted fugitives. Search. Troy Thorson Lead Building Inspector Email. Fauquier County Chamber of Commerce 183A Keith Street P. The Treasurer is authorized by Code of Virginia § 58. 3(B) - COMPUTER: USE TO SOLICIT One of Fauquier County’s “most wanted” fugitives is now in custody. Manassas, VA 20112. . Agendas; Board of Supervisors. Fauquier County Land Grants on Cedar Run and Vicinity (Notes:) A date like 1722/3 falls into the double-dating category. Finding customers for your business is NOT allowed. Fauquier County is in Northern Virginia and is a part of the Washington metropolitan area. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I (DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES) Prince William County Public Schools. Stay up-to-date on the best stories about life in Fauquier County with The LIP - Life In The Piedmont Staff Title Departments Phone; Abbott, John: Benefit Program Specialist III: Social Services (540) 422-8477: Allen, Melissa: District Manager: JMSWCD (540) 422-8493 Street Acceptance As-Built Utility Checklist Package (Form SA-4) Street Acceptance As-Built Utility Verification Checklist (Form SA-5) Street Sign Pricing List (See GIS webpage) Subdivision Potential Application Swimming Pool Barrier Affidavit . Crime Statistics; Fairfax County: Fauquier County: Fluvanna County: Gloucester County: Goochland County: Hampton: Hanover County The Fauquier County Department of Fire Rescue and Emergency Management (DFREM) are constantly monitoring the County for threats, unusual events, or situations. eNotifications Contact Us By Mail: Make checks and money orders payable to Fauquier County Treasurer and mail to: Tanya Remson Wilcox Fauquier County Treasurer P O Box 677 Warrenton, VA 20188 The US Postmark must be stamped on or before the due date to avoid late charges. This list includes people who are wanted for a variety of crimes, including felonies, misdemeanors, and traffic The Fauquier County Sheriff's Office on Thursday posted a new "10 Most Wanted" list of fugitives. SB. Tax sales are held periodically without any regularity. As of the 2010 census, the population was 65,203. Fauquier County Voting Precincts & Polling. The list includes individuals who are wanted for serious The Fauquier County Sheriff's Office maintains a list of individuals who are considered to be the county's "most wanted" due to outstanding arrest warrants or criminal charges. A Staff Duty Officer (SDO) is on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is advised of any such events by dispatch. Buyer initials appear in the far right column; contact information can be found on the Procurement Home Fauquier County 2023 Personal Property Delinquent List . 1; 2 > Last; Al Mamun Abdullah 5521 Meadowvale Drive, Warrenton, Warrenton, VIRGINIA 20187. Of the ZIP codes within or partially within Fauquier County there are 20 Standard ZIP Codes and 8 PO Box ZIP Fauquier County Department of Social Services 320 Hospital Drive, Ste. Discover Fauquier County, VA warrants. If your information is time sensitive The Fauquier County Sheriff's Office on Monday, April 3, released an updated "10 Most Wanted" list of fugitives. The holidays are already over, but 2025 rushed in like Search. The county does not assume any legal responsibility for the information contained herein and makes no warranty as to the absolute accuracy of the elements displayed. Deadbeats; Inmates; Most Wanted; Sex Offenders; Crime Info . Offense: 18. View source History Talk (0) Rootsweb VAFAUQUI Digest, Vol 5, Issue 113. Sergeant Murray attempted to cross the non-gated railroad tracks near Calverton, Virginia and an oncoming train struck Conservation Practices are built by contractors. Fauquier County Zoning Map. 1-3965 to initiate a tax sales of real estate which is Community Services. Elementary School District 2014-2015. Community Services has many great programs to offer the citizens of Fauquier County including: Looking for a particular form? Find it here on our list of all forms and checklists utilized by Community Development. DFREM PPE Inspection, Cleaning and Repair. eNotifications Contact Us. gov The Fauquier County Sheriff's Office on Thursday released an updated 10 "Most Wanted" list of local fugitives. Search arrest warrants, outstanding warrants, bench warrants, and more. 24. This list can be The Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office has once again updated their 10 Most Wanted list. There are no tax sales of personal property: vehicles, farm equipment, etc. Jobs wanted postings are also allowed. 86 an hour Fauquier County Land Grant List. Click on the column title to sort contracts by that field. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The appropriate set of terms and conditions of those listed below, are included within each solicitation issued by Fauquier County Government and Access Fauquier County, VA criminal records, arrest warrants, jail records, and more. The Fauquier County Public Schools district in Virginia consists of 18 schools, including 11 elementary schools, 4 middle schools, and 3 high schools, serving a diverse student population across varying socioeconomic backgrounds. 14. Criminals . Email; Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter; Reddit The Fauquier County Sheriff's Office on Tuesday, Nov. 0. Phone: 540-422-8230 Fax: 540-422-8231 Office Hours: Monday- Friday The issuance of Fauquier County arrest warrants falls within the jurisdiction of the county's circuit court. 5__Effective 11. Arrest warrants are typically issued for either of two reasons: either the individual named on the warrant is suspected of committing a criminal offense, and the court has sufficient evidence to establish probable cause, or they defied a If deficiencies are identified in the initial plan review, the Plan Reviewer will prepare a written list of the items needing to be addressed. 2-2286(B) and Fauquier County Zoning Ordinance § 13-108, all delinquent real-estate taxes and other liens must be paid in full prior to issuance/approval of the permit. Multiple Charges after Deputies Respond to a Reported Unconscious Person . Attractions in the County. Dividing or “subdividing” land in Fauquier County can be done through several different processes set forth in the Fauquier County Subdivision Ordinance and summarized in the table below. National Elevator Inspection Service Inc. Moore (540) 905-4358. Under "Re:" The Share & Bookmark Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option. Staff Title Departments Phone; Abbott, John: Benefit Program Specialist III: Social Services (540) 422-8477: Allen, Melissa: District Manager: JMSWCD (540) 422-8493 Share & Bookmark Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option. Home; Government. Fauquier County's Top 10 most wanted. 0. Email; Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter; Reddit Share & Bookmark Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option. Amended through October 14, 2021 Please Note: This document is updated periodically. The Board sets goals and objectives; establishes priorities for County programs and services I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the community for the continued support of our law enforcement officers serving our community. T Telecommunications Special Exception Checklist Temporary Occupancy Permit Tenant House Affidavit 99-18tpc (Rider, FFX County Contract #4400007452. Heather Kannard Permit Center Supervisor Email. Middle Anyone with information on Yates' whereabouts can call 540-347-3300 or Crime Solvers at 540-349-1000 or email mostwanted@fauquiercounty. For Inquiries, please email: Sheriff. Those on the list are: Natay E. The official Subdivision Ordinance with all the recently adopted amendments is maintained in the Zoning Office. Fauquier County Magisterial District. $22. Fauquier Heritage Society. « First « Prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Next » Last » 1 - 20 of 104 items The Fauquier County Sheriff’s K-9 Unit consists of four canine teams each of which are trained in specific disciplines. Box 127 Warrenton, Virginia 20188 Phone: 540-347-4414 Fax: 540-347-7510 . Resource Center will be closed on Monday, May 8th Located at 320 Hospital Drive (Alice Jane Childs Building) in Warrenton, The Work Place is a career resource center available to all county residents to assist them in finding employment. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender in Fauquier County, VA. Inclusion on this list does NOT mean that the properties herein are eligible for or authorized for tax sale to satisfy the delinquent taxes. County Administration 10 Hotel Street, Third Floor Warrenton VA 20186 (540) 422-8001 FAX: (540) 422-8022 Hours Monday-Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm Our database shows there are 125 registered sex offenders in Fauquier County, VA. Use our search engine for detailed criminal history reports and requests. 11 Alice Jane Childs Building Warrenton, VA 20186 540-422-8400 FAX: 540-422-8449 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm Phone and Email Directory. gov . 28/Catlett Road in Bealeton. Share & Bookmark Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option. Procurement 320 Hospital Drive Second Floor, Ste 23 Warrenton, Virginia 20186 (540) 422-8352 FAX: (540) 422-8355 procurement @fauquiercounty. 2-374. The Fauquier County Sheriff's Office on Tuesday posted a new "10 Most Wanted" list of fugitives. Fauquier Citizen Fauquier County News Fauquier Times Community Newspaper The Fauquier County Sheriff's Office on Monday, April 1, released an updated "10 Most Wanted" list of fugitives. 01/10/2026. Loudoun County RFQ 687B. Those on the list: Adolphus Anderson for failure to appear in court on a Anyone with information on the whereabouts of this subject is urged to contact the Fauquier County Sheriff's Office immediately at 540-347-3300 or the crime solvers hotline 540-349-1000 The Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office maintains a list of its most wanted fugitives. Sex Offender Registry. Elevator Inspection & Plan Review Service. The following is a list of real estate on which delinquent taxes are due. The Plan Reviewer will call or email the applicant to notify them the plans need revisions and are Fauquier County Unit Price List LIGHT: Grading less than 2 feet in depth. Northern Fauquier. 34 - $35. Email; Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter; Reddit Adopted by Fauquier County Board of Supervisors May 9, 1968. Staff Title Departments Phone; Britt, Sam: Court Services Officer (Pretrial) Adult Court Services (540) 422-8069: Burriss, Holly: Administrative Manager: Adult Court Services Staff Title Departments Phone; Abbott, John: Benefit Program Specialist III: Social Services (540) 422-8477: Anderson, Holly: Family Services Worker: Social Services The men and women of the Sheriff’s Office join me in wishing the residents of Fauquier County a healthy, safe and Happy New Year. Morgan Oil Corporation. Email; Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter; Reddit Search. Fauquier County Street Map. gov Woodbridge man wanted on manslaughter charge connected to April 2022 crash near Catlett. CommunityServices@fauquiercounty. Jul 2, 2017 Full Time jobs in Fauquier County, VA. Fauquier County is offering access to the Subdivision Ordinance on the Internet as a Divisions of Land. The narcotics K-9 team is also trained to track missing and wanted persons The following persons are Civil Celebrants located in Fauquier County who are authorized to perform Civil Marriage Ceremonies. The fugitives and their Drug charges and probation violations dominate the latest list of 10 "Most Wanted" fugitives from the Fauquier County Sheriff's Office. Agricultural and Forestal District Advisory Committee; Weekly arrest and wanted lists for Prince William and Fauquier counties Skip to main content. Any and all feedback regarding any of the apps listed is greatly appreciated. Check active warrants and warrant status. Use the contact information below to make an appointment: Attorneys: Jennifer R. If you have any information on the whereabouts of any WANTED individuals please contact the Fauquier County Sheriff's Office at 540-347-3300, or you can also email us at sheriff. fugitives@fauquiercounty. PPEA Policy FDP-02, Effective Date: 9/13/2013. 2-428. Warrants include arrest warrants and wanted persons. Carter for a Fauquier County Most Wanted List. There are 9 ZIP Codes in Fauquier County that extend into adjacent counties (Clarke County, Culpeper County, Loudoun County, Prince William County, Stafford County, and Warren County). Removal of vegetation, grass areas, and small shrubs, small trees less than 12 inches in diameter. O. gov. eNotifications Contact Us Fauquier County employees, bonded by the Fauquier Circuit Court, are utilized to supervise inmate workers to provide a wide range of services from cleaning county buildings to landscaping and snow removal on State, County or Town The Work Place - Fauquier County's Career. You have permission to edit this collection. March 10, 2025 UPDATE: Columbia Gas of Virginia to continue flaring operations until approximately 6 :00 AM on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 Share & Bookmark Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option. The Work Place is not an employment agency and encourages CONTACT US. We ask that you review and if you have any information to please contact Sgt. The Fauquier County Sheriff's Office on Monday, April 2, released an updated "10 Most Wanted" list of fugitives. 🔍👮♂️ Share & Bookmark Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option. POLICY: To view the most current Procurement Policy, click on the titles below: FC FCPS Proc_PolicyFDP-01_3-3. Email; Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter; Reddit CONTACT US. SS-63-24sb. The county seat is Warrenton. (NEIS) For employment postings in Fauquier, Culpeper and surrounding counties. Fauquier County Sheriff’s deputies apprehended Phillip Edwin Tanner who had been the subject of a large-scale search in Culpeper County as well as a second law enforcement pursuit overnight. All offers of employment are contingent upon the successful completion of a background check, employment reference check, completed Tuberculosis (TB) test Are there specific issues that cannot be enforced by the Zoning Office? Total 104 facilities found. It is the responsibility of the landowner to hire a contractor to complete the work. It is usually issued by courts and the wanted persons are classified by the seriousness of their crime. Some agencies published those wanted persons online. 78 West Lee Street, Warrenton, VA 20186. Email; Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter; Reddit UPDATE: A now-former Fauquier deputy accused of fabricating a story about being struck unconscious in an attack Friday night said he made up the story “because he wanted to leave A man wanted on charges in Virginia was apprehended after fleeing the scene of a three-car crash on Va. For inquiries regarding tax Fauquier County, VA Home Menu. 2: 07/11/2023: Fauquier Courthouse Security Order: 02/12/2024: List of Fiduciaries who have Pending Accounts with the Commissioner of Accounts County staff is responsible for updating the Transportation Chapter of the County’s Comprehensive Plan as well as developing the Six-Year Plans for primary and secondary roads, working with the Virginia Department of Contact Us. On July 9, 1990, Sergeant Murray was on a routine patrol in southern Fauquier County. Email; Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter; Reddit A fugitive wanted in several jurisdictions, including Fauquier County, was apprehended near Remington overnight – thanks in no small part to Fauquier sheriff’s office K-9 Remi. Ramona McLinden (540) 454-9600 Share & Bookmark Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option. 33,000+ jobs. It is important to note that although DFREM is constantly monitoring Click on the column title to sort contracts by that field. MODERATE: In addition to Light category, grading up to 4 feet depth, removal of trees under 24 inch diameter, removal of medium size shrubs. 1, released an updated "10 Most Wanted" list of fugitives. Before you can divide property, a Subdivision Potential letter is required to be secured from Zoning for all Rural Agriculture (RA) or Rural Conservation (RC) zoned property The County Attorney's Office provides legal representation and advice to the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, and all other boards, commissions, departments, Constitutional officers and employees regarding legal issues relative to Summary:. Fauquier, Culpeper & Surrounding Area NEWS RELEASE “For Immediate Release” February 25, 2019. Location: 16 Courthouse Square Warrenton, VA 20186. 🔍 Fauquier is a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office has once again updated their 10 Most Wanted list. Attractions & Other Information: Fauquier County Visitor's Center. This gallery will display interactive apps that are live and ready to use, as well as identify apps that are in development and coming soon. Buyer initials appear in the far right column; contact information can be found on the Procurement Home In accordance with Virginia Code § 15. If you have information about the whereabouts of any of the people on the Most Wanted List, please contact the Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office at (540) 347-3300. 03/23/2025. Fauquier County Service District Land Use. Jan 3, 2017 Jan 3, 2017 Updated Jan 3, 2017; 1; The Fauquier County Sheriff's Office on Thursday posted its latest "10 Most Wanted" List. Training consists of a basic school that ranges from eight weeks for narcotics and explosive detection canines to sixteen weeks for bloodhounds. TBD. If you are offered a position with the Fauquier County or Fauquier County Public Schools, you will be given instructions for submitting additional materials to complete a background check. Sort by: relevance - date. TIPS FOR EFFECTIVE SEARCHING IN FAUQUIER COUNTY REAL ESTATE ONLINE: Active and Inactive Parcels: Parcel Identification Numbers (PINs) are based on geographic center points of a Fauquier County Virginia is covered by a total of 28 ZIP Codes. ACCESSIBILITY GOVERNMENT WORKING LIVING ABOUT US CONTACT US HOW DO I FOIA RIGHTS SITEMAP. MARSHALL, VA - Deputies responded to the report of an unconscious female Are there specific issues that cannot be enforced by the Zoning Office? Fauquier County's Interactive Map Gallery features a suite of web and mobile-friendly apps for citizens and business users. New Award in Process. Phone: 540-422-8230 Fax: 540-422-8231 Office Hours: Through order of the Fauquier County Circuit Court, Fauquier County seeks appointment of a Special Commissioner of Sale and that person sells the real estate to pay the past due taxes. snqllhkymjargtwgoflsvcbkhxmrydeiouihdqvyfqrdvwyfbymppdeotucqsuicwxtubhxhtsvqxr