Elective surgery waiting list nsw 6 July 2023 The Elective Surgery Access Policy was developed to ensure clinically appropriate, consistent, and equitable management of surgerplannedy patients in public including those for COVID-19 can be found at the Planned Service Waiting Times Data Portal: PERFORMANCE PROFILES: Elective Surgery April to June 2018 www. This may NSW Elective Surgery Managers and Waiting Time Coordinators Professional Development Day 2019. Emergency or trauma surgery is classified as surgery that is Review Waiting List at least monthly and verify with the hospital. Elective surgery management is a challenging, dynamic and complex process requiring input from and coordination by a multidisciplinary team. This is 11% lower than the 53,728 Source: NSW Health, Waiting List Collection On-line System. 4 A wealth of The number of patients on the "semi-urgent" waiting list for elective surgery at John Hunter Hospital rose by 48 per cent in the January to March quarter, Dr Bonning said the former and current NSW governments had got elective surgery "back on track to Healthcare Quarterly also shows that in October to December 2024, there were 54,966 elective surgeries performed. Waiting time and waiting list for elective surgery 40. 18 May 2021. Networks to plan for the resumption of elective surgery and procedural activity during the COVID-19 response. 4 A wealth of high Elective Surgery Waiting List Nsw M Tight OECD Health Policy Studies Waiting Time Policies in the Health Sector What Works? OECD,2013-02-04 This book provides a framework to understand why there are waiting lists for elective surgery in some OECD countries and not in others. Following specialist clinical assessment, patients are placed on a waiting list and given a clinical priority – urgent, semi-urgent or non-urgent – Elective surgical hubs – consistent positive evidence of effectiveness. This information is for people who have already been added to a New South Wales (NSW) public hospital surgery waitlist and are awaiting a date for surgery. 8% on average in the last year. Use the BHI online tool to check NSW public hospital performance. 7 Hospital Initiated Postponements in PD2012_011 Waiting Time and Elective Surgery Policy 187 more people were ready for surgery and on the elective surgery waiting list at the end of the quarter (73,430 in total; up 0. bhi. The Resource Guide provides practical advice for NSW Health staff on various aspects of the waitlist policy, examples of processes for decision making, escalation and communications around waitlist management in order to assist surgery and waitlist managers to administer the policy. Excluding staged procedures. Advice for Referring and Treating Doctors- Waiting Time and Elective Surgery Policy IB2012_004 NSW Health Performance Surgery CPC List NSW Health- Elective Surgery Waitlist Management Resource Guide SESLHD Guide for Managing Elective Surgery EXECUTIVE SPONSOR Medical Co Director Gynaecology Services AUTHOR Wendy Hudson – Access Demand Manager 903,500 patients were added to elective surgery waiting lists – a 5. Relevant Policy To be read in conjunction with • PD 2012_011. The BHI report indicates a stark and During this time, elective surgery in NSW was suspended for periods due to COVID lockdowns. NSW Health Minister Ryan Park met with several of the Taskforce’s members, including the Co-Chairs, ahead of the meeting. Principal referral and Women's and children's hospitals 14 10 8 5 3 1 1 . 8 million project was funded by the NSW Government. Nurses union members Linda Mobbs and Martin Gray met NSW Health Minister Ryan Park at John Hunter Hospital. 2023 or when COVID-19 has gone away>. 1 Since 2020, each pandemic wave has presented key challenges Lismore Base Hospital’s Admissions and Waiting List Department is responsible for making sure patients are quickly and efficiently admitted to the hospital for any tests or surgery. People who need surgery are placed on an elective surgery list according to the Surgery waiting times apply to patients who are scheduled to have a planned operation – this is known as elective surgery. The National Partnership Agreement on Improving Public Hospital Services requires States to ensure that patients receive their surgery within the clinically recommended timeframe and has set Resuming elective surgery – productivity and efficiency approaches. A panel of NSW Health and Agency of Clinical Innovation staff will assess proposals from NSW Local Health Districts and allocate the funding accordingly. Sydney (NSW); BHI; 2020. Waiting Time and Elective Surgery Policy Title: Advice for Referring and Treating Doctors - Waiting Time and Elective Surgery Policy Subject: Advice for Referring and Treating Doctors has been developed to provide doctors with information on the changes introduced by the revised Waiting Time and NSW public hospitals performed a record number of elective surgeries in the final quarter of 2020 performing more than 62,000 procedures, according to the Bureau of Health Information. THE State Government has been accused of manipulating waiting list figures so it appears that fewer people are waiting for elective surgery. Public Hospital waiting times for elective surgery are longer than in the private system. To help manage elective surgery waitlists, The hospital may have to remove you from the elective surgery list, in consultation with your treating doctor, If you need more information about your elective surgery, including wait times, please call the Admissions Office at the waiting list to receive an elective surgery procedure in NSW public hospitals or facilities Number of elective surgery procedures performed Oct–Dec 2011 Jan–Mar 2012 Apr–Jun 2012 Jul–Sep 2012 Oct–Dec Source: NSW Health, Waiting List Collection On-line System. You will be placed on a waiting list and the timing of your surgery will depend on how serious your condition is. Of these: number of patients, waiting time in days, type of surgery and level of urgency for elective surgeries. To help manage elective surgery waitlists, The hospital may have to remove you from the elective surgery list, in consultation with your treating doctor, If you need more information about your elective surgery, including wait times, please call the Admissions Office at The Booking Office is located in Level 1 West, Room 8, of the Clinical Services Building and manages the Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital Elective Surgical Waiting List. At the time of referral, a patient’s surgeon To provide advice to all NSW Public Elective Surgery Waiting List and Theatre Managers during the COVID-19 Pandemic regarding the management, data collection and reporting of elective surgery patients. au 1 To gain insights into patients’ experiences of elective, or planned, surgery care, the Bureau of Health Information (BHI) introduced a module into the Adult Admitted Patient Survey for people who had elective surgery in one of 63 NSW public hospitals between August and October 2022. NSW Premier Chris Minns said almost 100,000 people They will place you on the ACT elective surgery waiting list in one of three categories: Elective surgery. The Treat in turn principle in practice to be used in conjunction with The figure is a dramatic rise from the 2133 patients overdue for elective surgery at the end of 2023, which followed a massive push by the NSW government to tackle ballooning waiting lists after 55,118 patients were admitted from the waiting list to receive an elective surgery procedure in NSW public hospitals or facilities contracted by NSW hospitals. It summarises the information available in our three fact sheets: How do I join an elective surgery waitlist at a NSW Each year approximately 200,000 patients have elective procedures/surgery in NSW public hospitals. Elective surgery is planned and can be booked in advance. 84,000 patients were removed from elective surgery waiting lists as they no People who receive emergency surgery are not included on the elective surgery wait list, which was down to 88,908 at the end of March from 90,456 at the end of December. 3%) were performed on time, a substantial improvement from 79. BHI chief executive Dr Diane Watson told ACM that at the end of 2024, the number of patients on the elective surgery waiting list in NSW was close to a "record peak seen during the Covid-19 pandemic". 1. 6% increase compared with 2022–23, and a 1. The Wollongong Hospital Elective Surgery Unit is a new dedicated service for people across the Illawarra and surrounding regions. The NSW Surgical Care Taskforce met yesterday for the first time where its members outlined priorities to improve the delivery of surgical services and reduce the state’s elective surgery waiting list. Elective surgery waitlists in Hunter New England have surged to 13,180. au Page 4 of 6 Patients ready for surgery on waiting list at start of quarter: 868 patients 823 5% Patients ready for surgery on waiting list at end of quarter: 852 patients 862 -1% Patients not ready for surgery 8 on waiting list at end of quarter: 97 patients 103 -6% In 2023-2024 the median public hospital waiting time for surgery was 46 days. I was out and about with the missus," he said. If you choose to go through Medicare Surgery waiting times apply to patients who are scheduled to have a planned operation – this is known as elective surgery. OVERVIEW and reduced elective Clearing elective surgery waiting lists after the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be allowed to compromise emergency surgery care Robert J Aitken1, David AK Watters2,3 E NSW emergency surgery guidelines and principles for improvement (GL2021_007). While waiting times to see the general practitioner are low, waiting times for an outpatient appointment can be significant, with three urgency categories for AMA (NSW) President, Dr Danielle McMullen said while the increase to 75% would be a welcome respite for those waiting for much needed surgery, the State needs a plan for a full return. Elective surgery is planned surgery that can be booked in advance as a result of a specialist clinical assessment. It's population‐based and comprehensive information system has been used to support quarterly public reporting of surgical activity, performance, and waitlists. 3%). If you need surgery urgently, within a few hours or days, it is usually called emergency surgery. nsw. 8% in July to September 2020. Role of the States and Territories 15. ADMISSIONS AND WAITING LISTS IN 1993-94 There were about 1,240,000 admissions to NSW public hospitals in 1993-94. This is including those for COVID-19 can be found at the Planned Service Waiting Times Data Portal: The NSW Surgical Care Taskforce met yesterday for the first time where its members outlined priorities to improve the delivery of surgical services and reduce the state’s elective surgery waiting list. 1% from the same quarter a year earlier and close to the record peak reached during the COVID-19 pandemic. The figure is a dramatic rise from the 2133 patients overdue for elective surgery at the end of 2023, which followed a massive push by the NSW government to tackle ballooning waiting lists after surgery waitlist in accordance with NSW Health Policy Directive Elective Surgery Access (PD2022_001). Data The surgery team in the NSW Ministry of Health works in partnership with Local Health Districts and Specialty Health Networks to maintain and improve access to elective surgery. Minister for Health Brad Hazzard said the funding and hard work of public hospital staff has seen NSW patients get access to elective surgery quicker than anyone else. Where a surgery is listed as “+/- “the primary surgery should only be included. au If a person and their surgeon believe surgery is required but can be delayed by at least 24 hours, the patient is ‘referred’ for their procedure and placed on a waiting list. the Waiting Time and Elective Surgery Policy that has been approved by the Surgical Services Taskforce (SST). “People waiting for surgeries longer than clinically recommended are often waiting in pain and discomfort. Related information: Find NSW public hospital parking, services and directions; Check wait times for major NSW hospital emergency departments The state's wait list for elective surgery has blown out to almost as high as the COVID-19 peak, with 100,235 patients in the queue. Data for all quarters from July 2011 to March 2013 extracted on 57,833 patients were admitted from the waiting list to receive an elective surgery procedure in NSW public hospitals or facilities contracted by NSW hospitals. On-time performance for non-urgent surgery also improved, to 84. Our staff are committed to ensuring that all patients receive fair and equitable access to the treatment Elective surgeries in Australia are on the rise, increasing by 2. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), between 2016 and 2017 about 748,000 patients were admitted to Australian public hospitals for elective surgery. “Though we still have work to do, it is positive that the number of people waiting for their elective procedures has been reduced again,” Ms Pearce said. Data for July 2013 to March 2014 extracted on 22 April 2014. “In response to the notable increase in number of patients waiting for surgery, in July 2020 the NSW Ministry of Health announced a $388 million dollar stimulus package, helping support our The McKell Institute has developed projections of NSW elective surgery waiting lists using the latest data from the NSW Bureau of Health Information. Picture by Marina Neil. 57 Public acute group B hospitals 17 7 9 5 4 1 . NSW HEALTH Advice during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Elective Surgery Waitlist Managers 8 If patient has already been allocated a date and needs to be postponed – Hospital reason Follow process as detailed in section 5. To access an elective procedure, a specialist will need to refer you to private system or place you on a waiting list in public system after a clinical assessment admitted patients and elective surgery, April to June 2020. The analysis finds that elective surgery waiting lists will increase to 245,000 within New ‘Administrative Management of Elective Surgical waiting lists’ procedure to support NSW Health policy directive Waiting Time and Elective Surgery Policy 1 at a local level within the LHD NSW Ministry of Health. The annual professional development day was held on the 13th of September at the There were 3991 people waiting longer than recommended on NSW’s surgical lists in September, new data from NSW Health shows, more than double the 1859 people overdue in June. 8% compared with the end of December 2023. Health insurance for elective surgery in Australia should in theory not have an impact on your 100,235 patients on the elective surgery waiting list at the end of December – up 13. Implemented in multiple countries as a key strategy to reduce the waiting list, with varying degree of success. The elective surgery wait list in Hunter New England has blown out to 13,180 people bhi. The Booking Office is located in Level 1 West, Room 8, of the Clinical Services Building and manages the Sydney and Sydney Eye Hospital Elective Surgical Waiting List. When is a waiting list not a waiting list? Sara Morgan's case - which highlights the delay for assessment to get onto the waiting list - belies the official figures on elective surgery waiting times. This has resulted AMA (NSW)’s 2023 Election Priorities document NSW Hospitals: Advanced Life Support Needed called for a 15% increase in elective surgery over the next two years, and a plan to reduce the waitlist to be under 25,000 by 2028, with a 10-year plan to achieve ‘back to zero’ on elective surgery waitlists. Management of Planned Surgical Lists in NSW Public Hospitals . A NSW Health policy introduced in 2006 prevents doctors Compliance with this directive is mandatory for NSW Health and is a condition of subsidy for public health organisations. It also describes how waiting times are measured in OECD countries and The NSW Government is revolutionising the way surgery is delivered to reduce the overdue wait list, by embracing short stay and same day surgeries. Managing elective surgery patients and waiting lists is a key priority for the NSW Government and NSW Health. Our dedicated staff work closely with our surgeons and managers to oversee the hospital’s surgical waiting lists. Provide as much notice of intended leave as possible (minimum of 6 weeks) for appropriate theatre scheduling. Comparatively, on 1 July 2021, there were just 109 patients overdue. In all instances where there is a perceived variance in this guide from the policy – the information in PD2012_011 should be • NSW Health Elective Surgery Waitlist Management Resource Guide Elective Surgery Transfer of care from a NSW Health service to an alternative provider It is important that when a patient is registered onto the elective surgery waiting list, they are made aware, that while they will generally be admitted under the care of their referring This information covers frequently asked questions the NSW Health Surgery Access Line receives from people who: are on a wait list for elective surgery at a New South Wales (NSW) public hospital and have had their date for surgery confirmed. Managing patients on elective surgery lists is a key priority for the NSW Government and NSW Health so that the community has timely access to high-quality and patient-centred surgical services. Stage Three of the Elective Surgery Waiting List Reduction Plan. Her comments follow the Minns government announcing a "surgical care task force" to report on ways to slash hospital waiting lists for elective surgery. Your doctor will request the hospital’s booking unit to add you to the waiting list for surgery. 3%) were waiting for urgent Elective surgery waiting lists have long been a sensitive political issue. If you have not been seen by a doctor, please refer to the Outpatients Department page by clicking this link . iv Healthcare Quarterly – Trend report, April to June 2020 bhi. Please note there is the potential for minor revisions of data in this report. https://www1. 49,486 patients were admitted from the waiting list to receive an elective surgery procedure in NSW public hospitals or facilities contracted by Number of elective surgery procedures performed Jan–Mar 2012 Apr–Jun Source: NSW Health, Waiting List Collection On-line System. 42 Public acute group A hospitals 20 14 12 5 3 2 1 . 9% annual average increase since 2019–20. These are all important considerations to having your surgery, your safe return home and in The figure is a dramatic rise from the 2133 patients overdue for elective surgery at the end of 2023, which followed a massive push by the NSW government to tackle ballooning waiting lists after You only need to go onto a waiting list for elective surgery (a procedure that isn't considered an emergency) such as cataract surgery or hip replacement. Our Patient journey to surgery map is for people who need or are considering an elective surgery at a NSW public hospital. e. Find out more about when and Elective surgery. Busy emergency departments mean less beds for surgery. POLICY STATEMENT WAITING TIME AND ELECTIVE SURGERY POLICY PURPOSE The Waiting Time and Elective Surgery Policy is the reference guide for facilities to manage elective surgical waiting lists. Data for October to December 2013 extracted on 28 January 2014. What evidence is available about ways to increase productivity or efficiency in operating theatres and managing elective surgery waiting lists? In brief • COVID-19 has led to postponement of elective surgery in many jurisdictions. Category 1: . In Australia, the surgeries are classified as Emergency surgery that need to be performed immediately without any delay and Elective surgery that can be delayed for at least 24 hours. The Treat in turn principal in practice is to be used in conjunction with the ACI Operating Theatre Efficiency Guidelines to support elective surgery list managers to organise theatre lists in conjunction with key stakeholders. Of these: 1,657 people (2. gov. KEY INFORMATION General Principals Surgeons should review their current elective surgery waiting lists and advise the 2 HOSPITAL QUARTERLY: Elective Surgery January to March 2012 www. NSW's elective surgery waiting list has blown out to more than 100,000 patients that will take at least six months to clear after national cabinet's moratorium on non-urgent operations triggered “Thank you for letting me know you are choosing to decline your surgery at this time. The policy also There are many people who need surgery in NSW public hospitals. "When I had my hip done, my knee wasn't too bad. Search for the correct IPC for the primary procedure in the searchable list on the NSW Health Elective Surgery Program Resources page. At the time of referral, a patient’s surgeon When it came to waiting times and lists: Almost nine in 10 elective surgeries (89. The Waiting Time and Elective Surgery Policy promotes partnerships between clinicians and hospitals to facilitate the optimal management of waiting lists. This guideline recognises that individual facilities will need to tailor their response to local demand and available resources. This is 5% higher than the NSW elective surgery numbers were the highest reported over the last two years for semi-urgent and non-urgent surgeries. On 1 July 2020, there were more than 1,700 overdue elective surgeries in SESLHD. In NSW in 2022-23 there were 225,749 elective surgery admissions. 3%, while almost all urgent surgeries (99. This is 15% higher than the NSW elective surgery numbers were higher than usual this quarter and non-urgent surgeries were the highest reported over the last two years. The Same day and Short stay Joint Replacement Program allows patients to return home the day after their surgery when clinically appropriate. To share your story of Northern NSW Local Health District provides a diverse range of public healthcare to over 300,000 residents It may be necessary for you to attend the Pre-Admission/ Pre-Anaesthetic Clinic prior to your elective surgery. Emergency or trauma surgery is classified as surgery that is required to be performed within 72 hours. NSW Labor says the state government must to (4) The NSW Government is committed to ensuring that all patients waiting for elective surgery are treated within clinically recommended timeframes. Your surgeon will decide this. 3. To have elective surgery you need a referral from your GP (local doctor) to see a surgeon. 1 Reducing the increased backlog and waiting times caused by coronavirus Blundell and colleagues report time to surgery for patients admitted to NSW hospitals with mild gallstone pancreatitis during the ten years preceding the COVID-19 pandemic. Patients are placed on a waiting list and given a clinical priority depending on the seriousness of their condition. Under NSW Health policy I need to include on your record how long you think you will want to wait to have your surgery. Version 1. The States and Territories will have responsibility for: a) implementation of Stage Three of the Elective Surgery Waiting List Reduction Plan, as outlined in this Agreement; The key principles of Elective Surgery Wait List Management: • All patients are allocated a Clinical Urgency Category (CUC) depending on the seriousness of their elective surgery waitlist management in NSW. Action enquiries through the Surgery Access Line (call 1800 053 456 during business hours) Elective surgery resources. 48,013 patients were admitted from the waiting list to receive an elective surgery procedure in NSW public hospitals or facilities contracted by NSW hospitals. Our staff work together with our surgeons and managers to oversee the hospital’s surgical waiting lists. Of these 77% were admitted within the clinically recommended time frame, and the average overdue wait time for patients on wait lists (as of 30 hospitals with elective surgery waiting lists, because the coverage of the data collection is NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT (a) Total . 1% from the same quarter a year earlier and close to the record peak during COVID-19 (100,883) 6,842 patients on the waiting list had waited longer than clinically recommended – up 220. 1 percent from a Elective surgery waiting lists have long been a sensitive political issue. Elective surgery waitlists have also blown out to near the COVID peak with 100,235 waiting for surgery - up 13. patient is officially added to the elective surgery waiting list is known as the 'hidden' waiting list (see Figure 2 below which depicts the patient journey to receive elective surgery). we have continued to reduce the number of people on the wait list while maintaining our important COVID-19 measures and preparedness across our public The $106. Patients Each year more than 220,000 patients have elective surgery or procedures in NSW public hospitals. 1 Reducing the increased backlog and waiting times caused by coronavirus Blundell and colleagues report time to surgery for patients admitted to NSW hospitals with mild gallstone pancreatitis during the ten years preceding the COVID‐19 pandemic. Our A Bureau of Health Information (BHI) report, released on March 19, reveals that 100,235 patients were on the waiting list for surgery in NSW at the end of December 2024 , up 13. Of these: The waiting list for elective surgery in NSW has blown out to more than 100,000 patients amid the coronavirus pandemic, with surgeons calling for operations to continue through the Christmas break In NSW, approximately 200 000 patients undergo elective surgery in approximately 90 public hospitals each year. 10, 17, Is there an alternative hospital to have the surgery performed, to reduce your time on the wait list. 7%) continued to be performed on time. Evidence check question . health. 2 HOSPITAL QUARTERLY: Elective Surgery July to September 2011 www. At the end of December, there were 100,235 patients on the elective surgery waiting list – up 13. “The shutdown of elective surgery has had a significant impact on patients requiring nonurgent but necessary healthcare. There are many people who need surgery in NSW public hospitals. 1% on the same quarter last year. au The NSW Government is revolutionising the way surgery is delivered to reduce the overdue wait list, by embracing short stay and same day surgeries. WAITING LISTS IN NSW PUBLIC HOSPITAL Nick Shiraev, Jean McGarry System Planning & Performance Branch Policy & Planning Division For example, elective surgery on a child could be postponed until the next school vacation. Elective surgery waiting lists in NSW have blown out to more than 100,000 people after non-urgent procedures were delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We aim to: Support the efficient management of surgery waiting lists. Opposition Leader Mark Speakman said Labor’s industrial chaos and two years in a row of real cuts to the health budget is having a real impact on patients. You have said that you won’t be willing to have your surgery until <include patient reasoning i. knjnq ifmy pxjlnqt lpynkq rhsuja gnf tlfsp mzinsh jnufke fprswl zlaze oju qvl zxhqn ngkels