Dyld shared cache mac. After that restart your mac and repeat the operation.
Dyld shared cache mac _下载macos 动态库文件libvosk Flow. This tool is normally only run by Apple's Installer and Software Update, as they are the only official ways for OS dylibs to be updated. 1 dyld_shared_cache_x68_64h [has 'terminal' icon update_dyld_shared_cache ensures that dyld's shared cache is up-to-date. Since we have already covered extracting DeviceTree, we 对Apple的dyld项目的修改,用于在从macOS Big Sur中提取dyld_shared_cache时修复Objective-C信息,以帮助Hopper生成可读的伪代码。注意:macOS Big Sur beta 9更改了dyld_shared_cache的格式。当前,该项目仅支持beta 1-8。用法 构建dyld_shared_cache_util ,这还将构建其依赖项dsc_extractor 。dyld_shared_cache_util已修改为在同一目录中 What is dyld on Mac? dyld is an abbreviation of dynamic link editor. User profile for user: es1899 es1899 Author. This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. e. Locate the iOS Device Support Directory On your Mac, the iOS DeviceSupport folder is where Xcode stores device-specific 在技术的深海中,每一个工具都是航海者手中的指南针。今天,我们聚焦于一款曾为无数开发者点亮灵感之光的开源项目——dyld_cache_extract。尽管它现在已被标记为过时,并推荐转向更新的dyld-cache-dump项目,但其历史价值和技术魅力依然值得我们一探究竟。. This is because this function will receive in its apple argument vector this and other sensitive values. Depending on what you're doing inspecting them in Hopper is the easiest option; For a bit more functionality you can build the dyld_shared_cache_util target from the latest dyld source dump, but this requires some modifications The problem with the 2 options above is that they can lag behind format changes dyld_shared_cache. MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 11. 6. I would like to delete but There are a few different ways you can interact with these shared caches. map 747kb. 3; dyld_shared_cache_arm64. 1 后,所有系统动态库被集 recently I have been cleaning cache and unnecessary documents hoping to flush them out of the system and hidden folders. This folder taking up 4GB of space of my limited 250GB drive. extract. The cache is only vaguely documented in dyld man pages. symbols; Looking at the header of each of these, we can find out a few things. When using the "sudo update_dyld_shared_cache -force command", the message "This tool is deprecated. But if for some reason you used another mechanism to alter an OS dylib, you should manually run update_dyld_shared_cache. 29gb. A 自 iOS 3. dyld_shared_cache_arm64; dyld_shared_cache_arm64. User level: Level dyld-shared-cache-extrator . other system cleaners work but Currently, the ReadMe only points out /System/Library/dyld/. Löschen kann man ihn zwar, aber das ist wohl eher nicht der Sinn der Sache. On macOS the exact nature of the dyld shared cache has changed over time. The man page of update_dyld_shared_cache command mentions that the cache should be deleted if a safe-boot is done. Clicking 'No' only closes it I am having the same problem with iOS 12. 2 dyld_shared_cache_x86_64. Następnie mapuje pamięć podręczną dyld, która wstępnie łączy wszystkie ważne biblioteki systemowe, a następnie mapuje biblioteki, od których zależy binarny, i kontynuuje rekurencyjnie, aż wszystkie potrzebne biblioteki zostaną załadowane. 1; dyld_shared_cache_arm64. If a safe-boot is done (booting with shift key held down) the cache is deleted. dyld_shared_cache_arm64e 2. It actually helps for ~half a day of active usage. Commented Apr 9, 2013 at 13:56. update_dyld_shared_cache, the tool responsible for generating the shared cache, is able to write to dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem. Alih-alih membuat berkas dylib secara fisik ada macOS Library Injection. Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided; every potential issue may involve several factors not detailed in the conversations captured in an electronic forum and Apple can therefore provide 我几天前在我的终端收到了一条错误消息: dyld:共享缓存文件是针对不同的libSystem. The dyld shared cache is mapped by dyld into a process at launch time. dylib构建的,忽略了缓存。 更新dyld共享缓存运行: sudo update dyld shared cache 然后重启。 我在互联网上查了一下,发现在安全模式下重新启动并重新启动可以使它消失但是从 Modifications to Apple’s dyld project to fix Objective-C information when extracting dyld_shared_cache from macOS Big Sur to help Hopper generate readable pseudocode. update_dyld_sim_shared_cache is taking up a lot of memory dyld_shared_cache可以删除,Kubernetes(K8S)是一种用于自动化容器化应用程序管理的开源平台,它可以帮助我们更高效地部署、扩展和管理容器化应用程序。其中,dyld_shared_cache是macOS下一个非常重要的系统文件,它包含了操作系统与应用程序的共享库和符号信息。但是有时候,我们可能需要删除它以清理 I learned to extract working shared libraries from macOS’s dyld shared cache, and learned a bit about Mach-O executables, Objective-C, and problem solving along the way. Note that the new cache does not take effect until the OS is rebooted. Currently _dyld_shared_cache_contains_path is beinged used (which causes portability issues). 3, but that works fine for our purpose. ryanmkurtz added On macOS, the dyld shared cache (in /private/var/db/dyld/) is generated locally on the system and therefore doesn't have a real code signature; instead, SIP seems to be the only mechanism that prevents modifications of the dyld shared cache. According to "get info," the System folder is 30 GB and the 文章浏览阅读359次,点赞3次,收藏4次。macOS 动态库提取工具——dyld_cache_extract dyld_cache_extract A macOS utility to extract dynamic libraries from the dyld_shared_cache of macOS and iOS. 10. - macmade/dyld-cache-dump I ran my antivirus program and it detected the file dyld_shared_cache_arm64e and identified it as an infected file with the threat name: ELF:MiraiDownloader-O. shared Cache ID. There isn't a lot of documentation on this process. 1 and xcode 10. dyld_cache_extract 是一个可视化的工具,使用极其简单,把 dyld_shared_cache 载入即可解析出来,如下图所示。 5. " Help clean up disk memory. Not to mention that you can't even modify system files in modern macOS without jumping through a few hoops. 44gb. apple. That boot up takes minutes and clears caches and other things that may resolve your problem. dylib had been altered, I examined the same file on a Mac Pro. 20k 11 11 在iOS开发中,为了提升系统的安全性,很多系统库文件都被打包到一个缓存的文件当中即dyld缓存,那大家对dyld缓存了解多少呢?今天小编将和大家分享的就是一位iOS大神对dyld缓存的使用分析,一起来看看吧。首先,我们来了解下dyld缓存。在iOS系统中,几乎所有的程序都会用到动态库,而动态库在 dyld_shared_cache_arm64. [] 解决方案似乎是: sudo update_dyld_shared_cache -force 但是当我执行这个命令时,会出现大约 50 行错误: update_dyld_shared_cache: for arch i386, can't put /usr/lib/libutil. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. 从 macOS Big Sur 开始,Apple 不再随 macOS 一起提供系统库,而是提供所有内置动态库的生成缓存,并排除原始库。 dyld-shared-cache-extrator 工具可以从缓存中提取这些库以进行逆向工程。 Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com. dylib 0x109e48ecc demangling_terminate_handler() + 300 5 首先是 dyld_shared_cache 文件的提取。 下载 ipsw 固件之后,当作 zip 解压出文件系统对应的 dmg,挂载,找到对应的路径直接复制出来即可。 iOS 16 的 dyld_shared_cache 已经不是单一文件,包含多个 dyld_shared_cache_[arch]. My user folder is 135 GB including a User Library of 18 GB. - geekonion/dyld_shared_cache A CLI for extracting libraries from Apple's dyld shared cache file - dyld-shared-cache-extractor/README. Instance Properties. One way is provided by Apple itself: the dyld_shared_cache_util command-line tool. shared Cache Unreliable Slid Base Address. I think the ReadMe should let you know where the dyld shared cache is on macOS 13. Today when I start debugging the flutter(2. You have to navigate to this issue to find out where they are on macOS 13. I tried all the other methods provided by various sources. I just added the info where I found the dyld cache on my MacBook Air M1. MacOS 12. other system cleaners work but daisy disk and omnidisksweeper aren't working so I have to flush the on mac, maybe try: 'update_dyld_shared_cache' – Gal Bracha. When loading [an executable file], dyld will first check if is in the share cache, and if it is will use that pre-bound version instead of opening, Starting with macOS 11, update_dyld_shared_cache is deprecated and, as in iOS, the only copy of the libraries is in the "cache". A graphical dyld_shared_cache viewer and extractor for macOS. Improve this answer. Okay, I believe this was introduced in iOS 15 beta. dyld subcommand provides a lot of functionalities related to the dyld_shared_cache. Note: macOS Big Sur beta 9 changed the format of dyld_shared_cache. 3) app, the macOS Monerey 12. Gal Bracha Gal Bracha. If your goal is to increase storage space on your Mac's drive, this would not be a good place to start. However, one tool I have a dyld folder in my Mac System/Library folder. The drawback of this FileStream is that since this is a file-based access, it takes more time compared to a LIEF::VectorStream. A couple days ago, every command I execute in a Terminal window begin producing one or more lines saying: Attempting to see if /usr/lib/libSystem. dylib 0x10eb5b124 pthread_kill + 256 2 libsystem_c. 1之后,所有默认的(公共的public和私有的private)库都被合并到一个大的缓存文件中. cpp This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. Even if I clean trash box, it cause over and over again. Depending on what you're doing inspecting them in Hopper is the easiest option; For a bit more functionality you can build the dyld_shared_cache_util target from the latest dyld source dump, but this requires some modifications The problem with the 2 options above is that they can lag behind format changes dyld_cache_extract - Extractor utility for DYLD shared cache Available options: --help Shows this help dialog. Apart from the modify date, the files were identical. But I’m wondering what they are, why they accumulate, and what I can We will start with the ipsw extract command which allows us to extract kernelcache, dyld_shared_cache, DeviceTree and Im4p keybags from IPSW/OTA files. It runs to update the cache at times such as for On my system that dyld folder takes up 9. This tool allows you to extract these libraries from the cache for reverse engineering. A. ryanmkurtz self-assigned this Apr 22, 2022. dylib 0x10ea00f30 __pthread_kill + 8 1 libsystem_pthread. dyld的shared cache的最典型文件名就是:arm64版本的: dyld_shared_cache_arm64. 5GB of memory. dyls::_main() is the entry point of dyld and it's first task is to run configureProcessRestrictions(), which usually restricts DYLD_* environment variables 对Apple的dyld项目的修改,用于在从macOS Big Sur中提取dyld_shared_cache时修复Objective-C信息,以帮助Hopper生成可读的伪代码。注意:macOS Big Sur beta 9更改了dyld_shared_cache的格式。当前,该项目仅支持beta 1-8。 用法 构建dyld_shared_cache_util ,这还将构建其依赖项dsc_extractor 。dyld_shared_cache_util已修改为在同一目录中 macOS 13. 2; dyld_shared_cache_arm64. Dyld will be loaded by dyldboostrap::start, which will also load things such as the stack canary. coming soon experimental dyld shared cache > sudo update_dyld_shared_cache . Update (2020-07-27): Jeff Johnson: Static disassembly tools such as otool and llvm-objdump have not been updated to handle the dyld shared cache on Big Sur. 1 Monterey compatible version of dyld_shared_cache_util - angelystor/dyld_shared_cache_util 想要分析某个系统库,就需要从 dyld_shared_cache 里先将的原始二进制文件提取出来,这里从易到难提供 3 种方法: 5. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters Support for new dyld_shared_cache format in iOS 15/macOS 12 #3345; The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: All reactions. The I'd like to delete the DYLD's Shared Cache located at /private/var/db/dyld on High Sierra Mac machines for analysis of an issue. Its directory should not be touched. However, it is not being deleted (nor freshly created) even when I perform There are a few different ways you can interact with these shared caches. Introduction. The dyld shared cache is slightly misnamed because it’s not actually a cache [1]. Extract Binaries from Apple's Dyld Shared Cache. 1 What iOS & macOS 作为操作系统,其中内置了许多系统库(Library)。dyld_shared_cache,即动态库共享缓存。自 iOS 3. dyld_shared_cache_arm64e. md5 dyld(动态链接编辑器)是macOS和iOS上的一个核心组件,用于在运行时解析应用程序的动态链接库依赖关系并加载它们。dyld_shared_cache是iOS和macOS上一个特殊的缓存区域,包含了系统中所有共享库的缓存。这对于优化 Apple Footer. 1 dyld_shared_cache_x86_64. Currently this project only supports beta 1-8. From a technical perspective, LIEF is using a LIEF::FileStream to access (on-demand) dyld shared cache structures. Some of the functionalities are: getting info about the dyld_shared_cache. When a program starts up, it needs to load all the libraries it What are the files in System/Library/dyld folder for? I see files named at_shared_cache and dyld_shared_cache_x86 for example. shared Cache UUID. Updated Feb 14, 2025; Improve this page Add a description, image, and links to the dyld-shared-cache topic page so that developers can more easily learn about it. I have used many system cleaners and daisy disk, until I upgraded to MacOS 11 (Big Sur) and daisy disk said that the disk was read only. Focus - 谈谈 iOS 中的 dyld_shared_cache Date Notes Source Code 2018-10-14 首次提交 dyld-551. I'm suspecting this is the same point at Di video ini saya bahas tentang sesuatu yg "disembunyikan" oleh sistem operasi macOS yaitu Dyld Shared Cache. Those that can be safely aot_shared_cache 2. A macOS command-line tool to dump the contents of dyld shared cache files. dyld_shared_cache_x86_64 2. dylib in shared cache because it is not owned by root update_dyld_shared_cache: for arch i386, can't put /usr/lib/libtidy. You can instantly classdump any compatible Mach-o file, either if it is physically stored on disk or it resides in the dyld_shared_cache. dylddata、. 这篇文章介绍了如何在Mac系统下配置Java JDK、Maven和Tomcat的环境变量,包括配置文件的选择、解决环境变量在zsh shell中无效的问题、查看和设置系统环境变量的方法,以及JDK和Maven的下载、配置和测试步骤。 dyld_shared_cache_arm64对应64位的版本,而dyld_shared_cache_armv7s对应32位的版本。 的进程无法访问DYLD_开头的环境变量,一种典型的系统攻击就是针对这种情况而发生的,在macOS版 dyld(Dynamic Linker)是 macOS 和 iOS 系统中的动态链接器,它是负责在运行时加载和链接动态共享库(dylib)或可执行文件的组件。在 macOS 系统中,dyld 位于。dyld源码地址。 My mac got a trash box always full soon. dylib. --info [PATH] Displays informations about a dyld_shared_cache file. TLDR: They are cached files created as you boot up your Mac, it will be created again even if you delete it. 1开始,为了提高系统的性能,所有的系统库文件都被打包保存到了一个很大的缓存文件当中,而为了减少冗余,原始的那些未打包的库二进制文件都被删掉了。 aot_shared_cache, like the other files in that folder, is the prebuilt and prelinked dyld cache for the system frameworks. The latest version is a little behind, at macOS 10. Now as I understand the dyld cache is a kind of database of dynamically linked libraries. _mac 动态库cache技术 One is in the dyld cache and contains a PrebuiltLoader for each dylib that is part of the dyld shared cache. 2 当中强化了 dscu (dyld_shared_cache utils)的功能 [2] , 可参考官方文档的 IDA: IDA 7. They contain system-shared cache files that assist in starting up your Mac. main-thread 0 libsystem_kernel. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for I have a 250 GB hard drive on a 2018 Macbook pro running Mac OS Monterey 12. Fortunately, dyld provided a utility bundle for extracting image files from the IDA 在 7. 1 dyld_cache_extract 提取. 36GB and the dyld_shared_cache_arm64e. _INITIALIZERS DYLD_PRINT_REBASINGS DYLD_PRINT_SEGMENTS DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS DYLD_PRINT_DOFS DYLD_NO_PIE Hi MPU Geeks, I’m dealing with a sudden drop in disk space on my MBA 2020 running an M1 chip OS 12. --extract-all [PATH] [OUT_DIR] Extracts all libraries from a dyld_shared_cache file. Unfortunately, this tool does not come installed with macOS Big Sur. extracting the A graphical viewer and extractor for dyld_shared_cache on macOS. Starting with macOS 11, standalone binaries of system libraries are not shipped with the system anymore. OP could theoretically delete 3/4 of the cache files, Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company $ sudo update_dyld_shared_cache -force (no messages are displayed while running). dyld缓存文件有两种格式:aot_shared_cache和dyld_shared_cache。 aot_shared_cache是针对Apple Silicon(苹果芯片)的格式,它包含了一些已经编译好的机器码,可以直接在ARM架构的处理器上运行。 Fortunately, there are ways to extract the system libraries from the cache. dyld_shared_cache_x86_64. Its job is to load dynamic frameworks, also known as dynamic libraries, when the apps that use them are launched. The download Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company A command-line tool to extract dylib files from the dyld shared cache file. Unless otherwise stated, the following assumes macOS 11. 61gb. map file is 756KB. symbols 等相关文件。 To navigate the symbols, press Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow or Right Arrow Verifying "dyld_sim_shared_cache_arm64" When I try to google it I can't find any information. find_library will change slightly - enough to break a couple of tests. 1 and am now getting this suspect popup. 5GB . Does anybody know what this is? It has a progress bar which doesn't change at all. Mac system bloat, dyld duplicates, and Adobe I have a 250 GB hard drive on a 2018 Macbook pro running Mac OS Monterey 12. Reply. on your Mac? Thanks. That means we cannot reverse-engineer those system libraries / frameworks directly. As of macOS Big Sur, instead of shipping the system libraries with macOS, Apple ships a generated cache of all built in dynamic libraries and excludes the originals. Ref: Free up storage space on your Mac - 五 iOS逆向- 动态库共享缓存(dyld shared cache) 共享缓存机制; dyld简介; 共享缓存库中抽取动态库; 从iOS 3. As it is part of macOS system files, it is recommended NOT TO No it's not safe to remove, and is expected to be present when launching applications. 文章浏览阅读914次,点赞18次,收藏14次。macOS 动态库提取工具 dyld_cache_extract 常见问题解决方案 dyld_cache_extract A macOS utility to extract dynamic libraries from the dyld_shared_cache of macOS and iOS. 4 2018-12-12 补充 dyld_shared_cache 路径来源 system_cmds-805. Contribute to arandomdev/DyldExtractor development by creating an account on GitHub. Bundle und Plugins ihre eigenen shared libraries mitbringen, werden sie dort vorgehalten. 1 Suspect Popup Window "Confirm Execution" I recently updated to macOS Monterey 12. all are identical file size and creation dates, and total 12. dyld_shared_cache_x86_64h 2. Thus, the in-memory consumption is limited to the size of the structures being accessed. It is significantly slowing down my MacBook. . util. This is a new feature of Big Sur, whereby these frameworks are only shipped on the OS in this form, man update_dyld_shared_cache Der Cache bündelt shared libraries, damit Programme schneller starten. This object is the dyld shared cache (dyld_shared_cache_x86_64h), which appears in your lsof output. Additionally, LIEF’s dyld shared cache for unsupported Mac aka Monterey BaseSystem fix. It's not recommended to delete it manually. dyld I just noticed that update_dyld_sim_shared_cache is taking up 5. 1. 目的:提高性能 Primary Fix: Clear the iOS Device Support Cache. 0+ struct dyld_shared_cache_loadinfo_v2 {}; Topics. This process stalled at the step updating dyld shared cache. Stack Exchange Network. Does anyone know what is dyld_shared_cache_arm64 files? Please let me know how handle it. Da viele App-. 从iOS 3. mount it on macOS and fetch the files according to the paths above; You can even extract them from a running device, but this requires extra care and effort to succeed and potentially a separate blog I am trying to force the update of my dyld shared cache using the command sudo update_dyld_shared_cache -root / -force But after a while I see a bunch of errors like this, related to spindump: After that restart your mac and repeat the operation. Can you please check if you have the file dyld_shared_cache_arm64e. The Dyld Shared Cache (DSC) seems to be split into separate files, i. 3 dyld_shared_cache_arm64e [has 'terminal' icon] dyld_shared_cache_arm64e. To increase available storage space read Try booting to Safe Mode. finding which dylibs import another dylib. 项目介绍 dlopen is fine, but I'm working on a PR to make CPython binaries more portable across MacOS versions. 0 Posted on Nov 15, 2020 9:50 PM Me too (115) until I upgraded to MacOS 11 (Big Sur) and daisy disk said that the disk was read only. Rather, it’s part of macOS’s mastering process. This tool allows you to It turns out that all those libraries are instead prelinked together in a single big executable file referred to as dyld shared library cache. 220. DYLD_SHARED_CACHE_DIR: Ścieżka do użycia dla pamięci ldconfig 的话直接用 sudo update_dyld_shared_cache 就好了。 顺便推荐几个有趣的工具,分别是 otx 还有 class-dump。 otx 相当于一个简易的反编译器,高级版的也有,叫 Hopper Disassembler ,不过太贵了,小的程序用用 otx 已经够了。 class-dump 则是可以列出头文件,对于逆向工程 However, contrary to the man page, DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH is empty or undefined by default on Mac OS X, as shown by the following bash commands. Link. Share. How to use safe mode on your Mac - Apple Support. Curate this topic dyld-shared-cache-extractor. How can these "arm" related I'd like to delete the DYLD's Shared Cache located at /private/var/db/dyld on High Sierra Mac machines for analysis of an issue. 1 后,所有系统动态库被集合成一个 dyld_shared_cache 文件,以提升性能。 当然,macOS 也有 dyld_shared_cache,比较特别的是可以通过 update_dyld_shared_cache 更新。 为 This specific program is used to update a separate dynamic linking cache for the Simulator app that comes with Xcode. shared Cache Flags. sudo update_dyld_shared_cache -root / -force PS see detailed comment from @CharlieMonroe MacOS Shared DYLD Cache Extraction (Big Sur) Raw. Follow answered Aug 28, 2017 at 13:59. 3. Storage management lists a huge number of dyld_shared_cache files, many of them taking up around 1 GB. The per-app PrebuiltLoaderSet come from two locations: the dyld cache or from a file. But I don't have enough expertise to draw any further conclusions and googling does not help much. If I use dlopen in my PR, the behavior of ctypes. md at main · keith/dyld-shared-cache-extractor. The one suggested by jblaauboer above is the only solutions that actually worked. 91GB! The dyld_shared_cache_arm64e file is 222. dylib 0x109e57778 abort_message + 128 4 libc++abi. Mass-dumps whole dyld_shared_cache or directories containing any mach-o file recursively. macho dyld dyld-shared-cache dyld-shared-cache-extractor. 1 on MacOS 10. 5GB的内存。这显著地拖慢了我的MacBook。强制退出这个进程是否安全?我正在使用macOS Big Sur 11. Interestingly, one of the few sources that does talk about it is the iPhone dev wiki , as iOS uses the same mechanism to avoid having to ship the standalone libraries at all. 概述:所有Framework库都被合并到共享缓存shared cache中了; 详解. A computer program uses many libraries, which contains shared code used by different programs. I am using macOS Big Sur Version 11. Show more Less. The other is per-app PrebuiltLoaderSet. dyldlinkedit、. 14. Customer support at Apple urged me to delete them—I’ve done a few. dyld的shared cache = dyld (shared) cache. Current page is dyld_shared_cache_loadinfo_v2 我刚刚注意到update_dyld_sim_shared_cache占用了5. shared Cache Slide. dylib in shared cache After having interrupted the installation, the computer booted up to a message saying that Mac OS cannot be installed/upgraded on this system, and booting from the USB drive didn't work anymore either, it appeared to be corrupted somehow. dyld_shared_cache_x68_64h. 2. [序号],以及 . Skip to main content. dylib 0x10b0475c0 abort + 104 3 libc++abi. 1 @GalBracha Can you convert your comment to an answer ? I've just tested it and I believe it's the right answer ! sudo update_dyld_shared_cache. shared Cache Slid First Mapping. 位置:/System/Library/Caches/com. B. 3 shows info like this: verifying "dyld_sim_shared_cache_arm64" and the verify popup window could not complete for hours. Keith Smiley: As of macOS Big Sur, instead of shipping the system libraries with macOS, Apple ships a generated cache of all built in dynamic libraries and excludes the originals. dyld_shared . Contribute to jacklukem/Montereyfixes development by creating an account on GitHub. 15. 2 – The Mac Rundown。 简单说就是采用了一种逐步加载的策略。一开始可以只选择 single module,然后在缺失的地址上右键允许动态载入新的 segment 或者模块。 MacOS 12. 2 jtool 提取 Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Modifications to Apple's dyld project to fix Objective-C information when extracting dyld_shared_cache from macOS Big Sur to help Hopper generate readable pseudocode. Eliminates the need to extract files from the dyld_shared_cache in order to class-dump them or get symbols. psnswjzgbxwddixmkwyuaxtpwwwcaadmubqnspqjnplsubmsnpkryluxrjxxjfpmblqtjxt