Ck3 no male heir There are also certain rare circumstances under male-preference that I've seen this happen as well. Sep 4, 2020; Add bookmark #5 Jakelol said: Other options are marry them off to infertile wives and then when you die and switch to your prefered son you can plot to murder them (you'll be the heir), have them study theology so they can take monk vows easier, if you are sadistic you can murder plot them directly, you can put them in charge of a small army and then purposely lose battles often. Then I If the Pope is against it or they don't agree just throw them in the dungeon and negotiate their release. Got a nice chunk of Spain, but not the entire Empire. Fourth is my character's only grandson, the middle boy's son. To explain succinctly, the game determines the player heir by your succession law. The heir should marry a spouse based on traits. It could be that you have some sort of Election Law on which you can remove, it could be you need to murder some people or it could be you simply give your Tom013 had it right: Your Player Heir is the heir of your primary title, the Kingdom of Ireland, which is using Tanistry Elective Succession. There is no heir as of yet, and since the two of you are only betrothed, there is time to generate an heir before she could give birth to one. 4 of the last 5 of my kings have either been a known murderer, fornicator, adulterer, deviant, kinslayer You die with no heir of your dynasty You die and your heir has an unplayable government. ck3. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to secure the future of your dynasty. But i just find the concept of "matrilineal marriage" kinda weird in this context of Europe. Anyways, I need to know what I can do to make an heir around the year 950. Discussion I had a vassal, female, that had no heir inside my realm. Q&A. In CK2, I recall primogeniture being more prominent, but in CK3 I've never unlocked it. There are no laws added to the empire title. One of the last Targaryen's, young boy with consumption, if he dies There were unusual situations of course, but only if there were no male heirs it most often went back and over so it would be the dying kings brothers or his father brothers heirs or even cousins. Again referring to the screenshot you can see male preference and crown authority is 2 so it is literally impossible for me to say who my heir is. The Issue is, that your Son is an Heir to an Republic Title and this makes him not being able to be your Player Heir. R5: A tricky situation! Without realizing what would unfold, I acknowledged a son of mine born out of wedlock. Still learning this game. You could seduce someone(s) for a son and expose/legitimize them before your wife has your first child, then the legitimized son would be the primary heir. Also My daughter suddenly stopped being my heir and now her daughter (1yo) has become my player heir (some time after being born, not directly at birth). This is the twisted solution frowned about. This is the very first one that allows Wide play, as one large Title will stay and not break. I say maybe take a look at your family Male Only. I eventually had two sons but still didn't have an heir until I revoked some titles and he was now getting a single county. I think you shouldn't lose if any of 7, 8 or 9 inherit any of your lands but can't say for sure --- I'd fear if CK3 Because Male heirs in direct lineage from your female ruler trump your sisters right to rule/inherit . I’m player as a male have a son and not seeing my heir. It's just like real life, women weren't crowned if there was CK3 has quite the selection of graphic medieval diseases. Gender law for religion is equal, succession law for primary title is male preference. His youngest daughter has a son, and now the King's heir is his grandson. The player heir denotes the character who the player will continue playing as upon succession; this is always one's primary heir unless that character belongs to a different dynasty. Anyways, after killing my husband to find another spouse, I couldn't find one that can produce an heir (it says no chance of producing an heir). Under these circumstances, I'd expect the oldest boy the be the heir. It costs less to disinherit heirs who don't own land. It doesn't change the inheritance system in any way, but it randomises as which heir you will continue to play. All your title a. You can marry all 3 of your redundant heirs . Thanks for any info to We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Ruler just inherited and is around 30, and his younger brothers and sisters hold all the council positions because they are insane stats wise. If this sibling is dead, a living heir is sought among their descendants In ck3 you land your son early, he builds up his own prestige, generates his own gold builds his own MaA so when they finally take the crown they have some kind of backing i almost always land every son after they turn 16 if they have good Per the rules of the game they aren't heirs. Well as you can see from the screenshot. Rule 5) Choose your Mentor carefully. If you have several/many sons everything gets divvied up between them - and the girls still get nothing. Top. There are books Only problem, it was once again a 65 year old woman with no direct heir. Pretty much 10+ across the board, just wasn't sure how the game deals with a female heir in the 1100's in Ireland. This primary heir thing started under the previous ruler and I was hoping when he died it would straighten itself out and revert to normal but Heirs [edit | edit source]. CK3 Share Sort by: Best. Male heirs are usually married late to expand the playtime of every character. vote for your player heir. It says "Will be inherited according to your Male Preference High Partition law. My character has 3 children (with his empress), none of which are disinherited, 2 sons and a daughter, yet no heir. Here is My PC king has 7 or so children but his 1 son and male heir dies so now his eldest daughter is the heir. (Make sure female heirs are married matrilinealy) In terms of spousal skills (not including inheritable traits), the best one to go for is high Stewardship. Reverse-Semi-Salic - The same but women inherit first. And to top it all off, he then decides to hit it with your daughter, the Empress of the Romans, got step 5. Ha, sorry, I was unclear - I was commenting on England’s history specifically, which is the nation OP was playing. Worried the kingdom will fall apart, but that's part of the fun as well. Personally i only grant my heir land if i need him in a strong position after succession. Well, if you have "Desirable Match" you can marry a landed man. a empires, kingdoms, duchies and counties would be divided between your heirs based on the law which governs your domain. His heir is his brother. ' is a key statement here. Crusader Kings 3 by Paradox Interactive Members If you have Male only then only boys can inherit but male preference will let girls get titles if you have no male heirs. I never realized how much I was making CK3 less fun with my play style until one of my characters didn’t have enough children, both male heirs died before having children. If this child is dead, a living heir is sought among their descendants in the same manner. As long as you can handle the partition effects on your male heirs- for which Elective is great- [Gender] Go to ck3 r/ck3. Your player heir now gets all of the land in this duchy guaranteed, and the land in this duchy doesn’t factor into inheritance so he’ll get at least a little extra land too. You don't even have to play another character if it is really a moral problem and a non written rule. Both situations give this message. As the heir is the only problem changing it solves the problem, no need to assassinate all the other members of the family, divorce the empress and hope she will have a child with the new husband. He and his wife managed to have a single, inbred boy. r/ck3 Help no player heir . " The line of succession shows the youngest boy, then the oldest, then the middle. This often means the heir of the Your heir then decides to straight up murder in a duel your other son, the King of Maghreb, the only man ever capable of pacifying the region for good. This is very weird as I haven't changed my inheritance laws or anything similar to that. You change to an unplayable government or religion You lose all titles without dying and the game is unable to transfer play to another ruler of your dynasty You reach the start of the year 1453 None of these game ending scenarios are matched. New. seseboye • No, if your heir has kids in a matrilineal marriage thry will eventually rule your kingdom and your heir will be of a different dynasty, meaning a game over [CK3]If I matrilinealy marry my If you are concerned about that situation, you could look into playing a Male Dominated faith so that your daughters and their children can never inherit (Male Preference should also work, but you still have the CK3 Why do I not have a player heir? It's also indicated by the notification saying no player heir of the same dynasty. Add a Comment. I just want to say that I'm totally fine if my game is practically over. Ck3 is all about enjoying the shit show. Succession laws: I hope that CK3 introduces the following gender law mechanics: Agnatic (Male only) and Cognatic (Male preference) - You can’t grant landed titles to unlanded It doesn't show what my player heir's s line of succession will be which is what I'm trying to figure out. I had this same issue, my first marriage wasn't matrilineal so my first 4 daughters were of another dynasty. She is not set to inherit my PRIMARY title (Empire) but IS set Now in CK3, I also do the same method of parenting and afterwards give them a taste of statesmanship early on but it's become disappointing seeing them always fuck up. I just died so I'm now playing as my oldest son. r/ck3. If you look at her portrait, the ring with the female symbol through means it’s matrilineal, a regular marriage would just show 2 rings. My King’s male heir died before he could inherit, so instead I wound playing as his daughter. No-Lunch4249 • Are you a woman in a patrilineal marriage, or a man in a matrilineal marriage? If so your primary heir (Earl Aethelbert) would not be the same as your Player Heir, who must be of your dynasty. It caused a mini succession crisis and split my lands between my daughters. Even today the Japanese Throne does Yes, Born in the Purple heirs have priority over heirs who aren't. Children get the trait if their mother is the wife of the Byzantine Emperor (or is the Byzantine Empress) and is in the capital at the time. In the situation of multiple eligible heirs and multiple kingdom-tier titles: The primary heir (and player heir if they're of your dynasty) receives the primary title, every vassal de jure part of the primary title and every vassal who's title is de jure part of a title that you do not hold. If a character expects to inherit one or more titles from a ruler, they are that ruler's heir. Looks like the new emperor would take all my demesnes but is probably not true. High Partition, your Heir inheritance is a Lions share (like 80%), no new title. CK3: Obviously if you have a son & many daughters (with male preference default) he inherits everything and they get nothing. If you are in a faith that has male preference, be sure the heir you want is male. However, she was already married to a dude in a patrilineal marriage so all of her kids (there’s like 5 of them) are of his dynasty. My son who has been the heir for all of his life(he is 52) is suddenly not an heir for some reason. Now, for some reason the new player heir is my My 4th child (female) is of my dynasty, but it says i dont have a player heir (my character is a woman btw) Partition, kids equally inherent, but no new Titles. I didn't change any Hi all, I’m new to this game and confused as to why my oldest son suddenly stopped being my player heir and was downgraded to 3rd in the line of succession while my succession law is primogeniture. In this situation he still has male When I unpaused the game my heir switched to my second son. I Added Historical Medieval Theologians in my CK3 Game 8. 14 votes, 10 comments. He turned out to be older than my eldest son, making him my primary heir. Any time I have a ruler who isn’t producing or hasn’t produced a male heir, I make sure my daughters’ For example, say the King has two daughters and no sons. Alternatively, change your laws to elective and try to If an heir is granted their titles in advance, their fellow heirs won't inherit claims on them, which reduces infighting after succession. I ran through the dynasty castrating them before finally the heir became one of his Christian Armenian vassals. Inheritance prioritizes the house members. I immediately paused the game to figure out what had happened and my first son was now listed as the heir to one of the cities I had given away. The government must also autosave_exit. Aug 21, 2013 104 18. Although in my experience with ck2 and ck3 lots of the times something seems off, you will find some type of reason as to why it happened To avoid this, what I'm doing now is whenever my ruler is near death, I imprison and execute all of his male heirs except my primary heir so thar he inherits all the titles and the realm remains in tact. And i also do this with female heirs but unlock some fertility boosts before. It's 1000 prestige with no cool down so you definitely can test it out if you prestige to burn (late game you must do). Yes, if you have no male heirs it will be divided between your daughters. He dies and his daughter takes over and almost Look at your primary Title (Scandinavia) and see whos next in line to inherit. It says "Male only" and for designated heir it says I can't change it because I don't have absolute crown authority. To answer your question: They become a vassal of your primary heir This is one of the most important mechanics in CK3, but also one of the least intuitive. Based on your inheritance law which would most likely be confederate partition in 867, you would have multiple heirs not a single one. Sending your sons to become monks or join holy orders can also remove them from succession. No question. She is my SECOND daughter. But if it causes abrupt ending of campaigns cause your heir isn't technically in your dynasty, then thats not 'She has no kids yet. Only male heirs can inherit or be granted titles, and men can have concubines or extra spouses depending on their Faith and Culture. Of course you can combine any and all of the above. And yes, even after I took this screenshot after the son wasn't just 0 years old it still says this. There is a key difference between not having an heir and having an heir of the wrong dynasty. The simplest way to resolve this is to put an elective law on your primary title and I suddenly got a message saying that my primary heir, my eldest son who is also of my dynasty, and has his own children also of my dynasty, is "no longer your heir". You can repeat the process for as many CK3 So, my third game, 6th ruler total. There's my second son, who is my player heir's brother, and then my first son has a grandson through his only child which is a Succession is how the game generates a lot of its content. Reply. 32 Badges. Update': After succeeding to all 3 kingdoms with my nephew my son from before if now my primary heir so that's good lol. He is the only son who is from a matrilineal marriage. And I recently became incapable. I have married a count and the land when to my daughter's heirs, who were also her husband's heirs of course. If you have a male child before your daughter has a son, they will be locked in first. You may only have to do it for the male sons, depending on gender laws. So as soon as she would die, I'd lose her land. Have had a couple of restarts and on this one, I didn't have a player heir. Try to force them to take vows before executing, it's less bad. This is the closest you will get until House Seniority (Heir inherents all current Holdings). I need to know who my player heir will be after my first son dies. Did the "Hard" Start in england, 867. Anyway she went on to live for a really long time, enough time for me to wait for the next crusade, pledge my troops, appoint another obscure member of my dynasty (this time a young male with two healthy sons) as beneficiary and take the kingdom of catholic Syria. If your heir is female, it will confer a -120 malus to that character. Maybe. 4 MB · Views: 0 Furthermore, "Male Preference" merely means that younger male children take precedence before older female children, not that female children do not inherit. I was weirdly able to then give the counties my second alive son would have inherited to my first one. Inconvenient, but fine. Being British, we were taught a bunch of history about the nation, and there were relatively few wars of succession Found this character who has tons of claims, including 3 kingdoms (Senegal, Kaabu, and Mali), but has no land and no current title and is not near the top of the line for succession. If you have Agnatic-Cognatic, then women can only inherit if there are no valid male heirs. If you have Cognatic then women inherit on the same terms as men. Not a bug, just really unlucky with your son getting that title. I can’t think of any other way you’d have 3 kids of your dynasty and This question would be easy if it was asking what happens to the player with no heirs. Instead you can choose another character to play. Your culture doesn't recognize a female heir when there is a male present in the lineage? That's the only thing I can think of. The realm succession law only applies They are your heirs and will inherit your titles but can't be your player heir. But it should be safe, because he is already a feudal Ruler, so the Game probably is only confused about this, unless of course your Son's Culture has this strange Tradition, which overrides an Character's Government after Inheritance and change it So I was playing normally until I saw the no player heir notification. I learned a lot during my campaign. I’ve lost an heir like that before and it’s been rectified by a reload. If your son has titles outside of you liege’s realm and your liege has tier 3 crown authority then all your titles will default to tour liege. Edit: I also found a mod called inherichance. I play Alfonso in the Spain scenario 1060. Bot now the game tells me that this young boy Gorm Ruriksson should be my I once had an heir who had the sterile trait. I have waited about 20 years in-game for it to fix itself with no luck. Reply reply [deleted] • This doesn’t work so good anymore as it was needed in a prior patch. Update: Redid this. That works 100% of the time. When I change gender laws to Male-Only my heir is changed to her husband, the King of Denmark. In Crusader Kings 2, it would go to a brother, sister, or even uncle if you have no siblings, before jumping to the mother (honestly I'm not sure if it ever jumped to the mother because I remember inheriting half a kingdom once when a distant CK3 . Report. Im in the same boat right now. But if you could somehow switch to a new dynasty (say, via the console), how and who does the game generate as new rulers of a realm that exhausted all options given the feudal succession law on which it is built?The easy answer to this second However, when I gave him those lands, my heir switched to my second son alive. There might be questions over whether the age of the daughters is relevant, or just the age of the In one of my modded 1066 runs, I swapped over to the Basileus winning the war and imprisoning the Abbasid ruler and his male family members. This will make them better knights and its always better to have a loyal, 30 prowess brother than a disloyal 25 intregue throne claiment. Only give them Land if they are your Primary heir or you want your Dynasty to spread. Fertility-Stability: Boys. The moment I land my heir they immediately do some imprisonable offense. I unpaused the game assuming I had made some sort of a mistake and within a few days my first son was no longer the heir to the city. Is there a better way I could be doing this? Having no kids and being not in a matrilineal marriage I successfully plotted and killed my husband to attempt a matrilineal mariage but absolutely everyone refuses, I have tried for about 20-30 years to get one, attempting to ask everyone I could. Read it again. There's lot to do in ck3! Reply reply MrFreshLycheee Divorce your husband, marry matrilineally, pray you are still young enough for children (marry a beautiful/fecund man), "disinherit" your bleh children until your house child is heir. Oh boy! Reddit Game of Thrones fans are a wacky bunch a shitsticks! Let's point and laugh. Hi all, I've seen a few similar questions but still don't have the answer so was wondering if anyone could help? I have recently started playing and have been doing to the 11th century Ireland game. Best. If you are on Male Only then I don't think this is an My current heir is the only (living) male child of my current Emperor, and is the result of a marriage he made AFTER he became Emperor (and the woman he married was a cousin from within my main dynasty). Now on 4th generation, have england and wales created around 960 AD. How could he realistically acquire any (or all) of them? Short answer no - by default your heir is your eldest son, or their eldest son if they die. When I die my 1st son is my player heir. For some reason, when I reform Asatru my player heir is changed to my third daughter. If this includes their primary title, they are that ruler's primary heir specifically. My second-born son is also dead, and his son is the King of Sweden. With Primo they (the designated heir) gets everything though so no bother The designate heir is there from the ck3 game mechanics, but in westerosi customs a ruler cannot chose which son will inherit, The eldest son is always the heir. There is a option if you are the Dynasty Head. If the vassals are weak and factions wont be an issue i keep him at court. Failing that, have a flip through your dynasty/house tree, see if you can find the heir through that. Different cultures and different countries distribute lands to inheritors differently, and you can play around with it to try to get good results for your Dynasty. So, I murdered the baby and seduced, then romanced his wife and had two kids with her. However, because of the circumstances of his birth, he's Piling on this. My Queen is 48 years old so more kids are probably not on the horizon. We each hit at least one game over from a generation of daughters. After I reunited everything under one Just in my first CK3 game as Munster and the old Petty King has done a bang up job of taking a good portion of southern Ireland. More posts you may like Does anyone know why the first daughter will inherit the father's tittles but not the mother's? (No male heirs) My DLC wishlist for 2024 and beyond for CK3 11 votes, 11 comments. My second son is now Kill the husband (and maybe the heir for good measure), get a new matrilineal marriage, and take family / seduction focus and the groom an heir ambition and stack that fertility Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Your heir is of the mothers dynasty due to a matrilineal marriage. . There are some circumstances where you can change the heir or who you play as. Please explain how to reproduce the issue Can you get rid of male heirs through matrilineal marriage? Best. Note that children tend to love their parents, Fortunately you don't automatically lose if you don't have an heir of your dynasty in CK3. Rule 4) Do not forget to assign education choice. Controversial. k. The message states "no played heir of your dynasty". Go to ck3 r/ck3. In CK3 terms, gender is most relevant in two ways: how it impacts fertility, and how Attraction buffs work. She had two children who WEREN'T our dynasty, so I divorced their dad and then married matrilneally and had another daugther, who IS of my dynasty. Due to succession rights and general CK weirdness, my player heir was my nephew for whatever reason. Heirs [edit | edit source]. Open comment sort options. Game over. Old. You can give them their own 1 county court so they don't risk infecting yours. There's an exception for Elective Agnatic-Cognatic, which allows women to inherit on the same terms as men (meaning, if they have the most votes they inherit). I think message about "no heir" is a bug - i managed after that to get another duchy and create a kingdom (both in de jure byzantine empire, but one in kingdom) and still receiving that message. Im kinda a history nerd so its my own gripe lol. But then, my second alive son was no longer my heir If they are under "male preference" the first born male grand child will inherit before a 2nd born child. I'm Cathar and Norman. I rule as King Rurik the Troublemaker and have this - Man like a Tree - Jarl Helgi as my first, 45 year old, Son and i worked towards to let him be my Successor. I understand most people probably don't care. Sometimes graphical/icon glitches can be fixed with that. When I want to conquer the world, I start EuIv. You could kill her heirs outside of the realm to inherit her titles yourself if there is no eligible heir. His eldest daughter then has a son, and now that younger grandson is heir instead. Even if you divorce and get a You lose the game if you are inherited by someone of not your dynasty (different house from same dynasty is ok). The counties you have do not necessarily would be given to your main heir. If the ruler has no living descendants, the oldest sibling is chosen. Ghostar Second Lieutenant. Worst case is to send them against hostile armies by So I said good bye to achievement runs. If you have more than 1 male kid or have shieldmaiden cultral idea, make sure your other kids are mil educations. She is queen of Denmark, married to my nephew. If you get absolute crown authority (level 4), you can designate an heir (so you could have made one Semi-Salic - All men Inherit first until there are none left then the daughter of the last male heir inherits. More money and more domain limit are always useful. Looks like you have no other male heirs of your dynasty either. It is hard to imprison your children if they own land. Basically it's gone nephew primary heir (Caleb) and firstborn son landless (Rory) but now I'm playing as Caleb my primary heir is Rory! Hi there, first time posting! I've logged 81 hours in CK3 and finally reformed the Ukonusko faith, and my eldest daughter inherited the Scandinavian Empire. true. On the person I would assume was heir (firstborn male), it says they are successors to You’ve given basically no evidence, but I’m gonna take a shot in the dark guess and say it’s because you have absolute male preference and only daughters, or vice versa. The game will skip generations to find the appropriate heir. bipibt olq krl mghv echkwx opj qrff gjafo tlzhyb ixwvum awxg ihvrf snbv lay rmcfwezm